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10859987 No.10859987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

4 stages of matter.

Pure Consciousness

Why can't Pure Consciousness be a state of matter? Like you are fucking reading this post, you will judge me because humans have ego Consciousness.

>> No.10860123

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.10860559

Is pure counciousness made out atoms?

>> No.10860571

Your consciousness is liquid.

>> No.10860632

What is the critical point of Pure Consciousness? Im trying to get my graphite pencil to transition to Pure Consciousness. What pressure did you use, OP?

>> No.10861399

>you will judge me
...as being an amateur, unoriginal philosophag

>> No.10861540

fucking retard. i bet youre that nigger that thinks breathing and rotation are spatial dimensions

>> No.10861541

Philosophy, not even once.

>> No.10861544

What about love? Love can move mountains. None of us exist without love.

Why isn't love a state of matter. Or at least its own chemical element?

>> No.10861550

ill judge you because you are a retard

>> No.10861599

Pure consciousness = plasma?

>> No.10861613

>implying the qualia of love isn't a form of consciousness

>> No.10861617
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>> No.10861619


Now I know you're trolling. Pro scientist masquerading as /phil/fag

Well done

>> No.10861621
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>> No.10861626
File: 103 KB, 858x649, you're not conscious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. P-zombie

>> No.10861663

i guess

>> No.10861672

>it makes sense to me so it's correct
OP is a guaranteed christcuck

>> No.10861683

Fuck off bro, anybody who at this point hasn't realised that the hard problem isn't a silver bullet for materialism is flat out fucking delusional. Pretty much every other ontology has a valid response to the hard problem, materialism is the only one with zero explanatory power whatsoever concerning it. It's epistemically crippled and any neuroscientist, physicist and philosopher that's busy fucking around with the brain hoping a magical categorical shift in properties will take place is actively wasting money.

>> No.10861698

The hard problem IS a silver bullet for materialism

>> No.10861719

Neuralink will revolutionize our understanding of consciousness. Through the ability to merge consciousnesses, the fundamental nature of consciousness will be revealed the only way it can be--by truly seeing what it is LIKE to be a fundamental property of the universe.


In this analysis of Evangelion, and in particular, of "Instrumentality" (merger of consciousnesses) as it is called in the show, an interesting dialogue between Shinji and is mental interlocutors lays bare what will be probably the biggest obstacle to achieving instrumentality: the realization that when "you" are everyone, you are all alone in the entire universe. In this, Evangelion is an anti-instrumentality show. Meanwhile, I would like to make a pro-instrumentality case by countering that when you (we) become the overconsciousness, we will no longer have human social needs, because we will no longer be human. Plenty of animals are independent and have minimal social needs. We are simply being blinded by a simple biological drive that won't have any place in a world where consciousness is unified.

>> No.10861721

Lmao shut the fuck up.

>> No.10861843

I'm >>10861719
not either one of those, never have been. Always have been a materialist atheist. Only recently have I become an agnostic on both. I.e. I think they are too difficult for me to say anything them (in the case of god, that's impossible to know for anyone) so I just don't talk about it anymore. Instead I approach the problem from reverse, by trying to talk about what I think I CAN talk about from all the various experimental and observational evidence that has cropped up over the years of my thinking about it. That's where this >>10861719 statement comes from. Not from Christfuckery, not from idealism, just what SEEMS to be true. It's a very modest statement, by the way. There is so very little we can say for sure about any of this still.

>> No.10861908

no you retard, the intellect is immaterial

>> No.10861971

This post makes me want to beat your consciousness with a solid until your liquids are completely exposed to gasses.