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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10902656 No.10902656 [Reply] [Original]

Let's take a break
>/sci/ humour thread

>> No.10902657
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>> No.10903696
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>> No.10903705
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>> No.10903706
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>> No.10903711
File: 163 KB, 548x387, Screenshot_2018-09-12 sci - Yotsuba Catalog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10903712
File: 88 KB, 1342x593, hi vsauce michael here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10903715
File: 51 KB, 500x456, i-fucking-love-science-is-handed-peer-reviewed-journal-haha-25520451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10903717
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>> No.10903720
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>> No.10903725
File: 18 KB, 1691x155, (20)_sci_-_Watch_any_pop_sci_doco_about_astronomy_They_get_-_Science_&_Math_-_4chan_-_2017-12-05_19.42.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10903728
File: 6 KB, 1277x85, (29)_sci_-_that_person_who_keeps_asking_irrelevant_questions_-_Science_&_Math_-_4chan_-_2017-11-12_23.46.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10903733
File: 83 KB, 1231x277, Sci Pinocchio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10903735
File: 71 KB, 781x246, sci - science and math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10903738
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>> No.10903739
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>> No.10903741
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>> No.10903745

It's almost like the Nobel Prize committee is biased in favor of platonic idealism, the most absurd and most harmful idea to ever plague the Earth.

>> No.10903755
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>> No.10903771
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>> No.10903777
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>> No.10903841

Never heard of it

>> No.10903845

This post is extremely lucky

>> No.10903853

That doesn't surprise me

>> No.10903864

>Closest to the sun

>> No.10903869

I liek dis one

>> No.10903872

Why? It's 50/50 chance, it will happen or it won't.

>> No.10903885

Isn’t it some weird Ancient Greek idea that things are just imperfect emanations of some ideal super-version of that thing that exists in some nebulous other place?

>> No.10903898
File: 2.02 MB, 3460x3012, pseudo intellectuals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10903909

Pretty solid except for
>Bertrand Russell
Seriously, nigga?

>> No.10903915

>Filthy Frank
>Ben Shapiro
>George Soros

I have no idea how these people are lumped together so I’ll assume this is a joke post.

>> No.10903916

>Bertrand Russel
>not mentioning Borges, Socrates, Dostoevsky, Pascal, Joyce, Jesus Christ, Nietzsche, Machado, Tolstoy or Pynchon

>> No.10903920

Didn't see Socrates there, the rest of those can remain.

>> No.10903929

>Tim Heidecker
my sides

>> No.10903934

>David Foster Wallace
Litfag confirmed

>> No.10903941

The top part of the image was created by some autismo on /lit/, then the list got longer and longer

>> No.10903942

Holy fuvk there's that guy from /soc/ that always complains how ugly he is. I forgot his name Bryan? Kekeke

>> No.10903973

I know it's a joke, but what's the point of powering it with electricity when you end up using nutrients to power it anyway?

>> No.10903978

The current state of science

>> No.10903989

Vibration mode

>> No.10903991

Materialism is far more deadly if you go off the historical record. The Soviets were directly responsible for 100 million plus killed just in the 20th century. The danger per unit time of materialism for exceeds that of idealism.

>> No.10903993

Pretty sure Hitler was the actual cause

>> No.10903994

that's the joke

>> No.10903999

How are the nutrients supposed to get digested with no power? Think, anon.

>> No.10904009

Please prove the Soviets killed millions because they were “materialists”, whatever that means.

>> No.10904034

How do you sleep at night?

>> No.10904066
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>> No.10904076

Communism fundementally is materialist

Capitalism on the other hand is fundamentally idealist

Cmon anon, did you think political systems existed in a vacuum? Everything is connected. Political systems map directly to existential philosophies.

>> No.10904081

>Communism fundementally is materialist

Not sure what abolishing currency and having no state has to do with the philosophical position of materialism, but okay.

>Capitalism on the other hand is fundamentally idealist

What the fuck? You’re insane.

>> No.10904086

(not him) I would definitely love to see this guys explanation, but he has a point. Fundamentally all schools of ethics are constructed on a foundation of metaphysical beliefs. Politics is just enforced ethics. Ethics are just metaphysics with one or two added axioms. ie what is good what is bad behavior

>> No.10904106

>Fundamentally all schools of ethics are constructed on a foundation of metaphysical beliefs. Politics is just enforced ethics. Ethics are just metaphysics with one or two added axioms. ie what is good what is bad behavior

Good for me then that I don’t waste time with retarded bullshit like “ethics systems”. I just do whatever feels intuitive.

