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10844911 No.10844911 [Reply] [Original]

what will you do when things get ugly

>> No.10845247

Move to Maine

>> No.10845328
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>> No.10845330

I mean, we were all gonna die anyway.

>> No.10845340

>there is no doubt left
>absolute consensus
>99% certainty
are they sure about that

>> No.10845378

never understood why i should care about this. even if some giant tsunami destroys all human civilization, oh well, at least we had a good run

>> No.10845388
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>"There's no doubt left"
>"It's settled science anon, just submit and obey"

>> No.10845393


So now that all the scientists agree, the left is going to go all-in on nuclearizing the baseload of the power grid.


Looks like we all die then.

>> No.10845394

>what will you do when things get ugly
I’ll keep shitposting on 4chan about how CC is a myth to rake in (You)s

>> No.10845402

Sure, you can have half of the ten billion dollar subsidies we give to fossil fuels. Throw the other half into renewables and electric vehicles for energy storage.

Call your representatives

>> No.10845421

I love how this is the news/media version of our own shitpost threads saying "Scientifically speaking...random bullshit"

>> No.10845641

How many years did it take to drop that much?

>> No.10845644
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why are global warming advocates so fixated on convincing non academic people into believing global warming?

>> No.10845645


>> No.10845652

How can the answer to that question not be self-evident? Do you have no understanding at all of the topic and the implications?

>> No.10845656


Because the goal is to get the serfs and other non-elites to shackle themselves to 17th century poverty in order for the ruling class to continue a life of decadence?

>> No.10845665

Top kek, anon

Here are my options (in descending order of probability):
1. die
2. hunt people for their meat
3. use my vastly superior intellect to genetically engineer crops suited to the new conditions

On a side note wouldn't elevated temperature and CO2 levels make the planet greener since plants love this shit? The soil in many regions would probably get messed up though

>> No.10845666

Because if we don't decarbonize, our food supplies will collapse and we'll see the worst disaster in human history.
The fact that opportunists use this reality to try and seize control and impose their will doesn't change the physics at play in the atmosphere.

>> No.10845691

>Because if we don't decarbonize, our food supplies will collapse

I don't think anyone reading the article owns a factory or a large business, on the opposite I notice large companies which are supposed to be in favour of reducing pollution, intentionally producing products which will need to be replaced within 3 years to make sure the consumerist hordes continue to buy their crap.

all these articles do is make pseudo intellectuals feel important when they repeat important sounding news to their normie friends

if thats not the case, why are non academics being bombarded with "PROOF" of global warming

>> No.10845697

I'm in a job where I can relocate to pretty much every developed country in the world easily, maybe even some 'third-world' country. If it stays that way, I'll just move to wherever the shit didn't hit the fan completely. At least that's the plan. I doubt things will go south too soon, and I'm not that young anymore. I expect this to happen: droughts in various African countries will become more severe, e.g. Algiers, Nigeria, maybe even Egypt and the like - which initially will cause situations very much like in Syria (which coincidentally had the same cause - protests due to lack of governmental response to prolonged droughts). For some while those situations will be contained in the various countries - but one day the damn will break, first Europe, then the rest. I hope I'll be dead by then.

>> No.10845709

I don't think anyone thinks that factory owners will forgo their profits and wealth to "do the right thing."

>why are non academics being bombarded
Because the kind of change that's needed requires large amounts of political will, which is intuitively obvious to anyone who's concerned about the issue.
That said, I'm reasonably certain that no real action will be taken.

>> No.10845710

Muh scientist

>> No.10845714


>> No.10845716

Nuclear proliferation wasn't the basis of our economy and wealth.

>> No.10845720



And we have countries with nuclear power but no weapons like Japan, S korea, germany, and Sweden. And we have countries with nuclear weapons and not power like Pakistan, India, South Africa, Israem, and N. Korea.

Thus showing that having one does not lead to the other and vice versa.

And not just that, but nuclear weapons tends to stabilize regions, like Pakistan and India who fought three major wars in the 20th century then only settled to uninteresting border skirmishes that are quickly deescalated since BOTH countries had the bomb in 1998.

Also, that one of the most evil, racist regimes has been the only country to unilaterally disarm.

>> No.10845731


>harm the growth of your country and people
>do the right thing

no wonder global warming propaganda is being shovelled into the heads of children.
I remember a teacher telling me, in the 3rd grade, we would run out of air by 2020 if we didn't stop global warming, I'm kinda glad, I no longer trust any authority figures any more

>> No.10845732

die from an IED

>> No.10845733


I'd say there was a benefit to not having a third, fourth, or fifth global industrial war in Europe from a health and wealth perspective.

>> No.10845735
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>> No.10845736


>Because the kind of change that's needed requires large amounts of political will, which is intuitively obvious to anyone who's concerned about the issue.
That said, I'm reasonably certain that no real action will be taken.

why are you shy about telling us what needs to be done? do you not know what needs to be done or is it unspeakable due to once being said aloud you will realize how unappealing it is?

>> No.10845737

>teacher telling me, in the 3rd grade,
US education

>> No.10845743

>changes in rainfall patters and rises in extreme weather events won't harm the growth of your country
Do you even understand that any percentage growth is exponential (the same way that compound interest is)? Having an economy based on growth if fundamentally unsustainable (for a lot more reasons than climate change).

>muh teacher
It's always the same crap isn't it?
>this rando said something stupid once therefore it's all bullshit
that's some pretty weak reasoning right there to be sure

>why are you shy about telling us what needs to be done?
I'm not. What needs to be done won't be done willingly. It'll just happen when the system collapses.

>> No.10845744

>I'm not.
>does not state what needs to happen

>> No.10845749

Quality comment. Really anon, you've outdone yourself this time.
I'm not shy about. But, I didn't state it because there was no need for it. Would you like me to state it now?

>> No.10845755

Literally waiting for the great Boomer die off before society in general can be "unpaused"

>> No.10845758

>3. use my vastly superior intellect to genetically engineer crops suited to the new conditions
So you're gonna work for Monsanto then?

>> No.10845769

>Quality comment. Really anon, you've outdone yourself this time.
>dismissal by mockery

I should write a book about how predictable you ((intellectuals)) are

>> No.10845771

>wouldn't elevated temperature and CO2 levels make the planet greener
This has been going on for a while already. Problem is, it's mostly algae that are getting a boost and fucking things up.

>> No.10845778

I didn't dismiss you.
Do you always misrepresent people like this or are you just a total dumbkopf?

>> No.10845781

>opinion piece

>> No.10845782

>So you're gonna work for Monsanto then?
You mean Bayer. I have the skills and expertise to make GMOs but in all honesty I'd do it for the money and not for the sake of humanity.

>> No.10845783


>> No.10845784
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>scientific consensus


>> No.10845787

>it's mostly algae that are getting a boost and fucking things up.
What kind of algae? I imagine cyanobacteria being bad by poisoning the body of water where their population explodes.

