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File: 56 KB, 1018x650, stanford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10870097 No.10870097 [Reply] [Original]

What type of high school students with below 3.0 GPA's get admitted into Stanford?

>> No.10870100

Blacks and hispanics

>> No.10870115

Students with 200 IQ's, students who have family ties with faculty or alumni, and students receiving affirmative action.

>> No.10870116


>> No.10870132

don't forget the sportsballers

>> No.10870136

Those are most likely to be the outline on the graph.

>> No.10870148

>Me on the bottom left

>> No.10870174

Students who go to difficult private schools taking ap classes.

>> No.10870182


13% of the population 13% of the seats. That's how it works kid.

>> No.10870185

Look at med school admissions blacks and hispanics have way lower MCAT and GPA's thats not how it should work

>> No.10870191
File: 52 KB, 251x200, berk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stanford isn't a school for smart people. no one who goes to stanford deserves your time.
now BERKELEY, that's where the smart people are.

>> No.10870211

Cal Tech > Stanford > USC > UCLA > Berkeley

>> No.10870215

t. butthurt usc cuck
you literally can't defend this opinion, it's so pathetic
imagine putting mega cope schools like usc and ucla above berkeley
i'll admit that caltech is better for grad school, but undergrad at caltech is trash lmao

>> No.10870217


>> No.10870220

Lol I just wanted a reaction

>> No.10870224

That's how it should work. If you make up 13% of the population you should get 13% of the seats. After that though, I suppose the exams should be equally tough and they are. Most racist whining is about admissions so yeah stay mad.

>> No.10870226

13 population 13 seats. A fair world.

>> No.10870231

that doesnt make any sense why should we have less qualified doctors? Skin color should not matter in admissions it should be a blind admission. Admit people with highest Gpa's and MCATS and extracurriculars. It is racist to have skin color be a deciding factor.

>> No.10870248

Roughly one percent of the population is mentally retarded. Do they deserve one percent of the medical school seats?

>> No.10870257

i'm glad, i was in the mood to give you one

>> No.10870279

>comparing skin color with mental disability
Exactly what I would expect from this website

>> No.10870297

>USC > UCLA > Berkeley
USC is a shithole, so is UCLA
t. UCLA student

>> No.10870298

Should we admit people based on their hair color, eye color, height, or weight? No so why should we admit based on skin color. Its racist. Only intelligence, knowledge, and work ethic should matter

>> No.10870300

Yes, and it's their responsibility to pass their exams.

>> No.10870301

based baby bear knowing his fucking place

>> No.10870303

UCLA has Terence Tao

>> No.10870308

you can't fail an MCAT they just give you a score out of 36 and blacks and hispanics have much lower scores

>> No.10870315

MCAT isn't pass/fail

>> No.10870320

When you're at that level, the school doesn't matter. He could be at Trump University and it would be the same.

>> No.10870322

It matters for his Phd students

>> No.10870325

Prove that it’s fair.

>> No.10870326

Aaron Swartz dropped out of high school but he was still admitted into Stanford. He won some prestigious awards and he was actively engaged in various intellectual activities. I'm assuming those students are similar to him.

>> No.10870328

Reread brainlets, they get a spot in medical school but the standards to get through medical school remain the same for everyone.

>> No.10870333

If it makes you guys feel any better, we have hired from Florida State before (granted it was postdoc level). If you're not at a top school, work your ass off to show that you know your stuff.

>> No.10870352

And he was a Jew

>> No.10870353

Now we know you're a troll

>> No.10870436

Not sure if people here are trolling, but it generally isn't race (there already is competition even if you are a minority). Those guys have their 1500s and ECs and bullshit. They do have it easier, but it's not THAT easy as you still compete with the handful of minorities with equal or better stats than you.

Generally is sports people, they are the ones that bring more money to Stanford. And why not, some geniuses that had ridiculously good Awards but not that high GPA for whatever reason.

>> No.10870445

Who you work for?

>> No.10870468

some finance company, position is quant researcher (statistician)

>> No.10871233

Not true. No one cares which university you did your undergrad at. You got meme'd

>> No.10871514

No one cares about the school. We look for top-quality research. If it can be found at a place like FSU then so be it. Unlikely but it does happen.