>> No.10904109

Get scaruffi offf of that!!!!

>> No.10904120

Well good luck with that, but I would urge you to spend the time and make a determination about exactly what it is you believe. Lackadaisy is good and fun but you will be caught unprepared, and faced with a test of your beliefs unprepared, you will make a mistake.

>> No.10904122

Capitalists believe that the value is subjective (determined by supply/demand ratio).

Marxists assert the value to be determined by the labor put in which is objective.

>> No.10904131

because it comes from the camera obscura effect, not from the shape of earth, or sun

>> No.10904135

It should be no surprise that communist and capitalist nations alike are equally motivated to obfuscate truth about objective reality. Despite this accurate assessment, for which I thank you.

>> No.10904136

How do you objectively measure the value of labour in marxism? I ask people about this and they just seem to go in circles.

>> No.10904142

>Well good luck with that, but I would urge you to spend the time and make a determination about exactly what it is you believe.

Did that years ago. The answer is nothing. Ethics systems are sophistic bullshit useful only for literal sociopaths who don’t have empathy.

>Lackadaisy is good and fun but you will be caught unprepared


>> No.10904144

No, it's almost like actual scientists and mathematicians who do any work of value are idealists.
I can't think of a single notable scientist or mathematician who wasn't some form of idealist.

>> No.10904155

What is the value of labor? Do you refer to intensity and duration?

>> No.10904159

That has literally nothing to do with idealism and materialism ROTFL

>> No.10904160


>> No.10904161

Dialectic Materialism is founded upon philosophical materialism, have you even read Marx or Lennon? They talk about all of this.

>> No.10904166

It does. Though indirectly. Besides, I meant subjective idealism.

>> No.10904169

Not bait.
Every single one that has achieved anything of value, from Newton to Witten to Einstein to Godel, have been and are idealists.
Just because it makes you angry doesn't mean materialism isn't for morons.

>> No.10904173

Appeal to authority fallacy
not an argument

>> No.10904174

>Dialectic Materialism is founded upon philosophical materialism, have you even read Marx or Lennon?

Didn’t know the Beatles guy did philosophy. If they really did think that, it doesn’t matter, because modern communists can alter the ideology however they like.
>They talk about all of this.

That’s lovely but how do you get from that to capitalism being based on idealism? Every time I buy a bag of Doritos, I don’t think “Hur dur this bag is mental”.

>> No.10904178

Appeal to authority fallacy

No it doesn’t. Materialists can believe in subjective value so whatever point you’re making is nonsensical.

>> No.10904181

how long do you leave the beam on?

>> No.10904189
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>> No.10904195

I like laughing political failures too. Do you have a point?

>> No.10904196

>Appeal to authority fallacy
Pseud alert

>> No.10904200

>Appeal to authority fallacy
>not an argument
Pseud alert.

>> No.10904201

It's because dog eat dog economics, as well as most any western culture, is rationalized directly through belief in free will, which does not real according to metaphysical realism/ physical determinism. Natural selection through same species predation is considered ethically wrong by materialists, because success is determined (according to their worldview) by factors that are outside of the individuals control.

>> No.10904204

You confuse value with price, it seems

>> No.10904205

*human* natural selection...

>> No.10904208

I don’t believe value exists. Price does, though.

>> No.10904209
File: 68 KB, 1200x900, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_yoruny__dd808bc53e317b52584b5ec13fdaade3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>topological manifold with a smooth atlas
>torsion free connection compatible with a Lorentzian metric
>as defined by the Jordan curve theorem

>> No.10904221

>It's because dog eat dog economics, as well as most any western culture, is rationalized directly through belief in free will

Capitalism doesn’t always equate to “dog eat dog economics”, and the existence or nonexistence of free will is irrelevant to idealism and materialism. Do you have some sort of neurodegenerative disease that causes incoherent rambling?

>Natural selection through same species predation is considered ethically wrong by materialists

Vague overgeneralization with no evidence.

>> No.10904222

Then you're a proponent of a subjective idealist, capitalist view point. Simply that

>> No.10904230
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>> No.10904234

Most people on /sci/ are pseuds, anon. Almost every materialist or person who describes themselves as one, is a moron. This guy didn't even realize what his actual philosophy is, he just has a kneejerk reaction against the notion of idealism.
You can't help these pseuds.

