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File: 166 KB, 1080x1332, Screenshot_20190818-013602_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10896720 No.10896720 [Reply] [Original]

What scientific "fact" do people keep referring to that just drives you insane?

>> No.10896724

>organic food is grown without pesticides
Is it still organic if it's grown with those?

>> No.10896739

Never mind, apparently you need to use natural pesticide, but you can use synthetic pesticides if no natural pesticides are capable of controlling the problem.
Which is absolute bullshit, to be quite honest.

>> No.10896746

>GMOs are bad

>> No.10896749


>> No.10896752

>Bio is good
>Organic is good
>Nuclear energy is bad
>Science is for nerds

>> No.10896770
File: 422 KB, 1846x1492, quark_and_jaguar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quantum physics is nonlocal

>> No.10896771

I hate it when people believe FTL is a 100% likely thing but don’t think building a Dyson swarm would be possible.
One of those things is literally possible with modern (or even 1960-70s) technology, the other is just a sci fi plot device with little to no proven science behind it.
Worse than both are the people who just think we should stay on earth forever.

>> No.10896775

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

>> No.10896779

>Dyson swarm
If you used half the mass in our solar system.

>> No.10896790

I just get pissed every time I read a post it seems. Pure unmitigated rage drives my interest in math and science, undiluted and perfect rage at your faggotry.

>> No.10896791

Not even close, Mercury and the asteroid belt should be more than enough, and even if they aren’t you could just go for the Kuiper Belt/Oort Cloud, various moons, or if you wanted to preserve tha natural sol planets, get planets from other systems and bring them here to disassemble.

>> No.10896812

> glass is a slow moving liquid.
> electricity takes the path of least resistance.

>> No.10896815

>organic salt
>has no carbon

>> No.10896816

You said the technology has been around since the 70's and it's feasible. By your chain of logic it would be feasible to disassemble the moon and turn it into giant space statue.

>> No.10896839

It would. There is no particularly good reason to do so, but if you really wanted to you could. It would probably take hundreds of years, but you absolutely could do it under the known laws of physics and without any particularly new tech. All it is is applied brute force.
There is a very large difference between the two things by the way, starting a dyson swarm would mean building and filling habitats 1 at a time in the beginning. Every habitat you build increases your living space by an amount of area just about equal to a small country. When you build enough the production capabilities and population growth becomes exponential until the point where you are using nearly 100% of the available sunlight. Then you move on to the next system and dyson it.

>> No.10896856

i unironically don't understand how entanglement doesn't result in FTL communication

>> No.10896880

>Race has no genetic basis

>> No.10896884

Both parties just see a bunch of random measurements, and they are only able to verify that they are correlated after they communicate by conventional slower than light means

>> No.10896894

Fucking THIS. Races are different, we are not all the same.

>> No.10896934


>> No.10897117

>Bio is good
is bio bad, or are you just coping? Legitimate question.

>> No.10897375
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>the penis shape evolved to scrape out other men's cum from the vagina

>> No.10897387

I don't understand how it would, how are you actually going to find (or generate?) the complimentary particle out of every particle in the universe?

>> No.10897558

>A dogs mouth is cleaner then a humans
no it is not

>> No.10897563 [DELETED] 

Don't call me a dog or I'm going to lose it

>> No.10897567 [DELETED] 

ur a dirty mouthed dog that should be licking peanut butter off my balls

>> No.10897576

I don't think we should stay on Earth, I just think we won't go very far. Virtual, altered, and artificial realities are rabbit holes we haven't even begun to explore. I think the day we leave our meat bodies in a vein attempt to explore bytes is more likely than the day we leave our solar system to start from scratch somewhere else.

>> No.10897581 [DELETED] 

Hm suicide is your wish. You don't know me. I love death. And I love you. That mean I will end you with extreme prejudice.

>> No.10897584

You realize we've already done this, right? It allows extremely simple, volatile communication that doesn't appear to be faster than light

>> No.10897587 [DELETED] 

I cringed in real life. Nice work on this masterbait.

