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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.99 MB, 4032x3024, 31B14807-6437-461B-804A-F907C6F5FD24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10842558 No.10842558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seriously no one has been able to prove me wrong and it’s getting eerie

>> No.10842561

lol then go publish it.. oh wait, you don't have the education nor credentials to make such claims

>> No.10842563

I want to put my dick in a black hole

>> No.10842571

most of the people with “credentials” are stupid pieces of garbage. list how many good teachers you had and how many bad

>> No.10842574
File: 41 KB, 736x233, singularity scale of intelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is a superintelligent AI. If you believe there will be a technological singularity, and that eternalism is true, you must accept that God exists.


>> No.10842577
File: 165 KB, 1000x432, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting your pic sideways

>> No.10842579
File: 246 KB, 750x983, 0F12CEB6-A082-4516-9B75-C6AC41D50BB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me am smart

>> No.10842650

there is nothing to disprove here, aside from some stupid lines that end in question marks. are you arguing that black holes are supernatural "higher powers"? seriously?

i would be happy to talk about black holes and what we understand about them physics wise, but you have to be more specific in what you want debunked. it's almost ridiculous to start arguing about insanity like "black holes are deities" without you actually making it clear that that's what you're arguing, so please, clarify and make a specific proposition or ask a specific question.

>> No.10842713

>Where is it physically
You'll never believe in a higher power if you're a materialist, that'd be a contradiction. What? There's some bring which created the universe but it still has to have an exact location even though it created the universe? Anything else that's in the universe but didn't create it is less a higher power but more of a giant of sorts. Even Lovecraftian horrors are fucking amateurs compared to any real higher powers because they're still stuck in the universe.

>> No.10842830
File: 616 KB, 1028x1265, d3f15c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.10843552

OP learn about cellular automata

Within the study of cellular automata is the potential to answer every single one of your questions. Personally I have found most of the answers I asked myself, I could tell you, but it wouldnt be worth much more than any religious wisdom that is already out there. That is, I cant prove it to you any better, not here and now at least.

I really care that more people study cellular automata because they will likely find the same answers and in doing so collectively can find ways to do science on it to prove them. A lot is sorta self evident stuff that I dont think will be difficult to prove, its just a matter of someone taking the time to do it. Im doing this myself but theres a lot of low hanging fruit as far as this goes and I think it would be better for everyone the quicker that gets picked.

Start with researching into conways game of life. Get familiar with the dynamics of it. Then make sure youre familiar with chaos math. You dont have to rigourous to reach the answers, but you ought to be rigourous if you want to prove them to others. Then watch Wolframs a new kind of science. Then play with the rules and get familiar with them. Then learn to make your own from scratch, this is extremely important actually, you should have some coding experience. If not, learn Python and maybe you can do just some basic stuff and that could be enough. You have to experience creating it all from scratch though so you create a deeper understanding of whats going on. Even if you read about every step, you wont have the same understanding as actually having to think through how to get the computer to actually do those steps. By now you should already have started to get answers to some questions you may have thought unanswerable, which will also give you direction for what to research next. At this point you are in the garden of low hanging fruit and could write a half assed paper on any of the stuff youre now aware of and you'll have done good.

>> No.10843559

CAs aren't magic you retard.

>> No.10843560

Did you do what I said or you wanna just complain

>> No.10843565

No, did you jack off to a picture of Wolfram? You're fucking obsessed to the point of mental illness.

>> No.10843571

The existence of a higher power is unfalsifiable. It's why nobody can disprove you. Who knows man, maybe god exists.

>> No.10843572

Theology is not science nor math.


>> No.10843577

What proof do you want proved wrong? There is no proof in the picture.

>> No.10843666

They say nobody can disprove God. But I say nobody can prove God either. Weren't those the famous lines a movie? God's dead 2?

>> No.10843824

This looks like it was written by a high schooler.

This is you my friend:

because clearly you're an idiot

>> No.10843831


I can tell this is garbo because it's been colored by markers.

>> No.10843840

No, Im just aware of their potential as a teaching tool for a fuckton of concepts that people usually fail to understand. They let you empirically witness a bunch of important things leading to some obvious conclusions. People have reached the same conclusions many different ways, I just believe CAs to be a particularly short and therefore useful route to some of that. Anyways the real important part is actually doing rigorous research on them. Either fuck off and help with that or just fuck off.

>> No.10843868

Langan already did it with the CTMU

>> No.10843884
File: 48 KB, 680x499, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