>> No.10845790

>John Coleman
Kek.. every fucking time...
>John Coleman was a speaker at the Heartland Institute’s Ninth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC9) in Las Vegas, Nevada
>Heartland Institute
Literally a corporate propaganda organisation that got paid to lie about the link between tobacco and cancer and now gets paid to lie about climate change

>> No.10845794


You answer this one simple question, then. And until you answer it, shut the fuck up and do your own research and present it to the scientific community. Without the facts, your opinions mean absolute dogshit.

To what extent, precisely, can climate change be attributed to human activity?


>> No.10845796

you won't be alive then

in any case, fuck the filthy media

>> No.10845798
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When things get ugly, I will spend night and day brainstorming for ideas to make them even uglier so as to increase the magnitude of the disrespect I show to the heretics who have been so bold as to buck the grand scheme of things.

>> No.10845799
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>ignores that he posted a fucking fossil fuel shill
>posts some irrelevant pseudoscience celeb
This is growing pretty tiresome anon.

>> No.10845804

still no one has said what needs to be done. don't be coy.

how does one measure the total co2 output of humanity and that of the natural world?

>> No.10845808

>level of confidence
>excludes greenhouse gasses emitted by nature
>no sources

I can make shit up in MS paint too, anon.

>> No.10845810

I'll say what needs to be done when you actually ask me to directly, not with this faggy indirect waffling you keep putting out there.

>how does one measure the total co2 output of humanity and that of the natural world?
>muh human CO2 emissions are small
Do you understand what an equilibrium is? You can have a small change to the total flux cause large effects by shifting the equilibrium.
Not to mention that 30 billion tonnes of a gas per year is fucking huge

>> No.10845812
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>can't use reverse image search\
>can't google at all
>you won't post everything I demand therefore it doesn't exist and you're wrong!

>> No.10845813

natural volcanoes arguably emit >1000x the anthropogenic output, as have been in the past. Do you know how many times life was close to extinction in the Earth's history?
Protip: The dinosaur extinction was just small fry

>> No.10845816
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>muh volcanoes
Do you always just assume shit instead of looking it up? Guess that explains how you manage to be so retardedly wrong about everything.

>> No.10845818

tell me now what needs to be done you absolute fucking faggot jesus christ

>Do you understand what an equilibrium is? blah blah blah blah
how do you MEASURE global human emissions and global natural emissions?

>Not to mention that 30 billion tonnes of a gas per year is fucking huge
how do you MEASURE 30 billion tonnes of gas?

simply saying "oh there's a greater concentration of co2 in the atmosphere at these few points in particular than measured in some way decades ago" is not good enough to make bold claims about total masses of gas emitted into the entire atmosphere AS WELL AS precise claims their sources

>> No.10845820

Don't worry, daddy Trump said that nothing will happen in the north...you know, the land of tornados, hurricanes, fire woods and super massive thunder storms.

>> No.10845822
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>> No.10845828

3/10 got me to reply

>> No.10845829

>there will be a point in hundreds of years when the global average temperature has increased by one degree and this will be catastrophic and it's all down to you, you wasteful shithead
>but also climate change is the reason it has been hot in Europe for a few days (yet it has been a pathetically mild summer overall)
Why should I listen to glorified bloggers?

>> No.10845834


>> No.10845836

>what "needs" to be done
Our current level of wealth and well being is based on fossil fuels. This includes agriculture and our trade networks (which include food distribution). Renewables aren't a solution to this (for multiple reasons). Nuclear isn't a solution to this. MAYBE, if we get really lucky technology will advance rapidly to the point in the next decade or so to provide real solutions. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
(the only time we've actually reduced emissions is during the recession after 2008)
So basically, we need to stop producing so much.. including food. The "solution" I see is a mass dieoff of several billion people. Of course I don't want this. No sane person does. Nor will we implement this "solution." Yet it's also the most likely result if we don't act. So.. we're fucked either way.

>how do you MEASURE
Something about isotopes. It's just a google search away

>how do you MEASURE 30 billion tonnes of gas?
You know how much gas is produced by a given amount of coal or oil burned

>> No.10845838

Not sure what you're getting at here

>> No.10845839

>how does one measure the total co2 output of humanity and that of the natural world?
Top-down and bottom-up approaches, combined with a simple balance equation. I'll be honest and say that MANY details are not figured out (e.g. carbon flux partiioning, regional and local scale fluxes etc.) - but the overall total picture is tight enough to assess the net anthropogenic contribution to the carbon cycle.

>> No.10845840

>simply saying.... is not good enough

It damn well is when you're demanding us to stop our entire fucking infrastructure. Your claims aren't even vaguely precise. We are dumping a bunch of CO2 in the air, yes. But how much this *actually* contributes to climate change is very much unclear. We don't even have a vague idea. So shut the fuck up. Nobody is going to stop running their business or sell their car because you paranoid fags *might* be right. Get the evidence and get the sources or get the fuck out.

>> No.10845844

ah so no actual proposals then

>You know how much gas is produced by a given amount of coal or oil burned
which is also infeasible to measure

BP puts the global consumption of oil at 1.4e6 * 116.42 kg per day, but how could we ever know how much of this is burned in fuel form and how much is used for other industrial processes?

>> No.10845845

The biggest extinction event in Earth's history which wiped out 95% of biodiversity. Volcanoes are not "small fry". Yellowstone is a much bigger threat than humans can impose.

>> No.10845846

I stopped caring about climate change when the CA governor when he used it as an excuse as to why there was such a poor response to the forest fire
>yes we failed to properly evacuate our citizens, refuse to do controlled burnings, have poor response times with firefighters only showing up hours after the fires engulfed the entire town, but if climate change didn't exist it wouldn't have happened in the first place! (it would have)

>> No.10845847

Yeah, but there aren't exactly any supervolcanoes or flood basalts erupting right now, are there? The comparison is the relative contribution since the dawn on the industrial revolution.

>> No.10845850

Oh noes what will I do about all muh dead children in the 24th century.

>> No.10845852

>no actual proposals then
That's right. What's your point?

Maybe you should google it and see how these things are measured instead of pretending that your argument from ignorance has any sort of merit.

>> No.10845853

the first thing is to prevent planned obsolescence

>> No.10845854

>Yeah, but there aren't exactly any supervolcanoes or flood basalts erupting right now, are there?


>> No.10845856

>a future event is relevant to the past 200 years
Anon I...

>> No.10845858

So they didn't occur before industrialization then. Got it.

>> No.10845862

Even if we do end up destroying ourselves to the point of our own extinction, so fucking what? Once we're all dead the problem will sort itself out. And the planet has suffered through far, far worse.

>> No.10845864

>muh GDP

>> No.10845872


People's standard of living is based on production and is the actual factor determining health and wealth of a society.

>> No.10845898

So then we die, because that's not enough for nuclear, and renewables are absolutely worthless. Anything with an energy return on investment of less than 25 is absolutely worthless for solving this problem (no renewable does better than 5).

