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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 750x645, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10852148 No.10852148 [Reply] [Original]

I'm taking this fall and want to know how it is. I've taken calc 2 already. I've heard it's tough because there are 16 chapters for 1 semester.

>> No.10852151

If you haven’t taken any physics before it can be challenging. If you have taken a physics class before you’ll be ok, as the concepts don’t change that much. They simply add more math.

>> No.10852162

It's not bad in the fall. I am taking physics in summer and I burned out really fast. It is unmanageable. In the fall should be fine as they usually start from the beginning (kinematics) and ease into it.

>> No.10852167

I'd take the house on the left while keeping my math and study of math intact.

I don't have a woman, I have few friends and can't drive. I also fear dark and empty spaces in a house. I just cannot into normie life anons, I hope for an ivory tower of pure math one day in the future, but it can't be a big one.

>> No.10852369

I think you can have a woman and a car even with the house on the left.
Maybe it's just me.

>> No.10852412


I prefer the house and the hard on the left, to be honest. Not a fan of Mcmansions and extravagant cars to cover up small penises and fragile egos.

>> No.10852421
File: 355 KB, 891x605, Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also fear dark and empty spaces in a house.
Erm, why not turn on some light? And have a nice, large and comfy library?

>> No.10852423
File: 1.01 MB, 1009x663, tumblr_inline_osqdfzLLsb1sppt0x_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10852425

>left: science major
>right: business major

>> No.10852430

that car is what your kids will be driving, having no idea how much work went in to earning all the money.

>> No.10852431

kys and go back

>> No.10852433
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>> No.10852436
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>> No.10852443

>implying science majors can afford cars or even renting a home

>> No.10852445
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>> No.10852448
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>> No.10852457
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>> No.10852482
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>> No.10852542
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fixed again

>> No.10852587
File: 814 KB, 1125x645, decide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10852614

If you want right you need social skill or go out

>> No.10852748

What about 80iq youtube view farmers?

>> No.10853627


summer classes suck

I found it pretty easy when I took it, but I had highschool expereince in Physics.

>> No.10853635
File: 774 KB, 750x645, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed it. Also, this is true. >>10852482

>> No.10853638
File: 80 KB, 750x669, 1561357716526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made™ by a midwit (big boy).

>> No.10853652

Study some linear algebra, particularly the rotation and vectorial space parts.

>> No.10853666
File: 139 KB, 747x644, YouDecide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed for real

>> No.10853668

>having no idea how much work went in to earning all the money.
you mean buying crypto? It wasn't really THAT hard to become a millionaire lmfao

>> No.10853685 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10853687
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Renounce it all and follow God.

>> No.10853689
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>> No.10853696


>> No.10853699

McMansion Hell is a prissy little bitch who can only list architectural rules without explaining the logic behind them. She's always like
>oh no no sweaty.... dormers with THOSE columns. Just no
then is totally unable to say why or contribute ideas of her own. She's the Red Letter Media of architecture.

>> No.10853840

Eclesiastes pls go

>> No.10854207

Fucking Books and Hardwork my god. The person who made this needs to change that too Scientists (left) Engineers, Business, and Politics (Right)

>> No.10854938

Same, also i doubt i'll get married or have kids, so i can afford to play vidya and drink and still have money. With Big houses i'd have to hire strangers to clean it for me, which i don't like. Also i don't care for sport cars.

Personally i just want a few acres of cheap land, build a tiny house, have some solar panels, and a mini lab so i can do research on my own.

>> No.10854956

Consumist pig

>> No.10854958

Where's the books and video games house?

>> No.10854964


>> No.10854985

What do you need light's on in unused space for? What do you need a huge library for when you can have a redundant digital storage usable for much more than keeping words in it in ridicolously lower space and with no paper consumption? (buy only the most important books in paper).
I bet you keep AC on 24/7, 365 days without a concern in the world and would do it even in a huge mansion. Groveling in the mud is where you belong.

>> No.10855186

Wait? How much does it takes you to read a chapter? You have no previous experience with fucking triangle?

>> No.10855304

Garbage. You do not "consume" books, you read them, enjoy them, and lend them to good friends.

>What do you need light's on in unused space for?
Nobody talked about that, if you didn't use the space you would not be spooked about it. I have a fairly large house and need very little light.
>What do you need a huge library for when you can have a redundant digital storage usable for much more than keeping words in it in ridicolously lower space and with no paper consumption? (buy only the most important books in paper).
I have old books, many of my books are gifts and are not available on the net, or even as digital copies. It may surprise you, but 100 years old books are often not available digitally.
>I bet you keep AC on 24/7, 365 days without a concern in the world and would do it even in a huge mansion. Groveling in the mud is where you belong.
Where I live -30C is not unusual. The last 15 years I turned on the AC once, for half a day, because my guest requested it.

>> No.10855616

Nobody who believes retard boomer images like this actually is successful

>> No.10855916

pic in OP is complete bullshit, don't fall for the capitalism meme

>> No.10857006

>I have old books, many of my books are gifts and are not available on the net, or even as digital copies. It may surprise you, but 100 years old books are often not available digitally.
You could upload them if they have some value, there is nobody that would care now maybe, but one day someone might.
I was autistically sarcastic, picking true things people do and blaming Anon for it, basing my assumptions on an innocent post, I do this just to vent and hopefully have some lurker question me or himself after reading my post.
Also "consumerist", I made a mistake.

>> No.10857135


>There was a rich man who had much money. He said, 'I shall put my money to use so that I may sow, reap, plant, and fill my storehouse with produce, with the result that I shall lack nothing.' Such were his intentions, but that same night he died. Let him who has ears hear.

>> No.10857310

You could do both and not be a shithead.

>> No.10857443

That bathroom is great. The tub is a little small for a luxury tub, but everything in text on that pic is wrong. It’s clear they let in the light. And maybe they live on private property? My uncle has no kids and when no family is other he can leave his bath open to his incred private view, and close it when quests are over, but it still let slight in and why am I bothering to type this all out, a tv in the shower is based, um yeah you don’t really watch a movie, but having it on news brief or music is fine

>> No.10857874

Guy on the left has two cars, 2>1, boom, checkmate physicist's