>> No.10871537

>What type of high school students with below 3.0 GPA's get admitted into Stanford?


>> No.10871548 [DELETED] 

Well yeah, FSU has one of the most specialized statistics departments in the country, multiple active statistics researchers and publications. It's basically ivy league for that field.

>> No.10871551

>top-quality research
What differentiates top-quality research from bottom-quality research

>> No.10871560

the number of citations and the journal

>> No.10871567

How do you get more citations? How do you get published into a better journal?

>> No.10871585

>the number of citations


>> No.10871618

Lol no this guy is a brainlet >>10871560
It's a tough question and I'll try to answer it when I have more time. But in short people who have done something creative and unexpected and can stand up to rigorous review, those are good signs.

>> No.10871640

>3.0 GPA
Why do you choose that low of a GPA as the bar?
Blacks and hispanics steal many spots from Asians but the majority of spots are stolen by whites, just by sheer population volume. Why do so many white students with between 3.0 - 3.5 GPA's get accepted over Asians with 4.5 GPA's?

>> No.10871648

Number of citations does matter, just not in the way you assumed.
Of course "A has more citations than B" doesn't imply "A is better research than B".
But "A has no citations" literally means "A has had no research impact," and guess what that means?

>> No.10871667

>How do you get more citations?
publish in a good journal
>How do you get published into a better journal?
it's like 50% luck. I can't understand how some papers get into the very high impact journals.
One of mine got into one of those journals tho deep down I know it wasn't really deserved. It's getting cited a lot.

>> No.10871669

If you're trying to gauge intelligence and work ethic (the determining factors for success in a degree program), then you have to consider the student's background since a shitty environment will exert downward pressure on his score.
Imagine a rich Black kid growing up in Beverly Hills, attending elite schools with private tutoring, and his parents buy his way into the undergrad of his choice. Now imagine some poor White kid from Appalachia studying out of torn up decade-old books from a one-room schoolhouse, and who was rejected from almost every school he applied to because he was White. Now imagine they get almost the same score. Clearly, the latter student must have a higher IQ / better work ethic, no?

>> No.10871671

>deep down I know it wasn't really deserved
imposter syndrome
>It's getting cited a lot.
people read your paper and found it informative enough to refer to it in their own. you did well.

>> No.10871684

>the standards to get through medical school remain the same for everyone.
spoken like someone who's never been in medical school, or any other school for that matter.

>> No.10871701

>Now imagine they get almost the same score
in the real world poor whites are still outscoring poor blacks, and poor blacks are virtually never getting the same top scores as rich whites which is why these idealized fantasyland systems are put in place to begin with (because these poor little retards had a hard life so obviously it means their lower scores are actually secretly equal to the higher scores of others!).

if you can find me a case of a poor person having actual top scores and not "socially adjusted equivalency" scores, though, I'd definitely admit he deserves his school of choice over a more privileged applicant.

>> No.10871713

rich ones ?

>> No.10871725


>> No.10871745

>If you make up 13% of the population you should get 13% of the seats.
regardless of test scores? why? can you explain?

I know you are baiting but you gotta commit to it.

>> No.10871782


>> No.10871826
File: 157 KB, 551x368, performance_gap_koreans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the real world poor whites are still outscoring poor blacks
In the real world, from the mid-60's to the end of the 80's, poor blacks were sequestered by redlining into shitty neighborhoods with shitty schools.
When blacks are pitted against other races in classroom environments, they are presumed mentally inferior and thus lose out overwhelmingly on subjective evaluation by teachers, guidance counselors, or college interviewers, affecting their placement in college prep programs and tracks, and which schools they apply to.
These effects are real. Consider that we see similar effects in other nations, like with Koreans in Japan, with Irish in Britain, or with the varying castes in India. Even though race scientists don't argue for huge racial IQ gaps in those cases. Consider there were states where boomers went as far as closing down their school systems rather than integrating them, and those boomers' children eventually became the next teachers.