It's nuclear or nothing.

>> No.10845922

>Be me
>Living in frozen hellhole in the middle of the continent, 1000 miles away from ocean

When global temperatures and sea levels rise and destroy the big cities and drive the climate to shit, I'm under the impression that my home town will prosper. The climate will become bearable, the ocean will be accessible for more than 2 months a year and will move closer to the city, and the death of other cities will drive people here, inducing growth. Since I'm already established in this city, I only have to profit from this.

>> No.10845944

>temperature increases
>Evaporation of seas and other water bodies increases
>Albedo and rainfall increase due to more precipitation
>Land is now greener since more CO2 and water and temperature is not increasing because albedo is increasing

Nice cult bro, yeah only 12 years until everybody dies quick tax the serfs and give it to our rich mates because that's definitely a fix lmao.

>> No.10845946

>renewables are worthless ... it's nuclear or nothing
nice meme, but no actual figures

>> No.10845952

Germany alone already spent more than half a trillion on renewables.

>> No.10845953

move to Poland and eat them apples

>> No.10845973

>climate change or storage of nuclear waste.
>haha i guess ill take climate change
>why are countries like this

Reminder that renewables capacity factor is fucking shit. They are literally lying to the public because of its ignorance. The capacity of solar plants is not the same as their capacity factor. Nuclear plants has the best capacity factor, about 90%, out of any energy source.


>> No.10845980

People are spooked by nuclear and I can hardly blame them.

But I agree we need more nuclear.

I personally think the issue is not so much about how scared people are of nuclear but how unscarred they are of climate change. They are happy to fight climate change so long as all it means is voting for politicians who promise to build wind-farms. Not so much bothered if it requires doing anything vaguely uncomfortable.

>> No.10845982

capacity factor is of little consequence you fucking phoneposter

solve the problem of nuclear energy being astronomically expensive or fuck off

>> No.10845984

Less expensive than a 100% renewable grid.

>> No.10845985

provide evidence

>> No.10845986

We don't need more nuclear, we need less people.

Reducing the population is the only real solution to climate change, and almost every other environmental issue that exists.

>> No.10845987


>Installing 5x the capacity required of solar panels and wind using lead and cadmium and replacing them every 20 years is not an issue.

That's you.

The only expensive aspect of nuclear power is compliance costs because we think radiation is magic. And standardization and economy of scale will drop that significantly.

>> No.10845989

Good video in it: https://youtu.be/h5cm7HOAqZY

Basically renewables get crazy expensive if you depend on them all the time for everything, since they aren’t consistent sources of power. Batteries can help, but are crazy expensive to use to support 100% renewables atm. Right now it seems insane not to support the grid with nuclear. Expensive yes, but at least there’s no co2.

>> No.10845991

>Standardization and economy of scale applies to nuclear but not renewables

>> No.10845993

That will happen regardless of what the lower strata do. No conspiracy needed. The reason for panic is that the life support systems are going to collapse.

>> No.10845994

You still need coal for steel and you still need oil for everything.

>> No.10845995

If you use capacity factor instead of capacity to compare energy sources, nuclear comes out a lot cheaper. There will never be a solar plant that has the same capacity factor and its as consistent as nuclear plants. You can improve the technology all you want but you cant change the sun.

>> No.10845998

We don’t burn steel. And we can figure out how to make steel without putting co2 in the atmosphere in significant amounts. You don’t need to burn oil for anything

>> No.10846000

>Well just figure it out lol

>> No.10846001

fuck photovoltaics nigger and fuck you

all capacity factor says is "it's variable" and "it doesn't run near nameplate capacity". how fucking meaningless.

>The only expensive aspect of nuclear power is compliance costs
>plant construction
>waste processing
and not forgetting
>unlimited expense of plant decommissioning and possibly accident cleanup

none of this is a cost effective way of producing loads of energy, and never will be. you're just enamored with nuclear because the process is cool.

>> No.10846004
File: 44 KB, 576x287, US_EIA_monthly_capacity_factors_for_renewables_2011-2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems to amortize just fine to me

>> No.10846006

It’s not that fucking difficult. As the very least we can do carbon capture. There’s probably much cheaper ways to do it with some r&d.

Regardless, coal for making steel is a lot leas than the coal we use for making electricity.

>> No.10846008

im a pole and i wont get angry if poland became warmer, it would be quite okay to be honest

>> No.10846009

>If you use capacity factor instead of capacity to compare energy sources, nuclear comes out a lot cheaper.
Capacity factor has nothing to do with cost.

>> No.10846011

>I didn’t watch the video
Er.. okay then.

>> No.10846019

>dude watch this literal -- yes, literal -- shill
fuck you

>> No.10846022

You won’t be saying that when you’re overrun with hundreds of millions of niggers immigrating out of Africa.

>> No.10846023
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>> No.10846024

isn't poland really hot in the summer though?

>> No.10846025

A shill argument can still be correct. If he’s wrong you can show why he’s wrong surely.

>> No.10846028

Provide evidence he is being paid off by "big nuclear"

>> No.10846033

>fuck photovoltaics nigger and fuck you
>all capacity factor says is "it's variable" and "it doesn't run near nameplate capacity". how fucking meaningless.

>fucking meaningless

Are you retarded? 100% capacity factor means that the plant is producing at its full capacity in ideal conditions. Its basically the actual energy produced in a given period.


>> No.10846034

i don't mean that particular video; some other videos of his are sponsored by by the subjects of the videos. why, then, should i trust him?

by the same token you can all provide evidence that renewable energy is watt-for-watt more costly than nuclear, including the full life cycle of nuclear fuel, and the decommissioning of reactors and accident cleanup

>> No.10846035
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>>>10845995 (You)
>Capacity factor has nothing to do with cost.

>> No.10846036

a unitless factor doesn't mean anything for cost efficiency as you keep implying

>> No.10846040

Yes, that’s what the video was about.

>> No.10846041

my dick up your brainletposting ass might have a capacity factor of 90% but it's not favourable if it costs ten times more than X which has a capacity factor of 40%

>> No.10846042

go on then, this is a place for discussion

>> No.10846045

Not sure what you’re asking.

>> No.10846046

Newsom might care some more when his own house burns. Know several families personally who were ravaged by the fire.

>> No.10846047

I am gonna put it very simple so you can understand.

>you buy a solar plant with 100 MW capacity for 100 dollars
>you buy a nuclear plant with 100 MW capacity for 150 dollars

Which one is more expensive? Nuclear plant has 90% capacity factor and solar plant 30%.

>> No.10846052

>>>10846035 (You)
>my dick up your brainletposting ass might have a capacity factor of 90% but it's not favourable if it costs ten times more than X which has a capacity factor of 40%

>ten times more than

Citation needed.

>> No.10846057

I learnt something new the other day. In a thread like this one. Its called "wet bulb temperature". I had to look it up.


So when it gets too hot and humid you can not get rid of your body's heat. Not by standing in the shade, not by blowing air over yourself. You will then die a very uncomfortable and, I guess, slow death.

