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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10844528 No.10844528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Optimmists onlly. No shizos. No trools.. Noo yes mens. We dnot give a fuck abuot your raice, relligion, oriention, as long ass you udnerstand Opptimum Teory (frelly availabul at www.optimum.cneter) and are werking toard are mision to objetive adn matrially live for-ever in happness & haelth. We will disapointted wiht anyhting shourt off ull brian scaning for save within 10 year adn full uplaod wihtin 30 yars.

>> No.10844666

bassed garilee, so wkoe

>> No.10844678
File: 174 KB, 1600x916, everyonecan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

th--thhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaankkkkkk YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

>> No.10845470

Can someone give me context to understand this shitpost?

>> No.10845472

we gunna make it laddos

>> No.10845478

Based on context clues I would imagine it is some association for those with developmental disabilities that poses the notion that instead of disabilities they are the next step in human evolution. Similar to the villains in X-men but with severe birth defects instead of powers.

>> No.10845533
File: 39 KB, 455x539, images (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whitelisting your grouping sigmoidal grammar isn't optimal, Gary.

>So sayeth the S's

>> No.10845544

Gary is an admitted narcissist and diagnosed autist who believes he has unified physics. There was a general about his theory for around 2 months before anons gave up on it. He got ip banned from reddit a few weeks later so he came back to /sci/ and has been non stop shilling ever since.

>> No.10845596
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Based Gary is best Gary.

>> No.10845647


>> No.10845649

I'm just giving anon the context he asked for dude. I don't give a shit Gary spamming or whatever you think I'm against.

>> No.10845650



>> No.10845718

>optimum """"theory"""
big both

>> No.10845727
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Everything I don't like is forbidden.
Did you read in the Bible somewhere, "You don't have to obey God if you're just fucking around, and it's ok to mutilate God's fleshly body if you think it's fun to do so?"

>> No.10845730
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>> No.10845734


Gary is a fake and a liar who operates a "non-profit" called The Optimum Institute, www.optimuminstitute.org where you will find a 2.5 hour video explaining his institutes "theory of everything". Rather than make you watch the entire pile of steaming horseshit that is Optimum Theory I will summarize as honestly and best I can:

Gary argues that a unified theory will have only 2 variables, space and energy, since Einstein proved that energy is mass, and time (Gary says) is simply a ratio of energy traveling through space, and nuclear and em are both shown to be energy, so okay, two variables: energy and space. Then Gary argues that the equation for those 2 variables must be computed on a cellular automaton because he wants to suck Wolframs cock, but also because Gary argues that the universe is 1) local interaction 2) symetrical 3) consistent... okay, so the equation must have energy and space and be computed on an automaton. Gary then argues that the operator between those variables on the automaton must be division since that is the only operator that when applied to a von neurman neiborhood maintains consistent energy levels, energy not destroyed or created... and so when Fairy, I mean Gay-ry pit this on an autonaton and computed it looks like waves, electromagnetic fields and particles and gravity and then around 2p faggots here confirmed that the autonaton was legit by reverse engineering it but no one stopped to say, "hey, its not possible for physics to be unified on an automaton because thats literal unmathematical faggotry". Does that clear things up?

>> No.10845738


In short, Fairy says that everything is energy and space operated on by division, on an infinite automaton, and when computed on said automaton we can see waves, field lines, particles and gravity but ITS JUST A FUCKING SIMULATION

>> No.10845740


A true unified theory of everything cannot be a model, or equation or simulation IT MUST BE REAL like how our Universe is real, and he cannot perfectly replicate this Universe on a computer and not one cocksucker ever will is the bottom line, and that is why Fairy can forever eat a dick .

>> No.10845742


Damn how was I one to give the most savage takedown of my own fucking theory? U all pusses


>> No.10845767

No but 4 real doe....

Optimum Theory unified physics.

>> No.10845779

U know it. I know it. Evry1 knows it.

Optimum theory unified physics.

Only two variables since energy is mass and time is its ratio.

Calculated on an infinite, square, automaton because of the requirement for locality, symmetry and consistency of rules.

Operated on by division because that conserves energy, being another requirement.

More than that we can actually see the forces manifest. We can literally see it in the automaton.