>> No.10897589 [DELETED] 

Isn't more cringy then you're a faggot
I will kill you

>> No.10897590 [DELETED] 

his post was just typical teenager cringe
yours is full cro-magnon cringe
>fite me irl

>> No.10897623

>No, we share a common ancestor with modern apes
I don't like this "scientific fact" either because it makes it sound like humans are distinct from apes. Humans are actually apes.

>> No.10897628 [DELETED] 

>fite me irl
you mean
>kill me IRL
This shit is not game I will kill you

>> No.10897648

we descend from apes, not monkeys.

plane wings/helicopter rotors generate lift because muh Bernoulli. (mutation: sails work because Bernoulli.)

water going down drains swirls in a direction determined by which hemisphere you are in.

in subduction zones the part of the plate that went under already is pulling the rest of the plate.

aquatic ape hypothesis is wrong because some other species did not evolve the same way under the same circumstances. (no, it's wrong for other reasons.)

>> No.10897653 [DELETED] 

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10897655

No, I had no idea.

>> No.10897656

mathematicians proved that events with probabilities less than 10^(-50) cannot happen.

>> No.10897659

it's always the travelling twin who will be found to be the younger one.

>> No.10897674

what is the probability these two posts occurred at the same time

>> No.10897675 [DELETED] 

jokes on you buddy i already traced your IP:

we'll see who finds who

>> No.10897689

less than 10^(-50)

>> No.10897694

>humans only have 3 kinds of color receptor in the eye

>> No.10898012

logic is useless to science

>> No.10898141

>Everyone cam grow muscles with training
I fucking hate this "fact".

>> No.10898143

>nuclear energy is cost-effective

>> No.10898146

No reason not to do both. Entertainment is entertainment, people will still want it no matter where they live. If it is just VR, you will still see the population expand as we get closer to post scarcity production, and those people have to go somewhere. Eventually the system will be full of habitats since they are fairly easy to make if you have the necessary infrastructure. Once you have a dyson swarm interstellar colonization is entirely trivial. Every O’Neil cylinder is a spaceship capable of travel on its own with only minor modifications, and you could send off a couple 100 of them with a couple dozen times earths current population to go start a new dyson in the next system over and have that be less than a percent of a percent of your dyson swarm’s total population on that expedition. The people on board wouldn’t really have any change in the way their life is, especially if they mostly just live in VR, and even if the journey lasts 100 years they aren’t really lacking in anything since O’Neil cylinders would be made to be self sufficient. Such a migrating cloud of habitats could still share their VR with each other and have more variety than modern day earth in the matters of who they play with/against or what types of games they play, and if a particularly awesome game/app/new piece of tech/etc showed up in the Sol swarm during their journey, they would still only be getting it maybe a few years late when it is beamed over to them from back home.
Even if everyone decided to go full digital, it would still be reasonable to build a dyson swarm. As a digital being, you can live literally forever as long as you have power and are maintained, and if you have the resources to sustain it there is no reason not to massively increase your population to increase your pool of customers/researchers/game designers/whatever else people can come up with to get profit or new ideas from. The galaxy is your resource pool and a dyson is the first step.

>> No.10898149

What's the rest of my brain doing? Is it 90% memory?

>> No.10898179


>> No.10898248

Why does the second to last one have a correction with it? Weird the person who made it would trust readers to see how the rest were wrong but not that.

>> No.10898263
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I'm sure he means prefix shit. For example, bioplastics aren't necessarily better as they're not the same as biodegradable plastics and quite honestly they can be absolute shit for the environment.

>> No.10898266 [DELETED] 

How is biodegradability bad for environment? Genuinely curious.

>> No.10898272

It's only wrong if you interpret "apes" to mean "modern apes", since the common ancestor of humans and chimps could clearly be called an ape.
It's like disputing the statement "humans evolved from fish" by saying that ACKSHUALLY we share a common ancestor with modern fish - they mean the same thing for anyone that's not retarded.
Then again I suppose that's what this thread is all about.

>> No.10898274 [DELETED] 

>I don't think we should stay on Earth
I completely agree, and this guy >>10897567 is the reason.

>> No.10898275

Based fact poster

>> No.10898276 [DELETED] 

Sorry I need better words

>> No.10898278

Most penises are like that actually

>> No.10898282

>Which is absolute bullshit, to be quite honest.
It depends on the certifying board, but no it isn't because generally it's not as flimsy as the vague bullshit you dumped.

