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10852090 No.10852090 [Reply] [Original]

>Study engineering
>Look on youtube for help solving university question
>Hear Indian accent
>Close video

>> No.10852103
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Based and fuck niggers / poo in the loo pilled

>> No.10852107

> study anything
> question isn't answered anywhere except in a video by a poo
> it's a 13 year old who somehow solves it perfectly
> tfw im 25

>> No.10852119

>be non american citizen
>have trouble reading from english textbooks because our terms and american English terms are totally different and presentation of subjects is structured differently
>search for something on google
>literally every result is slideshare presentation by some indian guy complete with pictures and arrows pointing to the thing
>nod with head and continue reading my texbook
Pajects have their own place in the universe

>> No.10852570

>This is Presh Talwalkar, and welcome to... Mind your Decisions

>> No.10854065


>> No.10854070

>using a video ever
Speaking will always be slower than reading.

>> No.10854093

How about a Chinese, or a Slav

>> No.10854098

it ok buddy, prajesh take ur job anyway

>> No.10854134

Yeah pretty much the same here. I can't understand them.

>> No.10854171

I do this all the time. I haven't watched a single one to see if they're any good. Am I racist?

>> No.10854222

not at 2x speed friend

>> No.10854226

i have sat through a few out of desperation.
the audio quality is invariably awful.
even on professional looking ones with otherwise quality production.

Pajeets ITT wtf is wrong with all of your microphones? answer me cunt

>> No.10854237

me too. i am not racist, i just dont like indians. i dont like spinach too, is that racism?

>> No.10854259

yes and no

>> No.10854796

No as long as you are not discriminating against them based on race. Their broken English makes it difficult to understand what they are saying and they are incredibly high pitched and loud, both acceptable dimensions for discrimination.

>> No.10854829

>Look on youtube for help solving university question
What's it like to be dumber than a literal streetshitter?

>> No.10854846

>resort to watching pajeet video out of desperation
>he starts cursing in gibberish midway through it

>> No.10854849

>fresh tall(glassov)water