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10894770 No.10894770 [Reply] [Original]

How much student loan debt do you have and how is it going paying it back? Do you regret it? Discuss.

Yuros, we fucking know, you have free college. We get it, so fuck off. Otherwise half the thread is the same posts from saying so. No one cares, this thread isn't for you.

>> No.10894786 [DELETED] 

I have free college but I have other problems like what should I do with the money I've saved up because I have free college? Start a company or buy an apartment? The housing market is crashing right now so I dunno.

>> No.10894787

I'm American and I got free collage because I'm poor. We've got free education for those who need it, but we've gotta change two things as a society. #1, the ratio of aid % to income while keeping community colleges below 10k a year. #2, add aid for the poor to bachelors degrees. I'm stuck with over two years income as debt because of how much bachelors degrees cost. They take no consideration for how much it costs to study, live off campus, and everything else. Not all universities offer the program I'm looking for. Engineering of an environmentally friendly Economy.

>> No.10894791

10k a year? In Europe the government pays 25k a year for each person. If you wanna be better than Europe keep it at 25k at least.

>> No.10894792

Housing market aint crashing nationally. Which state are you from?

>> No.10894794

I'm in Australia though. There's negative interest rates all over the world so it's kind of crashing.

>> No.10894796

In America they keep it at 10k yr for someone who is below the poverty line.. Or at least, that's exactly the way it should be. I had 0 income and my family barely had enough to pay bills until I graduated my business program.

That is why our Universities aren't free. And they shouldn't be free. But being a university student should bump it up a little, maybe to 13,000 USD

>> No.10894798

Fuck off, holy shit. I hate Europeans so fucking much

>> No.10894801

>Yuros, we fucking know, you have free college.
Then explain my Swedish student loans. Sure attending the uni itself is free, but rent, food, social life and so on isn't. And considering the much higher amount of taxes we pay, one really could question if it wouldn't be more worth simply lowering the tax and let parents save away money for their kids in a college fund, like they do in America.

I have $30 000 in debt after about 5 years of studies, in Sweden.

>> No.10894802

Watch your banks and their lending policies. That's what did it to the USA in the late 2010s

>> No.10894804

He's an aussie, mate.

>> No.10894805

You didn't have the option of living on campus? You need to change Sweden to having more universities if there wasn't room in their dorms. Either that you should've tried harder in primary school.

The problem with expecting parents to pay for a student's education is that many parents don't, and then the student is fucked. We shouldn't let people be fucked because their parents are shit for brains, that's why we have foster care, that's why we have shelters, that's why we have food stamps.

>> No.10894809

Why didn't you live at home? Of work a part time job?
Nobody gives a shit how hard your perfect little swedish life was. This thread isn't for you

>> No.10894823

>Why didn't you live at home?
Everyone doesn't have that option.
>Of work a part time job?
This is basically mandatory for all Swedish students in order to pay rent over the summer/beginning of year, since the student loans aren't given out at that time due to no studies.

>You didn't have the option of living on campus?
No, this is never an option. Everyone is responsible for their own housing. Sure a lot of people helping the new years out during the beginning of seasons (mostly ex students lending a room/a couch/bed while they look for somewhere to stay), and there's student apartments, but actually getting them is up entirely to the student.

>> No.10894831

Aid and loans are given out during the year? In America, you can only get aid in the beginning of the second semester in the year, being only two real semesters. Dunno about loans, but I'll find out.

>> No.10894851

A good question is which Yuro countries don't have free tuition? I know UK doesn't

>> No.10894852

36k bongs
paid it back in one year with a job in the city

>> No.10894853


>> No.10894856

>Aid and loans are given out during the year?
Yes. Every month you're studying you get aid which is about €300 and then there's an optional loan of about €700 (which, luckily, has really good terms. You'd earn money to take the loan and simply put the money into a bank, very few abuse this though). June, July and half of December/January are "free", the unis doesn't have courses, so then no aid/loans are paid out, this is where the students go visiting their parents/go work extra in order to make ends meet.

The loans are given by the government though.

>> No.10894861

Loans in America are highly regulated, but not given by government if I'm not mistaken. I know the law is very thick, though, for educational loans. When the internet caught on and people figured out they can get loans to get a bachelors so they can get a good job, it really fucked up the educational industry because now bachelors degrees can be wildly expensive. Anywhere from 25 to 50 thousand USD.

I like the Arctic countries much better.

>> No.10894866

merit scholarship for undergrad, so no debt (yet)

suck it losers

>> No.10894872

Imagine living in a burger shithole.

>> No.10894873

In the US college and university are synonymous.
Also, fuck off. No one gives a shit what you have to say

>> No.10894879

I got fucked out of a merit scholarship. I would've had 3.7GPA but family circumstances forced it to be 3, not nearly as desirable.

>> No.10894885

Colleges are two years only, universities must be at least 4 yrs. There's a legal distinction

>> No.10894889


>> No.10894936
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last time I checked it was 40k. my cousins said they would pay it off at some point I remember that. I havent checked the actual amount in a few years. I recently graduated with a business degree this summer. I am scared to check. Ive been in school since i was born and am now 30 yo.

>> No.10894943

Also swede but have 0 kr in loans.

t. shitlord

>> No.10894946
File: 49 KB, 794x641, TIMESAND___FreeMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about $200k in student loans.
I'm never going to pay it back.
I absolutely do not regret accepting $200k in free money.

>> No.10894947

is this the end of the world?

>> No.10894948


>> No.10894957
File: 39 KB, 154x240, TIMESAND___ArnaudAmalric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a good dad/bad dad event looming. Could lead to a happening. It won't be the end of the world though. At most, 99% of the population will die so there will still be plenty of survivors.

>> No.10894986

i dont have a loan.
universty in is free and i have a cheap flat.
i code a few hours a week at a local company for 800€/Month

live is good in germany

>> No.10894993

But when is the best time to buy? When interest rates are as low as possible?

>> No.10894997

Goddamn Germans. Swed here should I learn German so I can find a job in Germany? I have a degree in biomedical sciences. I heard there’s a lot of jobs in Germany

>> No.10895024

im quite sorry i did not read your hole post and the hole thread really is full with this shit.
but i think everybody on this board should support free education all over the world.

