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File: 751 KB, 1000x667, Smart-Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10852868 No.10852868 [Reply] [Original]

Do woman have more intellectual potential?

>> No.10852873


>> No.10852874

Yeah, just look at how 80% of Nobel prize winners, Field medalists and chess grandmasters are women. It would be 100% had it not been for blatant anti-feminism and nepotism

>> No.10852878

... than what?

>> No.10852880

Than future is female

>> No.10852886


>> No.10852887

Female intuition blows the fuck out of masculine empiricism
Men know this and are starting to panic

>> No.10852889

Than men

>> No.10852890

I don't know, but the average one has more hypertrophic potential than me

>> No.10852891

The women I knew in my masters program were more intersted in getting their degree and getting out with a high paying job ASAP than in doing good research. One of them actually said all she wanted to do was go shopping. And the woman prof I had the "pleasure" of working with was more interested in paperwork, meetings, travel to conferences, and basically being a glorified accountant than research.

So, ime most definitely not, but I'm sure there are some who have potential.

>> No.10852896
File: 1.47 MB, 236x250, 1563005500111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh intuition

>> No.10852899

Trannies are real master gender

>> No.10852900

much lower

>> No.10852989

More academic potential because they are better at regurgitating facts for 4.0's and pleasing of authority figures. But more intellectual potential? No.

>> No.10853070

i dont care enough to fetch the statistics, nor do i want to insert iq in yet another thread, but its a pretty commonly accepted belief that when it comes to intelligence, in general, women are smarter on average, but there are less geniuses, but apparently even less retards

>> No.10853090

Women have equal education for half a century in most places. If you think this is enough to change trends that lasted thousands of years you are retarded.

>> No.10853097

The consensus is that there is no difference in mean IQ but a significant difference in variability. If you took both the world's smartest and stupidest people, both would be disproportionately male

>> No.10853101

>le "I am too smart for school" meme

>> No.10853102


It kind of makes sense in the respect that you've had a lot of compensation to do to make up the physical shortcomings of a female body.

>> No.10853103

Is that why Rosalind Franklin nearly one two nobel prizes?

>> No.10853111

You're right, systematic exclusion of women had no impact on whether or not they made scientific contributions
>but look at this outlier!
not the norm. Thank god for parents who didnt subscribe to the idea that women are incapable of intellect.
>From early childhood, Franklin showed exceptional scholastic abilities. At the age of six, she joined her brother Roland at Norland Place School, a private day school in West London. At that time, her aunt Mamie (Helen Bentwich), described her to her husband: "Rosalind is alarmingly clever – she spends all her time doing arithmetic for pleasure, and invariably gets her sums right.
also x-ray crystallography is like insanely difficult, sample prep and interpreting data.

>> No.10853366
File: 5 KB, 211x239, wow good insight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x-ray crystallography is like insanely difficult, sample prep and interpreting data.
In point of fact, it is not. It sounds like it is, which is is indeed why brainlets such as yourself perceive it to be so. Not gonna make it.

>> No.10853451

you have no idea what you're talking about lol

>> No.10853457

What testable benefit does their "intuition" have? Oh it creates a perfect closed loop between what you might call a brain and their vagina of an ego that just feeds itself, fantastic.
Call me up when their vagina solves/disprove p=np

>> No.10853791

Present evidence this isn't the case.
You're intuition is not an argument.

>> No.10853812

are you suggesting it is his intuition that women were not systematically kept out of universities/not allowed to do research except for those tiny outliers in affluent families?

>> No.10853819

Go back to /a/ or /g/.

>> No.10853821


>> No.10853846

No, that is not what I'm saying. Learn to infer things in a way that isn't retarded.

>> No.10853852

In life I've learned that the average female is about as smart as the average male.

I've seen some very smart women and some very stupid men. While there are more men in the genius category, I feel like that doesn't really matter and day it's about equal.

>> No.10853881

Women have longer hair than men, on average

>> No.10853886

what you're saying is idiotic there is no inference that will represent the logic you're employing in a good light.