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10849679 No.10849679 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know if this would be the most adequate board for posting this, but the probability of getting a well informed answer is higher.

I purchased a Smart TV and end up reading articles about how dangerous they are because of the EMF radiation, the constant WIFI signal, etc.

I installed a EMF detector app on my smartphone and went through the house to check the levels.
The TV spot was indeed the highest reaching 115 μT, near the computer it measured 50 μT and an average of ~40 μT in the remaining areas.

Isn't the 40 μt already too high? Google not helping.
I don't live near a powerline and the mobile provider has bad coverage.

>> No.10849683

...and yes, I realize a shitty smartphone is far from getting accurate measurements.

>> No.10849687

115 μT is nothing, the ambient field from the earth is around 40 μT anyways

>> No.10849693

The charts I saw were all in milliGauss, I did the conversion and the results were a bit scary. Thanks anyway.

>> No.10849813

don't connect your smart TV to your wifi network and it won't transmit a signal. In fact don't connected it period.

They're a network security nightmare. EM radiation should be the least of your concerns when it comes to smart TVs

>> No.10849843

Just wrap the TV in foil and you are gtg.

>> No.10849852

I didn't intend to, I can imagine what may happen. But I read some articles that some TVs keep transmitting whatever option was selected and only opening it and disconnecting the hardware piece would stop the signal.

>> No.10849867
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Better safe than sorry.

>> No.10849878

Damn what a brainlet. A phone's magnetometer ain't gonna measure the intensity of microwave radiation a TV emits worth a damn. It only measures static magnetic fields. It's measuring 115 uT because it's near a piece of metal or a magnet. These magnetic fields are fine. The microwaves a smart TV or any wifi device emits aren't going to be very strong. Wifi is generally recognized as safe.

>> No.10849912
File: 209 KB, 700x700, 1554904167208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand now famalam

>> No.10849916

a note: generally recognized as safe is not the same thing as safe, but in this case I think you'll be okay

>> No.10849947

Do not lick the smart TV. Do not take apart the smart TV, you might electrocute yourself. Do not take apart the smart TV and lick.

>> No.10849979

it's gonna emit about the same amount of RF as any other consumer wifi device

Your phone will emit way more

it's no big deal. The big threat comes from the EMF in the hundreds of terahertz range coming out the front of it, combined with the acoustic waves in the 20hz-20khz range, has well documented effects on your mental health, causing widespread anxiety and depression. normal TVs emit these as well, it's really terrible for you

>> No.10850225

>widespread anxiety and depression
after 20 years of crt+lcd from computer use I can confirm this

>> No.10850309
File: 131 KB, 640x640, fear_the_sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who think cell phone causes cancer don't understand how radiation works.

>> No.10850314
File: 10 KB, 300x168, fear the sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10850320

>Wifi is generally recognized as safe.
Look at that use of language.

Is 4chan all shills and agents now? It really seems it.

>> No.10850332

It's the sun. Ironically enough from the horror story "When Day Breaks"

>> No.10850335
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, 6e147f5dd7a33ca49694326f5a36a42f.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this video filed under "sometimes you have to bring your own sunsets"

>> No.10850340

Gamma Radiation =/= Microwave Radiation

Are these people even aware they give off radiation themselves?

>> No.10850344

what? I just wanted to post pictures of nukes

>> No.10850346
File: 10 KB, 224x225, 1562133852402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever thought maybe you're the ignorant one? That you're not one step ahead, but in fact, many steps behind?

>dduuuhhh da whole pwobwen is dat dey dunno dat iz NONNN-EYE-OH-NIZE.
Seriously, pull your head out. Use your brain.

>> No.10850366

>you're the ignorant one
>Seriously, pull your head out
>Use your brain

Yeah, I heard the same thing from Christian truthers on YouTube telling me I'm stupid because I connect the dots between Chemtrails and Drag Queens to the End Times. I'm used to being called that. .


>> No.10850372


>> No.10850379

You're probably also used to being a brainlet. Oh well.