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File: 53 KB, 912x456, HBO-912x456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10865125 No.10865125 [Reply] [Original]

>A single one of these almost wiped out all of Europe when it went critical
>So naturally we Americans built 30 of them all across the country
>and they are building a new one in my state right now
>No money for clean renewable energy like wind or solar but billions for nuclear

Humanity never had a chance from the start.
People are just to stupid and greedy.

Is there a single safe place on the planet that would not be effected by a nuclear power plant meltdown?

Why do scientists agree and go along with working in these things? Are they just evil?

>> No.10865127

>A single one of these almost wiped out all of Europe when it went critical
No it didn’t

>> No.10865139

Because we got lucky

>> No.10865146

The only reason you think that is because of the fucking coal industry lobbying against it. Nuclear energy is the future, dullard.

>> No.10865147

No. That was never a risk. It was a ludicrous exaggeration by some idiots.

>> No.10865176

>It would only have wiped out the country and not all of Europe.
>Well that makes it ok then, lets build 30 of them and scatter them all over the place.

This way of thinking is what is wrong with humanity

>> No.10865196

It wouldn’t have done that either. Jesus Christ. How about try critical thinking for once.

>> No.10865198

fuck off you oil shill

all anti nuke bs is just oil shills from the beginning

>> No.10865204

I wonder how many people were brainwashed into a similar opinion by this show

>> No.10865206

Nuclear energy has advanced an astronomical amount with many different designs for fail-safes that makes it impossible for humans to contaminate an area even while fucking up massively. New ones are also built to be Earthquake, tsunami, and bomb resistant. On top of this Nuclear is the only energy source in America that has ZERO emissions. Unless you count water vapor as an emission. Thorium fuel rods can also be recycled in newer plants which essentially means we would have limitless clean energy infinitely. Anyone that is afraid of Nuclear Energy is uneducated on physics and relies on Hollywood Science to rationalize their fear. For reference coal kills 13,000 people annually even when they're working perfectly well because of pollution. Nuclear hasn't killed a quarter of that amount in it's entire history in the U.S.

>> No.10865572

Nuke shills out in force

>> No.10865577

>many different designs for fail-safes that makes it impossible for humans to contaminate an area even while fucking up massively
Show me one.

>> No.10865582

>Nuclear is the only energy source in America that has ZERO emissions.
Why doesn't this apply to solar wind and hydro unless you are ignoring mining and refining.

>> No.10865586

>guys I watched a propaganda piece on HBO and this is how it really is

>> No.10865626

>A single one of these almost wiped out all of Europe when it went critical
simply false

>and they are building a new one in my state right now
based. consider yourself lucky

>> No.10865647

My uncle died in a nuclear explosion at a plant. I call bullshit

>> No.10865650

Fuck my uncle died working in the oil fields. Guess we better shut that shit down. My buddies great grandpa also fell into the Hoover Dam so that should be gutted too. And I bet someone fell off a wind turbine once.

>> No.10865680

>which essentially means we would have limitless clean energy infinitely.

>> No.10865682

>Why do scientists agree and go along with working in these things? Are they just evil?
Based second culture posting. Do you know the second law of thermodynamics?

>> No.10865692
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was more dramatic than that my dear

>> No.10865702

Real talk, If you're learning history or science from television and film you're too stupid to have opinions.

>> No.10865792

You are obsessed with destroying the planet

>> No.10865800

S h u t
i t
d o w n

>> No.10865829
File: 1.33 MB, 1010x923, 20120301111934!MSRE_Diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water cooled nuclear is just playing with fire... Water evaporates at just 373°K and forms hydrogen gas (highly explosive!) while radiated...
When they pick up the Molten-Salt Reactor or LFTR again we can feel a lot safer!


>> No.10865845
File: 6 KB, 200x134, 1485982513224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking HBO lol. Now we have millions of sub 100 IQ spastics like OP against nuclear because they have all their convictions prescribed to them by literal entertainment

>> No.10865847

>forms hydrogen gas (highly explosive!) while radiated...
Are you retarded

>> No.10865865

You ARE retarded... Try discussing topics you know something about instead.


>> No.10865872

You either didn't watch the video you posted or completely misinterpreted it

>> No.10865883

DiD yOU knoW That CHERNOBYL nEAlY CuaseD a 1 MEGAtoN EXplosion!??

IT's TruE bECausE HBO sAID So!!

>> No.10865889
File: 60 KB, 1024x743, 12-deaths-per-TWh-1024x743[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your daily reminder that nuclear is safer than renewables

>> No.10865892

Whatever... point remains: water is a terrible choice as coolant in nuclear.

>> No.10865900

What's better?

>> No.10865902

>Insist that LWRs are shit because of a flaw you completely made up
>Post video proving yourself A: Wrong B: A retard who jumps to conclusions and has no idea what he's talking about
>hurr whatever everyone who builds water reactors is dum I'm smarter
An hero please

>> No.10865909

How does one determine the cause of death by coal, wind, or nuclear? When someone dies, does the mortician say "The cause of death was coal power?"

I'm pro-nuclear by the way. But you're argument doesn't make any sense.

>> No.10865914

>I don't understand it, so it doesn't make sense

>> No.10865916
File: 56 KB, 564x767, 1526581062810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bait.

You guys know this is bait, right ?

>> No.10865918

Obviously someone anyone who dies in the industry counts. They probably count expected extra death from coal emissions ect. Not complex stuff.

>> No.10865919


>> No.10865942

it only reacts with zironium alloy at 800°C you absolute mong
i hope this whole thread is just a troll

>> No.10865944

If you understand it, then you should be able to answer the question.

