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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10895229 No.10895229 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside which is the most difficult discipline, rocket science or brain surgery?

>> No.10895234

Why not both?

Also the answer is brain surgery, rocket science isn't especially complicated.

>> No.10895237

vote here


>> No.10895274

god i wish that were me

>> No.10895828


Brain surgery.

>> No.10895833

rocket science is highschool level maths

>> No.10895842
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Brain surgery. Rocket science is easy if you know the basics of physics and calculus. Rocket engineering is what's difficult.

>> No.10895852

Want is meant by rocket science is actually fluid dynamics. Literally the hardest area of physics. It's so difficult that it's still taught at some mathematics faculty.

>> No.10895857

her body would make an excellent vessel for my young

>> No.10895861

The tricky part is getting your young inside of her

>> No.10895866

That's what god invented rape for.

>> No.10895877

>Not capitalizing God
Atheist detected

>> No.10896265

go home achmed

>> No.10897692


>> No.10897699
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, tee-rocket-surgery-black05_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Surgery

>> No.10897707

Interesting facts
>there is a shortage of capable surgeons despite med students doing better than ever in school
>motor skills have declined
>motor skills are key to surgery

Medical community is having to reevaluate how they pick surgeons now because basically lots of the people who make it into med school now have fuddy duddy hands. Researchers on the subject said that in previous generations men and women did many more arts, crafts, woodwork and music in their childhood and teen years which developed greatly to their motor skills making them more skilled surgeons.

A basic test in med school classes is being able, with tweezers, to pull grapes out of toilet paper tubes and not scratch the skin. Not many med students can do this where 30 years ago they could. They attribute rising use computers (not using a pen), and not doing physical stuff in youth.

>> No.10897731

>Literally the hardest area of physics
No, it's just difficult to solve analytically. Besides, nobody who designs rockets has to actually understand fluid dynamics in any detail. You just draw some pictures and plug numbers into a computer.

And yet surgical residents are still selected purely based on step 1 scores. If they were serious about fixing the shortage, you'd think they would find a way to rank students based on physical aptitude.

>> No.10897830

triggered roastie

>> No.10897836

Ironic that surgeons in 1st World countries are becoming less skilled the technology more advances.

>> No.10898258

>Besides, nobody who designs rockets has to actually understand fluid dynamics in any detail
Like is said rocket science isn't about designing rockets. It's fluid dynamics.

>> No.10898264

>>motor skills have declined
>>motor skills are key to surgery
This is incorrect. The motor skills thing is bullshit. Good surgical technique has always been down to practice.

>> No.10898265


Holy fuck the human race is in dire need of a cleaning.

>> No.10899064

you wish you were the girl in the picture or you wish you were a fat virgin who probably got beaten up for being a creep?

>> No.10899086

neither one is just pushing shit out fast and the other is just cutting shit.
real rigor is being an artist. If what you do isn't an art you're just an unoriginal asshole.

>> No.10899090

oh god I wish I got beaten up by her. that sounds really fucking hot.
oh man I just want to be her little nigger boi.

>> No.10899100

Did not read all but, A+P mechanic here. Engineering comes crying to me what to do. I have honestly never seen anyone work as hard as my brain surgeon and I know for a fucking fact, that I have more general knowledge than doctors. So, I guess, there is something wrong with your question and I hope that this answers your question. I check back when not so drunk? Someday,there'll be a cure for pain.

>> No.10899105

noy by her, by 30 other betas who are itching for the chance to play whiteknight

>> No.10899115

Found the landwhale

>> No.10899119

>down to practice
Where do you think motor skills come from, genius?

>> No.10899122

nah I wouldn't let it happen bro. im 6 foot I automatically dwarf all incel freaks.
They wouldn't even have the courage to say anything.
plus i'll just give em a nigga glare, it scares all white boys except for boomers.
fuck no incel freak should get in my way of getting my cock and balls tortured.

>> No.10899132

Thinking that god would want you to capitalize god. Don't even know what a pleb is but plep detected.

>> No.10899143

>Literally the hardest area of physics.
>It's so difficult that it's still taught at some mathematics faculty.

