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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10882269 No.10882269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine for a moment you're in another world. A rational world.
>Someone says something
>Provides some reasoning, observation, or data
>The others listen as they make their case
"Well gosh, that sounds pretty outlandish but from what I see here there's definitely something going on. Let's check it out."
>They proceed to act in their collective interest and find the answer

Now come back to the real world.
>Someone says something
>Provides some reasoning, observation, or data
>The others may or may not listen
:Yeah whatever schizo."
"That's not possible [because it's outside the Overton window, which has been externally defined]".
"What can I do about it anyway."
"Schizo schizo schizo!"
"Nuh uh!"

See what's been done? Any sense of community or mutual interest has been eroded. Everyone has been rendered a flaccid coward, that's where this comes from, fear. People are too used to being superficially taken care of, even if it's just a perpetually state of relatively stable mediocrity. It is a disease of abundance and deferred responsibility.

You need to wake up before it's too late.

>> No.10882273

t. schizo

>> No.10882284

I appreciate the Schizos.

>> No.10882287

t. conditioned animal
possibly glow animal

>> No.10882293

when its 2 late i will happily kill myself
your move, schizo

>> No.10882297

Take it from someone who lived around ten years with one foot in the grave, no you won't. It's not that easy, kiddo. You tell yourself that because it makes the sensation of being trapped more bearable. The idea that you could just kill yourself if it gets too bad is the psyche's attempt at reclaiming some level of power over one's life.

Odds are, that clarity you imagine will never come. The conditions for you to happily kill yourself will never come. Odds are, your environment will never satisfactorily do it for you either. It doesn't care about your criteria.

>> No.10882311

I think you are exaggerating here. Maybe the normies are like this, but normies are by definition retarded. But everyone who gets called schizo in /sci/ is because they are actually schizo. I mean, look at our boys Tooker and Optimum boy. Could you even argue against them being schizo at this point? Remember that one has anal implants.

>> No.10882313

maybe schizos like you are the problem itself.

>> No.10882316

>Implying there are problems
t. schizo

/sci/ is on the whole normies.

>> No.10882324

>/sci/ is on the whole normies.
I think you probably need to be some kind of autistic to even consider going to the fucking math board of 4chan.

>> No.10882329

It might well be...

>> No.10882333

wasnt betting on you being switched on
touche schizo

>> No.10882338

>he doesn’t know that this board has a higher number of ledditfags than almost any other besides /pol/ and /lit/
t. normalfag

>> No.10882341


>> No.10882342

If you are a plebbitfag who comes to 4chan for whatever the fuck, the fact that you are choosing the math board instead of any other board shows you are at least, on some level, autistic.

>> No.10882349

no it doesnt it shows you think youre smart
nice cope redditfag, you are the 'normie' you despise

>> No.10882350


>> No.10882396

Imagine for a moment you're in another world. A rational world.
>Someone says the holocaust was way over exaggerated
>Points out that even if the nazis burned people round the clock at auschwitz from 1933 to 1945, they could only have cremated about 30,000 people (6 individual cremators x 24 hours per body x 365 days per year x 12 years = 26,280 bodies)
>Points out that no mass graves were ever found near auschwitz, despite extensive searching
>points out that there's almost no documentation of a supposed continent-wide massacre
>The others listen as they make their case
"Well gosh, that sounds pretty outlandish but from what I see here there's definitely something going on. Let's check it out."
>They proceed to act in their collective interest and find the answer

Now come back to the real world.
>Someone says something
>Provides some reasoning, observation, and data
>The others may or may not listen
>Interrupt them whenever they try to explain
>Refuse to accept even the most basic of facts about the topic at hand
:Yeah whatever schizo."
"That's not possible [because it's outside the Overton window, which has been externally defined]".
"What can I do about it anyway."
"Schizo schizo schizo!"
"Nuh uh!"

>> No.10882399

oy vey oy gevalt go back to pol you bigot
give us money for the missiles

>> No.10882408
File: 68 KB, 600x456, CBEB2308-6E7D-4621-8028-85DB482CBB0E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ - math and science
>implying normies dont love Science™

>> No.10882423

What do you mean what? Children pollute this site talking smack about normies and Reddit. Grownups are not concerned with such things. "Back to /pol/" is not much better.

>> No.10882438

Nah I believe its a guy from another thread thats buthurt but he is right.
He may be a new user of the site or retarded.
Terms like this pop up all the time on 4chan its part of the vocabulary,its not something one takes personally.
Remember when "incel" was hot?
Remember when "cuck" was hot,or "_soy"?
Same with this word,since this type of words hit directly in people ego and schizo here it hitting directly in the scientists ego because the nature of our surrounding.

>> No.10882442

Ok, I agree that schizo is now becoming more like "cuck", but at least you have to agree that Tooker and Gary are actual fucking schizos. I personally only use schizo to refer to them, I'm too old to follow you kid's memes and smoke the juuls.

>> No.10882447

I dont even know who these people are.
Tripfags and namefags are auto filtered for me since 2008.

>> No.10882453

They are not tripfags or namefags. Once you meet them once, you'll never forget their patterns. They are very dangerously schizophrenic and will regularly bring up their schizo stories. If you need to know, Tooker is a physicist that got kicked out of academia for (allegedly) raping two fellow Ph.D. students, and since then he has dedicated to publishing his research to Vixra, but his mental state just keeps deteriorating and his papers get more retarded as time goes. Gary (Optimum boy) is a school teacher that once learned how to use Excel and now thinks that the universe can be modelled as a cellular automata he programmed in Excel, but he thinks he deserves to be paid for his effort, so he SELLS his fucking "Optimum theory" bullshit and makes youtube videos about it.

>> No.10882461

i'm pretty interested in The Clampster and 5G spammer atm, i can't wait for them to doxx themselves

>> No.10882470

Those guys are just memers. What makes Tooker and Gary stand out is that they actually have an online presence outside of /sci/. It's like you can see history happenin. You can actually go and find Tooker's papers and read them all. You can actually go to Gary's website and buy his fucking spreadsheet.

The Clampster just posts "clamped". I want to see him write a paper about clamping.

>> No.10882486

Whos not listening to others? You.

>> No.10882492

What stupid theory do you have for us today schizo?

>> No.10882503

Wrong. When someone else has a different point of view, I let them talk and I listen carefully, but when I try to respond, they walk all over me. I remember there was a guy in hs who would let me talk for as long as I wanted and seemed like he was listening, but I dont think he actually absorbed anything I said because he would never give a rebuttal. He was polite, though. Shame such courtesy is no longer common in conversation anymore.

>> No.10882511

You seem to have a chip on your shoulder. I think you just need to take it easy. Are you Tooker or Gary?

>> No.10882512

t. unclamped, unvaccinated, uncircumcised.

>> No.10882515
File: 875 KB, 1000x1376, 1553037600668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Schizo" is like "incel." Chances are, you only got called one because you are indeed a schizophrenic or actually cannot have sex. Sad! The solution is to not be a dumb schizo.

>> No.10882520

Why do mods/jannies/reddit keep denying the racial intelligence gap?