>> No.10895103

No debt at all. I invested in bitcoin at (almost) exactly the right moment. However I traded away being basically financially independent for the coming 10 years so I could be free of debt.

>> No.10895391

I come from a middle class family so no benefits and my parents won't help so I have to pay for everything.

>> No.10895399


>> No.10895400

$800,000 from a PhD in Sociology
I'm currently homeless and unemployed

>> No.10895436

The state of Georgia pays your tuition if your college GPA is 3.0 or higher

>> No.10895449

you know you can file for fafsa right?

>> No.10895464

0 because i refuse to go to college if i don't have a grant or scholarship paying for it.

>> No.10895528

>student loan
Serious question, why do so many burgers do this? Why don't you work at Walmart for 1-2 years or start some small time business like selling 3d printed dragon dildos and save the money as you live with your parents first? Not only will you be debt free, you're getting the shitjob wageslave experience early on as a bonus after which you'll value a good job or self employment much more too.

>> No.10895544

Because Wal-Mart pays $24,000 a year and most universities are at least that much a year. Also if you're getting a degree in anything useful you'll be making MINIMUM $50K starting so why waste your time working at minimum wage.

If you want to work to pay off college in America military is by far the best route, you get paid minimum wage AND they pay for your degree.

>> No.10895552
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>negative interest rates
So the bank pays you money to buy a house?

>> No.10895565

Law school?

>> No.10895568

you would sound retarded if you said you're an university student

>> No.10895570

I told you not to post in this fucking thread. WE KNOW! It's free there. We aren't asking you

>> No.10895576

Interesting. For what programs?

>> No.10895579

Walmart is shitty work for shitty pay and you can make triple that much going after school so why bother?

>> No.10895642

he just wants to brag to feel better about himself. nothing is free in this world. don't make conclusions based on someone's personal anecdotal evidence such as 'but i make a lot of money' etc.

>> No.10895644

You'll make 50-60k afterwards sure, but you also won't live with your parents anymore and your expenses will be 50-70% of your income, so you end up with a walmart tier amount in your bank account anyways, except now you're in debt for the next years and you have a bank chain around your neck. Even more so if you take an additional loan on a house.

Once you're in that position you can't just suddenly decide that you want to do something else in life, can't fuck up and lose your job either, that shit will be a burden on your shoulders for a time that feels like an eternity. Doesn't it bother you how much a loan restricts your future decision making? Clearly a lot of post-grads do, yet misteriously they never considered earning the money first.

>> No.10895646

nobody cares about legal distinctions.
college or school is a colloquial term for both.

>> No.10895651


>> No.10895659
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going to a private research uni with max scholarships and living off campus. In total should have around 28-35k. I plan on applying to med school ASAP after taking the MCAT. If I don't get accepted to at least one I'll just work to pay off the loans while studying in the mean time before reapplying.

>> No.10895667

>living on campus?

As if that were free. It costs rent as well. Living in one of these shitty dorm rooms is even more expensive than gathering a few friends and renting an apartment to share.

>> No.10895679

> How much student loan debt do you have
70,000 USD

> how is it going paying it back
I'm trying to start my own business to pay it back. But the business is not taking off as I expected it to.

> Do you regret it

>> No.10895707

How much of what you studied can you use and apply in your business? Basically, how useful is your degree to you?

For most people, it's just a piece of paper that gives access to negotiations with HR departments with no other benefit.

>> No.10895727

€0, I live in a civilized country

>> No.10895761

how about hating the fucks in your country that turn it into a 3rd world shithole

>> No.10895791

I majored in physics. So I have a little background in programing and applied math.

Here's my app I'm trying to sell. It's just hard publishing an app like this to google play. So I'm trying to work through the loopholes.

The app is still in development, but it's in working condition.

>> No.10895815

I'm trying to get as much student loan debt as I can because I'm never going to have to pay it back when I leave the USA.

>> No.10895816

>Sure attending the uni itself is free, but rent, food, social life and so on isn't.

>> No.10895823

Definitely needs some quality of life stuff like displaying received and sent messages in order to each other, rather than in their separate windows.

I can imagine it could be hard to sell cryptography apps - Google is not exactly known for keeping their users safe from data exploitation. It goes against their (and many other tech companies) business model.

>> No.10895853
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>> No.10895871

Yeah. I had three people say that to be already. I'm going to have to put that feature in the new version of the app.

Yeah. I know google doesn't really do a good job at that. That's what I'm developing third party software that does that. The password does three things in my app: 1. Locks the app. 2. Encrypts the private key. 3. Makes the messages unreadable unless you know the password. I use 2048 pit RSA key pairs. And the password is not "stored" in plane text. It's hash is the only thing stored on the file system.

>> No.10895923


>> No.10896047

If everyone in America was like you, capitalism would have solved itself

>> No.10896054

In Canada they can (and will) go after your family for student loans.

>> No.10896081

I'm a white male

>> No.10896096


>> No.10896098

Based. I've considered this too. Where would you go and what would you study?

>> No.10896102

3rd world tier.
There is no debtor's prison in the US. The worst they'll do is call you every day harassing you about it until you send them a cease and desist order and say you have to do a payment plan and just pay 20 bucks a month.

>> No.10896107

desu I don't think this app to be usefull, you can use silence:

>> No.10896122

They are free for the universities though. Getting paid on loans that can't be defaulted
No shit they are charging as much as they want

>> No.10896147

Unless you have untaxed income, your wage is garnished for the next 20 years. It is not free.

>> No.10896162

He'll go bankrupt.

>> No.10896166

When interest rates are low cash is being artificially pumped into it. This will raise the prices to more than it's worth. So a lot of bad things can happen. Most likely there will be a correction to the actual supply and demand.
But it all depends where you live. Booming cities will have booming prices no matter what

>> No.10896174

The military paid for my BS and is paying for my MS, both in Computer Science. I got 150k of education for free.

>> No.10896180

That isn't possible for educational loans in the USA.

>> No.10896273

Not in the USA
The US is suprisingly lax on student loan debt. Nothing really will happen to you for not paying

>> No.10896278

Army vet here. That's why I'm doing. My bachelors will be completely paid for and I didn't have to work or anything as the BAH from the GI Bill was plenty for my city.
Now that it's used up I'll be taking loans for my masters, but that's better than paying for my more expensive bachelors.