>> No.10904235

>Then you're a proponent of a subjective idealist, capitalist view point.

Nope. Don’t hold either of those positions.

>> No.10904239

Never said I was a materialist, and I’m not an idealist just because you say I am. Sorry.

>> No.10904241

> Almost every materialist or person who describes themselves as one, is a moron
Corroborate pls

>> No.10904247 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 624x561, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who like science have to read boring af technical writing

>> No.10904249


>> No.10904254

That’s the question I’m asking. How do you measure how much money someone should be paid.

>> No.10904259

You seem to shift the discussion. This last question of yours depends on the context. If you ask about socialism or communism, then there are coherent, technical answers, but I think you should refer to the literature at this point.

>> No.10904260

You just give everyone exactly the same amount and enforce that labor is performed under threat of penalty. IMO (I do n't speak directly for Karl Marx)

>> No.10904261

Seems like a pretty straight forward question to me.

>> No.10904266

Yeah, that’s what I remember learning in school.

>> No.10904267

Depends on the context, as I said.

>> No.10904278

So the useful answer would be some examples of how you won’t measure it in different contexts.

>> No.10904286 [DELETED] 
File: 491 KB, 627x749, 04 Face the Music with the Casagrandes _ Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes.mp4_snapshot_00.51a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10904292


>> No.10904471
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, Chad-bachelorette-badboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening, weeb? Can't into sophomore math?

>> No.10904508

That’s Platonism

>> No.10904523

I like philosophy and I think most good philosophers really would take Dawkins' first quote as a compliment.

>> No.10904532

the name of this file is the work of as they say a shit shoveling homofaggot

>> No.10904616

God I love 4chan so much, I am so glad you exist. Fuck reddit.

>> No.10904668

>camera obscura
>when we can see rainbows without a camera
literal retard, the earth is flat

>> No.10904689

Your eye is a camera you illiterate fuck jesus christ

>> No.10904866

Man hours per unit produced, if you want to be more specific you can grade by intensity as well.

>> No.10904904

So what exactly is wrong with trying to teach people about science and math?

>> No.10904911

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10904987


>> No.10904997

hey there's that school shooter

>> No.10905006


>this kills the /sci/ientard.

>> No.10905012


You know that Einstein was appalled by Heisenberg and Schrödinger's ideas, right?

>> No.10905375

That doesn’t answer the question at all. How do you calculate what someone gets paid from that?

>> No.10905448

Is that why he fucked his cousin?

>> No.10905499

the entire board is a joke, I get a real laught reading all of these stupid questions from C rank "scientists" Read - Expendable computers until AI comes and takes their jobs.

>> No.10905598

Hitler killed 6 million jews apparently. War doesn't count this is about extermination like killing your own citizens.

>> No.10905608

I don't need very much sleep. But when I do sleep I enjoy it.

>> No.10905706

Leave Lindy beige alone

>> No.10905709

AI isn’t real and never will be

>> No.10905726
File: 57 KB, 720x720, dktianbgomt21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10905787

this is great

>> No.10905797

even if materialism were the cause, that wouldn’t make it any more wrong.

>> No.10905801

haha yeah research papers are real science!
here's my favorite

>> No.10905811

Try it, if you live forever you can prove quantum immortality.

>> No.10905823


>> No.10905826

Dont need AI , Super computers are enough to steal parasitic scientists jobs, worthless labrats

>> No.10905860

>im not going to answer because i either dont know or know the answer contradicts my former position. I know! I'll have him do my entire work for me by siccing him after vague sources. Phew, almost looked like an idiot there
Answer his question instead of dodging, anon. You're arguing in bad faith on /sci/.

>> No.10905867

There is no dodging. He must say whether he is interested in a capitalist or communist societal mode.

>> No.10905879
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>> No.10905883

t-this is satire right?

>> No.10905887
File: 93 KB, 916x962, what the fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was funny at first, but now I'm thinking I'm really missing something.

>> No.10905891

Or the other guy could just give examples or both like a reasonable person.

>> No.10905895

Few things raise red flags for me faster than when someone’s argument is “you have to read this book, then you’d agree with me”. Almost 100% of the time people who say this don’t actually know what they are talking about. They can’t actually explain why their argument is logically consistent so they tell you to read a book that made them feel like it was right while they were reading it.