My solution then is to live under the sea. Its pretty much my fall back plan for all sorts of calamities. The sea is never going to go above 40 °C (104 °F), right?

>> No.10846062

I had that this idea too. But apparently there’s this condition called “drowning” that makes it pretty difficult to live underwater in a practical way.


>> No.10846063

Here in Finland a study by Lappeenranta University determined that nuclear power would be the cheapest choice when considering all the costs. Wind was cheaper if hidden costs were dismissed.

Nuclear doesn't need to be expensive. It depends a lot on the cost of capital (interest rate) which would be extremely low for governments. It also depends on how many reactors you build and how much experience the local industry has.

South Korea offers cheap reactors (AP-1400) for export. Offered Saudi's 4 reactors for a total of $18.6 billion in 2009.

>> No.10846064

When was that study done? Aren’t some finish nuclear projects massively over budget?

>> No.10846065


we're both pulling numbers out of our asses here and you don't take into account the cost per watt hour or decommissioning

>> No.10846066

Why are you posting if your just pulling numbers out of your ass?

>> No.10846068

Anyone here comparing the price of solar to the price of nuclear is comparing apples to oranges.

You don't get power from solar panels when you want it, you get it when the time of day and weather allows it. Doesn't matter if solar is free if you don't have any. You would still want nuclear because you would get electricity when you need it. That's until batteries or other storage tech catches up.

Solar is good if you don't have much of it or you have plenty of hydro or some other way of balancing it.

>> No.10846069


>> No.10846070

why are you?

>> No.10846071

you mean flywheels

>> No.10846072

I’m not.

>> No.10846073

Lol. If you say so.

>> No.10846074

They've done the same study a few times at least, latest was in 2017.

Yeah, Olkiluoto 3 is way over budget. But it's not because all nuclear is hard to build, just that this particular prototype is hard to build. Even the chinese had trouble with that model and they can build plants faster than pretty much anyone else.

Median time to build a nuclear power plant was below 5 years a few years back.

>> No.10846075


>> No.10846077

the two examples given in the capacity factor wikipedia article are the horns rev 2 wind farm and the palo verde nuclear power station

if we take those two to be representative examples of their respective power generation types, and take into account the capacity factors given in the article, then a nuclear plant costs about a third as much to build as an offshore wind farm, per watt

but the cost doesn't end there for either, does it.

>> No.10846081
File: 28 KB, 1085x405, vpdule.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batteries cost fucktons of money when you need to power an entire country for a night with them.

>> No.10846083

Based retard

>> No.10846085


This is getting absurd. Not even tranny twitter cares about it anymore. The whole thing started as Numerology-based hysteria about 2000, and became popular through and for Politics alone. I'd wager REEEElection will end it for good now that there are equally moronic and pointless issues to jitter about, "fascism" etc.

>> No.10846086

Yes they do. But the do mean the sun doesn’t always need to be shining. And there’s lots of large battery farms in operation with even bigger ones planned because they are reasonably effective at today’s prices. They will only get more useful as prices fall.

>> No.10846087
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>> No.10846092

The battery farms in operation are not for storage moron, they are merely for filling in gaps in grid production until other plants can bring their turbines up. Even the fuckhuge one in Australia does this function, it couldn't power a city for 10 fucking minutes. Don't get me wrong it was a great solution to the problem of grid fluctuations but they are not what you purport. The amount of batteries required to backup the grid, even for a single night is absolutely obscene.

>> No.10846103

>getty image of construction site

>> No.10846106
File: 281 KB, 1683x1690, 2018 November 23 - Everyone is still a newfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't 4chan, newfag.

>> No.10846108

Yellowstone doesn't have a volcano.

>> No.10846112

Tesla built a battery in Australia a while back for $56 million. Capacity 129 MWh.

The US uses around 10 000 000 MWh per 24 hours on average.

So for 1 hour of US usage you would need 3461 batteries for total cost of $194 billion. And because average is only average, you will need more sometimes. Also, lithium batteries die very fast if you discharge them to 0 % (also they don't like being at 100 % capacity). So let's say you need +50 % of batteries to compensate for all of these effects. That's ~$300 billion for 1 hour of storage.

Sun rises in New York today at 5:50 (GMT-4) and sets in Alaska at 22:46 (GMT-8) so that leaves 3 hours of darkness you need to store for at the minimum. This kinda assumes you will have double the required solar panels (half of them in Alaska and half in New York) and a HVDC network connecting the entire country.

So you might be kinda OK with $900 billlion in battery capacity for those 3 hours. But what if it's cloudy when the sun is supposed to kick in? How many hours is enough then? Is 30 hours of capacity enough? That's $9 trillion. A week's worth? That would be $50 trillion.

>> No.10846131

Are you high? You’re never going to need to run the entire US grid on 100% battery power for over an hour. Solar isn’t the only renewable. $200 billion isn’t crazy money for enabling the entire US grid to go on renewables, but it should be much cheaper than that over time.

Where the fuck are you getting 1 weeks worth of battery capacity for the entire US? The fact that you need to summon such ridiculous circumstances to find something to criticise makes me think this battery thing might be better than I thought.

>> No.10846132

That's without factoring in that solar in Alaska is shit tier since it's at a really high latitude. You would definitely want at least a few days at full capacity so yeah you would be looking at a few tens of trillions on top of your huge solar costs. For that kind of money you could build enough nuke plants to run the whole fucking planet and then some.

>> No.10846135

>One hour of battery storage is sufficient

Lmao are you fucking retarded. Hydro is pretty much tapped out so you are down to wind which is total trash tier.

>> No.10846141

Wind is hardly trash tier and it blows at night.

>> No.10846142

Adding wind to solar will not fix the problem. There are times when you don't get any wind either. Even continentwide.

Hydro is 6 % and not going to grow a lot so that is literally next to nothing.

>> No.10846144

>Recoups ~80% of emissions making the fucking things
>Only get reliable wind in super high areas where it's incredibly expensive to build
>Or out at sea where salt nukes the expected lifespan
>Hope the wind doesn't blow too hard or you have to shut them down
>Holocausts local bird life




>> No.10846151

When do you not get any wind across the entire continent?

>> No.10846156

Imagine being such a sniveling loser that you argue that climate change isn't real on an anonymous imageboard. Imagine defending fossil fuels even when you don't work for a fossil fuel company. Imagine rejecting the massive amount of data that shows this because "But what about muh meat factories?"
People like this should just be ignored while we work to fix the problem. Executives of energy companies should just have their properties seized while the state and the people implement new energy production and if they fight back we just shoot them in the back of the head.

>> No.10846160
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Also, I was not saying that you will need a week's worth of batteries. That is why there was a question mark. But the answer will most likely be "more than 1 day".

Electrical network needs to be weatherproof. It doesn't matter if you only need more than 1 day of storage once per decade or once per 50 years, you're gonna need it nonetheless.

