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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 924 KB, 974x848, teslabrained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10842840 No.10842840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

to all of the /sci/bros who have been wondering about berzerkfag, i.e. (the disciple of) Ken Wheeler, the big supporter of Electric Universe bullshit.

i made a thread on /lit/ to investigate him
(unfortunately there was basically only one helpful post the whole time before it turned into /pol/ shit, and i ended up finding all the dirt on Ken without their help) and the conclusions are:

>berzerkfag / Ken Wheeler is a newage "muh buddhism metaphysics" idiot
>he posted on buddhist forums about his metaphysics ideas several times and normal buddhists thought he was a complete retard
>a buddhist guy even analyzed his (former) blog and discovered that he is basically a fascist shill, /pol/-tier. he called himself the "Aryan Buddhist"
>(sauce: https://buddhistbooksblog.wordpress.com/tag/kenneth-l-wheeler/ )
>berzerkfag obsesses over guys like Tesla, Julius Evola (prominent fascist thinker), and Coomaraswamy (buddhist "metaphysician")

tl;dr: he is a newage buddhism shill who loves fascism and /pol/ shit

for proof:
Ken shilling buddhist crap:
Ken posting bullshit as "plotinus veritas" in a buddhist forum:
where he gets debunked as a fascist larping as a buddhist:

so next time you see a berzerkfag post shilling metaphysics and electric universe, now you know. he is some sort of neo-nazi /pol/tard combined with a newage buddhism brainlet

>> No.10842853

> "The field inside a magnet is incomencerable"
That's interesting to know.

>> No.10842854


>> No.10842855

> "Magnetism is force in motion"

>> No.10842859
File: 150 KB, 900x600, TIMESAND___MountedSamurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this guy dies, the video of his death is going to be worse than Daisy's destruction and the grifter combined... and doubled.

>> No.10842866

I'm not gonna defend the guy, but the swastika is a buddhist symbol that was appropriated by nazis and evola isn't a facists strictly speaking.

His use of aryan has no racial connotations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arya_(Buddhism)
this is his old website on buddhism and metaphysics: https://web.archive.org/web/20100412060029/http://attan.com/

>> No.10842877

whatever, rationalize it all you want. he is the worst of both worlds: a newager brainlet plus a /pol/tard

>> No.10842908

Is that the annoying faggot doing camera review type stuff along with the metaphysical nonsense?

>> No.10842910

Evola is a hardcore traditionalist and monarchist.

Stay mad, soiboi.

>> No.10843080


Nobody cared about him anyway.

>> No.10843098

swastika aren't exclusively buddhist they're another sunwheel variant and they've been around for millenia there's even precolonial american cave art with them

>> No.10843447
File: 132 KB, 752x1280, 3ba7c2150178a5ab868860ee7f4ea238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Baby wants his bottle, and the image of me out of his head.

Deirdre Carabine:The unknown god
Algis Uzdavinys: Philosophy as a rite of rebirth
Thomas taylor translations of:
Plato: it's all good
Parmenides (specifically "the Parmenides" from platos works)
Timaeus (another book of plato)
The republic
Plotinus: (The Armstrong translationsones don't really

Lone pine writings:Eric Dollard

Really fun bonus one that's going to make every /sci/fag rage quit:
Walter Russell: The universal One

You're welcome. Could have just fucking asked me, but noooo. Everyones gotta witchhunt nowadays.

>> No.10843562

berzerkfag is Ken confirmed. didn’t even deny it

>> No.10843566

Gay nibba

>> No.10843585
File: 30 KB, 1048x904, 5ba9fef4bc976a3cff3cba6e9d43cc865bb96f755f7d1f39cf7a5e6dca5fc464[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes!!! it is him!

ken, one question, why eric dollard doesn't understand the tesla patents? tesla gives all the instructions about his pancake coil and how to use them in his patents but for some reason Eric just ignores it and theres even a video where he use them in a completely wrong way.

this is wierd for someone that supposedly knows tesla's work, to make this kinds of gross errors:


>> No.10843592

I don't even understand that. Surely if you're re-introducing the aether and other bullshit concepts the consequence of that is that you get essentially Newtonian physics back and get back determinism and bypass all the strange quantum stuff. Trying to have spirituality and quasi-Newtonian physics seems a little bit paradoxical.