>> No.10898284

Personal experience?

>> No.10898329 [DELETED] 


>> No.10898347

>glass is a slow moving liquid
I had a Pchem professor unironically say this once

>> No.10898364

Ah, I thought he was a bio student or something

>> No.10898406

Quantum Entanglement does NOT prove FTL communications. It is only concerned about the orientation of spins in opposite directions. Measure the spin of the second particle in a plane perpendicular to that of the first and you lose all information about the spin of the first particle. To communicate the actual orientation of the detectors you would then still need to rely on speed of light communications thereby defeating the whole purpose.

>> No.10898772

>Why does the second to last one have a correction with it?
to clarify he is not a creationist.

>> No.10898826


>> No.10898846

but it's true you dumbfuck

>> No.10899040

>Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance

>> No.10899455

Depends on how you interpret nonlocal

>> No.10900577

What causes it then?

>> No.10900593

"Bio" or "natural" or "organic" -- these are neither good nor bad. A carrot grown with natural fertilizers using only organic pesticides may or may not be better to eat than one that is GMOs grown with fertilizer and pesticides from Dow's chemical factory.

>> No.10900599

>Humans are apes.

Beware. Words have meaning by consensus and context. Humans are apes unless you classify them as not being apes.

>> No.10900613
File: 87 KB, 540x546, 1563279251710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek do people not realize that if something has a probability of occurring then it can in fact occur, even though it is highly unlikely

>> No.10900626

>glass is a slow moving liquid.
To a physicist it is, kinda, thought not really.

>> No.10900675

>quantum [anything]

>> No.10900688
File: 23 KB, 260x299, 51Roonkn81L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a the forefront of quantum healing research
Not gonna make it anon

>> No.10900690
File: 40 KB, 369x450, cover_qa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when my quantum alergies start acting up

>> No.10900691

Oh my god I thought this was a joke???

>> No.10900693

>GMO is bad
>Organic is good
>Climate change is fake (irregardless of human involvement)
>non-ionized radiation doesn't cause cancer
>Racial difference is fake
>Sexual difference is fake
>Physical difference is fake
>Mental illness is fake
>Muh "free" will

Lets get some black pills.

>> No.10900702

No, anon. Deepak Chopra, M.D is the world leading expert in spiritual healing, among which is quantum healing. His books are sold worldwide, in many langauages, and are found in many libraries(I found one in my shitty regional library)

>> No.10901128

>take one red and one blue ball
>put them each in a paper bag and mix so you dont know which bag contains what
>send one bag to your mate in australia
>open your bag, see its blue/red
>you instantly know his is thus red/blue, faster than it takes light to reach from australia to you
Thats how entanglement works in these experiments. You have to entangle the particles first, then separate them and then if you look at one you also know stuff about the other, but it doesnt help you communicate at all.

>> No.10901135

>>non-ionized radiation doesn't cause cancer
this! How the fuck do I keep my photons from losing electrons? I dont wanna get cancer for fuck's sake!

>> No.10901825

no, I mean bio shit, as in organic food, not using GMOs, etc. Utter bullshit. Geenpeace is a terrorist organization

>> No.10901868

I unironically don't compute what the common ape has to say. Specially because I'm in Brazil, where the common pardo has something around 80 IQ. My circles of friends and coworkers, etc is all people that are not dumb enough to believe in absurd shit.

>> No.10901958

That's not how entanglement works. Consider the uncertainty principle. You don't know the momentum of a particle until you measure it(or it's position). The whole wavefunction is a probability distribution. It's not that two entangled photons decide who gets what(locality), it's that observing one immediately collapses the other. So it's like sending two twins millions of light years apart. You ask the twins the exact same question and yet give you the exact same answer. The information didn't exist beforehand. That's why both will be waves up until being measured. And they will both no longer be waves if they are measured.

To reiterate, the two photons do not agree on a momentum or energy, they will be waves with uncertainty in position/momentum. When they are measured, the other one becomes measurable. That doesn't mean you sent red/blue marbles, it means that you never knew what you sent to begin with. This is different because you can't measure the photons now, entangle them, and then send them and expect the same properties.

