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10897712 No.10897712 [Reply] [Original]

>the year of our Lord 2018 + 1
>not using Linux
>not using LaTeX

What's your excuse?

>> No.10897714

They don’t teach us latex in Sydney

>> No.10897718

They don't teach LaTeX nowhere, you have to learn it yourself, Aussiebro.

>> No.10897724

[math]\LaTeX \texttt{ is easy bro}[/math]

>> No.10897726

{\\{}|\{\} shit is boilerplate. Better write your own syntax and transpile to lahtek.

>> No.10897744

I had one professor in Boston who taught it a bit

>> No.10897772
File: 35 KB, 375x500, 1491620872349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calculando la cordenada i-ésima de este vector
Heh. Calcolando la coordinata i-esima di questo vettore

>> No.10897783

How are you adding those labels (27) (28) is it automatic ? Can you reference them? Do you never use \[ \] ?

>> No.10897786

how do you do that? Slackware xfce here

>> No.10897790

Automatic for the "equation" environment. You can reference by adding \label{something} inside the environment, and using \ref{something} where you want to reference them.

KDE with Grid-Tiling Kwin plugin.

>> No.10897791

And no, I never use \[ \] to be honest.

>> No.10897796
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>he uses Ubuntu

>> No.10897800

It just werks. And what else should I be using? Manjaro?

>> No.10897857

>not using LaTeX
using latex falls into one of those "i think im special" narcissitic things.

I have yet to find a reason to use it over the many word processors.

There is a reason word processing software was invented. The only people who i have ever met who like using latex are lightweight academics who dont really have anything to contribute to the body of research and have no expertise but like to think there all cool because they know an obsolete text editing procedure.

Honestly, latex is the equivalent of obnoxious low status men using "straight razors" over a safter razor. The saftey razor produces an infinetly closer shave, litterally 10 times faster and almost never get cut but they will protest why the straight razors is the only "real" way to shave.

>> No.10897863

install gentoo

>> No.10897920

Of course you can write formulas by pressing different on-screen buttons for different math symbols, or draw graphs and diagram by clicking on "draw arrow" and shit; it just gets uncomfortable after a while, enough to justify learning a new editing software. If you don't like memorizing commands such as \sum or \begin{array}{cc} but need latex, lyx is a good compromise.
Also, try to render an exponential on top of an integral on top of an exponential in word and look what comes out.

>> No.10897926

pure autism, this guy never has sex

>> No.10897944

>Not windows
>Low uptime
>Expects praise for using LaTeX
>Lacks inspirational waifu
3/10, apply yourself next time.

>> No.10897951

I'm just curious. Why use Linux over Windows? I see many people shitting on Linux. Other than a better terminal, what does Linux have to offer? I'm sorry if my question is coming off as ignorant.

>> No.10897952

For anyone who is not into programming/stability/security it is absolutely not worth it. Unless you do deep into computers and programming or run a server there is absolutely no reason to use or learn linux.

>> No.10897959

I run Manjaro and couldn't be happier (the AUR is great, but not bullshit installation), however if you need a buntu definitely switch to something KDE or Xfce based like Kubuntu/Xubuntu.

>> No.10897961


its just so incel autismos can feel superior

>> No.10897963

>not using Linux
but I do. all my data science work is done on Linux.
>not using LaTeX
not using knapped flint tools, either.

>> No.10897979

I use both OP.

>> No.10897983

The terminal is so much better that it becomes the primary interface for everything you need to do
Theres a learning curve but afterwards everything just kinda moves smoothly

>> No.10897984

I use minecraft and nick land

>> No.10897988

Could you have a more obvious inferiority complex over using an OS aimed at grandmas and Candy Crush players?

>> No.10897992

I learned Latex in manchester uni

>> No.10898000


Not writing raw MathML for immediate public viewing on their browsers.
Not doing all your work on virtual machines.

>> No.10898009

I'll use this thread to say that posting math salad on /sci/ without using latex should be considered a low-effort shitposting and result in a ban or a warning at the very least
thanks for the attention

>> No.10898037


The entire principle of LaTeX is that it's faster to write documents because there is a greater emphasis on the content itself instead of the appearance (which is mostly handled for you).

It's also especially good for large documents because of its emphasis on structure: different sections of the document can be worked on independently and combined automatically, etc.
Also because it's got a great citation management system, and cross-referencing capabilities.

Not to mention its maths typesetting language is pretty much the best there is.

>> No.10898043

If you don't have enough autonomy to learn for yourself how to use paper-writing software, maybe you shouldn't be writing papers in the first place. Just a thought.

>> No.10898049
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low uptime? why do you want it high?

>Lacks inspirational waifu

>> No.10898124

I actually got reminded why i use linux as my primary operating system today.

I was downloading some stuff overnight in windows, had made sure to sort out the power & update settings beforehand so that everything would go smoothly.
I woke up this morning presented with the login screen to my linux partition (which it boots into by default) meaning the computer had rebooted. When i logged back into windows, the ammount downloaded suggests that the computer had rebooted 20-30 minutes after i had gone to bed.

Meanwhile, i can leave my PC unattended for days in linux, as it only ever does what i tell it to do.

>> No.10898126

High uptime implies hard working, and not dualbooting windows.

>> No.10899127


this isnt an argument. one does not win a debate simply by pointing to their opponents' inability to have sex with women

>> No.10899139

But I'm already using Kubuntu. Check the OP's pic.