>> No.10905902

The key to understanding a communist society is that the monetary reward is not the key driving factor in one's life. It is hard to comprehend, especially for the Americans generations being taught wrong values, but there is indeed more to life than constant pursuit for profit and prosperity. One can be satisfied in life an get appreciation by creating things and contributing to the society, especially when it comes to science. It eventually does not play an essential role if, say, a janitor is paid approx. the same as a teacher. Tbh academicians, and scientists in general, were among the highest paid jobs in the USSR.
Nowadays, it's insta whores and gangsta rappers.

>> No.10905910

Remember when i said earlier when i ask people how the value of labour is calculated they just go in circles? That’s literally this post. Just say you don’t know if you don’t.

>> No.10905991

I don't get what you want. What is the value of labor, I asked? You then switched to the wages. I told you about the wages.
How to calculate the input required from each industry is a different, well-established topic.

>> No.10906034

>political failures
We're leaving the EU, he's a political success

>> No.10906037

Brexit is dum tho.

>> No.10906106

>Almost every materialist or person who describes themselves as one, is a moron

isn’t philosophical materialism simply the notion that reality exists and we are a part of it? How is that retarded?

>> No.10906166

michio kaku
ethan klein

>> No.10906781

>isn’t philosophical materialism simply the notion that reality exists and we are a part of it? How is that retarded?
Materialism is the stance that reality consist of nothing more than the material (or physical). A nonmaterialist might posit that reality consists of more than the material. Thus a nonmaterialist might agree that reality is all there is. This is the classical materialist view. There might be some nonmaterialists that claim that unreality exists, but this is usually isomorphic to the classical nonmaterialist stance. The nonmaterialist holds are that there exists at least one realm (whatever you may call it) that is fundamentally different from the material world. The classic challenge from a nonmaterialist to a materialist is to ask the materialist to explain in purely material terms a phenomenon that manifests facets of nonmateriality. Humans frequently experience these phenomenae, but it's not clear why or what they are.

>> No.10906819

>How is that retarded?
It's retarded because it's blatantly refusing acknowledge something you haven't already conceptualized. It's a antiscientific mindset.

>> No.10906837

Newfags, Tai's Method is classic

>> No.10906842

Well put. But I think you'll need more space, because there's more...much more.

>> No.10906928
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AUCs are used for parameter tuning in statistical models, it's basically a score for balancing true positive and false negative rates to better detect illnesses and disorders from medical tests

>> No.10906991

The earth is cube you fucking caveman

>> No.10907007

>gif shows apu
What did the autist that made this mean by this?

>> No.10907015

>bill oriely
Regardless of political affiliation, he is actually very intelligent.

>> No.10907025

Carlson is smarter than O’Reilly

>> No.10907111

i am bated

>> No.10907223

>The classic challenge from a nonmaterialist to a materialist is to ask the materialist to explain in purely material terms a phenomenon that manifests facets of nonmateriality. Humans frequently experience these phenomenae, but it's not clear why or what they are.

so let’s assume we are talking about human emotions. Nonmaterialists assume there is a mechanism involved that lies beyond physical reality because the materialist has not yet figured out the exact workings of the brain?

To me, believing that the physical world is all there is seems much less retarded than proposing a plethora of ill defined hyperplanes of existence that are distinct from physical reality but still can interact with it somehow.

>> No.10907235

>it's blatantly refusing acknowledge something you haven't already conceptualized
how so? If my impression of these 2 philosophies are correct, then materialists don’t deny the existence of complicated stuff, but simply propose their existence in the physical world.

>> No.10907315
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>> No.10907555

i meant one of those british meatball type foods

>> No.10907560

I agree with the guys on the left like Im wat smarter then your average person ams Im also atheist so it is symonymous. Philisophy is lazy people trying to be smart lol fuck religion and philosophy

>> No.10907570

Why do you commie bastards always use circular logic.