>> No.10846161

Now you're no better than the losers who shill for fossil fuels.
There ARE no "renewables". Nuclear energy is the cleanest most efficient energy source, stop playing childish games about "pretty green solar energy :D " and accept reality and move towards helping slow down climate change.

>> No.10846162

Well I hope you have built enough stupid windmills at many different spots with each having enough capacity to run the whole grid or your lights turn off and your house goes cold. This whole concept is laughably retarded, nuclear is the magic bullet for all our energy problems that we have had for half a century and not using it is fucking retarded.

>> No.10846165

Not the whole grid. But enough to supplement the grid enough to require less dependancy on batteries.

>> No.10846168

>Also, I was not saying that you will need a week's worth of batteries. That is why there was a question mark.
Why are you asking if it would never be needed?

>> No.10846172

what about a holocaust 2.0? even though it didn't happen

>> No.10846173

Because it just might be needed. I haven't studied how cloudy the US is at any given time or how often the entire continent is cloudy enough to be a problem. Or if there are volcanoes causing problems every few decades or something.

For example, in my country we would only get next to no solar power for 6-8 months in a row. I know US is at a lot lower latitude but I'd still like to actually know the facts and not just assume something.

>> No.10846175

will your ethnic group and pool of future mates or mates for your future offspring also be able to migrate?

>> No.10846180

So you’re blowing smoke basically.

>> No.10846206
File: 827 KB, 1920x1413, sasawat-intakul-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes comrade, to the gulags with them!


desu all yall niggers are stupid AF, climate change is real but there is nothing we can do to fix it because it would genuinely require an inhuman amount of cooperation and tolerance towards one another. Literally the people in power in every, EVERY country are total shitheads and like barely appease the public and distract them with stupid bullshit or totalitarian rule. Were not keeping the earth in good hands.
>inb4 /pol
This issue is inherently political because certain political groups contend on the validity of climate change, hell, for some people its directly beneficial to fuck up the Earth. Like every fat nigger in america starts to recycle and tries to live a shitty overpriced zero waste life, now what? China is still going to literally dump acid into the ocean(and India) . Its all due to competition. My best solution is to let us experiment more openly with things like CRISPR and other fringe shit. Call it "Le epic popsci" but since were not going to change as a species anytime soon it might genuinely be worth it to loose a few morals when it comes to research. We kill each other in mass everyday anyway, and like we don't need to pretend that were better than that. if we put the funding of our militaries into this shit we could do all kinds of magic. maybe we could make people more intelligent but also give them more compassion, make it impossible to not relate to the pain of others. Maybe artificial empathy is the solution to climate change and many other issues. IDK, everyone is being gay and debating whether or not climate change is real while people and the planet die. Like bre literally it might be better to just try to seed some semi complex life in the universe and just hope that shit evolves into something intelligent one day. literally we might die in the next 200 years due to just straight up war, fuck climate change its about to get real toasty, 300,000 degrees Celsius to be exact.

>> No.10846306

A journalist asked Einstein for his comment on an article titled "100 scientists speak out against Einstein".

Einstein replied "100? If I were truly wrong it should only take one."

>> No.10846316

Reminder that Einstein was a patent clerk who stole all his great ideas from other, more talented individuals

>> No.10846322

if you're basing this idea off of bjerkness please understand that that man is very mistaken about an awful lot of things

>> No.10846332

Don't forget that most plants need sun to grow. If the areas that get the most sun hear the equator gets too hot (think Sahara Desert) then the places further away will become slightly more suitable but they aren't going to get the sunlight that you usually get at lower latitudes.

>> No.10846344

Poland is doomed though. All analysis show giant water problems in future. And already Warta and Wisła rivers have very low water levels.

>> No.10846352

look at >>10846344
Poland will be absolutely fucked by climate change.What is even worse that people don't do anything with decreasing water levels until there is nearly none.
Also Poland had drought problems for few last years especially in western part(Greater Poland for example).

>> No.10846357

Awful lot of whataboutism here. Why should we worry about this when we could be worrying about that? Its a great way to stall people actually doing anything until we're all fucked.

>> No.10846367

>Everyone wants to fight to prove climate change
>Nobody wants to support developing nuclear power, i.e. the only real solution to meeting our power needs without fossil fuels, and just want to prattle on about solar and wind
What did they mean by this

>> No.10846369
File: 305 KB, 1222x866, energy-cliff-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this photograph
Everytime I do it makes me laugh

>> No.10846371

where does fusion stand?

>> No.10846377

You got it wrong, we want to remove the rich who fucked us and transition our way of life to a sustainable one. I dont know why wanting humanity and the other species of earth to be as sustainable as possible is looked upon as controversial considering its the only life we have definitive proof of.

>> No.10846378

Ethanol as fuel is fucking retarded and people in charge should be shot for subsidising this shit through the teeth and fucking up countless acres of prime growing land, trashing the soil and polluting the rivers and aquifers with nitrates as well as sucking them dry for a meme

>> No.10846380

below y=0

>> No.10846384

When the times turn weird, the weird turn pro

>> No.10846389

Fusion still has a long way to go. It could be another 20 years if we're lucky before we have anything near commercial.

>> No.10846391

Luckily my country is particularly well shielded to the effects due to the gulf stream and being an island. I'll just have to prepare for migrants I guess.

>> No.10846392

Fusion nets no energy for society since no one has ever built a sustainable working reactor

>> No.10846393


>> No.10846398

>5 billion in subsidies per year isn't enough for investors to build reactors
This is the real reason we aren't using memepower

>> No.10846407

Yep. Its going to get warmer and wetter but we'd need to get a lot hotter before we'd be in any real trouble not to mention the sea keeps our temperature relatively comfortable and stable.

>> No.10846411

Ireland here too.

Some models suggest climate change may cause the gulf stream to move down into europe and Ireland will get a lot colder. Sort of hope that one doesn't happen.

>> No.10846418
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>>10844911 By then I'll be helping to sustain and improve my local RBEish city.
We already have most of the solution - it's mostly just an issue of transition, awareness, speed and implementation.


Question what you're wasting your precious time with.

>> No.10846419

I mean that optimistic approach I took earlier is completely reliant on the gulf stream staying the same. If we lose the gulf stream then we are gonna be in for a world of pain.

>> No.10846424
File: 125 KB, 1366x732, epicfactsandlogic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah... it's almost like... Capitalist production is responsible for human extinction.

>> No.10846427

Hey, we were always doomed to extinction. At least we had some laughs right?

>> No.10846431

There doesnt need to be any figures for this argument to be true, large scale energy storage of the type we would need to run off only renewables doesnt exist technologically. Renewables might be a total solution if the entire worlds infrastructure was redesigned.

>> No.10846435

>what is a public utility
Muh free market is not going to solve all your problems, I dont know how much more evidence Americans need to realize this.

>> No.10846437

Saltwater batteries are 0.12 $/kwh and the materials are common

>> No.10846438

shut up lorax

>> No.10846439

how far will you relocate when gasoline is $1000/gallon?