>> No.10882521

I don't know as I am not a mod or janny, but what I do know is that racism is not nice. To me it makes sense to discourage racism in a community.

>> No.10882525

>what I do know is that racism is not nice.

>> No.10882532


>> No.10882537


>> No.10882541


>> No.10882545

I don't get it. What's more likely, on a rational level. There's something wrong with ALMOST EVERYTHING BESIDES YOU? Or something wrong with YOU?
Occam's Razor would recommend that you assume the latter until you have concrete evidence to support the former - but of course, the concrete evidence must be collected by others, because one cannot trust the proclaimed evidence of another who is assumed from the outset to be "wrong."

>> No.10882554


Funny enough I am vaccinated, circumcised, and if clamp boy isn't laying, probably clamped too. But still, racism is not a good idea. You already accepted, for example, black people into your countries. And they are in the millions. Are you sure you want to just tell them day after day that they are beneath you? Good luck when they finally have enough and kill all of you.

>> No.10882556
File: 53 KB, 850x400, 86FF0E58-86C8-4F21-A231-DAC70F6B2C24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism is not nice
4chan isnt about being nice, its about free expression. If youre suppressing the truth on top of that, then even worse.
>it makes sense to discourage racism in a community
From a profit perspective? Maybe, but meddling in the community is an affront to 4chan's goal of being a clean slate for users to post on. Besides, 4chan is already turning a profit with its current advertisers and its reputation means that even if it became like reddit, mainstream advertisers still wont come. If you dont like racism, maybe it's best to not go to a site where the most common word is "nigger".

>> No.10882560

>From a profit perspective?
From a survival perspective. If a race is inferior, then you just turn your society into a hard meritocracy, and you let everything assemble itself naturally. You absolutely do not want to discriminate against people because that's how you get a revolution.

Seriously, I'm sure black people could easily kill all of you. Even if outnumbered (for now) I'm sure every hood nigga could take out at least 20 spoiled whiteys.

>> No.10882564

>Are you sure you want to just tell them day after day that they are beneath you?
Well, to be fair, we did do that for the 400 years prior to the last 70

>> No.10882566

Yeah, you did that. And now they got their rights back, and even managed to get more rights than you (AA, low interest loans for PoC, etc). Are you sure you want to keep pushing? They are already going fo reparations in 2020. Stop pushing.

>> No.10882574

>I'm sure every hood nigga could take out at least 20 spoiled whiteys.

For some reason I don't believe that:

>> No.10882577

It's worth noting that the earliest slavers were Jews. They did the same thing the Belgians did in central Africa, they filtered out the psychopaths amidst the blacks and made them more powerful than the others. This is why the primary slavers were black warlords, who then sold to Jews who had the ships and trade lines well established. It wasn't solely Jews, but this pattern in large part follows them.

Some alternative history stuff lately claims they weren't brought here at all. I find this interesting.

>> No.10882578
File: 582 KB, 1600x1131, 1443FA38-F4E5-4287-A19C-6C5128719D55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's more likely? There's something wrong with ALMOST EVERYTHING BESIDES YOU? Or something wrong with YOU?
Appeal to popularity =\= Occam's razor
Occam's razor states that the least complex explanation is most likely, not that the most popular one is. What's more likely; that people are wrong or that facts and hard evidence are wrong?
>Occam's Razor would recommend that you assume the latter until you have concrete evidence to support the former
We do have concrete evidence and confirmation bias is a well-known phenomenon.

>> No.10882579

>I'm sure
I don't think you are.

>> No.10882581

>Comparing the might of the great conqueror whites from 200 years ago with the modern faggots "milk is too spicy" white man.

Top kek. White people went from wolfs to puppies in the past 200 years. Good luck.

>> No.10882585

No, people call you a schizo because you present completely insane and contrarian ideas ambiguously and without any evidence or proof at all. Learn to talk to people and ease them into your beliefs.

>> No.10882586

>4chan is about free expression
What makes you think this? Did you read it on reddit? We're on the /sci/ board on 4channel, which is merely about discussing science and mathematics.
>most common word
It really isn't. There are plenty of wonderful, nice people here. Especially on this board. Sorry, but you're the outsider here if you're unironically racist. You can be as loud as you like but it won't change anything at all.
You do realize that this website only has that reputation because people did it in the past ironically / as a joke, right? And that only in very recent years has this website actually been a place where people unironically spread that sort of rhetoric on anything above a negligible scale? How long have you been in delusion about this website?

>> No.10882595

>If a race is inferior, then you just turn your society into a hard meritocracy
Meritocracies never have and never will exist. Bias, self-interest, and nepotism will always spoil any system, then you dont have a meritocracy; worse - you have the illusion of one.
>and you let everything assemble itself naturally
People of different races naturally segregate themselves when left to their own devices.
>You absolutely do not want to discriminate against people because that's how you get a revolution
Then you should stop discriminating against people who want an ethnostate. Hitler gained massive public support after the NSDAP was repressed by the Weimar Republic.
>Seriously, I'm sure black people could easily kill all of you.
They are killing us. Black-on-white crime is 25x more prevalent than white-on-black crime. It's something we should stop. Your choice if it is done through separation or extermination. Believe it or not, genocides have historically been very common and successful. Im not here to convince you, Im here to warn you. The writing is on the wall.

>> No.10882596

You're incorrect about Occam's Razor. Occam's Razor states that one should begin with the hypothesis which requires one to make the fewest / least invasive assumptions first. This is the sense of complexity. The breadth of the assumption "everyone else is wrong" far outclasses that of the assumption "I and a select few others are wrong." I understand that you believe you have concrete evidence, but I personally doubt that you do. And I can always throw the confirmation bias accusation right back at you.
Also? Saving that image to your computer gives one the impression that you are rather immature when it comes to this sort of thing. It would be fallacious of me to claim that this indicates something wrong about you, but I want to be clear that it certainly doesn't look good. There are many people who can spout about fallacies all day to obscure the concrete, non-semantic logical holes in their convictions.

>> No.10882600

So is your entire worldview predicated on taking all pieces of information in the most pessimistic, negative manner possible? It's almost as though you actively twist any and all claims to fit your narrative of "everything gets worse all the time!"

>> No.10882606

Everyone on this board is Clamped. Except me.

>> No.10882607

No clamp champ?

>> No.10882609

t. Clamped.

>> No.10882613

>What makes you think this?
The fact that the fucking founder of the site AND the current owner said that. I literally included the quote in the pic, you fucking mongoloid.
>There are plenty of wonderful, nice people here. Especially on this board. Sorry, but you're the outsider here if you're unironically racist.
This is bad bait. Go back to r****t.

>> No.10882621

Born via cesarean and taken from my mother for 4 hours, without even letting her hold me. Unknown, but almost necessarily clamped.

They clamp.

>> No.10882622

The founder on the site literally censored the entire website when the current discussion hurted his clamped girlfriend's fee fees.

>> No.10882627

>Occum's razor states that if a majority of people believe something, it must be true!
That's literally what youre saying. The preponderance of the evidence comes before occum's razor.
>Saving that image to your computer gives one the impression that you are rather immature when it comes to this sort of thing.
In the sense that if someone uses a fallacious argument, I will tell them and ask that they use an actual arguement. Btw, nice ad hominem. Youre typing like a woman, therefore youre wrong; and if you point out that that logic is incorrect, then youre immature, too!