>> No.10896426

Absolutely man preach. GI Bill is a hell of a deal. I knew guys that came from nothing and were solidly middle class to upper-middle ~6-7 years later. The opportunities are endless fr

>> No.10896464

The UK doesn't but you just get a student loan which covers it plus maintenance to cover rent and you end up paying a tiny amount back.

>> No.10896477

Doesn't work but he could also just leave the country since no creditor is going to chase a debtor out of country for anything short of $1 mil or so.

>> No.10896503

>So the bank pays you money to buy a house?
No, the bank pays Mr Stenberg to buy stocks, bonds and real estate. Steinberg can decide to lend you that borrowed money instead, but it's gonna cost you.

What's wrong? Don't you know the gold standard is an ode to a barbarous relic.

>> No.10896564

What's the point of giving a loan if it's never going to be paid back?

>> No.10896590

Well you'll pay a portion of it back, but you pay 9% of what you earn over £25,000 and it's written off in 30 years.

>> No.10896598

250k, going well, landed a god job, making 6 figures. Do I regret it? kinda.

>> No.10896630

Doesn't sound that great

>> No.10896632


>> No.10896644
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450k currently, in residency for just under 5 years so it will probably be as high as 650k, will pay back with my 350k salary when I am finished.

>> No.10896649

>350k salary when I am finished.
I doubt you'll be making that much. What is your specialty, or whatever it's called?

>> No.10896663


>> No.10896667

do they actually? my sister is a deadbeat who I know didn't touch her loan for a long time. when do they start doing that?

>> No.10896673

I bet you'll make half of that

>> No.10896674

Is it worthwhile?

>> No.10896679

Yeah i hate europeans too. They don't have to keep rubbing it in our face




>> No.10896688


To do Radiology? I thoroughly enjoy it, but I am doing my required medicine year right now. Like a lot of medicine, it has a high burn out rate so people should really choose it because they want to do it, not because of life style.

>> No.10896690

They're just so smug and arrogant because they were born in a different place.
I didn't ask to be born in the US, I just was. They didn't ask to be born in Europe, they just were. Being dicks about it just makes them look bad. And then they wonder why Americans hate them.

>> No.10896693

How do you justify that much debt? Where does the money go? What is it paying more? I assume living costs mostly?

>> No.10896697

To schools and the government. 60k was for undergrad, 250k was for medical school and 40k was for the postbacc year to get into medical school. Then theres a metric shit ton of interest.

I think I am slightly less than 450k right now, but it's irrelevant at this point.

I would say approximately 1/4 of the medical school costs were cost of living.

>> No.10896698

$48k maple dollars
haven't started yet as I just graduated, I have a plan to pay it back though, so I'm hoping im not indebted for too long
not really, school was rewarding and I got a job right out of school so I'm fortunate in that way.

>> No.10896703

Damn, how much is your monthly payment going to be when you start paying it off?
I wanted to go to law school and was expecting around 250k in debt, but law, unlike medicine, has shitty salaries unless you're top of your class at Harvard or something. It's just not worth it.

>> No.10896710

There's different ways of handling payments. If I just did the default repayment plan, I'd be paying 3400 a month. I will be doing an income based repayment for my federal loans that is not allowed to be more than 10-15% of my income.

>> No.10896716
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>I'd be paying 3400 a month
Fucking hell

>> No.10896723

There is supposedly a benefit of the repayment plan where if you work for a non-profit (like a lot of hospitals) for 10 years and pay your monthly payment every month, the government will forgive the student loan debt, which would forgive over 400k of debt by the time those 10 years passes. It involves the contract that we signed for our government loans and is supposed to be guaranteed to us.

Whether or not that actually happens is a different story, but it's certainly something to try for.

>> No.10896731

All of the studying and debt is worthwhile? It almost looks like slave labor. Don't you study for 16 hours in medical school and then have 80 hour weeks as a resident?

>> No.10896732


This is the income based repayment plan I mean. So basically you pay 10% of your income for 10 years while also working at a nonprofit, and supposedly they forgive the remaining debt.

>> No.10896736

Yeah, there's things like the Federal Student Loan Forgiveness program.

>> No.10896737
File: 78 KB, 426x426, bed165efecedd73a2d7b693d3220bc9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 digits tuition fees
>student loans
>parents saving money in a jar for when their kids will go to college
>scholarships for football, baseball and cheerleading
>30 year olds still paying for their student loans
>grades are letters from A to F, except E, with plusses and minuses
>kids get to drive at 16
>science fairs
>spelling bees
>spelling being difficult
>math quiz competitions
>history quiz competitions
>P.E. quiz competitions
>fake ONU meetings
>debate competitions
>kids climbing a rope
>kids dissecting frogs in a lab
>bullies shoving a kid's head into a toilet
>the wizard of oz
>trick or treat
>sugar addiction
>pop tarts
>cheetos sandwiches
>kids protesting because a park is going to be turned into a mall

Living in america must be fucking hilarious

>> No.10896744

No it varies. For medical school I studied a lot, but I played shit tons of video games. It came relatively natural to me. I was in the classroom for roughly 6-8 hours a day and I just paid close attention to the lectures and retained most of it. When board study time came I began studying more on the weekends, but generally I didn't do shit on the weekends.

My residency is 70-80 hours a week on medicine, but theres only 3 medicine blocks in the year out of 13. My other rotations can be anywhere from 20-60 hours a week, but generally closer to 50ish.

>> No.10896745

I paid 600€ per year. On the downside it wasn't Harvard.

>> No.10896750

I bet you thought you were hilarious when you typed this all up. I better you were smiling to yourself as you did. Unfortunately the humor falls flat and you just look stupid.
You'll reply to this post about how you aren't but that will only serve to further prove I was right

>> No.10896762

I have no debt. I have been paying it off as I go and it feels good to know I am dodging the bullet by working now rather than paying interest for the next 30 years.

>> No.10896765

I should also add that this is just for my "medicine" year until I start my radiology residency, that is usually 8-5 Monday-Friday with call sprinkled in.