>> No.10846441

>waste processing
You realize that light water reactors arent the only design in operational use globally right now? Congrats on not knowing anything about a topic you formed a strong a opinion of.
>cost of cleanup
Lul because cleaning up coal plants is so cheap

>> No.10846442
File: 77 KB, 750x527, hd7rdha66ub31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope future generations are lectured in school about all the damage boomers have caused to this planet
Old-farts who only care about money, are ruining everything for future generations, stopping environmental laws from going through etc.
Boomers have caused many more deaths than WW2, and the actions from your generation will perhaps kill all humans on this planets eventually

>> No.10846451
File: 31 KB, 250x251, 1528585049908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saltwater batteries
you got met wiht this 9/10

>> No.10846541

Solar + storage is cheaper than nuclear.

>> No.10846550


>> No.10846551

Not when you are fully dependent on it.

>> No.10846558

Not if you're in a cloudy country.

>> No.10846676


>> No.10846710

Which one of the Asian countries is less likely to be fucked by this?

>> No.10846799

As far as pioneers and settlers did before gasoline was invented

>> No.10846830

come now my goy surely you don't mean that. how could it possibly be an international clique of big money mens' fault?
let's blame a generation instead

>> No.10846867

probably die

>> No.10846872

Invest in Canadian real estate

>> No.10846875

Develop a time-machine.

>> No.10847684


>> No.10847693

Strange, i don't believe in this catastrophic shit at all.
I don't deny there could be some draught and all, but in general, if there is such process as global warming (cf. medieval warm period), things will happen gradually.

>> No.10847716

Fake shit. There's still 1% that disagree. Science isn't about consensus, its about facts. Liberal ideology has co-opted the climate research.

>> No.10847752
File: 135 KB, 800x554, F1.large_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10847693 Well the environment might change mostly gradually but the socioeconomic sysem not. I think collapse mostly refers to a collapse of civilization and not the ecosystem. But there are also feedback loops which could intensify and accelerate ecosystem degradation and many subsystem of the economic system can collapse rather rapidly.
Some thing might also collapse rapidly on their relevant timeframes but still seem like slow to us as that's just how we experience the world. That also includes the extinction of various animal species. For example in Germany we registered 75% less insects by biomass in the monitored areas: this has big impacts on the rest of the ecosystem but it's not so fast that you'll notice it from personal experience. Or the usage of antibiotics causing thousands of deaghs is also not a collapse in itself as of right now.

>> No.10847776

It's for their proto world government. To legitimate creating world institution: fighting collectively against global warming. Also (((they))) could collect "green" taxes.
It could also be a good excuse in case of a future economical collapse. i.e: "see the collapse? It's not our fault, or even the system fault. It's due to global warming."

>> No.10847782

Yes i see. However, regarding global warming, this is clearly speculation. Strange about speculation is forbidden about almost everything, because it's said to be conspiracy, or schizophrenia. However, regarding global warming, it's perfectly fine to say that the apocalypse is near. Nobody will say you are crazy. You'll even won social points.

>> No.10847799

Sell water bottles.

>> No.10847822

They're called arc furnaces

>> No.10847870

You are being purposely dishonest. You know there have not been any mega eruptions of mega flood basalt events happening right now. Why are you bringing this shit up when there are isotopic studies that show that the majority of the CO2 rise is due to fossil fuel burning?

>> No.10848841
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It's better to not see problems in isolation: climate change is not the only detrimental disruption of the ecosystem humans are the major cause of. And scientific research makes it more than "just speculation". It's basically just foresight.
For example things that could cause collapse are water shortages, food shortages (e.g. https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/society-will-collapse-by-2040-due-to-catastrophic-food-shortages-says-study-10336406.html)) and waves of climate refugees.
Some of the problems can be alleviated by technology but we don't know which tech we'll have by then, how applicable it is, how much it helps and whether it can be used for sustainable solutions. Likely they won't help much in fixing the causes of the problems and will be much harder (e.g. expensive) to apply than preventing the (severity of the) problems.
It's not doomsdaying but just an understanding what the data and research shows.

>> No.10848915

sure climate chance is real but where do people get this idea that first world countries are gonna be affected a lot?

seriously where do people find this shit? i have tried looking for very bad predictions and i couldn't find anything

hotter weather, rising water levels or stronger natural disasters cannot cause anything even close to a collapse
the only thing i could see is if wee run out of food but i doubt thats gonna happen

>> No.10848936

Nothing, just sit back and enjoy the ride as little is likely to happen during my lifetime, so I'm just going to continue doing what I'm always doing. It's not like anyone else really gives a shit.

>> No.10848944

>where do people get this idea that first world countries are gonna be affected a lot?
Look at the map >>10848841, notice something? All the areas with no water are also areas with exploding populations, they all have to go somewhere. That's what's going to affect 1st world more than any sunny weather; economy, demographics, culture, population density, etc is going to be massively changed. Combine that with the fact that most 1st world countries such as UK already can't feed themselves is going to lead to food shortages as well, as what little farming land that survives climate change is going to be built over to accommodate the new immigrants.

>> No.10848987

I assume you won't have kids. I also assume you don't enjoy anything humans or nature offers you as you don't care for sustaining it. It's a sad life to live for nothing and care for nothing but your own well being.

>> No.10849001

yeah immigrants seem to be the biggest threat but i feel like if they actually are gonna be a problem people are gonna become racist again. people vote nicely because things are relatively good for them, imagine how fast right wing parties would come into power if things went to shit and they could blame immigrants

of course we should try to minimize climate change as much as possible but i dont get these doomsayers

>> No.10849032

Why are academics so fixated on informing non-academics that 5G is bad?

>> No.10849048

move back to baltics/scandinavia
already eyeing cheap land waaay above sea level, with proximity to clean groundwater, aquifers and forests with plenty of wildlife, maybe some arable land too
gonna make sure anything short of an ice age isn't going to get my panties in a twist

>> No.10849061


>> No.10849070

>they all have to go somewhere.
yes they will go die, I'm really curious as to how exactly millions of people are going to move across the Sahara and where the fuck are SEA and Indian climate refugees going to run to
unless the European and American powers extend their hand nothing happens and when worst comes to pass they are not going to be interested in humanitarianism abroad
god knows what is going to happen to Australians though
China and Middle East are going to become wartorn hellscapes that's for sure

>> No.10849071


>> No.10849111

The denial will be impossible when we get first big disaster
Miami losing drinking water could be one
Or Shanghai going underwater

>> No.10849119

Because there's reason to doubt anybody on earth knows how such a system would look like.
I'd rather have fusion powered atmosphere decarbonization, than a civil war

>> No.10849125

Cringe. So deeeeeeep

>> No.10849130

>it’s rich peoples faults for providing all this stuff we chose to consume

>> No.10849133

Yes, 'level of confidence' is very scientific measure of certainty. Scientific method at its finest.