>> No.10843613
File: 426 KB, 1684x802, classic_berzerkfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, this. however berzerkfag goes full schizo instead of actually following his own logic to this conclusion, pic related

>> No.10843615
File: 590 KB, 2297x1209, lankletarmisnottattoobigmclargehugearm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Ken you dumb assholes.

>> No.10843616

Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Aether has been falsified. I don't even understand why you'd want to re-introduce it, ultimately Einstein's conception of gravity is so intuitive even if the math isn't.

>> No.10843620

I mean if you think a bunch of people laughing at you is you living "rent free" in their heads I'd look for some new landlords.

>> No.10843626
File: 116 KB, 587x799, orphic-egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One fag was courteous enough to make 2 threads about me on two separate boards so whatever.

>no we're just making threads to make fun of you and are in now was opening a dialectic up to dozens of other people to research into this topic on an anonymous imageboard.

kthx bye!

>> No.10843636

Yeah, because he finds you absurd. That's not anything to be proud of. You've let yourself become a figure of public ridicule. The bearded lady doesn't live rent free in the audiences head when they laugh at her.

>> No.10843642

the thread on /lit/ was about figuring out what Ken is plagiarizing when he says retarded newage philosophy crap. the fact that you deny being Ken, and yet everything you say is cribbed off him, is even more pathetic. you literally recite pseudoscience and nonsense from a fascist newager "aryan buddhist" Youtuber.....

>> No.10843647

anon you are doing this in a very wrong way, you should have keept it withing the specific subject of science.

you are all over the place thats why people instead of listening to you started attacking you, you a mixing a lot of subjects into one big mess.

you even bring up svasticas and julious evola and electric universe and buddhism and /pol/....this is a mess! no wonder you got yell at.

>> No.10843659

>Yeah, because he finds you absurd. That's not anything to be proud of.

I couldn't care less about the opinions of a random schmuck on the internet who presents no facts whatsoever. If OP was smart he wouldn't have made a thread sparking a Streisand effect about me/ Ken Wheeler. Do you see making threads about OP? No. Why? Because fuck him that's why!

>You've let yourself become a figure of public ridicule.
On an anonymous imageboard...oh how will my fee fees ever recover.

>The bearded lady doesn't live rent free in the audiences head when they laugh at her.
Welcome to 4chan, where the audience is no one specific and the groupthink doesn't matter.

>> No.10843665

i'm not the one who blends all that crap, Ken does. the mess here is Ken, i simply reported what the internet says about him.

the only reason i care about Ken is because i think pseudoscience is bad, and apparently his crap is popular enough that someone claiming to not be him shows up on /sci/ and shills his pseudoscience. now people can have some context of the lunacy this guy is coming from

>> No.10843673
File: 37 KB, 480x600, disturbed ricky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reads as one person arguing with themselves.
The capitalization and punctuation usage is very telling.
But without more sample I cannot be sure...

As for the who is Ken, I've asked him if he's aware of some things.
And by his live reaction. It seemed he was unaware.
But that's to my stuff. Bezerkfag is a new quantity.

>> No.10843866
File: 2.21 MB, 4252x3952, Ken Wheeler's Tumblr Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ken Wheeler
kek Here's his fake blog to help promote himself.

>> No.10843871
File: 59 KB, 815x755, Ken Wheeler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10843907

>hidden sekrets of Buddha, I translated the texts and you are all wrong.
>hidden sekrets of magnets, I skimmed through some books on field theory and you are all wrong.
>hidden sekrets of lenses, I read Ken Rockwell's reviews and you are all wrong.

>> No.10843932


Regarding his wife. Too bad he had to make a video about it specifically because of ill informed idiots like yourself

>> No.10843947

>Too bad he had to make a video about it
Did he really tho?

>> No.10843961

spam shit, not /sci/ related

>> No.10844015


>You're welcome. Could have just fucking asked me, but noooo. Everyones gotta witchhunt nowadays.

based schizoposter