>> No.10845806

guy has a pet theory he thinks explains the universe, but it actually doesn't

you know, the typical /sci/ shitpostery

>> No.10845904

Just how mad does one have to be to make a thread like this?

>> No.10845916


Rent free levels of Reeeeeedom

>> No.10845920

Imagine getting paid a living salary on the tax payers dime to solve physics for nearly 70 years and getting beat by some shit posting anon faggot with zero budget because you spent all your tax payers money making poorly drawn memes mocking the handicapped rather than apply yourself to your fucking job.

I'd be salty too ANON

>> No.10845959


The saddest part is that some of these physicists are so lazy they don't even realize that Optimum Theory opens up all kind of new funding opportunities for them. For example, we still need super colliders to test Optimum's prediction that particles have no smallest size. We also need to figure out why the Universe is not in equilibrium - this is the true greatest question. Unified physics was fucking easy to solve compared to that one. Why is the Universe not in a state of equilibrium even though it is infinite? Why is the Universe not completely "smooth" and consistent in energy?? Why is it "lumpy"?

>> No.10845961

Have you learnt to code yet, Gary? Would probably help you seem legitimate if you weren't using Excel.

>> No.10845966

Tldr schizo made a blur tool in excel and thinks he unified physics.

>> No.10845967


And why is the algorithm behind the lumpyness? We already know the unified theory. that was fucking child's play; we know what the algorithm is. It's U = E / S on an infinite cellular automaton. BUT WHAT ALGORITHM IS DETERMINING THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE ENERGY ON THAT AUTOMATON??? You want a question that guarantees 10,000 years of funding without requiring a perversion of science to get it? That might be the question anon.

Optimum Theory did not come to take your fucking funding. Keep your fucking funding. We unified physics for fucking free while you were living it up for the past, ohhh, nearly 100 years... But we are fucking wise and kind, and we did not come to take your funding. We came to optimize our fucking species so that our children may live in happiness and health for eternity. So sit straight, and get back to fucking work, your century long vacation is over.

>> No.10845977


Excel is perfect for this basic work. But correct that we need this scaled up to billions... Trillions of cells. Optimum is a collective. Gary rarely refers to himself when describing unified physics, that is what other people do. Small minds discuss people, great minds discuss ideas.

>> No.10845978


DaRwIn JuS Said ThaT The StronG SurVive. HoW Can SuCh a SimPle Idea ExpLaiN BiOlogIcaL ComPlexiTy????

>> No.10845979


Unified physics is simple as shit. Deal with it. Take it up with your God if you have a problem with it.

>> No.10846005

>Small minds discuss people, great minds discuss ideas.
I've seen you discussing people lots of times, Gary. Yourself, Wolfram, Hossenfelder, Starkeffect, DraftScience, youself again, some anons (including other Garys) etc.. It's usually part of some elaborate smearing campaign. You regularly dismisses legitimate objections and honest discussion about your ideas. You only ever truly discuss ideas when you believe it will further your agenda. In fact, I believe you are spending most of your time trying to save face like you do in this post. It seems you care much more about how other people perceive you than anything else. You are the exact opposite of who you claim to be.

>> No.10846013

>Excel is perfect for this basic work.
It's alright I guess
>But correct that we need this scaled up to billions... Trillions of cells.
I know you know this, thus it should make perfect sense for you to learn to code, even if Excel is alright for small scale development.

>> No.10846016


Save face?? Lol. I literally posted the hardest hitting criticisms in this thread my self as an intellectual exercise (but no I did not create this thread). I would LOVE for people to disprove Optimum Theory. Once you understand that you can understand where I am truly coming from; people are so unused to radical curiosity that its essentially alien to them when they see it in the wild. The criticisms against Optimum Theory are almost always fallacies, especially attacks on its researchers rather than the theory itself.

>> No.10846017

how do i know if im a schizo?

>> No.10846026

>Save face?? Lol. I literally posted the hardest hitting criticisms in this thread my self as an intellectual exercise
You want to make it seem like that way, but you really didn't.

>> No.10846027


When you are dealing with someone suffering from schizophrenia as it is medically diagnosed... you'll know. They'll say shit like they saw someone from the family who is long dead, in line at McDonalds. I deal with someone suffering with this shit on the daily. It's sad as shit.