>> No.10896838

I took 5 years off after high school so by the time I applied to undergrad I was old enough that my parents income didn't matter. Anywyas I went to a cheap state school because I had bad grades in high school and got grants so I never had to take out any student loans for my undergrad degree. Graduated debt free.

Thinking about going to law school though. Might have to take out loans, but it might be worth it if I can make six figures.

>> No.10896867

How could you apply to universities with 5 year old grades?

>> No.10896871

Military service would be one obvious answer

>> No.10897126

Your high school GPA is forever, it doesn't expire. Most schools also don't require an SAT/ACT after so many years.
I started school 8 years after high school because I was in the army before that and I never took any entrance exams or any of that. Just a placement test to know which math to put me in

>> No.10897132

Is 150k a year for 80 weeks and 250k in students loans worth it? Because that's the good outcome of law school.
The bad outcome is 250k in debt and 60k a year with 70 hour work weeks.
Law school is a scam and I mean that seriously. People need to be investigated into it. It's for-profit and out to get you.

>> No.10897153

>student debt
Imagine not getting your higher education for free

>> No.10897160
File: 410 KB, 2518x1064, 1564269929385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying back student loan debt, ever

>> No.10897167

Yes it is. Requires court procedure, and it much match the conditions established by the Brunner precedent which is three pronged. The entire debt can be discharged. If you have a good life and a rich family, not gonna happen but if you don't, a judge will see how much of a problem it is and be happy to sign it away as long as you are mature and can show how it is impacting you and how you can never realistically pay it back.

>> No.10897172

A pretty reasonable 35k after I had to take an extra term because I'm a bad student.
4 months out of school I'm making a pretty decent 70k in a cheap area right now.

>> No.10897174

imagine not being able to afford it yourself

>> No.10897470

>They're just so smug and arrogant because they were born in a different place
>said by an american
Holy shit the lack of self reflection, now you can finally realize why the globe despises burgers in general

>> No.10897475

Not that anon, I thought it was hilarious and i'm canadian

>> No.10897476

>tfw you can see Chad reflected on her sunglasses taking the pic

>> No.10897481

>Holy shit the lack of self reflection, now you can finally realize why the globe despises burgers in general
Lol. I'm a third worlder (South African) and most people like Americans while Europeans are seen as snobbish, elitist and pretentious.

Europeans are the ones who lack self reflection. Also I've travelled to both continents and Americans tend to be more wordly than Europeans than average. It's just European snobbishness that prevents them from seeing they don't know about anything outside their continent.

>> No.10897521

>Americans more worldly than Euros
Literally impossible, Euros are exposed to dozens of different culture on a daily basis from the day of their birth by virtue of geography and political history and have demonstrably superior public education.

>> No.10897715

FASFA wont help if hes middle class and hes under 26 because they automatically associate you with parents. SOOOOO,

If you wait till 26 and make under 18k a year, school will be free at your state university. If you get married your FASFA will automatically not be tied to your parents.

Also community college is nearly free and there are so many good schools that take transfer students.

Seriously going to college is never really a cost issue if you dont want to pay. (med school law school different). When people end up with student debt most of the time its because they wanted to move away from mom and dad and have "an experience". They bought a 4 year party and are now paying for it. Also, there is nothing wrong with JC. I went to a JC and became highly successful for a white guy with modest upbringings (professionally and financialy, socially different story).

Dont get a retard degree, dont get a meme degree. Electrical Engineering is probably one of the best degrees you can get. It doesnt really matter where you get it either.

>> No.10897719

>you get paid minimum wage
you get paid A LOT more than minimum wage in the military. Housing Allowance is TAX FREE so is sea pay, duty pay, hazard pay. Plus your health care is zero. Also if youre in the navy you can pretty much live on the ship so you have no rent.

If you're suave you can easily bank 100,000 dollars by the end of your enlistment.

>> No.10897728

oh yeah, and i have zero. I honored my mother and father and stayed near home and went to the biggest state school within an hour of my house. Had a little tiny ricer car that i drove, worked construction in the summer, never went out an partied, saved all my money, took a few weekend road trips, went camping a few times with girlfriends, would only go on hikes or coffee for dates (i.e. not spending money or losing focus on school), i finished with great grades, then the recession hit so i went back to school and the job market improved and i got a good job. All in all i squeezed every ounce of learning out of those years as i could, i always went to professors office hours, i sat in front rows, i made it fun and i did it for cheap cheap cheap all because i said to myself "im a home town kid and im gonna live with mom and pops and get good grades". I did way better than all my peers who went away got subpar grades and subpar jobs and ended up with debt. I feel bad for them and im not bragging im just putting it out there that you can be successful and not ending up in debt and have fun learning.

>> No.10897735

>demonstrably superior public education.
not they dont. When you minus out blacks and mexicans from american public education american schools are amazing.

If you ever lived in a white suburb on the atlanic seaboard or midwest (Greater Boston Massachussets, Langley VA, Hartford CT, Winetka IL) you would quickly realize how insanely amazing american schools are. Remember that america is only half white so on paper we will always have tremendously lowers scores than a country that is 90% white. Were basically half africa/mexico now, so a whole it makes perfect sense that our test scores (as a whole) are the average between Africa and Europe. It's not a coincidence.

>> No.10897760

>130+ replies discussing student loans and 1 reply noticing the prime specimen in the OP pic
Y'all are a bunch of faggots

>> No.10897762

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. It must be tough. I'll say a prayer for you.

>> No.10897764

Gay test: if you notice anything but the titties ur gay

>> No.10898227

You don't get BAH unless you are married or an officer, which requires a degree if you want to start out as one.

>> No.10898247

>How much student loan debt do you have?
Zero dollars, and it's not likely to go up either.
>Do you regret it.
I spend my entire day laughing at debtfags.

>> No.10898254

>tfw only pay 300 euros per semester for uni with public transportation included

>> No.10898255

You forgot to say you're one of the retarded inbred South Africans.

>> No.10898369

>own an iPhone

in the trash she goes

>> No.10898374
File: 60 KB, 500x497, 105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw danish
>get paid to get smart
Have the rest of the world yet to see the long term investment that is free education?
The easier you make it for your population to get educated the bigger chance they will get a better job that will bring in more tax.