>> No.10882639
File: 173 KB, 500x645, 125AF388-6C78-4E2A-9150-E4BF9A64D370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is your entire worldview predicated on taking all pieces of information in the most pessimistic, negative manner possible?
>It's almost as though you actively twist any and all claims to fit your narrative of "everything gets worse all the time!"
I never said "Everything gets worse all the time." Next time you go to open your mouth, try to get some air down your throat instead of just cock.

>> No.10882644

Don't know what you guys are talking about but I clap my hands at your understanding of the razor. This site gives simpletons access to great philosophies that are weapons in the hands of children. The razor is a tool to cut off what is not. Not to find what is. In the employment of troubleshooting complex mechanical or social systems, it is not usually the simple answer. The details that cannot be ruled out must be considered.

>> No.10882645

He was receiving death threats, and he only censored it for a couple days until the shitstorm blew over. Its not like r*ddit or facejew where there are things you literally cant say.

>> No.10882647
File: 197 KB, 2048x1462, 1548022929177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember biode boy? That shit was hilarious. Especially since I study electrical engineering. It was sad too because he put so much effort into his delusions. If only we could somehow harness the unadulterated focus and drive of the schizo.

>> No.10882649

>He was receiving death threats
If that's a valid reason for censorship, then where do you draw the line? I thought 4chan was about free expression? Also, don't be fucking dramatic. He censored gamergate because he was a cuckold.

>> No.10882651

I draw the line at death threats which are already illegal.

>> No.10882652

Well, no one was threatening his life before he started censoring as he wasn't even part of GG before that. You are clearly CLAMPED.

>> No.10882655

Oh you monitor all his emails and phone calls, and every filtered/shadowbanned online interaction?

>> No.10882658

>If that's a valid reason for censorship
It's not, but dont try to pretend like moot didnt have a good reason for temporarily betraying his morals. In the grand scheme, a couple days isnt much and I really can hold it against grandmaster faggot for putting his own safety over his principles for a short period of time.
>I thought 4chan was about free expression?
It is. We raised hell all across this site when we found out about the censorship, which is probably a big reason it stopped. You'd know that if you were actually an oldfag and not some LARPinf ledditor.

>> No.10882662

It's just logic. Before he got involved, why would anyone even talk to him? I mean, the first sticky he made regarding GG didn't even mention threats, just that he really liked watching his girlfriend getting fucked by FIVE black GUYS.

>> No.10882664

I always have to put "transratiometer" into google and see if he's put out any more content since

>> No.10882667

>no one was threatening his life before he started censoring
No, you retard, he was getting death threats from feminists, which is why he started the censoring. He gave into their demands temporarily.
>as he wasn't even part of GG before that
The people who exposed the GG scandal were operating on /v/ and /b/, hence why moot was targeted, since he was the site admin and owner. The fact that you dont know this confirms youre a ledditfag.

>> No.10882673

>No, you retard, he was getting death threats from feminists, which is why he started the censoring. He gave into their demands temporarily.

Oh, so censorship is valid now if other people threaten you. Thank God, I thought you had principles and meant that it is only worth censoring people if they are harassing you. Now I know you have no principles and believe it is okay to censor group A for the actions of group B.

"4chan is about free expression"

>> No.10882701

>so censorship is valid now if other people threaten you
Youre such a fucking retard that you actually think that putting words in my mouth is a valid argument tactic. I NEVER said that the censorship should have happened, I'm merely correcting your dumb ass because you're incredibly misinformed about what actually happened because you were on r*ddit during the whole event and now youre shitting up my site. Go back to where you came from and never come back.
>"4chan is about free expression"
I guarantee that youve never had to fear for your safety once in your entire life. Go outside once in a while and maybe youll learn. In life, you have to make tough decisions and those decisions arent always the right decisions. I unironically wish WWIII would happen so all you retards that cant draft dodge will get culled by antiquated soviet weaponry wielded by gopniks.

>> No.10882702
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>> No.10882719

t. brit milah'd

>> No.10882729

fuck off faggot

>> No.10882737
File: 454 KB, 1368x628, 0DF6CFC3-14C5-4C82-B542-EAD04517CB07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Henryk Tauber, a member of a Sonderkommando who worked in several of Birkenau’s gas chambers, stated after the war: “We worked in two shifts, a day shift and a night shift. On average, we incinerated 2,500 bodies a day.”
>2500 bodies per day
>1 body every 3.5 minutes.

>We stacked multiple bodies into the cremators!
Cannot be done. Not only were the cremators so small that you could only FIT 3 bodies in at once, but cremators wont even stay lit with multiple bodies in them because there's too much water in the chamber to sustain combustion.
>links to secondary sources instead of primary sources
Very convincing.

>> No.10882776

Answer the question please

>> No.10882794
File: 409 KB, 1178x1177, 20190103_174619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"STOP CALLING ME A SCHIZO!!!": the thread
>80 replies, 19 posters
like pottery

>> No.10882888

I still stalk his social media since he's a dangerous lunatic who happens to live a few towns over from me and hike in the same area.
He just got accepted to some college and was arrested for throwing a molotov into his neighbor's house.

https://pastebin.com/QeDiV2GK Pretty fuckin hilarious chatlogs where his crazy alienates some other dude.
He's Noah

>> No.10882900

Got his nudes here
Click at your own risk

>> No.10882902

>schizo has a bigger dick than me
Fuck me, shouldn't have clicked.

>> No.10882906

lol someone got called schizo one time too many

you know it's just you though, right

>> No.10882909

The mass graves of people gunned down by the Einsatzgruppen on the East Front have been widely researched. And you estimate of 24 hours to burn a single body is cute when even with a coffin and a single body at the same time it takes only a few hours. Not to mention you're not counting all cremators.

>> No.10882910

Here he is doxing his friend lel

>> No.10882913
File: 533 KB, 3184x2998, 1450652746748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10882917

Brain is stored in the dick, and he's got a priapism

>> No.10882921

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ______

>> No.10882934

>He censored gamorgate because he was a cuckold.

He censored gamorgate because gamorgate was gaey af. Like who gives af about video games 4 real

>> No.10882938
File: 49 KB, 383x493, E19F8191-AEE7-4DE6-BF34-860CE9E1AFAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mass graves of people gunned down by the Einsatzgruppen on the East Front
Dead soviets and resistance fighters =\= murdered prisoners
>And you estimate of 24 hours to burn a single body is cute when even with a coffin and a single body at the same time it takes only a few hours.
Even if we assume that it only takes 2 hours to cremate a body, that's still only 315,360 bodies in 12 years. And the nazis probably didn't implement the death camps until well after hitler came to power, so I'm being generous.
>Not to mention you're not counting all cremators.
Auschwitz only ever had 6 cremators. Some of them werent even installed until years after it was operational. So again, Im being generous in assuming 6 cremators in my estimate. Any way you slice it, theres no way that auschwitz could have killed anything close to the claimed 1.4 million people.