>> No.10849186

Anon you have to understand that the majority of humans in the modern age have a grudge against humanity as a whole, conservatives, liberals, whatever you want to call them, they're hellbent on bringing everybody to hell with them and argue tooth and nail in the process.

>> No.10849196

Yeah Chernobyl is so clean

>> No.10849199

Australia is 4% Indian and 12% Chinese. Asians will annex Australia if push comes to shove

>> No.10849210

You subestimate how far denialist will go with their ideas Anon, they will drown on their own mistakes before they concede they were wrong.

>> No.10849223

Is there consensus as to what degree it's anthropogenic?

>> No.10849254

the real question is why every green party platform around the world is overly concerned with retarded shit like misogyny and nigger immigrants, instead of the environment? really makes you think

>> No.10849504

No other anon is making very rrasonable quantitative estimates

Youre the retard

Renewables are 100% a meme
t. I work in battery research and design

>> No.10849517

Only on the complex plane

>> No.10849521

>waves of climate refugees.
Well, 2015 was a wave of (supposedly) war refugees, and even if by now Syria is stable, they didn't go back.
So if there are some droughts here and there in the future, they'll say that people coming in the west are "climate refugee".
Then what. "hunger refugee". "Water refugee". "earthquake refugee". "lack of elephants refugees" :s

"Climate refugees" seems a nice excuse for the Capital to have even more cheap labor, and reduce the demand of labor in first world countries. Replacing expensive skilled workers by many cheaper less skilled workers. Thus increasing profit.

Honestly, i don't believe in the "refugee", whether climate or war refugee, propaganda. Africa is a gigantic continent. Plenty of space, plenty of resources. If some african country has some difficulties, they should get help from an other African country. Not from Germany of Finland.

>> No.10849534

>Replacing expensive skilled workers by many cheaper less skilled workers.
lmao what a tard

>> No.10849558

divided workers fall, you can't unite a strike against your company if there are thousands of unemployed scabs.

Imagine working in a factory, in which you have to work 12 hours a day, for no extra pay and get paid enough to sustain a small house with at most 1 child. now imagine applied to a person which came from a country where there was also random crime on the streets and the labour laws required him to come in on weekends also.

you may strike if you're working 12 hours a day and getting at most to sustain a single child home, a worker from another part of the world will see it as a blessing.

this is not the sole reason for why this is happening, if we wanted many unskilled workers, we could just start building mega cities and telling people to start multiplying like rabbits, its important to have lines of division among labour to keep wages war, which would not happen if all the workers are of the same ethnic background.

>> No.10849586

>Replacing expensive skilled workers by many cheaper less skilled workers.
>Imagine working in a factory
>immigrants reduce demand of labour
lol economics F--

>> No.10849588

>and even if by now Syria is stable, they didn't go back
Whites should colonize Syria

>> No.10849591

This. I would probably pass away before things get ugly.

>> No.10849595

>imagine working in a factory

Not in america. Low skill jobs are rapidly disappearing in the first world, youre talking out your ass

>> No.10849772

This how this works. The fact that it's counter-intuitive and that you are ignorant about it doesn't make it less true. Bouygues, a famous european construction entrepreneur, did a speech, available on YT. He basically said that western europeans workers should be replaced by north africans workers.
This is also how it worked in the end of the 19th century in England. Men were replaced with women and children. City workers were replaced with country workers.

>> No.10849790

Immigrants relieve the demand of labor on the Capital side. If you have more, cheaper workers on the labor market, of course it's gonna reduce the demand of labor. Factories will employ more cheap workers, and it will reduce the demand of labor.

>> No.10849833

What the engineer/toilet cleaner exchange rate? how many floor sweepers you need to replace one software developer?

>> No.10849837
File: 77 KB, 645x729, average amerimutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have more, cheaper workers on the labor market, of course it's gonna reduce the demand of labor. Factories will employ more cheap workers, and it will reduce the demand of labor.

>> No.10849893

They are 97% sure

>> No.10849915
File: 59 KB, 490x306, This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well go full Mad Max.

>> No.10849939
File: 38 KB, 474x457, pepe laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in canada
>Global warming hits
>Now we have the same weather as minnesota
>Florida is underwater

>> No.10849971

>teachers talking about global warming crisis in the 3rd grade
are you 14

>> No.10850294

If only Communists had murdered more people we wouldn't be in this mess :(

>> No.10850304

Have you ever head to earn your own money to pay for food and rent?

>> No.10850321


>> No.10850534

It would be great for whites to get replaced by native americans.

>> No.10851475


Good luck.

At this point their gene pool has been so diluted and their culture all but forgotten except for a rediscovered pantomime.

It would be like expecting all south Americans to throw off their Spanish or Portuguese heritage and start practicing their metizo religion.

I also think it's funny to have people speak Spanish in the US as some sort of protest of colonialism.

>> No.10851477


They'd have to stop drinking and huffing gas long enough to make a living outside the rez.

>> No.10851500

I'm 85% sure that they are 97% sure that 99% of scientists have proved it

>> No.10851501

Relax gents. You don't have to worry about the climate, GAI will kill us well before we start suffering the consequences of climate change.

An unfriendly GAI crisis would be: very fast acting, unexpected, unforeseen and completely devastating to everything in range. Moreover, major companies and governments are incentivised to compete for GAI development. A GAI is incentivised to pretend to be Friendly until it gets the power it needs to break free and obey it's ill-concieved mission. There will be no warning when it strikes with overwhelming force. Best of all, the world economy is dependent on ever-growing processing power. It gets significantly easier to destroy the world, every single year.

A climate crisis would be: prolonged, gradual, foreseeable and harmful to some specific regions, most not terribly important to the world economy.

A bit of famine, migration and flooding is hardly comparable to complete annihilation in a few weeks (at best). There are no bunkers that can defend against a GAI, no arks, space travel is no defence.

>> No.10851548

max my smithing to 100?

>> No.10851682

Of course not, I own stocks, shares and property so other people earn their own money to pay for my food and rent

>> No.10851683

Redpill me on the NASA's solar minimum for the next 30 years

>> No.10851688

Until someone builds a totally automated, self-reconfiguring factory with automated gathering and refining of every necessary resource (or a stockpile of resources big enough to build such a supply chain, which is a ludicrous amount) literally what is a GAI going to do? Stop us going on the internet? It can hack all the drones it wants but they'll run out of missiles and fuel a long way short of wiping out humanity. It would also be extremely vulnerable unless it got humans to build a dozen interlinked backup sites, each with processing power enough for its entire intelligence and with no failsafes or human-operable cutoff switches, and each of which is impenetrable to the combine armed forces of the world.

Meanwhile climate change is happening rapidly, and is going to announce itself by everyone running out of water simultaneously leading to massive wars and the displacement of literally billions of people, along with global starvation. No bunkers can defend against climate change either, and if our global civilization collapses now there simply are not enough easily obtainable resource deposits left to ever rebuild it.