>> No.10865968

What pressure is a LWR running at?
It's retarded to have a coolant that evaporates/explodes if the pressure is broken.
Chernobyl was a steam explosion, again because WATER EVAPORATES at 212 °F.

>> No.10865976

Ok. So your saying
[math] \text{Deaths per TWh} = \frac{\text{# of deaths in industry} + \text{expected deaths}}{TWh produced by method}[/math].


>> No.10865982
File: 16 KB, 214x300, straw man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next-level strawmanning.

>> No.10866016
File: 374 KB, 1080x1103, cz71162k3b131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Highly likely. However, I'm also convinced that some idiots swallow every little thing in the book as true. For all the talk about lies he lies a freaking lot.

>> No.10866022




>> No.10866062

Stop posting for the love of god

>> No.10866069


Chernobyl is not a "near miss" or "almost disaster."

It was THE worst case nightmare scenario. Core meltdown leading to release of fission products to the environment and exposing civilians to radiation.

>> No.10866072


S8G reactor.

Walk away safe. 175MW of power with passive cooling.

Dozens are being operated in hostile waters far from external support by depressed, drunk, teenage spergs paid military wages without incident.

>> No.10866078


When a technician falls to their death climbing up to service a windmill, it's kinda obvious.

Compare that to a fission product release where we tally deaths based on predictions of worst case untreated rates based off of dort farming Romanians claiming free gibs from a crumbling Soviet union.

>> No.10866086

The radiant particulate matter that escapes from the worst nuclear accidents isn’t all that dangerous because there isn’t all that much of it.

>> No.10866101
File: 55 KB, 660x371, _107348937_gettyimages-1148654379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island show why nuclear is inherently safe. Even in the worst case scenario it kills very few to zero people.

>> No.10866109

Nuclear Fission is 8,000 times more efficient than coal. Solar and wind is insanely inefficient. Solar energy accounts for .11% or 1/909 of energy demand in US. Wind will never be efficient enough to power a country. Solar needs to become a lot more efficient before its widely used

Solar and Fusion are the future

>> No.10866159

Nuclear power is a techno-utopian infinite growther masturbatory delusion. Such people are actually the single largest threat to humanity's chances of long term survival.

>> No.10866162

>kills very few to zero people
What the fuck.
You have any fucking idea how many of those who actually curbed the disaster, died or were crippled for life?
Fuck's sake, my mother is a doctor, the kind that works with everything connected with the handicapped persons, who is liable to get what in terms of special care or devices, the questions related to work conditions, etc. "Chernobyltsi" are treated as a discrete case of their own at her work. There are special meetings in regard to them, special quarterly reports on them specifically. Meaning, there are quite a fucking lot of them, in terms of a percentage among overall amount of disabled to a bigger or lesser degree, people, actively getting medical help and LIABLE to get medical help, still.
I mean, I am not her, I don't know any specifics and frankly I don't want to. But I know for goddamn sure a fuckton of people died there, eliminating the immediate consequences of the disaster, and another fuckton became permanently crippled.

>> No.10866172


16,000 max. Due to poor Romanians claiming free gibs.

All studies show negligible (not significant) increase in thyroid cancer which has a 1% mortality rate.

Would it surprise you that Fukushima killed 1 person directly while 2,202 died from complications due to the evacuation?

The overreaction to nuclear incidents is several thousand times worse than the actual incident. As it should be. And why strict dedication to safe and trustworthy operation is paramount.

>> No.10866175
File: 360 KB, 445x472, 1521310331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for fission power but don't get when people call it CO2 free energy.
Of course the working plant might be CO2 free but the construction of the plant and processing of fuel still uses tons of CO2.

>> No.10866180
File: 92 KB, 780x520, ST_20190614_XSELFIE_4908966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. They are an interesting case study. The results show that it is extremely difficult to isolate if the root cause for any long-term disease related to exposure to radiation or just a statistical anomaly product of actively checking people who may have developed these diseases anyway.

>> No.10866187

>A single one of these almost wiped out all of Europe when it went critical


>So naturally we Americans built 30 of them all across the country

It’s clean and makes lots of energy, so yes.

>No money for clean renewable energy like wind or solar but billions for nuclear

Nuclear is clean and renewable.

>> No.10866192

Yeah, well, I hope you will get your disability group eventually.

>> No.10866199

Third world South American countries that hold no grudges against the USA and don't do business with Russians.

>> No.10866216


>> No.10866221

We can now harvest uranium from the oceans, totally bypassing the process of having to mine it dangerously and destructively from the earth, eliminating one of the only real weaknesses to nuclear power. There's billions of tons of uranium in ocean water and more will leech in from ocean floor rock as it's extracted, giving a total supply of hundreds of billions to trillions of tons. The sun will literally boil the earth to nothing before we can use up all the uranium in the ocean.


It's RIGHT THERE. Carbon-free power that we cannot run out of, the safest form of energy on earth, enough raw energy that we could stop fucking around and start ripping excess CO2 from the air directly and using nuclear-powered ships to process ocean water to low its acid levels-but it's not happening, because a few assholes in hollywood wanted to make a few bucks off of sensationalism.

>> No.10866224

do you even know what a steam explosion is?
you need an extremely rapdily heated system in order for this to be dangerous
I dont know man you should just go rewatch chernobyl

>> No.10866235

>le wikipedia man

>> No.10866249

Shit.... is this why my kettle exploded while i was trying boil spaghetti??

>> No.10866257

i knew it as soon as i heard about the show that nuclear will go down in popularity hard (atleast for people between the ages of 16-30). 99% of my normie friends talk about the show in awe and have literal panic attacks because we live in a country that is NEXT to a country that uses nuclear reactors.

Ain't mass a bitch

>> No.10866335

>to stupid
Tell me more.

>> No.10866385

And they missed point what show tried to tell because they are morons