>> No.10883310

Whenever someone calls me a schizo I take it as a badge of honor. It simply means I am more enlightened than the shills.

>> No.10883323

What would really make it pottery is 80 replies and 1 poster

>> No.10883340

>modern faggots "milk is too spicy" white man.
White people are the only ones able to digest milk though cumbrain

>> No.10883487
File: 465 KB, 1242x1279, 1552830492463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Garbage conspiracy theory that has been debunked for ages is "truth that people won't see"
Ask me how i know you are a clueless zoomer who thinks /pol/ browsing makes xim an oppressed intellectual.

>> No.10883612

>You can actually go to Gary's website and buy his fucking spreadsheet.
Not anymore, he took it down a few days ago. https://www.optimuminstitute.org/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg1MePVososjk_i6haMJEdQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq8ajo1SXXv_YiatMgtLveg

>> No.10883630
File: 186 KB, 853x1432, FE69ECFA-9038-4314-A2B9-3A5B93C8286F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uses NPC meme to blindly affirm support for a zionist conspiracy theory about electric floors and household toiletries made out of people
"Oy vey, how dare you question the holocaust. I narrowly avoided getting gassed be feigning a stomachache right before they killed me! I wouldve been a lampshade otherwise!"

>> No.10883693

>Cannot be done. Not only were the cremators so small that you could only FIT 3 bodies in at once, but cremators wont even stay lit with multiple bodies in them because there's too much water in the chamber to sustain combustion.
That doesn't make sense, the source of combustion is in the pits below the bodies. Water in the bodies would be lost to evaporation as they burn before they can fall into the pit. And of course you ignore Rudolf Höss, who confirmed that multiple bodies were burned at the same time.

>links to secondary sources instead of primary sources
If linking to second sources is bad imagine how bad linking to no sources is. Oh wait, you have no sources you pathetic hypocrite.

>> No.10883725

>Even if we assume that it only takes 2 hours to cremate a body, that's still only 315,360 bodies in 12 years.
It took 20 minutes according to the manufacturer's instructions. Why are you lying?

>> No.10883738

My father was cremated. I went there and watched his body loaded into the cremator, the guy said it took a few hours. Legally we had to pick up at the funeral home, but it certainly wasn't 20 minutes for all steps.

No stake in this. Just saying.

>> No.10883747

I hate how /sci/ harps on psychology field but then uses autism and schizo as buzzwords

Hint #1: Not everyone who is obsessed about something has autism. Autism is low social intelligence, simple as that.

Hint#2: Schizophrenic actually have way more auditory hallucinations than visual ones. People with Schizophrenia will attack different and heat voices at completely random times. Even at a setting they are comfy in and are happy. Stop confusing schizophrenia with bipolar disorder

>> No.10883760

Was your father cremated in a container? Was the oven already being used when they put his body in or did it start cool? A civilian cremation has very little in common with what the Nazi's were doing.

See >>10882702

>> No.10883767

>Was your father cremated in a container?
Cardboard box. Plastic bag inside.

>Was the oven already being used when they put his body in or did it start cool?
Near as I can recall it would have been cold prior. It was April 20th or so in the Northeast.

>A civilian cremation has very little in common with what the Nazi's were doing.
I'm not that interested but I may read it later. I'm sure the equipment differs somewhat.

>> No.10883821

What would you guys be thinking if you ended up doxxing a functional schizo? It just seems to me as though these guys found a little bit of truth or some idea but then ran with it till it became meaningless.

Once you begin to question the world around you it can become difficult to maintain a grip on reality. Most people overcompensate by simply accepting the status quo without question.

>> No.10883847
File: 270 KB, 542x1099, EF7A2D82-BEA1-41D5-93DB-F1CA9691105F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the source of combustion is in the pits below the bodies. Water in the bodies would be lost to evaporation as they burn before they can fall into the pit.
Do you know how gases work, bruh? As water boils, it becomes a vapor and moves all around. If multiple bodies were in the crematorium, the water vapor would bring the oxygen level down to a point where combustion would not be possible. Modern cremators dont have this problem, because they blow air into the chamber at very high speeds, but that technology wasnt available at auschwitz.

You want sources? Well here you go:
>"Two adults that are to be cremated together often times end up being cremated in two separate machines side-by-side because there isn’t enough room in one."
So cremators are generally not able to FIT more than one body in them at once. Exactly as I said earlier.
>"most people don’t know that it takes 2 – 2.5 hours to cremate a human body. As a general rule, people don’t spend a whole bunch of time thinking about the details of cremation, and so when pressed, most people think that it should take 15 – 30 minutes. There’s a lot of water to boil off, and heating water is a long, energy intensive process."
So we're looking at at least 2 hours per body using ultra effective modern technology. Imagine how much slower it must have been 80 years ago at auschwitz.
see what I said above. Why are YOU lying?

>> No.10883856
File: 487 KB, 605x694, 6F1DAF61-E3D0-4717-8FC6-B3B7FE56FAD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And of course you ignore Rudolf Höss, who confirmed that multiple bodies were burned at the same time.
>His wife had revealed his whereabouts to protect her son, Klaus, who was being “badly beaten” by British soldiers, many of them Jewish."
>"Höss initially denied his identity "insisting he was a lowly gardener, but Alexander saw his wedding ring and ordered Höss to take it off, promising to cut off his finger if he didn't. Höss' name was inscribed inside. The Jewish soldiers accompanying Alexander began to beat Höss with axe handles."
So there is evidence that Hoss's family and personal safety was threatened by allied forces that brought him into custody. You know, theres a reason that confessions extracted under duress arent admissible in court, right?
>In his affidavit made at Nuremberg on 5 April 1946, Höss stated: "I commanded Auschwitz until 1 December 1943, and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning, and at least another half million succumbed to starvation and disease, making a total of about 3,000,000 dead."
Hoss stated that he killed more than twice as many people than is actually claimed by historians. This is clear evidence that his testimony is not reliable.
>Hoss said: "During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear."
>"After a few days I was taken to Minden on the Weser River, which was the main interrogation center in the British zone. There they treated me even more roughly, especially the first British prosecutor"
If Hoss is to be believed, then he was tortured and threatened into signing a false testimony. If he isnt to be believed, then why should we believe his testimony?

>> No.10883858


In a previous era people were even more trigger happy to put non-conformist types into asylums. Homosexuals were the most typical of this group.

>Everyone has been rendered a flaccid coward, that's where this comes from, fear. People are too used to being superficially taken care of, even if it's just a perpetually state of relatively stable mediocrity. It is a disease of abundance and deferred responsibility.

I don't see how this is the case. Most people just don't care about someone else's ramblings.

>> No.10883878

Oh wow. I really do hope this is just Gary realizing his spreadsheet was retarded and not because some sicko threatened him or something. I wish Gary well. Now that he has dropped the optimum bullshit he can get to impregnating his wife.

>> No.10883888

>Do you know how gases work, bruh? As water boils, it becomes a vapor and moves all around.
It's a ventilated system you moron. You have no reasoning and no sources to suggest the water content is a problem.

