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File: 2.50 MB, 1439x2208, 3rd impact confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10891069 No.10891069 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the third impact?

>> No.10891076


nigga, you mean it lit up 70k years ago

>> No.10891077

What were the first two?

>> No.10891083
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>> No.10891093

black hole supernova inbound

nice knowing you worthless fucks.

>> No.10891094

What would we actually experience if that happened?

>> No.10891147

its simple dude, its just a new Universe emerging inside ours, what proves we live in a fractal Multiverse...
We just can realize we live inside one because the window of events in undetectable to us...

>> No.10891151


>> No.10891154

A shockwave of unimaginable energy hits Earth, incinerating it instantly.

But you experience nothing. It's about as peaceful an end as you get.

You're turned into a cloud of plasma before the electrical signal from your eyes reaches your brain to report something is going on.

>> No.10891158


>> No.10891160

oh boy we'll all die in 70,000 years
i'm terrified

>> No.10891163

Third impact in Evangelion wasn't a black hole suddenly heating up, and second impact was the South Pole Adam thing which hasn't happened irl.

>> No.10891168

I guess that explains the Fermi paradox.

>> No.10891171

No it doesn't.
If that ever happened before there would be no planets.

>> No.10891175

Wait I forget, what was the first impact in Eva?

>> No.10891184

Fermi paradox is a popsci meme

"Where is everyone" the obvious answer is that SR makes fast space travel impossible, and the relatively slow speed of radio transmission makes it impractical as a interplanetary communication mechanism.

Also you assume other species would want to explore space or communicate with others. After someone makes the equivalent of WoW on an alien planet, their goals of finding other life are abandoned as they find sufficient happyness on their own world.

>> No.10891201

>Black hole

>> No.10891208

the meteor that whiped out the dinoes

>> No.10891213
File: 60 KB, 500x495, fucking nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10891282
File: 111 KB, 632x480, 07_C080_textbook-overlay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, first impact was the collision that created the Moon, pic related is from Shinji's textbook shown briefly in the show

>> No.10891321

The lore is that some weirdo civilization seeded the galaxy or universe or something either with an Adam which gives rise to the Angels in the show, or with an Eve which gives rise to life as we know it. For some reason Earth is seeded with both and that impact from the seeding vessels is what created the moon.

>> No.10891365

muh radio waves
muh aliens never send out probes and still age despite being hyperadvanced
muh 1% lightspeed is literally impossible
muh solar panels are impossible

>> No.10891389
File: 33 KB, 382x510, watt beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black hole lights up...

>> No.10891403

are we going to get some kind of shockwave impact on our solar system?

>> No.10891420
File: 11 KB, 645x773, whiteface wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I won't be able to sleep tonite.

>> No.10891558
File: 112 KB, 982x538, Second_Impact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, let me explain.

First Impact was when the Black Moon of Lilith collided with Earth billions of years ago. This collision formed the Moon.

The Second Impact was when Adam, the first angel and progenitor of the angels was accidentally awakened resulting in the destruction of Antarctica and the 2 billion causalities.

Third Impact was supposed to occur if an angel manages to neutralize Lilith, thus annihilating all life on Earth and allowing the Angels to take over.

Once all the angels had been killed, SEELE initiated Third Impact to turn Humanity into a single superorganism. Shinji rejects Instrumentality, freeing Humanity and leaves their scattered souls to float aimlessly in space.

Fourth Impact was some bullshit made up by the writers of the Rebuilds because they ran out of ideas and because the Eva franchise is dead due to capitalist greed.


>> No.10891577

Where can they even go with 3.0+1.0? I don't even remember what happened with 3.0, just that shinji woke up in the future but him and asuka didn't age, and asuka has an eye patch now, and he ran away to play piano with Kaworu or some shit.

>> No.10891626
File: 31 KB, 220x161, congrats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10891643

If what we are seeing is already 70,000 years old, then why wouldn't the actual blast be following?
It's not like it takes an additional 70,000 years, it's already been seventy thousand years once

>> No.10891654

>It's effective mass was 4.2 times 20 squared to the 10nth
Nigguh what?

>> No.10891679

imagine reading this shit and taking it seriously

>> No.10891683

bro what you just said is so stupid i lost 20IQ points

>> No.10891703

Of course, even if lightdpeed is the limit, that would not be a problem for an advanced alien species with artificially increased lifespan, nor it would for their virtually inmortal robots

>> No.10891708


>> No.10893004
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you right apart from
the human souls turn in to the sea thats at the end of the 1st film
they also stated that the humans can turn back into human if they want it so

the Rebuilds are a diffrent story
same world same characters, but what happens if you change only a very few things
such as
adding a girl called maki who kinder supports shinji
and eva01 already having a core

apart from that good series and films very fun watch

>> No.10893112


>> No.10893160

>tfwywn spurt your LCL all over Asuka's glasses before piercing her Central Dogma with your Lance of Longinus

>> No.10893274

Galactic superwave?

>> No.10893316
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>> No.10893387

Muh we have no evidence of aliens anywhere despite the fact that logically there should be millions of them but I'll plug my ears because I don't like the implications of what that means

>> No.10893397


>> No.10893435

You don't make up what this word means; you observe correlations between your thoughts on the matter and what is actually observed.

>> No.10893496

Light travels faster than the “blast” anon. Use your head.

>> No.10893511

The shit you have to worry about are the gamma and x rays, which travel at the speed of light.

>> No.10893644

ayyy bro LMAO!!

>> No.10893660

What is atmosphere?

>> No.10893717

thats not gonna do shit, even a normal gamma burst from the sun could instantly kill us, which will inevitably happen sooner or later

>> No.10893761


>> No.10893764

No... They are wave-particles that lose energy as they spread to cover more volume.

>> No.10895132

>light travel at the speed of light
>the things we have to worry about travel at the speed of light
>the light have already hit us, meaning the things we have to worry about have also hit us

>> No.10895188

Evangelion is not supposed to be about giant robots ?

>> No.10895227
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>> No.10895269

How disgusting.

>> No.10895278

The radiation that would kill us would have already hit us at the same time the light hit us. >>10895132 is correct as well.