>> No.10907719

>so let’s assume we are talking about human emotions. Nonmaterialists assume there is a mechanism involved that lies beyond physical reality because the materialist has not yet figured out the exact workings of the brain?
No. The nonmaterialist assumes there is something beyond phyicality because he casually witnesses phenomenae that does not have any apparrent physicality. If that is true, then it is impossible for the materialist to fully work out the a purely material explanation. If the materialist figures it out, then the case is closed for that particular phenomenae, but that doesn't mean that the assumption comes from the absence of such an explanation.
>To me, believing that the physical world is all there is seems much less retarded than proposing a plethora of ill defined hyperplanes of existence that are distinct from physical reality but still can interact with it somehow.
Some would say some of these phenomenae emerge from the physical. In that case showing the existence of both the distinction and the interaction is trivial.
>>it's blatantly refusing acknowledge something you haven't already conceptualized
>how so? If my impression of these 2 philosophies are correct, then materialists don’t deny the existence of complicated stuff, but simply propose their existence in the physical world.
That might be the case for some of the phenomenae, but that's still a refusal to acknowledge of the seeming nature of the phenomenae. Materialists are closing the case on phenomenae they cannot yet understand within their framework. Some of these phenomenae can already be better understood by the nonmaterialist. In fact, some would even say that the case is closed in favour of the nonmaterialist as the existence of the nonmaterial can be shown a priori. This is debatable of course, but this shows why from the nonmaterialists perspective the materialist appears an utter fool. I hope this helps.

>> No.10907733
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>> No.10907749
File: 96 KB, 918x592, 1566292799072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously fucking hate you in particular. If there was one poster on this entire board I would do without, it would be you. I would gladly welcome ten thousand glow niggers to shit up this board with incomprehensible word salads and low effort shitposting if it meant you could never post on /sci/ again.

>> No.10907756

Second this

>> No.10907795
File: 168 KB, 1068x1800, FB_IMG_1561765708652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10907802

You can't. That's essentially why communism always fails.

>> No.10907812

>You can't.
hold my beer kid

The value of labor is a function of time spent working and calories burned. I will take my peace prize by digital receipt.

>> No.10907821

>assumes all work is equal
>assume all time is equal

No. Just no.

>> No.10907837

I spent 4 hours jerking off today where's my money?

>> No.10907851

Is it your job to jerk off?
If no, please unfuck yourself and submit for re-re-education immediately. Just say "secret police" near any electronic device in your home and someone will be along shortly to assist you.

>> No.10907866

>spend 3 hours making a single loaf of bread (excluding baking time) while doing squats the entire time
yes, my labor is incredibly valuable, why do you ask?

>> No.10907879

it's a common mistake for meme noobs, I'm forgiving him though due to the high quality of the meme.

>> No.10907883

How is all time not equal?

>> No.10907893
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>> No.10908674

Not him, but why?

>> No.10908679

yes hello doge this is reddit

>> No.10908870

>I seriously fucking hate you in particular. If there was one poster on this entire board I would do without, it would be you. I would gladly welcome ten thousand glow niggers to shit up this board with incomprehensible word salads and low effort shitposting if it meant you could never post on /sci/ again.
This isn't sufficient to keep me away. This isn't even sufficient to keep you away from yourself.

>> No.10908886

In a way this is just a massive downvote. I know of a place you would thrive.

>> No.10908965

Because depending on how the time is spent the output of their work has less value.

Person A might spend 100 hours working and produce 20kg of high quality bread.

Person B, with access to the same resource, may spend 100 hours working and produce 1kg of low quality bread.

Saying these two people should earn the same for their work does not an efficient economy make.

>> No.10908970


>> No.10909011
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>> No.10909067

He includes 8 citations. As retarded as he sounds, is he wrong, or just clamped?

>> No.10909069

Do you think that's the only thing wrong?

>Pluto ??? (If this is old, I guess it's acceptable)
>Luna ???
>Aurora ???
>No Mercury
>No Mars
>No Jupiter
>No Uranus

>> No.10909077

While the flies are in the air, the reading would never sit still because flies are constantly applying a variable downward force to the air and the jar itself. It would never be less than 1.5kg, though.

>> No.10909105

Are you implying they're not pseudointellectuals?

>> No.10909110

>Hey guys, I post a lot in r/iamverysmart and sometimes get featured there too!

>> No.10909136


>> No.10909148

Flies all flap in synch, schale is pushed dow, reand >1.5, flies pause, scale bounces back...
What does it read?
Ignoring speed of air for now, change conditions a bit if you want to include air too.

>> No.10909218

It would be less than 1.5 kg if the center of mass of the flies briefly accelerated downward. Conservation of momentum demands that the average weight on the scale be 1.5 kg, meaning fluctuations above 1.5 kg will be balanced by fluctuations below 1.5 kg over a long enough time.