>> No.10899602

>{\\{}|\{\} shit is boilerplate. Better write your own syntax and transpile to lahtek.
I agree. What do you use?
What do you use?

>> No.10899625

so i got one of those really shitty HP Stream laptops and the storage filled up really fast, so i just installed ubuntu and now things work fine

>> No.10899662

>using latex falls into one of those "i think im special" narcissitic things.
I am happy about those that was bragging that they used LaTeX to me in undergrad. Please do not make people begin hiding it by sprouting shit like this. You are the narcissist.

>I have yet to find a reason to use it over the many word processors.
Lol. I mean, there's a nontrivial amount of people that know LaTeX often tends to overuse it and stick with it even when there are easier solutions, but all the standard things people say about LaTeX is correct when using LaTeX like it's meant to be used. Try writing your masters in mathematics in word. It's not totally awful, but it's clearly worse.

>The only people who i have ever met who like using latex are lightweight academics who dont really have anything to contribute to the body of research and have no expertise but like to think there all cool because they know an obsolete text editing procedure.
But most academics do use it, though. Close to everyone in math and physics. It's not obsolete.

>Honestly, latex is the equivalent of obnoxious low status men using "straight razors" over a safter razor. The saftey razor produces an infinetly closer shave, litterally 10 times faster and almost never get cut but they will protest why the straight razors is the only "real" way to shave.
Straight razors are much cheaper and irritates the skin less is used right (some people have thin and sensitive skin). Safety razors are easier and faster to use though.

>> No.10899666

>not using mint only so you technically aren't using ubuntu

You're not 100% wrong about the people who go on about it, but it makes a very nice looking output easily for the kinds of documents I create the most. Getting the same output from a word processor is not as easy, and having to break out graphic design tools for a paper would be crazy.

But I kind of like those people who think using it is some bragging point because I can troll them about how to pronounce it. Vim and emacs fanboys don't get flustered as easily.

>> No.10899732

I exclussively use LaTeX written in vim on my Librebooted Thinkpad X60 running arch with i3. I really like memes.

>> No.10899742
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>can run processes far more efficiently with terminal and bash commands
>software and packages are far more convenient to install
>program loading times and boot time are a tenth of Windows' loading times
>driver issues almost completely unheard of on Linux
>can easily and completely customize and tailor every aspect of your computer to your liking
>forums are far more helpful than any shit on the Windows "turn it off and back on" forums
>changing permissions on anything anywhere is far easier
>can do limitless things with bash commands that will increase productivity tenfold, such as sorting through several specified directories with keywords in filenames by specific file type, with output printed to console
>security isn't complete dogshit like the hackers' playground called Windows
>completely free

Gee, I fucking wonder why anybody would bother switching!

>> No.10899757

If you really want to become RMS you need to eat your toe gunk and support pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia.

>> No.10899760

LaTeX is worth it, but Linux is fucking garbage. Fuck GNOME and KDE both are unpolished turds and worth no ones time.

>> No.10899789

>GNOME and KDE both are unpolished turds
Windows is polished but made from even smellier turds. Linux users value the lack of embellishment. Makes things easier. And the poop is of high quality.

>> No.10899800

Linux is for autistic system administrators. Windows and macOS are both better.

>> No.10900024

The truly low status men are the ones who avoid certain tools/practices just because men they desperately want to appear superior to use them.

>> No.10900729


>> No.10900733

>super turbo auto-complete with tab like a KING

>> No.10900820

Just start teaching latex in highschool

>> No.10901092

I had latex as part of my scientific writing or whatever it was called class in South Africa.

Because if they didn't teach the nignigs would never figure it out.

>> No.10901193

I use GNU/Linux because it's reliable and open to customization. I can fix any problems easily with some configuration files, I can understand what the problem is without hassle. And on top of that, I can set the parameters of anything, giving me more productivity.

Sort like a free world.

>> No.10901618
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Friendly reminder that Word 2019 comes with LaTeX support

>> No.10901713

>not using leqno for equation referencing
>not using roman type in [math] \mathrm{d} x [/math]

>> No.10901725


>> No.10901751

I am not a weirdo.
I am learning it actually, just for fun. I am not doing any extensive documents but i like coding, so if i am doing some boring homework i preffer to do it in a entertaining way; also, it looks cool, unlike word.

>> No.10901784


>> No.10901793

Looks really nice. What're you using for latex? I'm using texstudio but I'm interested in what alternatives are out there

>> No.10901807

I'm a LaTeX user and girls compliment my documents all the time.
Of course you wouldn't know about that.

>> No.10902008

Vimtex plugin for Vim.

>> No.10902053


>> No.10902067

Vim with ultisnips plugin

>> No.10902069

>KDE with Grid-Tiling Kwin plugin.
>Memory: 3396MiB / 7855MiB
Install dwm, friend.

>> No.10902070

>I am not a weirdo.
>I am learning it actually, just for fun.

>> No.10902084
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>Year of the Dead Kike on a stick 2019
>typing in taco-speak

>> No.10903177

the only answer

>> No.10903820
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>ooga buga buntu
>those faggy blurred windows

>> No.10903935

That explains it.

>> No.10903949

I just want to play dota

>> No.10904937

They never do. If you get lucky, you might get a teacher who would ask the TA to teach latex during tutorials or the university might have a week tutorial available to all students, but it's never part of the curriculum. Same way they don't teach you matlab, word, excel and so on.

>> No.10904957

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10904993

>those faggy blurred windows
Are you feeling okay Anon?

>> No.10904998


imagine being the author of this post

holy shit