>> No.10898380

People go to uni in the US to have sex and drink. Not to learn anything. That's why it's 4 years there. Also they let anyone with a pulse in so most of the young generation has degrees and they lost all their value. When everyone has a BA/BS, nobody has one.

>> No.10898386

That's a legit 10/10 my man, who cares about the iphone

>> No.10898433

How the fuck do you accrue $200,000 in debt?

>> No.10898445

law school or medschool will do that no problem. law schools if 55k a year, cant work during it, and interest is 8% the second you graduate.

So right out of school you are at 165k, dont work for a year? now its 165k * (1.08), and repeat

>> No.10898459

This sounds like it was written by some boomer that doesn't understand how PhDs work.

Even in sociology you don't pay to get a PhD, you'd usually have all costs covered and get paid around $13k/year or something.

>> No.10898461

imagine being so dumb and so bad at planning your own life that you have 30000 dollarydoos in debt from basic living expenses that every single person has to pay for.

>> No.10898466

Do europeans not have pre-algebra or pre-calculus?

>> No.10898510

>I absolutely do not regret accepting $200k in free money
It was never "your money" and you couldn't spend it on anything so yeah.
God I love being a first worlder and not living the life of an ameripoor.

>> No.10898624

woah, Tooker was *this* based?

>> No.10898631

Too much

>> No.10898642

This is so wrong it's funny.

>> No.10898746

>[This is so wrong because I say it is], lol funny!
Offended brainlet without an argument detected.

>> No.10898810
File: 2 KB, 125x122, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



undergrad + health care related masters degree

>> No.10898813

Might as well keep racking it up.

>> No.10898828

fucking retard

>> No.10898923

What city?

>> No.10898947


>> No.10898959



GOOD GOYIM! This is good! Please keep borrowing! Even if you don't pay us, we can turn your loan into a security and sell it to debt collectors. At worse we can just write it as a loss and pay less taxes that year (BUT STILL BE ABLE TO COLLECT).

I didn't know /sci/ was home to so many good goyim. I'll be sure to stick around.

>> No.10898962


>> No.10898971

I’m french and I’m laughing m8

>> No.10898985

The sooner this decadent society collapses, the better. Thusly, you got the order backwards.

>> No.10899013
File: 163 KB, 1492x962, TIMESAND___3f3eethedykr5y2frherh5rd15y2rd15y2rdrgh56344443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHA! That's where you're wrong. As long as I keep making this $0/mo payment on time every month, my outstanding balance will be discharged after 20 or 25 years, which is only like 10 or 15 years from now.

Take out the max loan every semester and spend nine years in college.

That's where you're wrong Bucko! My financial aid and tuition waivers always paid for everything, and the loans were always refunded to me as cash... complimenting the salary from my assistantship.

>> No.10899016
File: 73 KB, 855x797, TIMESAND___3f3eethedethwykr5y2frherr2rd15y2rdrgh56344443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10899029

Cool dox, Jonathan

>> No.10899030

You don't have a job.

>> No.10899041

But I do have $170k that I banked.

>> No.10899059

You obviously spent it and $170,000 for 25 years is not worthwhile.

>> No.10899068

Tooker, my boy, I respect everything from you. But please pay your loans back.

>> No.10899080

£60k, I plan on paying back my postgrad but not my undergrad loan

>> No.10899089
File: 3.79 MB, 3294x3204, TIMESAND___TAS_(1of2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did spend it. Not having to work for a decade was well worth it, and having my twenties as a free time for myself without having to cuck as some faggot's wageslave afforded me the peace of mind I needed to become the most successful living physicist... and now also the most successful living mathematician. Honestly, if I had been forced into cuckery or homelessness in my 20s, none of this would have happened, and likely I never would have developed the time circuit.

As long as they keep sending me a bill that $0/mo, that's what I'll keep paying and not a dollar more. Are my loans delinquent? No! My student loans are the best thing on my credit report.

>> No.10899091
File: 3.81 MB, 3282x3234, TIMESAND___TAS_(2of2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the time circuit.

>> No.10899103

>As long as they keep sending me a bill that $0/mo, that's what I'll keep paying and not a dollar more. Are my loans delinquent? No! My student loans are the best thing on my credit report.

Okay, but you know eventually that 0$ bill will stop right? Will you pay when they ask?

>> No.10899109

Based, student loans are so easy to avoid paying. Just permanently defer them by staying school forever or just leave the country. Only brainlets actually pay them back.

>> No.10899111

Wrong again. After they send me that bill for 20 or 25 years, they discharge the outstanding balance. Thanks Obama!


>> No.10899120

Double tag tl;dr because drunk. Search your feelings. You know it to be true. Skilled laborer makes more dough than you. Paying for school in a world where everry pussy did the same as your pussy ass is ridonkulous. Growing money is more important than all you bozos who will never cure cancer or anything. Just go to Dairy Queen and load up a 40k. Who are you trying to bs?

>> No.10899121

Okay, you heard that correctly, right? Discharged after 25 years of payments. So that means that if they start billing you for non-zero payments if you refuse to pay then you'll get fucked (or they'll just garnish your wages). You'll still have to pay.

That said yeah you'll most likely "win" because of the time constraint. But that's okay, the banks always win. Now that we are done with this, what have you been up to Tooker?

>> No.10899130
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x675, TIMESAND___BOOK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See... the government gave me the money to get trained as a physicist. Then they banned me from ever working as one, and they made my research classified to prevent me from getting paid the money I would need to pay back the loans. If they unban me, and they pay me, then I would consider paying the loans off. For instance, if the declassified my research and I got the $600k after-tax Nobel money, then I could pay off the loans and have enough for a modest house near a city... or a fancy house far from a city... or keep all the money and buy a plane ticket to a country where the government is the avowed enemy of the USA. Which one do you think I would pick?

Or if you would buy my book, then I would have some money too. However, your theory, "He can only be a wagecuck, nothing else is allowed, and even as a wagecuck, he can only cuck for his nemesis Helene and he doesn't even have the option for ordinary cucking in a regular office," seems to be the theory supported by the authorities for the time being.

I am not a wagecuck. I am not a worker. You all who say that being a worker is my lot in life are wrong, and I will prove you wrong with violence if you don't recant.

>> No.10899141

people like you make me sick.