>> No.10909226

Give me a peer reviewed paper any day.
Real hell is when you are the one doing the reviewing

>> No.10909264
File: 63 KB, 768x960, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to Rebbit with ya!

If we abandon all ideals and adopt the mindset of the scientists in that crop that actually contributed to science, rather than virtue signalling those that do, it seems that according to our machine learning algorithm platonic idealism is associated with success in science. But hey woo! Don't get excited! We are materialists after all, we don't idealize our view! As materialists we recognize that Platonic Idealism is likely a good trait to have if we want to innovate in the realm of science!

High-Ho Materialists! Long live your mother!

>> No.10909361

>Materialists are closing the case on phenomenae they cannot yet understand within their framework.
I disagree, If materialists cannot explain phenomena, they will want to figure out the physical workings, for example why does water freeze?

As materialist you would have to try to find physical explanations and test them, the case would be closed for nonmaterialists since the answer is already there, it’s what ideal water does, we just don’t understand it, duh.

>Some would say some of these phenomenae emerge from the physical. In that case showing the existence of both the distinction and the interaction is trivial.
Indeed, but at least possible in principle, and it has been shown time and time again that phenomena have physical origins and as a result humanity has learned to manipulate the underlying mechanisms.

>> No.10909437
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>> No.10909441
File: 103 KB, 1256x636, sci racing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10909449
File: 71 KB, 438x369, scientificallyspeaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10909557

Is this a meme?

>> No.10909561

it's loss

>> No.10909594

So, modern day pop-sci physicists are rebelling against their forefathers? What's new?

>> No.10909597

/sci/ the screenshot

>> No.10909600

>having control over a young upstart nerd’s fate is hell
just read the fucking paper and do your job lol

>> No.10909618

>>Materialists are closing the case on phenomenae they cannot yet understand within their framework.
>I disagree, If materialists cannot explain phenomena, they will want to figure out the physical workings, for example why does water freeze?
>As materialist you would have to try to find physical explanations and test them, the case would be closed for nonmaterialists since the answer is already there, it’s what ideal water does, we just don’t understand it, duh.
I don't see how a nonmaterialist necessarily would be satisfied with that. Nonmaterial explanations are not limited to labeling. And nonmaterialists don't deny the existence of purely material phenomenae. If the phenomenon is purely material, then the nonmaterialist will be completely satisfied with a purely material explanation. And yes, it might be hard to figure whether a phenomenae is purely material or not. Thus the nonmaterialist might falsely believe that a phenomenon has facets of nonmaterialism when it does not. This can lead him astray. He should nontheless change his mind if he finds evidence otherwise, so I don't agree that he is closing the case like you say. Assuming that materialism is correct I would agree that it is a problem to be chasing nonmaterial explanations that either doesn't exists. But have you considered the possibility that some pheonomenae might have both material and nonmaterial explanations, and that they might be either equally useful/correct or differing in their usefulness/correctness in favour of the nonmaterial explanation.
>Indeed, but at least possible in principle, and it has been shown time and time again that phenomena have physical origins and as a result humanity has learned to manipulate the underlying mechanisms.
Yes, but why can we not manipulate the underlying mechanisms of the nonmaterial too? I believe we do that when we do mathematics.

>> No.10909627

>Bernie Sanders
>the angry video game nerd
>Roger Ebert
>Patrick Bateman
>George Soros
>David Icke
>George Carlin
>Michio Kaku
>the supreme gentleman
>Richard Spencer
>Brother Nathaniel
>Sam Hyde
>Joe Rogan
>Steven M. Greer
>Milo Yiannopoulos
>Stefan Molyneux
>Neil deGrasse Tyson
>John Oliver
>Tucker Carlson
>Cheech and Chong
>Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.10909809

>t. someone who has never actually read the book
do it. seriously. some things require way more knowledge than can be succinctly repeated, and attempts to do so can look like schizobabble to the uneducated. Have some curiosity.

>> No.10909837

>2 sam hydes

>> No.10909841

how the fuck do you miss jesus christ

>> No.10909898

I'd say thanks for the book recommondation, but you don't win a discussion when you aren't the person delivering the arguments. Your opponents aren't close minded for not readily spending hours reading some book that might or might not be relevant to the discussion. Seems like a real lazy way to divert and intimidate your opponent. You'd be surprised at how briefly you could explain most things if you took the task seriously.

