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File: 41 KB, 703x497, B80A86DE-477C-4CF6-9276-388A1C322AA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10899526 No.10899526 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to build a flat earth model that corresponds with reality.

>> No.10899529

No, because there doesn't exist a homeomorphism from S2 to the plane.

>> No.10899532

You'll probably have to rewrite all physics for that

>> No.10899535

There is without a point, that's why you can make maps

>> No.10899540

No, because the Flat Earth Model is a prescriptive model rather than a descriptive one. FE takes any observation and tries to fit it into the notion that the Earth is flat. This even includes observations that falsify FE. This means that FE can't make any predictions of observable phenomena, because the observations which it bases it's prediction have been warped in one way or another. Here's a list of stuff that falsify FE.

>South Celestial pole don't real
>Sunsets and sunrises don't real
>Timezones don't real
>Ships sailing out disappearing bottom first don't real
> Eddystone Lighthouse don't real
>Australia don't real
>Eratosthenes don't real
>Hurricanes don't real
>Kelper Orbital Mechanics don't real
>Gravity don't real
>Earthquakes don't real
>Cosmic Microwave Background don't real
>Moon Landings don't real
>Maritime Navigation don't real
>Space don't real
>Alfred Russel Wallace don't real
>The Sun's near constant angular diameter don't real
>Gyroscopes don't real
>Euclidean geometery don't real
>Airlines don't real
>Perspective don't real
>Moon phases don't real
>Eclipses don't real
>Cartography don't real
>Galileo don't real
>Private space companies don't real
>Japan don't real
>Plate tectonics don't real
>Satellite TV don't real
>GPS don't real
>Soviet Union don't real
>Earth's magnetic field don't real
>Stellar parallax don't real
>Cassini don't real

>> No.10899606

>Cartography don't real
Maps are flat. Even globes are just printed on flat material. Glad we know which side you're on.

>> No.10899610

>what are map projections

>> No.10899618

They can't exist: >>10899529
Take your flat earth peddling bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.10899681
File: 178 KB, 400x371, 356723568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sun, moon and polaris are one structure.
a hybrid atomic/planetary type system, where polaris is the nucleus and the sun and moon orbit it in a closed wave pattern (with the sun sweeping in and out like the wavelength of a particle, the solstices being the peaks and valleys of the wavelength).

>> No.10899682


>> No.10899702

No, obviously. You must invoke literal magic.

>> No.10899706

The outer universe is one where simulation technology has been invented, but because the surface is infinite in all directions, the maximum extent of a simulation is a sphere. Somewhere on Earth is a patch of flat land that corresponds to the real world.

>> No.10899715
File: 426 KB, 1684x802, Not exactly wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort of, but it's not definable as "flat".

>> No.10899721

lol you reposted my berzerkfag image. i thought it was proof he was a schizo... but maybe if newager ken wheeler youtube anons want to latch ken onto flat earth, i wouldn’t object

>> No.10899723

>but maybe if newager ken wheeler youtube anons want to latch ken onto flat earth,

>sort of, but it's not definable as "flat".

Thanks for the free advertising though.

>> No.10899726
File: 3.05 MB, 606x808, flatearthballoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10899728

berzerkfag, are you literally a flat earther? just wondering

>> No.10899729


>sort of, but it's not definable as "flat".

Why does nobody on this board knows how to read?

>> No.10899731

ohhh okay the ken wheeler model of earth is flat. eratosthenes BTFO!!!!

>> No.10899735

>ohhh okay the ken wheeler model of earth is flat.

Ken wheeler never modeled the earth you retard. He also said he wanted nothing to do with the flat earthers. You're like the resident barneyfag of this board only you can't identify the ponyfags.

>> No.10899754

oh okay so the berzerk model transcends ken’s teachings? wow! you must be ultra high IQ just like ken!

tell me the details of your flat earth model

>> No.10899768
File: 18 KB, 307x156, Barney[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Die you fucking barneyfag"

Also it's called the "Poincare disk model" and it has nothing to do with being flat.

>> No.10899772

>it’s called muh hurr-durr ancient model which doesn’t actually work for real physics

>> No.10899785
File: 250 KB, 566x400, Hum10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just show me a straight line, then there will be an end to the horror.

>> No.10899810

>show me a perfectly straight line

>> No.10899832
File: 2.37 MB, 444x444, 4a4[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10899968

Many charlatans have tried, but none have succeeded. Granted, these folks aren't the brightest minds in the world. Still, you'd expect *something* that could be explained only in the flat world, but there is absolutely nothing. Not one thing. Worse, there are no (reasonable) explanations for why anything happens: *why* do the Sun and Moon go around in tighter and wider circles over the year? Why do we see mountain tops in the east remain lighted by sunlight even though we along the coast have seen the Sun set. Etc.
It's shysters and trolls all the way down.

>> No.10900003


But it does not correlate with reality.

>> No.10900010

This is the zenith of christcuck logic

>> No.10900209
File: 515 KB, 800x450, 181118-weill-flat-earth-convention-hero-1_mcgxkz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to leave alone this 500 year old outdated flat Earth theroy?

>> No.10900218
File: 271 KB, 720x600, 720px-Flammarion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the firmament is the only logical theory of the earth

>> No.10900502

Sure, just take earth's flatness as an axiom and rework everything from that.

>> No.10900622

Nobody's done it yet. Enough people have tried that I think we can move on now.

>> No.10900636

The problem is that, so far, every model anybody has come up with is contradicted by observations. If the model is adjusted to allow for a particular observation, then the new model contradicts a new set of obsrvations.

If you disagree with that, share your model with us please.

>> No.10900643

Who the fuck is Kelper?