>You want sources? Well here you go:
>"Two adults that are to be cremated together often times end up being cremated in two separate machines side-by-side because there isn’t enough room in one."
How convenient that you omitted the context:
"Space, being a premium in a cremation chamber, means that this isn’t always possible."
So it's not *always* possible because not all ovens are big enough. This has no bearing on whether these specific ovens were big enough.

>So we're looking at at least 2 hours per body using ultra effective modern technology.
This was already addressed by the source I posted. Modern cremations are done in containers and the ovens are not on continuously. They start cold. The manufacturer's own instructions says that it only takes 25 minutes per body. You lose retard.

>> No.10883889

Hopw can you call anybody actually a schizo, when mainstream science promotes poop transplants?

>> No.10883893

I think it's either he realized doxing himself was a bad idea or because the braindead gf story got debunked.
the sites been down since this thread >>/sci/thread/10869035
And he DMCA'd the archive channel right after this one >>/sci/thread/10876594
Gary has lied multiple times about getting hacked, having his family contacted, etc. So if something like that actually occurred I doubt he'd go silent. He'd probably see it as an opportunity to show off how he's being oppressed.

>> No.10883897

Poop transplants sounds like the perfect schizo talking point, but there is actually well-documented and peer-reviewed literature. If you think about it, all science is schizo talking points. The difference is that through the publication of papers, we turn schizo into non-schizo.

The problems with schizos is not really their ideas, that may be amusing and unique. It is their lack of legitimacy. Tooker boy is so bad at actually explaining himself that he can't get to arxiv, and his papers are filled with wrong proofs anyways so there is no hope for him. And Optimum boy just refuses to write a paper (even though he promised one a long time ago).

>> No.10883898


mainstream science promotes something much more dangerous: entire organ transplants. This happens because people discovered that it can be done safely, reliably, and lead to an improved quality of life for the patient.

Meanwhile people screaming about da joos on an imageboard tend to be unhinged from reality and just want to gas kikes

>> No.10883900

Schizos love the attention so I doubt it's doxxing himself. Tooker boy even keeps updated biographies of himself so that it's easier for new Tooker fans to get into the lore. So it's probably braindead gf related. That was just so stupid.

But I still do hope that it was because he finally realized his spreadsheet was retarded. But schizo never learns, so I'm probably wrong. Gary, if you are reading this, stop playing mad scientist and JUST GO FUCK YOUR GIRLFRIEND.

I mean damn, she's hot. And he actually looks like a school shooter. The fact that his gf is so cute should be enough to distract his schizo tendencies because if she was my gf I'd be balls deep inside her asshole all day.

>> No.10883905

>You know, theres a reason that confessions extracted under duress arent admissible in court, right?
This was not a confession, he wrote this in his memoirs, the same text where he said the British whipped him. So you're saying he was forced to lie about how many bodies went into the ovens but he was allowed to tell everyone he was forced to lie in the exact same text???? Time to grow up and accept reality, you delusional little tard.

>> No.10883906
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>> No.10883911

>Germans can literally gas people to death but if the allies do not act as perfect beacons of morality after the fact, everything they accomplished is put into question and da joos once again swindled us all

Yeah. First of all, /sci/ is an pro-Israel board so you should go fuck off. Second, Germans are fucking rats and we'll soon execute the final solution to the German question.

>> No.10883921
File: 762 KB, 1271x1279, CE3BDEB6-AA19-44D5-9AF7-EEF3EFFE7F87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wrote this in his memoirs, the same text where he said the British whipped him. So you're saying he was forced to lie about how many bodies went into the ovens but he was allowed to tell everyone he was forced to lie in the exact same text????
No. The part about killing people was from his affidavit made at Nuremberg on 5 April 1946, the part about torture was from his memoir. I gave you the source so you could read it, not so you could ignore it and make your own retarded assumptions.

>> No.10883934
File: 55 KB, 548x487, 0856AAE7-236E-41B0-B47C-AC6EC7063607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germans can literally gas people to death
They didnt.
>but if the allies do not act as perfect beacons of morality after the fact, everything they accomplished is put into question
Im not holding the allies to a double standard. Im pointing out that war crimes occurred on both sides. And yes, we should question the accuracy of testimony obtained by torturing people until they said what we wanted.

>> No.10883935

>No. The part about killing people was from his affidavit made at Nuremberg on 5 April 1946, the part about torture was from his memoir.
Nice try at moving the goalposts but we're taking about the quote from Hoss about multiple bodies going into an oven at the same time and the average time for a body being 20 minutes. That quote is directly from his memoirs. Any more laughably obvious misrepresentations or are you all out? Lying sack of shit.

>> No.10883943

>They didnt.
Okay this is demonstrably true. The entire reason Hitler lost the war was because his hard-on on killing jews. Oh, every night I dream of an alternate timeline in which Hitler was not antisemitic. The world would be a great place...

>Im pointing out that war crimes occurred on both sides.
Fair enough but it's still not the same because one side was human and the other was German.

>> No.10883947
File: 1.11 MB, 750x1334, A607CEF5-F7E6-4B48-B56B-47773DF77169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice try at moving the goalposts
Pointing out that your sources are unreliable is not "moving the goalposts". Nice attempt at distracting from the fact that you cant read.
>we're taking about the quote from Hoss about multiple bodies going into an oven at the same time and the average time for a body being 20 minutes. That quote is directly from his memoirs.
Cool. Now hold yourself to your own standards and find me a source for that quote.
>Any more laughably obvious misrepresentations or are you all out? Lying sack of shit.
Nice projection.

>> No.10883954

>Optimum boy just refuses to write a paper (even though he promised one a long time ago).
If you'll recall, that paper ended up being the script for his video.
I also found this from early 2018 https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9v36j81c3z6zjs/Fluid%20Universe_%20A%20Unified%20Theory%2C%20February%203rd%2C%202018.pdf?dl=0
Seems unfinished though.

>> No.10883965

Well, when I talked with him I always meant an actual scientific paper.

>> No.10883968

I was just saying that that's what he meant when he promised one.

>> No.10883970

Nobody called Nikolai Tesla a schizo even though he had some weird ass theories that turned out to be false. Nobody called Stephen Hawking a schizo even though some of his shit has been disproven.

>> No.10883973

There is nothing wrong with having bad ideas so long as you have some good ones too. That being said schizo is an overused term here. I'm actually happy to call myself schizo but I win all the internet arguments so...

>> No.10883979


Did he write that before making the automaton... Because... I hate to say this ... But that's... kind of...
impressive :-/

>> No.10883981

Well, Stephen Hawking was popping prime-age pussy at orgy Island so there's not much we can call him out on without sounding jelly. I say just let that one go, fucking paraplegic got us good.

>> No.10883987

That paper actually says nothing what the fuck are you talking about? Oh wait, IT'S YOU GARY OH MY GOD. How's it going man?

>> No.10884000


Pretty good. Just spent the past few days balls deep in my girlfriends a...

err... I mean, I'm...

~Not Gary

>> No.10884068

Nikola Tesla had some mental health problems but they only started to appear at a later age. When he made his single contribution (yes he only invented one single thing being the AC motor) he was still mentally sane.