>> No.10901965

those people who go around spreading the pernicious rumour that every vector space has a basis.

>> No.10901983

you just said the same thing, only with 3x as much autism.

>> No.10902065

>Everybody can build muscle

>> No.10902076

Your list is simply wrong. Humans are literally apes and evolved from other apes.


>> No.10902080

>Humans are apes unless you classify them as not being apes.

That is literally impossible because genomic analysis has placed us comfortably in that clade, as the sister genera to chimpanzees.

>> No.10902090


>> No.10902094

this >>10902090 was intended for you fren but the sentiment can stand on its own without reference to a specific post

>> No.10902102

Well our general categorization of race has no genetic basis. Most people's idea of racial categories is 100% based on aesthetic and cultural features.

>> No.10902106

You're just being pedantic (and still wrong, like most dumb pedants). "We evolved from apes" doesn't specify which apes, but it's understood to mean "the other apes we see here on earth i.e. chimps". And we didn't evolve from those apes.

>> No.10902116

I thought the general consensus was that it plays a role but is not the sole basis?

>> No.10902126

>You're just being pedantic

Using correct taxonomy is hardly pedantic. You might as well say that coyotes aren’t canids.

>and still wrong, like most dumb pedants

Nope. It is entirely correct that humans are apes, great apes in particular.

> "We evolved from apes" doesn't specify which apes, but it's understood to mean "the other apes we see here on earth i.e. chimps".

Who “understands” it that way? That interpretation makes the assertion a falsehood whereas being aware of the scientifically accurate terminology and viewing it through that lens, it is entirely correct. I will go with the right one.

>And we didn't evolve from those apes.

Chimpanzees are vastly more basal than we are, so envisioning our common ancestor as one isn’t particularly misleading either.

>> No.10902315

Yeah that's completely fair. Anti GMO tards are just on another level.

>> No.10902316

people with no education in evolutionary dynamics and ecological genetics should not be allowed to voice an opinion on genetically modifying organisms for mass crop production. That includes you and most geneticists on this board.

>> No.10902320

>Gatekeeping what people want and don't want to shove down their gullets
We're not talking about production, I was off the mind that it was consumption

>> No.10902390

>we evolved from apes
We are apes you retard

>> No.10902434

I think that I'm mad at you but I am not sure.>>10902390
Good point.

>> No.10902441

you don't get to choose what you eat when it affects whole ecosystems sorry.

>> No.10902445

Depends on type of depression. The mild sort that everyone has these days isn't chemical, the manic/psychotic sort is.

>> No.10902449

>You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep from getting dehydrated.
>Medical myths
>The advice to drink at least eight glasses of water a day can be found throughout the popular press. One origin may be a 1945 recommendation that stated: A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 liters daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 milliliter for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.

>> No.10902520

This. Also the same people freak out about trace amounts of glyphosate in breakfast cereal or beer because some activist group (the EWG) told them that they exceed the safe levels. Unsurprisingly the activist group's levels are arbitrary and are orders of magnitude below the scientifically derived safe levels. It shits me off when 'journalists' report this shit without doing any background research on where these levels come from, nor do they ever report that the EWG also opposes vaccines.

>> No.10902523

GMOs are bad because they taste like shit. They prioritize for appearance and longevity, and it becomes immediately obvious whenever the season for the produce in mind comes around locally.

>> No.10902535

is it not?

>> No.10902540

forgive my ignorance, buy why can't everyone gain muscle? If I force you to lift heavy weights, and eat 3,500 Kcal of food, why would you not gain muscle?

>> No.10902547

please stop posting this shit, it is legitimately depressing there are people this autistic

>> No.10902551

Give me an answer or reason, and I will never ask again.

>> No.10902558
File: 31 KB, 540x540, 1531967363556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're trying to reason with bait. Every time you see a post about not being able to build muscle it's the same one lonely autists so starved for human interaction he fishes for (You)'s 24/7

>> No.10902560

the best thing is to have never been born, the next best thing is to die soon

>> No.10902564

Ahh that makes sense.