>> No.10846030


I don't think you get it. I want to hear the hardest hitting criticisms of Optimum Theory possible. That is what this entire thing has been about here on 4chan. When it devolves into character attacks, that is when it becomes a problem. I already know I'm a dirt bag, but this is not about me.

>> No.10846236

how about the fact you’ve been asked for quantitative predictions a bunch of times and instead you just blather nonsense

>> No.10847154


This is such a bullshit goal post move.

Gary was IP banned from r/physics because they called him a crackpot for predicting that dark matter is a fluid, around a year later that was a dominant position at institutes like Penn State and one of the most upvoted posts on r/physics was 'derrrr did AnYonE here ever think dat maybe dark matter is a super fluid??? Derrr".

Its the same with the entire Optimum Theory. In the years ahead, automatons will become more and more prevelant as a means to model reality. Gary was mocked for this too of course, "automatons are not maaaaath" they whined. "I miss my blaaaaack board" they whined when Gafy told them that they calculation can only be completed by a computer.

Even if you disagree with Garys assumption that space is a kind of fluid, hos automaton method for modeling fluid appears to be a worlds first, using real numbers rather than binary lattices, so this alone if revolutionary. How revolution? Lets just say that Garys fluid computation method can be used to solve one of the Millenium Problems if the Clay Institute has any integrity (doubtful - they will goal post shift just like the rest of you).


Optimum Theory predicts no smallest particle. Full stop. Find someone else make that hard prediction. We will find smaller and smaller particles. Period. But of course they goal pist shift, "whats its spin its charge etc..." The automaton is so much richer in meaning than that nonsense. The automaton is THE MOST PERFECT model of realoty that is computationally possible. PERIOD. So of you want to know those things, here is a suggestion, MODEL THE AUTOMATION AT MASSIVE SCALE and you can see for yourself!!!

>> No.10847176

nothing you said here is quantitative. usually quantitative predictions involve numbers bro. if you’re predicting new particles how about you tell me their mass or couplings or lifetimes or anything

>> No.10847190
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>> No.10847192


Again, the automaton is much "richer" aka deeper in data than simple mass, spin etc... IT IS A FULL UNIVERSE SIMULATION. LITERALLY EVERYTHING.

You don't have to ask me these questions. You can simulate down to the scale that you are asking and literally see the results for yourself.

>> No.10847196

why don’t you simulate it then and tell us what the mass of the next new particle will be. i don’t have his spreadsheet

>> No.10847201

>why don’t you simulate it then and tell us what the mass of the next new particle will be.

What a great idea! this is why Gary was charging for his course, to raise money for super computer time, but since everyone wanted this for free instead, how about you give him fund somehow?

>> No.10847207

evryone can biuld mussle

>> No.10847212

how about no. i can run real particle physics software like madgraph and pythia on my own computer and make predictions for plenty of models on my laptop. it’s not brain surgery anon, just simple particle physics

>> No.10847219


There is no way you would be able to run high level Optimum Automaton sims on your laptop. Again we are talking about perfect universe computations, v simplified models.

>> No.10847221

so in other words you’re telling me you can figure out the next new particle they will discover at CERN, but u-unfortunately gibz money plz .

ohhhhhh oooookkkkk

>> No.10847227


Hey pal, at least I'm not asking for 21 billion Euro

>> No.10847233

Your simulation is literally just averaging repeatedly, it's not an intensive calculation.
You seem to have absolutely no understanding of these things, further evidenced by you repeatedly using MineCraft as a "computation intensive" program.

>> No.10847248


Building the Optimum Automaton in Minecraft was based af. That wasn't Gary Lee who did that fyi

>> No.10847255


And yeah, it's averaging repeatedly. Like I have said ad nauseam, it's simple af. So what? So is Darwinian Evolution. Optimum Theory is the most elegant equation in all of science

>> No.10847263

that’s for building the actual experiment. simulating predictions is dirt cheap and anybody can do it on their laptop with pythia or herwig, except for gary apparently

>> No.10847264

That's not what I'm talking about.
I'm referring to
>The Optimum Automaton is not an animation. It is a simulation. It is low framerate / resolution for the same reason minecraft is low resolution, because it is computation intensive. Yes it is computing numbers. Lots of them. And the calculations are very difficult. Not possible to do by hand. Only the computer age allows something like the Optimum Automaton.