People stopped taking him seriously when he started to claim AC could transfer wireless electricity through the Earth's magneto sphere. After that point he just started to deteriorate entirely talking about electromagnetic interference of solar bodies and the like.

As an actual Electrical Engineer myself it's painfully clear what his thought patterns were when he made up these ideas and how his mental instability caused him to lose his shit. His actual AC motor changed the world though.

But people falsely think Tesla is a scientist or actually made new theory. No he only made the first AC motor and that's it. He didn't make any scientific contributions or engineering contributions beyond demonstrating the AC motor which was the missing puzzle peace to make AC long-distance energy transmission possible which all power plants use to this day.

It's impressive but it's not even close to the contributions of someone like Edison. Let alone to the contributions of the actual scientists that made up the theory like Maxwell etc.

>> No.10884158

>Optimum boy
He isn't schizo; he's just really, really stupid.

>> No.10884162

>I remember there was a guy in hs who would let me talk for as long as I wanted and seemed like he was listening
That poor bastard. You do realize that he was probably thinking "this guy is a total schizo" and was nice so that you didn't go nutso on him, right?

>> No.10884167


Is this a dare? You don't know how stupid I can be. You have seen nothing. NOTHING. I am literally working on a trap album. Do you have any idea? You know when 2Chainz said he "got a big booty hoe I call her big booty?" Think dumber.

I have a track called "in da kitchen" where I rap about my actual cake and bread and carrots, literal, not metaphor. Actual carrot cake

My rap name is Big Wig cuz I'm a Big... Well you get the idea.


>> No.10884180


The albums party banger is called "SHAKE YOUR SHIT HOLE!" With that line shouted over and over again a la Lil John intermixed with the refrain of "MOVE THAT WASTE IN YOUR WASTE!"

I want that one to be playing while you award me my Nobel and the Millennium Prize simultaneously

>> No.10884181


>> No.10884183


I will be putting the Millennium Prize to good use. Most will be spent on a blimp that says "THE LEGENDARY GARY LEE IS AN ACTUAL PIMP" That I will pay to circle the skys over Harvard for 69 days

>> No.10884186


~Not Gary

>> No.10884396

>Pointing out that your sources are unreliable is not "moving the goalposts". Nice attempt at distracting from the fact that you cant read.
Nothing you said affects the reliability of Hoss's memoirs. You're trying to equivocate and failing.

>Cool. Now hold yourself to your own standards and find me a source for that quote.
The source is in the link I posted. Nice reading you fucking retard.

>> No.10884419

M8 the "schizo" comes from people exhibiting paranoid delusions, don't know where you're getting bipolar from.

Bang on about the autism though but who cares ya autist

>> No.10884589

>Pointing out that your sources are unreliable is not "moving the goalposts".
So since you've backtracked on most of your claims you're an unreliable source and everything you say can be ignored. Gee that was easy.

>> No.10884598
File: 654 KB, 720x1030, 1558385329855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's wrong. 4chan is a mere imageboard to talk about hobbies and interests, not your political hug box. The site has global rules against harassment, doxxing etc as well as racism outside of /b/. If you are such a shitposter that you think the word "nigger" adds anything of value, entertainment or even anything of worth, you clearly not meant to be in this board and need to go back to whatever designated shithole you came from.


>> No.10884625

>How dare you question my /pol/ propagraphics?!?!?!
>They are sourced from reputable .biz schizo blogs and supremacist websites
>You clearly are just another glow in the market illuminati lizard and it's basically a genocide

Yawn. Take your pills and keep it in your shitbox /pol/lord.

>> No.10884637

>4chan is a mere imageboard to talk about hobbies and interests, not your political hug box.
Funny how a left wing "hugbox" is a place where right wing posts get deleted, but a right wing "hugbox" is merely a place where there is little moderation at all. It's almost as if... you dont know what that word means.
>The site has global rules against harassment, doxxing etc as well as racism outside of /b/.
Imagine being so new that you didnt know that 4chinn's rules aren't enforced verbatim. Imagine being so new that you dont notice the rampant racism outside of /b/. Imagine being so illiterate that you dont see the harassment in this very thread (and no, theyre not all me).
>If you are such a shitposter that you think the word "nigger" adds anything of value, entertainment or even anything of worth, you clearly not meant to be in this board and need to go back to whatever designated shithole you came from.
Bold move for a ledditnigger to tell me to go back to where I came from (which is 4chan).

>> No.10884656

>wah wah why is no one supporting my dumb made up theory

>> No.10884838

Whatever happened to the CT scan guy who insisted he had lung cancer?
Did he actually have it and then die? I haven't seen him in at least a year

>> No.10884866


Fuck off Reddit

>> No.10884941

>questions are propaganda
>"you got a source for those questions?"
I swear you NPCs dont even read our posts

>> No.10885016

>Provides some reasoning, observation, or data
This is where the schizos fail

>> No.10885110

We had discussions about that every day, and each time the "race realist" argument was BTFO. At this point it's just spam.

>> No.10885115

If you scroll up the stormfag holocaust infographics there isnt a single question among them. It's all unsourced claims with no basis in reality. A 10 year old could debunk all of them. But you're a schizo whose critical thinking circuits have been burned out by propaganda so you'll never realize this

>> No.10885116 [DELETED] 


>> No.10885189

How much of tooker is genuine and how much is him exaggerating his insanity to deflect from glaring math errors?

>> No.10885193
File: 2.66 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM4121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5G anon here. Refer to this:

You can see what's what for yourself, beyond hearsay. I don't think there's an issue with my logic or statements regarding the available data, nor a failure in my error control at scale. I don't know what to say about my psyche beyond that it's relatively durable and overall I'm fairly stable, not to mention incredibly patient. To a point. When my patience runs out, that's that, there will be no more.

About the "once you start questioning the world" part, I don't really agree overall. You're seem to be implying that either people get overwhelmed with what they simply cannot know for certain and become paranoid, or that there's a failure of their reasoning and error control at a certain point and they begin to see signals in noise and believe in it unquestioningly. Both are almost cartoonish oversimplifications of how a certain "archetype" will stabilize in a given environment. I've had discussions with anons about possible reasons people do or start believing things that aren't "mainstream" to begin with.

The degenerate behavior I've seen from people lately, I attribute to neurodegeneration and lack of legitimate natural social feedback loops. The irony about the "ur schizo!" types is they actually have strong schizophrenic traits, notably the near absence of theory of mind. I've derived two fallacies (which are different sides of the same coin) from their behavior.

>> No.10885197
File: 3.07 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM4358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've dubbed the first "the complete mind fallacy". In it, when someone makes a statement one will fallaciously act as though the speaker has given a complete rendition of their entire mind, faculties, reasoning, other possibilities. A complete model of their mind. There is a failure to realize the speaker has their own error control, doubts, multiple branches they probably assessed, and time constraints in their life. No one is of a single direction in their mind, unless they're a mentally pruned NPC probably.