>because these poor little retards had a hard life so obviously it means their lower scores are actually secretly equal to the higher scores of others!
Keep in mind the ultimate goal of these tests is not to rank students, but to identify (as in True or False) who has the intelligence and work ethic to succeed in school.
It's certainly not a perfect solution but the alternative is to continue enforcing a caste system. I suppose that's justified if you presuppose the poor are retards or whatever though.

>> No.10871853

>I suppose that's justified if you presuppose the poor are retards or whatever though.
Statistically speaking, they are exactly that. Public education has been accessible to every westerner with somewhat above average intelligence during the last 60 years or so - there is no almost never an excuse for poverty that doesn´t boil down to lacking cognitive capacity.

>> No.10871901

>Statistically speaking
Statistically speaking, presumption of idiocy leads to depressed test scores.
So should we use statistics to give people the benefit of the doubt, or to deprive them of it?
I'm not sure about the former, but the latter is surely unethical (and even "un-American").
Consider how in US criminal courts, we require a high standard of proof to justify restricting a defendant's civil rights. It's not enough to argue a defendant is "probably" guilty in some broad statistical sense; instead, we must show "beyond a reasonable doubt" that he is guilty using specific, targeted, individualized evidence.

>there is no almost never an excuse for poverty that doesn´t boil down to lacking cognitive capacity.
I think inexperience / lack of guidance (i.e., getting into drugs) or laziness can play a big part. An average IQ from a poor family faces a significantly worse outlook than an average IQ from a rich one.

>> No.10872111
File: 133 KB, 850x781, 1563924530898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is an absolutely retarded criterion.

>> No.10872140

Why even waste everyone's time and money?
Also you're being anti-semetic. If everyone gets an apportioned share of seats than we're gonna have to cut back on jewish doctors and now you're the racist

>> No.10872250

Those are the averages. When we talk about Stanford/Ivy League we just have to look at the top students.

>> No.10872848

>That 2.0 with 12/710 SAT score acceptance

>> No.10873048

Those stats are so bad it makes me think the person has some significant mental imbalances. They may be completely incapable of speech, but are some kind of rainman savant at something.

>> No.10873050

You added a floor to the house of cards.

>> No.10873051

they belong to unjustly disadvantage groups of folks who have borne the hardship of 350 years of illegitimate unscrupulous, perfidious oppression at the hands of oppressive naturally sociopathic invaders who have yet to to pay restitution or evince honest circumspection regarding their most indifferent and diabolic exploitation of this proud group of rich, vibrant peoples' labor. if anything it should be 90-10 the other way..

>> No.10873068

Blacks and Hispanics come from worse schools with worse educations.

I like how you moronic Republicans thought that since forced segregation was over magically every black and Hispanic American got a great education and job. The #1 thing people look for in a home is how good the schools are. Most whites simply used their money to move into neighborhoods with the best schools and left blacks and Hispanics behind. The best thing we can do to help is allow them to go to college with lower scores. A white kid won't get his first choice of Harvard and will go to MIT instead. A black kid going to Harvard will lift himself and his family out of poverty for generations.

I hate having to explain this but fucking Republicans are so stupid they can't reason it out for themselves.

>> No.10873081

>Cal Tech > Stanford > USC > UCLA > Berkeley
CalTech > Stanford > Berkeley >UCLA > USC

>> No.10873082

>Students who go to difficult private schools taking ap classes.
Oh, is that why they have such terrible SAT scores then? Why don't you just say "Students who go to difficult private schools who's parents can afford to bribe adcom"?

>> No.10873086

>Blacks and Hispanics come from worse schools with worse educations.
What an ignorant, racist statement. These kind of generalisations is precisely what racism is to begin with.

>> No.10873091

das right we hav to compete with the pampered pale skin mayo boy anti-kemetic educational facilities of the whyfolk holding down our base 12 tetrahedronic geometrical 13th dimensional matrix mathematical majika das why we aint be doin none o dat studyin fo the SAT's GRE's MCAT's but be on PED's getting those scholarship freebees n sheit dawg frfr word up

>> No.10873090

>After that though, I suppose the exams should be equally tough and they are

Grade inflation has ensured that everyone passes.