>> No.10899148
File: 336 KB, 389x432, jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not a worker, Tooker. You are a thinker. I think you should try to get your life in order and go back to academia. By the way, why did you make that face?

>> No.10899152
File: 461 KB, 636x547, TIMESAND___GeographicalMemes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they start billing you for non-zero payments
Why would they do that? If I ever came into so much money that it would increase my payment above $0, then it would probably be enough to move to another country where the government hates the USA as much as I do. They can't garnish my wages in that far-off land, wherever it is.

>That said yeah you'll most likely "win" because of the time constraint.
yes, I agree.

>what have you been up to Tooker?
I'm wondering if I got kidnapped again and brought to a fake version of pic related. I wonder if I'm on the real internet or if you all are just sock puppet operators whose families will fare very poorly on the Day of the Lord. If I am actually in regular old Satatesboro, meaning that the longitude and latitude of my physical person are consistent with what would pop up as the latitude and longtude of Statesboro if you Googled it, then my understanding of the structure of society when I was a younger man was catastrophically wrong. There are so many gangstalkers here tormenting me everywhere I go, and my upstairs neighbors doing it too, it is easier for me to believe that I am in the detention location again than that the real surface city is so lousy with my enemies' slaves and agents.

I'm trying to fuck too, but since I think I'm in a fake city where I will give every living person, at best, death by crucifixion, it's pretty much impossible to drum up any kind of affection when I think everyone is someone I want to see tortured to death. Catch 22 eh?

Listen to me... it is my intention to assume control of the government and then line the streets of every fake city with the crucified bodies of its inhabitants.

>> No.10899158
File: 2 KB, 320x288, 18-capture_10042010_102446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>55k a year
Freedom is costly

>> No.10899161

Nah, that makes sense. In fact he probably did pretty good. Rent is around 350 dollars at the cheapest here, you could probably push it down to 250 if you really tried by splitting an apartment with someone (or two). Add to that food expenses and you're up to 30K in 5 years easily.

Getting a part time job isn't as easy here in Sweden as it's in the US, especially for young people. For example my hometown had an unemployment rate of people 16-24 (it counted people studying as "employed") of ~50%.

t. Swede

>> No.10899166

>Why would they do that? If I ever came into so much money that it would increase my payment above $0, then it would probably be enough to move to another country where the government hates the USA as much as I do. They can't garnish my wages in that far-off land, wherever it is.

Yeah, I guess you are right. It's amazing that the US is such a big country that banks are able to sustain loans like yours. Where I live, we'd be collecting on your ass. And I know because I work at for a bank.

>I'm wondering if I got kidnapped again and brought to a fake version of pic related.

Tooker I have now become reformed and understood that bullying you is not the way, and that I am only making your mental condition worse. Therefore I will now tell you in all honesty that fake cities do not exist. You are not in a fake city. I've never been to Statesboro but if there really are people harassing you that may be because the place has deteriorated and has more crime. I really hope you don't get hurt.

>I'm trying to fuck too
Good! Tooker I know this may be personal but have you tried Hookers? I think some pussy will do you well, specially to your mental state. And maybe if you don't manage to get any willing girls, you could go that route. You feel me?

>> No.10899168
File: 5 KB, 492x368, TIMESAND___762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you should try to get your life in order and go back to academia
The thing about that is that I believe I have been transported, against my will and by my enemies, to some detention area so is to preclude any possibility of me ever making contact with academia again. To clarify... it's not that I "believe" I am in a fake city; I believe I don't know where I am. However, if I was going to bet money on me being near the latitude and longitude (31.4 , -81.7) then I would bet my money that I was not near that location. If I'm not, then my bet is that all the people around me are going to suffer before they die.

I made that face to give animated emotivity to the gif I was planning on making.

>> No.10899176

Okay, Tooker, I can guarantee you that you are not in a fake city. If you feel like you are lost you should maybe talk to the police. I'm sure they'll orient you.

>I made that face to give animated emotivity to the gif I was planning on making.

Okay, it's great that you put so much effort into your internet expression however when I saw your .gif I got scared for a second because it looked like a creepy distortion of your face. I had to freeze it and look at the frame to notice it is just like a really big forced grin. I think you should smile more naturally for us, Tooker.

>> No.10899189

I have tried hookers. After being turned down by ~100% of women for years and years, I gave up on trying to get it for free and and decided to start paying. The gangstalkers arranged it to only send to me disgusting old grandmothers the last 10 or so times I got one. This was actually the main thing contributing to my decision to stop working and become homeless: If I couldn't convert my salary into access to a good-looking young woman's pussy then I didn't see any point of working. I didn't want to get paid in dollars, I wanted to get paid in pussy but my enemies intervened to make that impossible for me, as per usual. Just like the gangstalkers implement some rule that I can only make money by being someone's wageslave, they were trying to make my attempts to fuck women so miserable that I would join them in their disgusting and vile faggotry. However, I will not give up on my dreams. Now I want to get paid in blood. I want to get paid in large jugs of the blood of people like you who know full well what I am doing and then pretend to be some internet rando. You will all suffer, and I will look at what you have loved, and I will profane it before I destroy it, just to spite you, because I hate you so much.

>> No.10899190

Most of my classmates I've talked to about it have definite plans they're working towards and are going to school for a purpose. It's too expensive to just party and major in a meme. Do some people do it? Absolutely. Are they retarded? Absolutely.

>> No.10899198

>I can guarantee you that you are not in a fake city
Can you guarantee that the leading digits of the latitude and longitude of my physical person at the time of this post are (31.4, -81.7)?

Depends what you mean by fake. I watched the Truman Show again yesterday. I bet you could have given Truman the same guarantee that Sea Haven wasn't a "fake" city.

>> No.10899203

Tooker, we were getting along so well. As I told you, I am reformed. I will never make fun of you again, and I'm only here to help.

> The gangstalkers arranged it to only send to me disgusting old grandmothers the last 10 or so times I got one.

Yeah I feel you my dude. However I think you should maybe research more? I mean, how come you don't even know how the hooker looks like before you go to her? I think you are just finding very inneficient ways to find hookers. There are many young thots. I've seen as young as 18 in prostitution, though where I live this is more normal.