Minecraft is low resolution as an art style choice, it's not a computation intensive game.
Your automata is not computation intensive, you just take 9 squares, average them, and put that number in the center square, that isn't intensive, you don't need a supercomputer.

>> No.10847292

>Minecraft is low resolution as an art style choice, it's not a computation intensive game.
>Your automata is not computation intensive, you just take 9 squares, average them, and put that number in the center square, that isn't intensive, you don't need a supercomputer.

You are wrong on both counts. Take care, I have things to do today.

>> No.10847310

MineCraft with better graphics is completely possible on current computers, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg4-4XXZiLY&t=61s

Where am I wrong in describing your automata, you say you want the hardest hitting criticism but whenever you get any pushback whatsoever you refuse to talk.
The equation is Universe = Energy / Space, energy being the number in the squares and space being the squares, ergo it's just averaging the squares, not an intensive thing to calculate, could be done on graph paper. Are you saying I'm wrong about what the equation is, or are you saying averaging is computationally intensive?

>> No.10847330

Try and average a few squares through a few time steps by hand and you will see how absurd the computations quickly become.

>> No.10847335


And Minecraft is procedural generation and has depth height height and deform ability, all were fairly revolutionary for their time, and all require processing. And yes I know about the high level minecraft mods they're badass

>> No.10847353

>hurr durr doing averages is so computationally expensive i n-need gibz 4 suporcomputor plz gibz

>> No.10847360

I'll give it a shot, 10 x 10 grid, 10 time steps, get back to you when I'm done.
I know that procedurally generated worlds existed years before MineCraft, I'll take your word for it that the other shit was revolutionary. Yes that requires processing but it's not super intensive and has nothing to do with graphics. My point in linking the video was to show that you can mod Minecraft to have very good graphics and run it on a gtx970, a 3 generation old GPU, If Minecrafts low resolution textures were because of processing power then that would not be possible.

>> No.10847422

>get back to you when I'm done.
I shouldn't have proposed this, it's late at night where I am and this is just going to end with me saying >the decimals got pretty big but this wouldn't be very hard for calculator.
I won't do ten steps. I'll do a few.

>> No.10847426

>Gary was mocked for this too of course, "automatons are not maaaaath" they whined.
No. CAs are math. Judging by one of your videos where you say something like
>sequential standard mathematical language cannot capture reality because reality is not sequential. since cellular automa are not sequential, we can use them to model reality.
it is you that falsely project this onto your opposition. Anybody that know a the first thing about higher mathematics understands that CAs can be described in standard sequential mathematical language. Clearly CAs are math. There is something more specific that they are complaining about.

>> No.10847492

Anon this will be my last post here. God I hope I am wrong, but it appears that individuals, possibly even a mod or mods here, is engaging in a relatively sophisticated framing and blackmail compaign. Again, I hope that I am wrong, but the pieces that are coming together are frankly unspeakable and would better be said in a court of law. If I am a target then I imagine it is because I am seen as coming from a "good" family. If that is the case then the defense waged will not just be a defense of my character, it will be truly extraodinary in its actions towards those responsible for this and their organizations. It is not unheard of for organizations, and their owners to be completely destroyed, the case of Hulk Hogan and Gawker being an example. This site discovered me, not the other way around, and I have only come here to satisfy peoples curiousity toward these ideas, and perhaps elevate human thought and dialog in the process. I had a vision of a future where anon could stake claim to unified physics. I will not be subjected to criminal activity. Again, this will be my last post here, and if what I am putting together is true than I am deeply ashamed and embarrased for ever having this faith in my fellow man. Gary.

>> No.10847500

You can't leave Gary, I've been averaging these fucking squares for an hour.

>> No.10847501

This is what you get for trying to fuck with our funding, kid. Your theory, your name, your family's name, nothing is safe from us. You've made the worst enemies possible, the difference in resources and influence are... (heh) astronomical. Fight all you want but you will NEVER win. Anon.

>> No.10847511

gary confirmed shizzo
stay toasty

>> No.10847520

Don't do this ANON, Gary just wanted to bring us happiness, health and success now and across generations. He was going to make us immortal within 10 years. FACT.
Please Gary, as a last gesture, please tell us why you believe Christians want to murder you, that's really the answer I'm most interested in.