>> No.10909913


>> No.10910514

Both of you need to fuck off back to your respective subreddits. Nonmaterialist woo-hoodoo retards and “I'm smart and cool because I say shit like glow nigger” faggots both fit in well there. You're both as dumb as the whore mothers that you slid out of. At least quarantine yourselves in /x/, please. Thank you, friends.

>> No.10911032

No u

>> No.10911275

We've got him boys. This is the post of a man with all his defences crushed. All he got left is downvoting by profanity on fucking 4channel. Thank you for letting me know how powerful of a rage I have induced in you. This by calmly arguing for a pretty standard philosophical stance. And you thought a treat like this would drive me away ... this only leaves me hungry for more. Even if you truly belong on reddit, I beg you to stay here.

>> No.10911321


>> No.10911382
File: 62 KB, 523x714, 1565744311333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. wounded animal

>> No.10911401
File: 368 KB, 1280x1280, 1560910409823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10911407

Mirror points the wrong way.

>> No.10912496

u wot?

>> No.10912499


>> No.10912551

>----\ or >--- \ ---

>--- \

>> No.10912553



/ ---<


/ ---<

>> No.10912615

The laser is coming in from the left, dummy

>> No.10912616

Fuck. I'll delete my internet.

>> No.10913645
File: 191 KB, 750x399, mage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10913672

Nobody of these even imply platonic idealism.

>> No.10913760

wait.. so how does that work for a truth statement

>> No.10913806

because it implies all people are equally capable, which they're not. would you want some retard doing brain surgery on you? probably not. how about having them design your rocket? no.

>> No.10913817

not math or science
bugger off now

>> No.10914418

>I don't understand the relationships between math, science and philosophy.

>> No.10914667

nice propaganda

>> No.10914670

>What is Dialectical Materialism
Read Marx.

>> No.10914675

I love this.
I love Numberphile memes.

>> No.10914682

oh god, read capital price is a measure of value you retarded fuck, jesus christ.

>> No.10914693

t. clamped

>> No.10914710

Because all work is different in both the qualitative and quantitative aspect.

>> No.10914883

I legitimately thought he was just a spergy student in his 20s until Graham called him professor in a video.

>> No.10916186

>arguments defeated

>> No.10916418

Whoever put Dawkins in the right column doesn't understand the concept of "common sense" as separate from its everyday usage in contemporary English.

>> No.10916432

post the one with philosophy

>> No.10916460

If they're not attached to a body they won't be warm enough to keep themselves alive with just the amount of energy required by some fat, skin and other connective tissue. The heart and lung machine in the box will need to warm the blood to body temperature, not to mention the energy needed for pumping.

>> No.10916675

The world you're looking for is ontological not existential

>> No.10916743

He sounds nothing like how thats written, its hard to read it in his voice.

>> No.10916812

philosophers are shitty now

>> No.10916848

>Sam Hyde
>Alex Jones

>> No.10916885

His fatal flaw was not painting it red like the jocks did.

>> No.10916997

All pseuds, what's your point?

>> No.10917232

Materialists can't see or delve the realms beyond sensory perception and are thus limited to a mind enslaved to the material world.

>> No.10917394

>Gustav Mahler between Jesus and Nietszszsche

>> No.10918397

That was my first and only post in this thread until this one. Both of those guys were attention-whores that would probably love it if they could get upvotes on this site for their blowhard opinions.

>> No.10918421

Same fagging this hard

>> No.10918441

Reaching this hard.

>> No.10918443

Kek why did this one get me so hard. How do I know if I was clamped? But in all seriousness I'm now concerned that early clamping might be an issue. I don't know what to think.

>> No.10918458

I had to read naming and necessity AND reference and existence in my honours year. Kripke's autism is so powerful that it radiates outward into the world with such intensity that it is inflicted on philosophy students everywhere.

>> No.10919772

The Costa Concordia comes to mind.

>> No.10919870

pic would be funnier if his quotes incorporated his lisp and he said "numbaphiel"

>> No.10919877

b-b-ut feynman daddy

>> No.10921225

Communism is Hegelian Mysticism with a fresh coat of paint over it.

>> No.10922758

>System based on equal distribution of material wealth
>not materialist

Capitalism is materialist as well but what the fuck man.

Also its possible for systems to both promote idealism and materialism as communism tends to do.

>> No.10922827

God damn it, his theme song started playing in my head five lines in