In addition it is considered "racist" when white students get better average scores. So it won't take long till non-white students get a "race" bonus to test scores. This has already happened in other countries like South Africa.

>> No.10873097
File: 616 KB, 500x697, asdfas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes right tho
blacks and Hispanics are literally poorer in the US compared to whites and asians. this means that they live in poor areas (ghettos) and where does the money for your public schools come from? Property tax.
You think some white boy in santa barbara has a shitty high school, fuck no, its probably a damn near college; its probably a private school for fucks sake. Imagine the kids' publics school in Oakland

>> No.10873102

It's true. It's a reflection of the bad socioeconomic conditions in the United States.

>> No.10873107

Its probably the most elite educational refinement and opulent exclusionary privileged and RACIST environment conceivable blood. learning about improper integrals instead of improper integration of disaffected minority communities learning about derivatives instead of the derivations of african culture in the life blood of the american musical canon learning about hybrid theory and resonance instead of the hybridity of the melanated mind and the sun the image of the most high and the resonance of the earth in the soul every child of Africa's heart. y'all stay on stoopid

>> No.10873112
File: 85 KB, 500x522, 1520496003093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like they didnt teach punctuation at your dumb nigger school but i dont see why any school cant have both because all the colleges, at least in California, have a substantial number of black/ minorities in general

>> No.10873115

Those white incels are to blame

>> No.10873117

this what I mean tho you people think you can abide by some restrictive interdependent platonic ontotheological framework of discourse while excluding the instinctive, time tested, and raw emotional power of the african intellectual tradition. look at this crudely drawn depiction of the subconscious manifestation of pure savagery, and unimaginative psychopathy that heaves about in the depths of the yakubian mind lmao. we invented your religion, your great transportation networks, your algebra and geometry, we laid claim to none of it, our ancestors extended the eternal olive branch, broke bread with the peoples of the Levant and the swarthy skinned hirsute ape men of the mediterranean and y'all pastelings come down with the gumption, the conviction to take all of dat from us and to punish us for our excellence with the most perverse antipathy, the most outrageous appropriation of our physical prowess to do what? to turn the whole of the most high's work into an amusement park for false israelite's pleasure. y'all been stayed on stoopid and will always stay on stoopid b

>> No.10873120

And yet it continues

Again. Stupid fucking Republicans are either too stupid to do the research or too stupid to understand it. Which are you?

>> No.10873121
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>> No.10873127

the absolute caucasity

>> No.10873133
File: 31 KB, 600x639, 1557098308077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10873135

can i hab this image anon-kun?

>> No.10873140

its all yours

>> No.10873143

thx :)

>> No.10873171

Is MIT>Caltech what is the objective ranking of all US colleges

>> No.10873181

niggers and women?

>> No.10873183

Stanford>>>MIT>Caltech>>everything else

>> No.10873254

UCLA looks beautiful though. What's ruining it for you - the pollution, or the people?

>> No.10873272

aye ayo you aight goy

>> No.10873933
File: 718 KB, 1092x505, Caltech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10870211>>10870215 >>10870297 >>10873081 >>10873171

They are all great schools but the culture is vastly different. I visited the Princeton, CMU, MIT, Berkeley and Caltech campuses and I preferred Caltech so I went there. It is true that the undergrad programs are not as strong as some of the other schools because of the size. It's more of a grad school.

I'd say for undergrad
>Math: Harvard/Princeton, MIT
>CS: MIT/CMU, Stanford, UIUC, Berkeley
>Physical sciences: Harvard/MIT/Stanford, Caltech, Berkeley
>Honorable mentions: Oxbridge

>> No.10873965

Hillary lost.

>> No.10874009

>A black kid going to Harvard will lift himself and his family out of poverty for generations.
A minority going to any university will life his family out poverty for a generation. You think a kid who can get into Harvard can't get into any other university out there? The point is to place people where their current educational standards place them. That is the entire purpose of having a bar to pass. It is blatently unfair to hold educational standards for one group and not another. If Harvard wants to create some grand social engineering project, then they can retool their admissions standards to be partially lottery based, where a person who passes a minimum of educational standard gets put into the college choosing. Of course Harvard won't ever do that as it will diminish their prestige.