>> No.10847532

Do you really think anybody is going to believe this as it is? Either you bring some substance to the table, or you implicitly admit to manufacturing drama (like you have been doing several times earlier).

>> No.10847710

>Please Gary, as a last gesture, please tell us why you believe Christians want to murder you, that's really the answer I'm most interested in.

Not Gary but isnt he some kind of new age Christian? Also that he doesnt care about Academia's funding scams he just wants taxes to be put toward actual progress rather than fuckery? If im mistaken an Gary is a Jew for some reason then how could one spend anytime on this site and not think that people are out to get them, I mean people clearly are so..

>> No.10847723

Bet a handshake that Gary was traveling though some IP zone on mobile that had been banned for distributing CP and freaked the fuck out without realizing that it affected the whole IP and was not specifically targetting him. Fuck the courts, anyone trying to frame for CP should have a tire strapped to them, doused in oil and set on fire, I think the courts would hand wave it as justified self defense

>> No.10847732
File: 147 KB, 871x990, 1564106511983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please just tell me. You have made several hundred comments claiming Christians are out to get athiests and minorites, usually claiming they want to kill them, repeatedly said christians are nazis, said they are genetically not american, made threads just to mock and antagonize them, made multiple accounts to ban evade so you can continue doing so.
Your story about your girlfriend having brain damage is a lie, that's proven, so why, where does this hate come from. I need to know.

>> No.10847760 [DELETED] 

Dear Gary,

Successful corporate start up owner here. I find that your theory has a lot of potential both in terms of pure science as well as in terms of lucrative applications in forecasting financial markets and the technological industries.

I would like to find your research proposal to buy time on supercomputing resources or cloud computing services provided the costs are at a reasonable level. Therefore, I will require a more concrete estimate for the costs involved for your proposed computing initiatives.

What is your ballpark figure for a verifiable proof of principle result that is publishable in peer-reviewed physics literature and/or a patentable technology feasible in the near future.

Please give me your bottom-dollar figure.

>> No.10847765

Dear Gary,

Successful corporate start up owner here. I find that your theory has a lot of potential both in terms of pure science as well as in terms of lucrative applications in forecasting financial markets and the technological industries.

I would like to fund your research proposal to buy time on supercomputing resources or cloud computing services provided the costs are at a reasonable level. Therefore, I will require a more concrete estimate for the costs involved for your proposed computing initiatives.

What is your ballpark figure for a verifiable proof of principle result that is publishable in peer-reviewed physics literature and/or a patentable technology feasible in the near future.

Please give me your bottom-dollar figure.

>> No.10847770


You can message Gary at www.optimuminstitute.org

>> No.10847795

I cannot conduct my business via email providers due to security risks. Many of my venture capital initiatives have been “scooped” due to packet sniffing botnets on most email services and even hosting services. Please provide a secure telephone number (landline) if you require an alternate communication channel.

>> No.10847810


The computations are not even feasible for a computer. They are basically, and maybe truly, impossible calculations. Trying to average a few cells on a grid across timestep with perfect conservation is to touch the ceiling of something beyond human comprehension. Its truly remarkable, like catching a brief reflection of "God"s image. I was like you, "what can be so difficult about averaging a few cells..." haha, but maybe you have now seen for yourself ;-)

>> No.10847831

I'll admit I didn't realise averaging by 9 would give infinite decimals, thing is that level of accuracy is unnecessary for a simulation. It's impossible to perfectly calculate infinite decimals but it's also a negligible difference. I was rounding at the 8th. I gave up when you said you left.
I'm going to bed give the guy your bottom dollar figure already.

>> No.10847834


Imagine trying to frame and blackmail someone just because they discovered something extraordinary about reality and want to share it with Humanity for the betterment of our species. Go read a history book and see that this is a recurring theme. What the fuck is wrong with people? Im starting to think that Gary was the one who make the thread a few days ago asking if all revolutionaries must be martyrs. What is that the case? Why cannot people just allow rational discussion? The automaton is either 1) true, in which case, wow thats awesome! Or 2) false in which case lets find a better solution. What THE FUCK is it always the case with YOU PEOPLE that the answer is always 3) destroy the innovator!!!!! Reeeee!!!!!!!. And again, reading the history books you might have noticed another trend involving those who try and destroy innovation at every turn. Not everyone was raised like that! People like Gary, Weinstein, Wolfram, etc... were raised discussing science around the dinner table, not how to persecute others. There appears to be common thread in these people... bUt WhAT????