The top physicists are not going into fluid dynamics. Mathematicians are concerned with picky things like existence proofs, and are not doing anything groundbreaking. All the interesting advances tangentially related to fluid dynamics in the last 20 years have been from high-energy physicists trying to understand the quark-gluon plasma and the holography idea.

>> No.10899182

muh nigga

>> No.10899184

Promise me you stay the fuck away from /b/!
You'd have a heart attack!

>> No.10899273

I wish I was her

>> No.10899285

that's hot anon. why don't you take hormones so can become her?

>> No.10899341

Because I'd rather remain a man than become an abomination

>> No.10899373

good point, better to be an incel freak than a fucking hideous beast

>> No.10899404 [DELETED] 

Even better to not be an incel, like me

>> No.10899408

Its even better to have sex. You should try.

>> No.10899433


Brain surgery.

Rockets are well understood. Brains are not.

>> No.10899435


rocket science hasn't been cutting edge for over 80 years.

The phrase should be updated to neuroscience

>> No.10899558
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are you offering?

>> No.10899605
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Yeh hmu

>> No.10899609

You just need a funnel.

>> No.10899642
File: 14 KB, 301x335, 1562739382394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's never worked before. very hot.
this feels like the time OP delivered with actual sharpie in pooper. SHIT this is real nigga hours.
4chins has taught me a lot (3 things actually):
1. Women are insecure sluts
2. I'm a fat retard that should probably have sex
3. excessive fapping can cause ED
I'm still fat and have ED but I'm going to have sex now, thanks anon.

>> No.10899730

i'd like to trade places with that bus seat

>> No.10900126

stop posting this clearly underage girl you pedo

>> No.10900257

She's an Instagram whore. https://www.instagram.com/blluaris/

>> No.10900261

Rockets don't just heal themselves after you cut them open.

>> No.10900265


I think this is one among many factors that will contribute to robotic-assisted surgery ultimately being the (much needed) future of these disciplines.

>> No.10900666

I know some neurosurgeons (not in the US) and some of them are dumb as bricks. Overall, the surgical specialties don't demand much smarts, with neurosurgery perhaps demanding a little bit more. But overall it's a craft that is learned by experience, you don't need any complex thinking. So, although I know nothing about rocket science, I'd go with that.

>> No.10900680

>Dur you’re a pedo for being attracted to postpubescent humans

You’re literally insane and have been brainwashed. Pedophilia refers to an attraction to children, people that haven’t experienced puberty

>> No.10901575

you're mentally ill, you know that right?
I know that you're probably 40 and creep on high school girls you fucking pervert.
well I fuck 18 year old senior girls I tutor so I can't really judge you. But im in my early twenties it's still ok.
fuck I also love cougars shiiieett, nigga.

>> No.10902622

goddamn why is every single woman a whore

>> No.10902628

I'm a 6'1 incel, what now you little bitch?

>> No.10902648

Not her.

The train in the picture is a Swedish one from the Stockholm area.

>> No.10902666

except yes, yes she is

>> No.10902764

concede defeat by being too nervous to even leave my house and simply play oblivion all day.
PLUS maybe you don't know but I beat halo on legendary mode. THE BITCHES BE ROLLING TO MY HOUSE NIGGA!

>> No.10902774

but did you use skulls?

>> No.10903092

This meshes nicely with medical professionals having an above average musical ability. This has been known for a long time.

And your thoughts on the inverted omega is...?

>> No.10903161

>And your thoughts on the inverted omega is...?

It's inverted.

>> No.10903501

gamers will save the medical field

>> No.10904214

>women never travel and take a million of selfies with their foods, trains, planes, luggage, hotels, pools, and literally every other object in existence

>> No.10904326

I find these chains of posts very amusing personally

>> No.10904403

integrated circuit design

>> No.10905154
File: 14 KB, 676x349, 1553178245485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just lol @ you guys

if rocket science is so easy why are you not making bank with all the prize money up for the taking with space flight projects?

>> No.10905169

Brain surgery, though rocket sciencemight be harder practically
Surfery only deals with the inside of a body, whereas rockets would have to face potentially unkown variables up there

>> No.10905178

It is a fact that aircraft mechanics know more stuff than doctors.