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10845655 No.10845655 [Reply] [Original]

how will agriculture change as technology improves and the population grows /sci/?

>> No.10845659

More automation, if there is capacity left for more things to be automated.

>> No.10845693
File: 189 KB, 766x412, solarfoods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BEHOLD THE FUTURE! Food produced from bacteria fed almost directly with electricity! Solein.
Protein derived from bacteria fed with solar power derived electricity! It's more efficient than photosynthesis. Finland's interested in it because it allows them to grow food in the dead of the cold Finnish winter, such technology also works in the cold of space too! You can even use other sources of electricity too, like wind, hydro, geothermal or nuclear power. We shall enter a new era of purely processed foods!

>> No.10845702
File: 293 KB, 1294x918, wilkes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lab grown meat
>Vertical farming
>3D printed vegetables, fruit, and meat
>automated, with some human labor if people want to farm by choice

To be honest, you can't tell. We already have the technology to do some crazy shit but either research lacks funding or people don't want to do it because it's too new and nobody is doing it or people find the new technology taboo.

>> No.10846660

how is 3D printing food useful, I mean its cool but what developments could make it truly beneficial?

>> No.10846697

there'll still be cows on fields

>> No.10846702

The Amazon Rainforest is a giant manmade garden. This is the true future of agriculture: making ecosystems with symbiotic relationships that basically sustains itself without "human intervention".

>> No.10846863
File: 504 KB, 800x450, Robotic_Tractor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how will agriculture change as technology improves and the population grows /sci/?

Farming is becoming robotized.

>> No.10847076

By using less space. Multi-story farming for example. Top level is plants(direct sunlight), third level is fish(indirect sunlight), second level is insects and bottom level is mushrooms (no sunlight required). Can be done right now, no new technology required.

>> No.10847543

true og redpill

>> No.10847596
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I don't know, I'm sure people will find good uses for it.
>Convenient/emergency food on submarines or ISS, other extreme locations
>able to add nutrients and/or vitamins to your print material
>Don't have to cook
Beats me, but usually technology finds something to be applied to.

>> No.10847756

It won't
Technology will only improve for a short time
Population will only increase for a short time
Then Barbarism and the loss of all valuable culture, regardless of which ethnic culture group is your favourite
Then starvation as the agricultural industrial complex dies

>> No.10847771

Where do you get the ink?

>> No.10847982

Those are some fine looking t-bones.

>> No.10849354
File: 353 KB, 5313x1969, r9ibYuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat grown in labs.
Drones spraying seeds.
Sensors monitoring crops.
The Monsanto cancer got eradicated.
Gene editing for increased harvest etc.
Robots doing transport and maintenance.
Apps helping humans in organizing agriculture.
Check out these articles: http://petscan.wmflabs.org/?psid=10317348

>> No.10849366

Unless we get fusion working or go all in on fission to power desalination plants there won't be enough freshwater left to irrigate crops because we've been draining aquifers faster than they can replenish for decades already and demand just keeps increasing.