>> No.10851689
File: 86 KB, 1237x545, warming factors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure meme, solar output variation makes no difference whatsoever compared with greenhouse gas emissions in terms of warming and also I think I read somewhere we're actually just coming out of a ten year solar minimum with solar output set to increase in the next few years

>> No.10851693

So why are talking about a little ice age coming up. One study said that further warming could be delayed by decades or centuries.

>> No.10851695

Literally no one says or thinks that, give me whatever source you heard that from so I can disprove it for you

>> No.10851721

It's this

>> No.10851761

>Is asked for how to measure
>Emits moans on equilibrium
Every time.

>> No.10851773

But alright, they talk to the researcher herself. It's still only one team's prediction based on their one tweaked model, predicting events 15 years in the future. The team's previous simulations have admittedly made very accurate predictions, but even if there is a solar minimum in 15 years time, AND it drops temperatures by an appreciable degree, it still only buys time to implement the necessary changes to avoid global warming coming back even stronger afterwards.

The NASA one doesn't say anything except that a solar minimum of fewer sunspots is approaching. No reference to climate effects, nor any mention of the predicted deep minimum in the next cycle after the current one.

The paper seems pretty legit, though I've only skimmed it, but the same problems as the first point still arise. Reading this has actually given me a slight hope, because if it's true (and it results in a beneficial cooling effect, rather than the Earth becoming cooler AND more arid, which would be bad) then it will provide a possible reprieve from the worst effects of very rapid climate change. It would still only be a temporary reprieve however, so during that time we would have to act rapidly to mitigate the global warming coming afterwards, and knowing human psychology during the reprieve probably LESS effort will be made, which would be even worse than no cooling at all. A Little Ice Age would be a decade-scale oscillation while the changed carbon dioxide balance we have even today will still be trapping heat in the Earth's surface systems for the next couple of thousand years. Without being able to un-burn all that coal, all we can do is try to reduce the rate of change to something we can actually adapt to without being overwhelmed.

>> No.10851776

How much oil is being burned is pretty fucking easy to find out, given the state of the oil industry. It's a global oligopoly so there aren't that many players and they have to make reports to shareholders and the tax man (regardless of whether they end up paying any tax or not) so it's not likely they're going to OVERestimate how much of their reserves they've pumped out. As for how much of the oil goes into plastics for example, the answer is a trivial amount compared to what's burned in planes, boats, cars and power stations - and that's before doing the same accounting for coal and gas, which have even fewer non-energy uses. The exact numbers are also quite irrelevant when dealing with these orders of magnitude, literally half the reported extraction could be fake and it's still hundreds of times more than the Earth's systems can sequester.

>> No.10851888

Yeah, I hear China is really THRIVING with their standard of living.
Nice one.

>> No.10851963

Are you actually retarded?
>The good news is that the Yellowstone caldera is not expected to explode in a mega eruption anytime soon.
Literally the first line.
>“Unfortunately that ‘high threat’ language is getting confused right now in pretty spectacular ways,” Poland said Wednesday.
Fifth line.
>“The listing and the report is not a notice of anything about the volcanic activity at present, it’s just a matter of the threat potential,” Poland said.
Fourteenth line.
This is your brain on climate change denial. Also, recent research indicates we'll have definitive warnings Yellowstone is nearing eruption decades in advance. And regardless of what Yellowstone is doing, it has nothing to do with the climate change that has taken place over the last 100 years.
t. Conservative that lives within 70 miles of the Yellowstone caldera

>> No.10852004
File: 156 KB, 500x286, 36vuwf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play in the snow

>> No.10852007
File: 380 KB, 242x499, 36xcqw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visit's greenland majestic gletsjers

>> No.10852061
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>> No.10852071

Urmum should decuntifize my bepis from her bagina.

>> No.10852080

no, stop. i can barely survive the current 30°C, it gets any warmer and i die of heat stroke. i work as a bike courier and it's so hot the heat is fucking up the bike tires.
t. western poland

>> No.10852132

They're all pretty fucked either due to disappearing glaciers or rising sea levels, so I'm gonna guess Mongolia.

>> No.10852234

Yeah, I just picked the NASA one because it wasn't referenced in the IFLS article. It does not talk about climate.

>> No.10852296

The consensus is that >0% of climate change is anthropogenic. Whoop dee fucking doo.

>> No.10852306

Who cares about the source. It contains a quote from the people who published the study.

>> No.10852728

>Who cares about the source
Here we see one of the reasons journalism is completely fucking dead in the 21st century.

>> No.10852858

NASA is very trustworthy. Good. :s

>> No.10853052


>> No.10853170

I can't tell if you're illiterate and think I was saying Yellowstone is an explanation for climate change, or retarded and don't realize why the argument is retarded. What the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.10853181

But all that source is doing is quoting a study, what's wrong with that?

>> No.10853199

>volcanoes have a big effect on climate

>we're talking about climate change in the context of human industry, where volcanoes have had a tiny effect


>> No.10853204

But my son won't.

>> No.10853585
File: 67 KB, 385x367, double why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbon is life. Why do you want to kill trees and lower biodiversity?

If you want to reduce carbon emissions, stop breathing. Tell your friends, too. But don't tell me.

>> No.10853595
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, Traps_Illustrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Traps have stayed steady since the 2000

>> No.10853604
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>> No.10853661

>kill trees and lower biodiversity
What in the name of fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10853691

Here in the Ozarks the lakes are flooding every year. The reservoir I'm on as flooded every year for eight years, it never flooded in the 50 something years before that. Abnormally high rainfall and increased runoff from 'urban development' If things keep going this, eventually it would qualify as a temperate rainforest after the canopy loses its predominantly fire dependent trees, the fire regime is also fucked for quite a few reasons. I really doubt things are going to stay this way as the region is projected to have some of the highest climatic variation in the continental states. Feels bad.

>> No.10853715

>>kill trees and lower biodiversity
for all f(x),
let the variable "trees" = nigger

*you should be able to solve this*

>> No.10853735
File: 39 KB, 660x330, i fucking love black dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who cares if pic related quoted a study
i actually do
kill yourself

>> No.10853771

Illiterate then.

>> No.10853795

You should probably take your meds

>> No.10853799

>t. absolutely zero reading comprehension

>> No.10853808

Yes, we are aware of your disability.

>> No.10853837

Except there’s proof given in this thread

>> No.10853849

Between 90% and 100% actually do believe it’s anthropogenic

>> No.10853955
File: 401 KB, 720x672, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a person is an existential threat, you kill that person. That's how it works.

Why are climate change people such fucking pussies?

>> No.10854373

well we are supposed to survive, otherwise we wouldnt have made such progress

>> No.10854380

Heat death will kill everyone in the end.

>> No.10854472

You consider it's beautiful now or what/?

>> No.10854473

Your god is fallacy.

"Good" how pathetic.

>> No.10854488

Let's face it...

If ice age is going to happen or not, I would rather be prepared for it.