>> No.10902566

i can't believe you said something so intolerant
people like me who can't build muscle are common on this board
we like to compensate with science

>> No.10902607

> electricity takes the path of least resistance
This is just poorly worded and incomplete, not a "fact" like the ones OP posted.

>> No.10903133

Every time I have seen people complain about GMOs it has been from a commie or a feminist vegan.

>> No.10903153

>there are no stupid people, only lazy ones

>> No.10903159
File: 13 KB, 200x200, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol the only genes that exist are purely aesthetic stuff like skin color n shit

>> No.10903305

>GMOs are good because they are science and they would feed the poor *tips fedora*

>> No.10903494
File: 654 KB, 720x1030, 1558385329855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't you know?
>Superficial phenotypes is all you need to define "biological races"
>Never mind no genuine professional geneticist makes this claim and epigenetics shows we are just starting to understand the complexity of heratibility and expression
>I know because i've browsed /pol/ for almost 3 weeks already
Sweet zoomer child.

>> No.10903553

>space is cold
Also, it bothers me how many people try to use basic equations while having no real understanding of their physical meaning.

>> No.10903587

2.7 kelvin seems pretty cold to me...

>> No.10903609

>Superficial phenotypes is all you need to define "biological races"
My post implied this isn't the case, dumbass. Humans have 20-25k genes, color is but a few. I'm not even a zoomer yet you're the one with a zoomer-tier reading comprehension and straw man attacks.

>> No.10903691

>Bell proved QM is not consistent with classical hidden variable theories
>so it must be (((consistent histories))) because I say so!
>oh there are people who say a non-local hidden variable theory is still just as viable but much more reasonable? Of course such a classical interpretation is wrong! (This is literally his entire argument) Sad!
>Starts singing nursery rhymes

>> No.10903700

Doesn't the glass used in old cathedrals have some viscosity?

>> No.10903788

>Color is race
Not really. Meds as an example cluster closer to other Europeans than say Arabs.

>> No.10903798

>humans have 3 cones in their eyes

>> No.10904121

Lmao who says that?

>> No.10904804

Can't we encode information in losing information?

>> No.10904807

what is the other sort driven by? functional hub activity is still electro-chemical at root so if you mean like we cannot dose them up with ssri’s to solve these irregularities sure but that’s hardly very interesting to anyone who wasn’t literally eating out of the hand of their psychiatrist.

>> No.10904812

Happened to me last week at the bus stop

>> No.10904876

You just went full retard. NEVER go full retard.

>> No.10904886

Modified organisms, whether through gene splicing, radiation treatments, hybridization, artificial selection or any other means are neither "good" nor "bad" because of the method used. They are "good" or "bad" based on the results.

>> No.10904888
File: 38 KB, 768x768, 6059853_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean, is it sagging down in the frame?


It is often thicker in the lower part of a piece because that is the part that will bear the most load, and so they cut it to put the thicker part lower. That was a design feature, jot the result of slow liquid glass.

Here is a Roman glass bottle from c. 150 AD, notice how it hasn't run or anything...

>> No.10904896

piss off back to 2008, reddit

>> No.10904925

They occurred the same second but not sure on the same millisecond, and even then not sure on the planck second.

>> No.10905014


We don't need to actually see the info and the states themselves in these particles, only that the one we have collapsed at this point in time, meaning the other person observed it at this point in time. Its like how DVDs work, you detect the changes instead of anything else and when the changes happen, which we would receive at FTL speed. (when I say changes I mean that the particles go from superposition to a fixed state, and we can observe this thru many tests.)

>> No.10905054

Difference in physical brain structure, atrophy, being stuck in rigid thought patterns. Ssris fuck up your whole body for marginal if any benefit to your depressive symptoms bc most of your serotonin is in your gut and serotonin only indirectly affects pathways thought to influence depression. It's literally just chemical lobotomization.

>> No.10905067

>What scientific "fact" do people keep referring to that just drives you insane?

that bullshit "social proof" meme of "Scientific Consensus" for global 'climate change' (previously known as global warming)

"Global Warming" is what happens when someone figures they're rich enough to abscond with science.

>> No.10905071
File: 108 KB, 485x547, where are you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Global Warming" is what happens when someone figures they're rich enough to abscond with *science.

>*peer review