>I wanted to get paid in pussy
Same my dude. You know, the reason I love you Tooker is that even despite your schizophrenia, we really are not that different. And I say that in general with every on /sci/. We really are just men, looking to get some fine pussy. Your disease may impair you, but we are here to help.

>> No.10899206

>Can you guarantee that the leading digits of the latitude and longitude of my physical person at the time of this post are (31.4, -81.7)?
I can't because I don't have access to your location but I can guarantee you are not in a fake city.

>I watched the Truman Show again yesterday.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Tooker what the fuck? With your schizophrenia you should NOT be seeing movies like these? Dude, you should absolutely get away from fantasy for a while. It is for your own good. So this is why you are thinking about fake cities? Tooker, I need you to calm down. Forget about that movie. And then reassess your location. Breathe deeply and think.

>> No.10899210
File: 175 KB, 800x1199, TIMESAND___Antigone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? This is how I can tell that you will suffer before you die.

>> No.10899215

Tooker no disrespect but just the mere fact that you believe in fake cities shows you suffer from schizophrenia. It's not something to be ashamed of though, and it does not mean I am mocking you. You have a disability. You know, you should try to apply for benefits and then use that money to buy pussy.

>> No.10899219

>I can't because I don't have access to your location but I can guarantee you are not in a fake city.
I think you are being a faggot about every city being a real city simply by virtue of being a city at all, even if it is a replica of another city populated with the agents of my enemies, and their slaves and favored people, and even if the latitude and longitude of the city are far removed from the reasonable expectation of those who find themselves in that city.
>i don't know where you are
>but I can tell you where you aren't

>> No.10899222

Anyone posting on 4chan has a situation roughly analogous to The Truman Show. Really, anyone on social media who hasn't locked down their profile, and for whom only moderators can even see an avatar.

>> No.10899226

what the fuck has a pin up to do with science???

>> No.10899228
File: 9 KB, 239x317, TIMESAND___God+PPP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain your reasoning when you make the jump from
(1) belief in large secret construction projects, to
(2) disease

Even if I had money, and I knew somewhere to get a good-looking prostitute, she still wouldn't let me fuck her pussy, and would tell me to pay her however much for the privilege of fucking a disgusting plastic bag inside of her pussy.

What really needs to happen is that I assume control of all things, and then fathers bring their daughters to me as an offering.

>> No.10899235

Tooker, I can also guarantee you that you do not have any enemies except perhaps a couple of individuals who may just be discriminating against you due to your disability.

My reasoning is that you have schizophrenia. The fake cities is not even the worst of it. You believe the entire US government is against you. Tooker, just try to chill. Your life is actually way better than you think. You have no enemies. You have nothing to fear. Try to get better.

>Even if I had money, and I knew somewhere to get a good-looking prostitute, she still wouldn't let me fuck her pussy, and would tell me to pay her however much for the privilege of fucking a disgusting plastic bag inside of her pussy.

Okay I feel you my dude. But you should use a condom for your own protections. These whores will have 50 dicks a day you know?

>What really needs to happen is that I assume control of all things, and then fathers bring their daughters to me as an offering.
Yeah I dream of this too but unfortunately the world is not as good.

Okay Tooker please do not take this too seriously but let's say that you ever feel your life is really going badly and you will kill yourself. Then I would suggest that you first, in order to get to feel a real pussy without a plastic bag, capture a girl and rape her. She can be as young as you want, and you don't need to use any condoms. BUT ONLY DO THIS IF YOU PLAN TO KILL YOURSELF. You really don't want to know what will happen to you in jail.

>> No.10899237
File: 1.81 MB, 400x167, TIMESAND___VoteYes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to me, you infidels. I think it more likely than not that I am in the fake city, and the masters that you serve know what you have coming, and they have sent you here anyway, because you are too stupid to know that they would throw your life away if it meant they could bother me for five minutes. I want you to suffer before you die. I want you to know how wrong you were. Your team loses, and I will give the inheritance you meant for your own children to your enemies.

>> No.10899239
File: 484 KB, 1194x1314, TIMESAND___The+Blessed+Mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helene, what is it that you think is the worst thing you do to other people? I will do that to all of your friends children, and then all of your friends, and then I will give you to Hamas with instructions that something twice as bad happens to you. In the history of the universe, you, Helene, are the single biggest nigger of all time.

>> No.10899242


>> No.10899247

I am not Helene, Tooker.
>you, Helene, are the single biggest nigger of all time.
Okay Tooker one thing I will not tolerate is racism. Please don't be racist man. You should not be browsing /pol/, you are very easy to influence and they are BAD BAD influence. Do not say the n-word, or any other racial insult. It is not okay.

>> No.10899250
File: 650 KB, 900x749, TRINITY___762prophecy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have no enemies.
You are my enemy. Your people are my enemies. Their servants are my enemies. Their servants children are my enemies.

>> No.10899254

I am actually trying to help you Tooker. Also, my favorite bible passage is Numbers 24:9-19.

>> No.10899259
File: 208 KB, 678x762, TIMESAND___action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't tolerate me. I decide if I will tolerate you and your subgenus of human trash. In your case, I decide that I won't.

>> No.10899260

Okay Tooker just please don't say the n-word again. You are a nice guy, you should not be speaking like that.

>> No.10899264

I'm trying to humble you. I'm trying to make you very low and meek. Not bold like you are now.

>> No.10899269

I do what I want, Helene. I'm trying to make you suffer. I'm trying to make everyone who ever thought a single nice thing about you regret it as the worst decision of their lives. You trash, you woman. If you wanted something out of life besides a son, then you should have found a husband. There is nothing else for you woman.

>> No.10899278

I paid $6000 out of pocket for technician training and my only debt is my mortgage.

>> No.10899282

>You are a nice guy
I'm really not. Once, I was. A long time ago. Now I'm a stone cold killer without any notches on my gun. You still have that picture of what I used to be like before you hurt me in your mind, and you have no idea of how cruel I will be. I will be more cruel than you ever were, which is quite cruel, I'm sure.

>> No.10899294

Okay Tooker I am not your mom but as long as you don't say the n-word fine I guess.