>> No.10847876

for something in physics to be true or false, it must be falsifiable. in fact, it must be falsifiable in order for it to qualify as science. the fact that gary is unwilling to make any falsifiable predictions yet constantly shills for gibs demonstrates that this is a classic case of pseudoscience con-artistry

(just in case you aren’t gary. but then again you probably are)

>> No.10847920


Jesus fucking christ. Do you even know what the word "quantum" means? It means quantifiable. The Optimum Automaton is the MOST QUANTIFIABlE tool ever developed by science. IT IS THE PREDICTION. How are you people this fucking low IQ????????????

"But what particles does Gary predict will occure thatvsuch and such scale"


>> No.10847944

no, that’s not what “quantum” means. learn undergrad Griffiths 101

and also no, i don’t have gary’s spreadsheet. so how about he does one tiny little particle simulation to tell us the mass of the particle he is predicting, since that must be many orders of magnitude easier than the “full universe” or “brain uploading” crap he always shills.

it’s obvious pseudery anon. and if you aren’t gary then i pity you even less than gary, since he declared earlier in this thread that that would be his last post

>> No.10847960

>it's a schizophrenic retard argues with himself episode
Fuck off faggot.

>> No.10847966

>it’s another optumim gruglet trying to act like he didn’t get destroyed

>> No.10848149


I pray you never have to care for someone suffering with a health condition that is difficult to understand and cope with, anon, but if you ever do, I hope you allow them their dignity, that you treat them as a human being and not a diagnosis, and that you forgive, that you understand the past cannot be changed, and that it could not have happened any other way, and that you never lose the courage to love.

>> No.10848154


This Universe is beyond our comprehension ANON. It will defy your labels at every turn. It is never black and white. It is complex, and occasionally terrifying, but always perfect. Above all it is always perfect in its way.

>> No.10848170

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10848173

>This Universe is beyond our comprehension

>> No.10848195

>>This Universe is beyond our comprehension

The irony of anyone telling an Optimist (a denomination that unified physics) that the Universe is NOT beyond comprehension is de-lic-ious

>> No.10848267

So gary’s optimum theory is confirmed pseudoscience? Just wondering ...

>> No.10848288

Why the Islamophobia?

>> No.10848415



Unified physics is absurdly simple in hindsight, as simple as evolution in hindsight. Dont believe? follow the steps, its easier than a line dance.

We know that mass = energy, right? Thats why a cheese burger allows you to move. Cool! Mass = energy. And electromagnetism and nuclear forces also equal energy. So far, very simple.

And this energy has location, so space also exists. Okay, energy and space. What about time? Well, time is just a ratio of energy (mass) and space. Dont believe it? Try and define 1 second as deeply as possible without referring to the movement of planets or particle decay and you will see, time is just a ratio of movement.

Okay so the universe has energy and space... what about gravity? We'll get to that, but first, what else do we know about the Universe?

Well, the Universe is symetrical, forces act equally in all directions. Its also local: A baseball does not travel from mound to catchers mit, it travels every step inbetween: locality. We also know that the universe is consistent, the laws are the same everywhere. We also know that energy has different levels, its essentially quantized and it must be conserved. We know that interaction is real, things interact. Also, everything happens at once, the Universe is simultanious like an automaton, not sequential.

Local, symetrical, consistent, energy, space, conservation, interaction, simultanious...

We can plot all of that on an automaton with real numbers representing quantized energy that interacts with its neighbors... but what is the operation between neighbors? Well, it must be division since that is the only operation that conserves the total energy levels!

Okay, so lets put real numers on a grid and divide every number with its neighbor simultaniously... what happens?

Well, we dont have to ask, because we've done it! And you can clearly see ripples, vector fields, even particles!!!!! And those particles attract!!!! Aka Gravity!!!