The second I call the "born yesterday fallacy". A person will pretty much behave as though someone with a certain idea or disposition might as well be fresh off the assembly line. They're just an "X" that is now here and generating its programmed output to them, in response to whatever buttons they may push. This strips the humanity from interactions and comes from not having (and using) a model of other people's workings (a theory of mind), considering the genesis of someone who isn't like you, their experiences, value system, and just generally why everyone wouldn't be just like you and everyone you think you know. I feel like this is a consequence of media polarization, fatigue, and laziness. Etc.

It's ironic actually, these people themselves are the schizos. Like the guy who maintains that pastebin on "me" (ie the character he's created), a lot of the posts he's strung together aren't even me. His error rate isn't terrible, but still fairly high. The notion of sponsored character assassination, muddying the waters, shifting the discussion to the poster and priming the thread accordingly, derailing etc, isn't unreasonable. Interacting with him I've felt like he's more like a guy at work who has someone else over his shoulder, there's no real sense of an actual "person" there and he holds his cards as close as they get. Regardless though, In some strange way, I've felt like he's effectively on my side.

>> No.10885198
File: 242 KB, 935x1024, E251013B-AB44-4AD9-9614-F1FD3D668AEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there isnt a single question among them
The one you replied to earlier was titled "21 questions regarding the holocaust" and contained only questions. Very specific questions, yes, but questions.
>It's all unsourced claims with no basis in reality.
All but maybe 1 or 2 contained sources. You have to actually read them to see it.
>A 10 year old could debunk all of them
And yet, you wont/cant.

>> No.10885222

Schizophrenics don't react logically to their environment. Neither do people with bipolar disorder but with bipolar disorder shift in character can be seen through hard external affects. To put it simply if someone says something mildy insulting to them they will flip the fuck out. It's unreasonable but you can understand why the flipped the fuck out. Schizo's will flip the fuck out when you're being nice to them or they flip the fuck out when there are just chilling. You know why its so unpredictable? Because we cannot hear the voice they are hearing. We cannot see what they are seeing. Not everyone with paranoia delusions has schizophrenia. If you do not hallucinate without the effects of drugs then you're not schizophrenic. By the way, if you're over 30 the chances of you getting schizopherina is very very low. It usually starts mildy from their childhood years and accelerates from there.

>> No.10885237

Were you clamped vaccinated and circumcised as a baby?

>> No.10885515

People call him schizo all the time

>> No.10885542

>It's ironic actually, these people themselves are the schizos. Like the guy who maintains that pastebin on "me" (ie the character he's created), a lot of the posts he's strung together aren't even me. His error rate isn't terrible, but still fairly high. The notion of sponsored character assassination, muddying the waters, shifting the discussion to the poster and priming the thread accordingly, derailing etc, isn't unreasonable.

THIS. Individuals keep "files" on me too, and it's bizarre. Something I never expected when I got interested in physics simply for my passion and interest in it. My working model is that institutions don't only have a budget to create things, they also have a budget to destroy "things" and that budget covers anyone they think might move the needle. Trillions flow through these Institutions so it's not like they are lacking funding for it.

>> No.10885546

>THIS. Individuals keep "files" on me too, and it's bizarre
Care to tell your story?

>> No.10885616


Care to tell my story? I would rather not. Let's just say that I have a strong understanding of many things, and I figured that we live in a free and wholesome country and that I could speak openly about my ideas, anonymously at least...

But turns out they will stalk, doxx and harrass you and your family even for anonymous speech... and that I am more than happy to simply share these ideas with close friends and family until the world matures a bit, but frankly I have lost faith in that ever happening; I am now visualized a tiered world with people who live in a secured bubble of ignorance, and people who are more like, oh, the Giver, who understand how things really work, and those two tiers don't mix.

>> No.10885643

I believe through media the masses are being socially engineered.

>> No.10885708

Interesting. The people who develop these files on others obviously have some agenda. I wonder what motivates them. Is it mindless adherence to the status quo? Personal ambition? Personal insecurity?

Honestly sometimes I feel like I am better off just speaking out as a representative of anonymous instead. Publicly. This way nobody can attribute things to me which are totally unrelated.

The anonymous forum should provide a place of discourse and discussion which is free of personal persecution. If this freedom is breaking down then something may need to be done.

>> No.10885713

You're right Gary. I am a member of an institution to determined to take you down. We couldn't let you get any bigger. We couldn't let you get any more eyes on you. We need those eyes on us, to keep the money coming in. We can't allow you to succeed, at making Angleball ® the next great American sport.
I, Tom Crawford, CEO of USA Ultimate, the United States national governing body for the sport of Ultimate Frisbee, Won't stand for it. I demand that you stop marketing Angleball ® immediatly, it's too powerful of a potential competitor, If we allow it to grow it will clearly establish itself as the optimum sport. The mass appeal of an sport where men and women, boys and girls, young and old, are seen as equals, is too much. The inevitable and immense popularity of a sport that isn't about winning as much as it is about just hanging out and having fun will clearly overtake our viewing figures.
I especially demand you discontinue Coolerdisc™, it's a direct encroachment on our market share. If you don't I will be forced to continue posting screencaps of your reddit posts and being mean to you on 4chan.
Don't take this warning lightly Garrett.

>> No.10885774
File: 5 KB, 159x250, 1522706353293s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any sense of community or mutual interest has been eroded.
kys utopist, do you think we have time for all schizo theories

>> No.10885793

Explain this.

>> No.10885805


>> No.10885815

I think the problem was that white people got complacent. Telling them not to push back is basically telling them just to accept a lower IQ people as privileged.

That would lead to a collapsed society IMO.

>> No.10885826

>I draw the line at death threats which are already illegal.
Actually no they aren't

>> No.10885834

>I thought 4chan was about free expression?
you thought wrong basedboy

>> No.10885838

>not even close to the contributions of someone like Edison

You're going to talk all that shit about Tesla but praise the thief Edison?

>> No.10885843

>I've dubbed the first "the complete mind fallacy". In it, when someone makes a statement one will fallaciously act as though the speaker has given a complete rendition of their entire mind, faculties, reasoning, other possibilities. A complete model of their mind.

It's an interesting and common error. People have trouble making the distinction between what they know, and what others know. They assume much of what is known to themselves is 'common knowledge'.

>> No.10885844


Please tell us, what is your motive?

>> No.10885845


Please tell us. what is your motive?

>> No.10885903

You mean the guy who stole ideas from others? I'm not just talking about Tesla.

>> No.10885955

I believe Tom explained quite clearly that we are going to take you down in order to prevent Angleball ® from reaching your goal of professional play by 2023 and dominating the obscure sport industry.
If American Angleball LLC. is not in closure by the end of the day, I Chris Ruder, CEO of SpikeBall inc. will continue to remember things you said and then link to them when you contradict yourself. No one will want to buy overpriced PVC poles from a LIAR.

>> No.10885999


If researching these obsure sports gets you to shape up that neckbeard and meet people in real space, I think anyone would consider that a win

>> No.10886134

/sci/ is a garbage board because of these "t. schizo" posts, little geniuses IQ or chess threads

>> No.10886491

Yep. I have to wonder if this place and some of the "people" here are even real. Some of them are so empty and retarded you could literally have cleverbot generating them to fluff up an otherwise dead board.