>> No.10899295

only like 1% of applicants actually got debt forgiveness in the first cohort of people in that program. Have fun being a debtor for life retard

>> No.10899315

I don't think you understand just how insanely expensive and retarded the university system is in the US.
>Go to uni near my house so commute
>Go for engineering degree
>Panic about debt so get a job
>Parents also willing to help and have a few thousand saved up for me
>Work 30+ hours a week at a grocery store to make money
>Apply for better jobs in the meantime without any luck till senior year
>Managed to get away without taking loans for the first two years between what I earned and my parents assistance
>Each summer worked a full time internship and worked 20+hours at grocery store
>Sucide tier schedule, only time I'm home is purely to sleep
>All the while the majority of my classwork is fucking busy work
>Busy work time wasting assignments continue till senior year
>Finally take loans
>Bank account constantly empty due to tuition payments
>Only purchases were gas and tuition
I did that shit for 4 years and went 2 years without having a single fucking day off AND I still ended with 15k in debt which is really really good for my school
Of course I was from a white middle class family so scholarships were off the table and I never had enough time to study a ton to get a merit based scholarship which were still pretty hard to get
>Still ended with a 3.35

>> No.10899401

$0 in loans, it was all covered by scholarships. You can go to school for free, at least for undergrad, you just have to get good grades. If you're not getting good grades, then why go to school anyway?

>> No.10899459
File: 47 KB, 783x647, TIMESAND___TTqqyuqw1yr3tv43i4iv1d4t2fxfd2d35y35utukfmdmv gsd7ko9jvcrtvi7i467vhs4jvmhshsvvklkys2a1a1ouw6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the Truman show yesterday. After Truman started to get schizophrenia, they reintroduced his dad. When they dad appeared, Truman hugged him. Everyone watched with bated breath until Truman said, "Dad!," and then everyone cheered that Truman believed their lie. Pretty fucked up. On the show, Truman was able to go to the edge and find it. I feel quite certain that if I was in a place with an edge, before I ever got near it they would hypnotize me into unconsciousness or something, and then never let me actually find the edge. However, they might be surprised to learn that the other people on the outside remember the covenant and have chosen not to betray the thousands of years of efforts of their ancestors, and they will help me find the edge. Then I will rename Sea Haven as Hell, and then I will bring forth all the curses described in my Word on those who betrayed me, especially pic related fake city personnel.

>> No.10899549

That's because it only started 10 years ago. The people who are getting it are the only ones who can be eligible right now.

>> No.10899577

Tooker, this is why I told you a long time ago to go back with your mother or to a hospital. You are schizophrenic. You should not be watching movies like the Truman show. It's messing with your brain man.

>> No.10899628
File: 248 KB, 640x640, nnnnnnnnnnnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ambiguous legal status so no federal aid
>colleges offer help but it's negligible

I'm going to try Questbridge anyway but if I don't make it I'm fucked.

>> No.10899646

Across the entire arc of the history of the universe, including the lives of everyone who ever existed or ever will exist, you are one of the most hated people across the whole thing.

>> No.10899669

This isn't really true, right?

>> No.10899673

No. CS isn't solving physics.

>> No.10899722


>> No.10899815

Not all Europeans get free tuition. I studied in England and I'm going to have about £50k of student debt.

>> No.10899958

I'm going to graduate with around $140,000 in debt
I'm going to be a quant tho so I'm good

*please kill me*

>> No.10899963

Thinking about taking your path. Majoring in computer science just coming into college. Have 1yr experience in development/IT. What should I know?

>> No.10900012

I'm half joking about becoming a quant
I'm beginning to get into algo trading as a hobby but I don't plan on developing a consistent strategy anytime soon
Basically I've just been reading a shit ton about finance and trading strategies and attempting to implement/backtest in Julia

>> No.10900106

>when you minus out americans america has great public education
So this is the power of south africans.

>> No.10900112

She MIGHT be a 10/10 if she hadnt taken this retarded photo.

>> No.10900183

Yuro here, university isn't cheap tho. We have to pay rent in a city which is definitely not cheap if your parents don't have high income

>> No.10900187

I have none. The only debt I have is from my house. My parents paid for my college, they're both doctors, and they had me in their forties. I weep for my fellow Millennials.

>> No.10900202

Aussie here, just found out I owe 32k in debt, had no idea lol. Just graduated too, but I'm taking a month or two off before I start a career.
My brother owes upwards of 100k because he went to a expensive university, he's been paying it back fine.

>> No.10900974

Why the fuck do Brits and Aussies on /int/ shitpost about Americans not getting free college when they don't either?

>> No.10901058


>> No.10901941

How to get assistanceships for a non-STEM masters?

>> No.10901956

Sounds like you decided to live your own princess life and now blame the government for it. Get a grip and pay for your actions.

>> No.10901961


13k for now. Went to community college. Going in my final semester and transferring to a 4-year to double major in Math and computer science.

Family's in a tough financial situation.

>> No.10901967
File: 61 KB, 539x960, 1565414051928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So being a parasite was your plan all along, and only cost society $200k, not to mention whatever disability you're on? Amazing! This is why the world loves useless, careless schizos.

>> No.10901986

>Hello haitian here
>Our country isn't really that bad
>In fact, if you discount all the poor, uneducated people we are actually just as good as any first country
>For instance, go to Port Au Prince and get rid of 99% of the population while only looking at the rich members of government and/or multinational allies
>Their grade of life and education is literary top tier
Gotta love cherry picked statistics.

>> No.10901995

>Dem self-citations
Topless kek!

>> No.10902458

Around 30k from 4 years of in-state tuition.

>> No.10903211

350k for md phd mba mph

>> No.10903730
File: 45 KB, 640x483, 3d3dbcf8a4f9dbee8fc608c8d62dbb8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean don't pay it back. It's like 1trillion in student loan debts. If you owe less than $25,000-$30,000. Pay it back, but if you owe more than that. Don't pay that shit back. That's the only way they'll ever fix anything if people just don't pay back.

>> No.10903742

>Yuros, we fucking know, you have free college.
Not read the thread, but wondering how many burgers have pointed out that “it’s not free!!! They pay it in taxes!!!!!”, even though I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone who didn’t know that.

>> No.10904053


>> No.10904111


Hello fellow PGY1.

>> No.10904190

she really does look like a retard, kek