>> No.10848421


Read the repost. Optimum Theory is what it claims to be anon. We are living in a time of history. Optimum Theory is the real algorithm and unified equation of everything. It is maddeningly simple in hindsight, as simple in hindsight as evolution, but it is not the end of humanities understanding. There is still infinite work to be done. Why is energy distributed rather than uniform (?) for example. But this chapter is closed. Physics is unified, and for better or worse that means the United States and Anon can claim, arguably, the greatest theory breakthrough in human history.


>> No.10848433


Furthermore, anon, you should protect and value Gary. He's a piece of shit (aka sinner) like so many, but his contribution is real, was made basically in good faith, and he made it here with 4chans help and he recognizes that. History is real, and we can live through it if we are bold enough.

>> No.10848439

still a lot of verbal blathering bullshit. come back when you can make even one quantitative prediction. i’ll wait

>> No.10848450


There are those we deny the moon landing, vaccines, evolution, the holocaust... and they will deny this also. Our goal as Optimists is not to elevate all of humanity, only those with the ability to understand.

>> No.10848456
File: 54 KB, 573x534, 1563691084905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am curious as to why TOOKER & GARY cannot see that the only thing they seek validation for is their raging homosexuality.

I already implemented and approved their findings ages ago, which means I sanction their marriage and love.

>May you 2 4chanfags be eternally happy. Amen.

>Kills self after acting as celebrant of this union, as per the God of Suicide's Manual: 4chan.org/b/<<

>> No.10848460



The entire Optimum Automaton is a quantitative prediction. It is the most elegant and complete quantitative prediction in human history. Its predictions are not limited, they are unlimited. Anyone can simulate with the automaton and see for themselves the fabric of reality

>> No.10848465

okay, good strawman. call me a flattard or any other ridiculous shit you want to make up. doesn’t change the fact i never said anytlike that but simply would like at least one falsifiable quantitative prediction , which clearly you’re incapable of giving

>> No.10848470

>The entire Optimum Automaton is a quantitative prediction. It is the most elegant and complete quantitative prediction in human history. Its predictions are not limited, they are unlimited. Anyone can simulate with the automaton and see for themselves the fabric of reality

>> No.10848471

*anything like

>> No.10848475

Oof. Lover's quarrel.

What's up Gary? Not happy with your husband?

>No take backs!

>> No.10848477


My posts are almost always riddled with spelling errors anon. This does not concern me. I have fat thumbs and a small keyboard. One of the first things said in Optimum Theory is to think deeper than semantics.

>> No.10848479

Canadian white people are more racist than american white people but theyre dumb as rocks. Fuck you cunt
Lemme kcik right in the face bitch

>> No.10848480
File: 37 KB, 444x691, images (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't go any deeper than syntax, Gary.

>> No.10848481

okay, now i see the optitards have chosen a “let’s strawman the one guy who called us out, let’s call him a flatearther or clamptard or berzerkfag to deflect his arguments.”

i never said any of that. all i wanted was just one quantitative prediction from you retards. instead you all go retarded.


>> No.10848492

Hi Donald Trump! Hope you enjoy committing suicide on national television as a nation breaks you mentally and all the established old people just watch you slip into linguistic madness!

>Quantitative Prosumptions > Predictive Sigmoids

>> No.10848499

kek, you got the reference! good for you

>> No.10848504

That's how I chain my polynomial cyclotomic gonads.

>> No.10848516
File: 481 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20190719_131323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[math]\iota^2 = \epsilon - \phi^-3[/math]

>> No.10848698


>> No.10848711


Agreed. It totally is. Cannot tell you y. Pay me $100,000 and 8 years of your life and I will explain

>> No.10848714

You are mocking me. I used my mature blonde female authoritative Catholic "Yes" voice and yet you stiiiillllllllll mockkked meeeee!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!



>> No.10848719


No butt seriously Catholics I luv u. My mums a Catholic. U see.

Happiness health success senpai. In Jesus Christ name.

>> No.10848727


Books are more important than living humans so we tots must destory any live, conscious beings, born of a family and mother an father, who mocks the letters in our super cerial book. King James sez so and trust me he was reaaly like imprortant. No serioal i get it. U have people in HR and will bloodliessly end the genomies of those who disobey. I getz it. Your letters a r super importantz