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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10899334 No.10899334 [Reply] [Original]

>he got into STEM for money

>> No.10899368

I got into STEM for the meme glory but in the road, I got so jaded that yeah now I'm only in for the money.

>> No.10899377

>tfw feel the same way

>> No.10899382


I got into STEAM because I eanted to create my personal army of robots. Then I realise why nobody has done it before.

>> No.10899386
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Accept it and sell your soul. Join me in the green.

>> No.10899390

Most people do not have the passion and the intelligence to ever contribute something of worth to any STEM discipline. The only other viable option available is going for market economy.

>> No.10899402
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I'm ironically more interested in business/finance/investing than I am science at this point. I can't wait to finish my undergrad, buy my first house, then start grad school to milk student loans. I'll rent out the rooms in my house to other grad students, it will be glorious and I will keep buying up more houses. I'll eventually have enough passive income to not even need to work after I finish grad school, so that I can just take classes at a community college to keep deferring my student loan bubble.

>> No.10899420

Unless you already have the money to buy a house, your plan will likely fail. House loans are not like student loans, you are very much expected to be an established wagecuck with a very stable job and credit history to even get approved.

>> No.10899432

Most people do, as evidenced by how well students perform when left with the resources to learn on their own.

>> No.10899461

Yeah, for sure. They like to see stable, full-time employment for 2 years, good/excellent credit, and a low debt:income ratio...

Maybe instead of delaying grad school I can trick one of my parents into cosigning a mortgage for me, then later on refinancing them off of it. I doubt either of my parents will support it because they're sheepish and that is why they won't be afford retirement.

>> No.10899509

STEM was just propoganda to lower wages, very annoyed personally that people always fed into my """"gifted"""" academic abilities and was fed on child science education shit only to realize it was all worthless and should've just learned piano or some shit.

>> No.10899564

Fuck a cougar for a few month then ask her.

>> No.10899569

Good idea, any tips on meeting cougars?

>> No.10899678

I did it for the money. Also turned out I also like it enough to do it for 4 Yeats and do stuff related to it out if class.

>> No.10899685

Go out into the woods.

>> No.10900281
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Jokes on you ! I got into stem b-because I've been memed about doing it on /g/ and /sci/ ever since I was 12 (2011) and now that I've grown up I can finally say I'm a husk of a humanbeing

>> No.10900291

I got into STEM to cure cancer and then I realized there were 150 cancer types and dozens of treatments for each.
Now I'm thinking about becoming a coder so I can get employed

>> No.10900333

If you decide to shoot yourselves, don't be the guys that only blow off their faces. Point the barrel straight at you, not up. Aim for your cervical spine.

>> No.10900429
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STM is for low-IQ starvoids.
LEM (Law, engineering, medicine) is for high-IQ jet-set lords of accomplishment.

>> No.10900436

I have very low wage as a psychologist dealing with kids. Stressful a bit and I cant afford much but I am actually glad I did not get into IT or similar hard science. Not sure if you consider this STEM I guess not as it pays as low as retail in some places but I dont have the insane workload or stupid managers breathing on me. I know this board shits on psych but to me it is interesting to test theories or hypothesis on humans while simultaneously helping them at least a bit. The pay is probably the only downside.

>> No.10900444

What else am I going to study if I want to make money? Fucking Business? Kek

>> No.10900447

those are all fields with no certain future

>> No.10900449

Lots of really smart men go into youtube instead, if you're smart you can make technical videos and make huge amounts of money there.

>> No.10900453
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>not calling it EE and other inferior majors

>> No.10900455

Engineering has no jobs.

>> No.10900461

>t. mad academia faggot

>> No.10900462

Law and medicine are fine, but law requires good grades. However engineering has no jobs

>> No.10900466
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>t. physishit who's gonna experiment the intricacies of gravity very soon

>> No.10900468

Why didn’t get a post doc? In the whine thread next door, they’re discussing there’s tons of post docs around with jobs

>> No.10900472

>was also a qualified engineer
Did you just self pwn as well?

>> No.10900473

Physics PhD means not an engineer. Nice damage control though.

>> No.10900474

There's no such thing as a "qualified engineer", in the UK it's called a "chartered engineer", he's probably one of those physicists who did one or two applied projects and put "engineer" on their CV/LinkedIn in some way.

Not that getting chartered engineering recognition is difficult for non-engineers. Also not that there are actually jobs in engineering (you just need a few years industry experience). But realistically I doubt that in his specific case he has any of those things.

>> No.10900479

That article says he was an engineer as well. Read it again paragraph 4

>> No.10900482

Any idiot without any degree can call himself an engineer, this is just another prime example of how the rest of society doesn't recognise you as such and you actually need a professional degree.

>> No.10900526
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this promoted technician seems pissed about something.
I thought you'd be happy about your promotion mr. technician?

>> No.10900533
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>> No.10900739

The percentage of law school graduates who go on to actually practice law is decreasing. STEM and medicine are better.