>> No.10886864

t. schizos

>> No.10887794

Bump. This thread is needed.

>> No.10887798

I haven't seen the satellites are balloons guy in a long time

>> No.10887863

Transmissions are reflected off the dome, ie, firmament, then collected at ground stations. They're not even satellites, they're just beacons to figure out where to aim.

>> No.10887870

I thought this was a reasonable post until I saw the word “schizo”. Did you say genies exist or something?

>> No.10887873

>Cremation takes a whole day

Dishonesty knows no bounds.

>> No.10887883

My motive for what?

If you want the big one my driving motivation stems from a strong desire to escape the direction society is headed. To do this I must create a new frontier. The only place available is in space.

School shooters migh not shoot schools if they had somewhere more meaningful to exist free from chad and staceys persecution.

The petri dish is full.

That's the basics. Pretty rare to find somebody who is more than a slave to hedonism right.

>> No.10887893

>School shooters migh not shoot schools if they had somewhere more meaningful to exist free from chad and staceys persecution.

Nice troll post almost believed it was serious.

>> No.10887902


You actually believe school shooters are "just plain crazy" and not suffering persecution at home and school.

Bwahahaha. I don't even give a shit. I'm not an amerifat so our school shooters here grow up and turn into people like me.

Who still don't fit in and NEED a fukkin frontier.

So stop stuffing hersheys up your ass you ignorant fuckwit.


>> No.10888150

>it's a schizophrenic retard argues with himself in a desperate cry for attention episode
How much of your life do you spend doing this? Do you really wonder why people would think you're mentally ill?
Stop going off your fucking meds.

>> No.10888480

Based sociopath incel defending other sociopath incels. Stick your penis in a jet engine.

>> No.10889144

>24 hours to cremate a single body
I could build you a coal fired furnace out of bricks and mud that will do better than that you retard.

>> No.10889360

Look who showed up! The holocaust deniers! You retarded faggots. I bet you a million dollars I could turn 3 of you to ash in less than 20 minutes with a giant German engineered gas powered rocket stove. Autistic teens! What next? Wooden doors. Dipshits they had gas masks. Osha was not involved. These were expendable crew members. There are mountains of teeth and hair. Thousands of survivors and millions of witnesses. So the numbers were estimated. No shit, the Nazis destroyed documents. This was evil incarnate, hell on earth. This goes against all American principles.Goose-stepping morons like yourself should be very afraid of freedom loving American patriots. We go hard on Earth. Bite my shiny metal ass!

>> No.10889848
File: 217 KB, 602x405, B5CE2177-B99F-47AA-AC9C-03329801D026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a giant German engineered gas powered rocket stove
They didnt have one of those. Auschwitz had 6 individual creamators, big enough to fit maybe 1 and a half bodies in at once, if you didnt mind fucking up the air circulation.
>Wooden doors. Dipshits they had gas masks.
>These were expendable crew members.
I dont know of a single jewish capo that claimed they were issued gas masks.
>There are mountains of teeth and hair.
Never seen any mountains of teeth, but I have seen hair. And as we all know, hair cant be removed from a persons head without killing them first.
>Thousands of survivors and millions of witnesses.
Yes, so many survivors from what was supposedly a system of death camps. And many of them were shuffled around to numerous different camps. I guess the nazis wanted to give those kikes a tour of germany before gassing them! Very generous, when most genocides throughout history just involved shooting people on sight.
>So the numbers were estimated.
Estimations are, by definition, inaccurate. And yet, it is illegal to dissent from that estimate in much of europe.
>No shit, the Nazis destroyed documents
They destroyed them so well, in fact, that there isnt a single mention of killing prisoners in the entirety of europe. That's german efficiency, I guess.
>This goes against all American principles.
Free speech is unamerican? Cool opinion, bro, but I think youre confusing the US with the USSR.
>Goose-stepping morons like yourself should be very afraid of freedom loving American patriots
If you actually loved freedom, you would support peoples' right to speak their minds. Free speech allows you to call me wrong all you want, but saying political speech is unamerican is, ironically, unamerican.

>> No.10889911

So many blatant lies straight out of your mouth. why would you think anyone would trust you?

>> No.10889956
File: 239 KB, 1024x942, EAA4A613-69C2-4D19-9AD0-1D4BD1E78F04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can only produce one single letter of questionable authenticity to prove that millions of people died
>the only evidence that the letter is authentic is that it made the russians look incompetent
>the letter claims that a single cremator could incinerate 1440 bodies per day
>or 1 body per minute
You'd have us believe that the nazis had ovens that could cremate a body in 60 seconds flat and you wonder why people don't believe this shit. The bottom middle picture here shows how big the cremators at auschwitz were, for reference.

>> No.10889965

>genies exist

>> No.10889975

Funny how you claim you do not want a hugbox yet sperg out at the mere sight of rules. Sorry flower-kin but nowhere in this site does it say people must pander to edgelords on a sperg out streak.

>Racism is everywhere; rules are never enforced!!
And that's exactly the kind of shitpost mentality that tells me you need to keep it in your shitbox. Just because some othee shitposters abound, and mods can be slow to keep up doesn't mean they don't enforce rules and all these people aren't clearly and deliberately shitting up the place. People like you are exactly why they created containment boards, becuase you can't think or contribute anything that isn't straight out of your ass.

you are not fooling anybody friendo. It's time to keep the >>>/pol/ in the loo.

>> No.10890038

>Funny how you claim you do not want a hugbox yet sperg out at the mere sight of rules
I didnt sperg out about anything. I merely pointed out that board rules are not strictly enforced, and are outright ignored most of the time.
>Just because some othee shitposters abound, and mods can be slow to keep up doesn't mean they don't enforce rules
Literally every thread on every board has posters saying nigger. I do it all the time and in 8 years I have only ever been warned by a janny once; banned zero times for racism.
>People like you are exactly why they created containment boards
Every board is a containment board. 4chan is the pinnacle of internet aspergers.
>becuase you can't think or contribute anything that isn't straight out of your ass
Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.10890043

4chan is dead, eightchan tried to revive it but it was ruined by shitters and knee jerk fags shut it down. This used to be the one place where I could have an interesting conversation, this was the last good thing I had. Thanks faggots.

>> No.10890058

>5 crematoria with 52 muffles total
>each muffle averages 4 an hour
>this is somehow at all unreasonable
why can't you stop lying?

>> No.10890074
File: 446 KB, 1032x559, BA3EF79B-F24F-47BB-AFCD-EE8267820D2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep calling me names; its a sure fire way to make up for your ridiculous claims.

>> No.10890245


>> No.10890269

t. circlampinated

>> No.10890377

Does /sci/ have no mods?

>> No.10890517

What needs to be moderated? This is still a branch of 4chan.

You need to understand that mods and jannies are volunteers for the most part. They also have lives. If you're some kind of delicate faggot report posts. This is how the internet works.

Personally I think you should go back to fukkin plebbit with the other plebs who worship rules for the sake of it and need their safe spaces.

Allow us freedom of thought and speech you mutant thought policeman.

Rulefags gonna sook.