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10840825 No.10840825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Greetings to the scientific community, as a capable smart man I have trouble solving the riddle of finding a woman to get intimate with. I need specific scientific advice on how to get one. Theories are also acceptable

>> No.10840831

just b urself

>> No.10840834

Be attractive

>> No.10840844


Demonstrate competence to achieve wealth and social status.

Lift heavy shit. Learn to cook and make your meals at home. Use the money saved to buy nice clothes cut to fit your thinner and more muscular body.

Wash your sheets at least weekly and up your hygiene game.

Use said wealth and social status to change your mindset to be more confident and make your attention to women valuable by being scarce or conditional.

Ask yourself, "If I was Brad Pitt, how would I treat any 7, 8, or 9 who I could fuck and chuck at whim?"

>> No.10840848

Whining about things that require others to do is stupid and useless. Focus on the things you yourself can do. In the free world of women’s rights, they’re the ones who pick males, not the other way around. Wait for them to pick you, if they don’t pick you then it wasn’t meant to be. After all you’re a smart man, they’d surely want smart offspring right?

>> No.10840865

>just b urself
worst advice ever.

Here's some real talk nigga. I don't know if you're lifting but start lifting, it will not only make your more physically dominant and attractive but will make you more confident due to increased testosterone levels. In fact be overconfident. Take a lot of physical space whenever possible, like stretch out your limbs and make yourself comfortable. Watch them in the eyes, I used to play a game on the subway where I'd stare strangers in the eye until I make them feel uncomfortable. Also make sure you have a mission and no woman can't stand in your way. You are like a tree and women are like wind, they can't change your position. Never ever put them on a piedestal, treat them as your penile receptacles and nothing more cause thats what they are. Never make compliments, don't say they're pretty or any of that shit. You can make lowkey jokes pocking fun at their appearance tho, that drives them crazy and they will want more of you. For every 3 units of communication they send you reply with 2 units. Never respond immediately.

>> No.10840869

This is how to have sex more, not get and maintain a good relationship.

>> No.10840881

You gotta start somewhere.

Here read this. It redpilled me on women and I've been successfully getting pussy ever since.


>> No.10840901

What if I can't build muscle?

>> No.10840912


Then the lifting will just boost your testosterone and keep you lean and cut.

>> No.10840919

Sounds like a nice recipe to become a baboon.
A chad baboon, but a baboon nonetheless.

>> No.10840926


>how do I get da gurlz?
>here's how
>but I want to get da girls while still being the shy beta and not changing anything I do, say, or think

If you don't like the answer, don't follow it. See where it gets you.

>> No.10841069

>Then the lifting will just boost your testosterone
What if lifting doesn't boost my testosterone?

>> No.10841087

All sexual losses impair human potential. The greatest philosophers and scientists did not masturbate or have sex. This leads to true freedom and creativity. Otherwise the sum of your actions are arranged to the task some sort of sexual thrill. This is why our current hypersexual society has not produced any truly great men.

>> No.10841105


Then you're a genetic dead end and should take none of the advice in the post because one sentence was not to your liking.

>> No.10841108


Socrates, Plato, and Cicero all were balls deep on boipussi.

>> No.10841110

what if i can't build muscle

>> No.10841112

Plato railed against the practice, explicitly denounced homosexual acts in Laws and Cicero endorsed chastity as being on the path to truth.

>> No.10841125

no matter what I do I cannot gain muscle

>> No.10841130


You literally just have to be cool lol

Just be confident and friendly, don't talk too much, and when talking to women don't care about what they say or do too much just nod and act like you have more important things on your mind. It's a simple formula.

Oh, and also be good looking.

>> No.10841137


Plato only "railed" against homosexuality in The Laws, which was his last work after he had lived a life of hot boysex.

Cicero only made fun of Mark Anthony for being the bottom of a Male-female relationship.

Cicero topped.

>> No.10841142


And if all you got out of the post was, "but I can't gain muscle" then you are obviously not interested in changing your life for the better and that SINGLE sentence gave you all the reason you needed to remain an unloved NEET.

Did I say build muscle?

No. I said lift heavy shit. Get fit. And get confident. Stop being a fucking defeatist sperg.

>> No.10841143

You have bigger problems then
Maybe focus on being a good muscle-less lump of flesh

>> No.10841144


Correction. Male-male relationship.

>> No.10841147

(Charm + confidence) + (good looks + height + fitness) + (money + fashion) = gf

>> No.10841164
File: 231 KB, 960x720, Plato laws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>reddit reasoning
>ignores that cicero was making fun of homosexuality in general
>thinks plato's earlier works contradict his later ones when instead they affirm everything (e.g, socrates calling lust a mad dog in the politeia)
Imagine being a sodomite and historical revisionist. You need to go back, permanently and irreversibly, back.

>> No.10841171


>I live an unexamined life and believe late life perspective changes of people who tore up man ass for fun when they were young energetic men.

>> No.10841172

>No. I said lift heavy shit. Get fit.
And you didn't listen to me. I can lift the heaviest weights I can lift but I get no benefit. I do not gain any muscle. I'm unsure I can even 'get fit' as my cardiac muscle will not develop either. I am literally incapable of gaining muscle.

>> No.10841178

Not him but I also can't build muscle no matter what I lift, it just won't grow

>> No.10841182


Listen sperg.

I didn't say build muscle.

I said lift heavy shit.

This is a step by step guide because that's what you autists need to get a gf.

>> No.10841183

Keep asking girls out until one of them says yes. This is almost guaranteed to work but you can't be too choosy if this is your approach.

>> No.10841187 [DELETED] 

What is lifting heavy shit going to do? Please tell me. As you answer, please keep in mind, I am physically incapable of gaining muscle.

>> No.10841189

May I present an improved formula:

(all traits are evalued from on a scale from 1 to 10)

character (c)= (charm * confidence)

aesthetics (a) = (good looks * height * fitness)/1.5

applied taste (t) = (money * fashion)

the resulting formula would be 100/(1+e^(-(c+a+t)/100)) = percent attractivness.

>> No.10841190

but what's the point of lifting heavy shit then?

let's say I go to the gym 3 days a week, girl comes up and say, "why do you look the same? I've seen you here lifting for 10 years. Meanwhile, my brother has been lifting for 6 years and can already bench press thrice what you're lifting"

Then I'll have to admit I can't build muscle and this will ruin my chances. If I don't lift, I can use this as an excuse for not having muscles and hide my genetic flaw

Also, it's a pure waste of time to lift when you can't build muscle

>> No.10841192

>6 years
wow, I meant, more like 6 months***

>> No.10841195

Also, how do I justify the fact that any prospective gfs are going to outlift me eventually even if they're 100 lbs? 75% of them can build muscle

>> No.10841199


>what if a girl approaches me out of the blue

See. Your thinking and mindset are in completely unrealistic scenarios to justify your lack of action.

Going and lifting heavy shit is the antithesis of that.

>> No.10841201


By not being a non-action whiner.

That typically helps is developing a confident mindset.

>> No.10841202

Have you already been to the gym? There are girls who lift too, and when we use the same piece of equipment some light conversation can occur between sets. Anyway, the same would happen if I were to approach a girl so it's not so unrealistic. My point is, no matter what, they'll be informed of my terrible genetic flaw (possibly the worst there is, I think I would have more chances even if I had fucking down's syndrome)

>> No.10841205

You wouldn't be confident if a 100 lbs girl could crush you. My guess is that you can actually build muscle

>> No.10841210

>no matter what I do I cannot gain muscle
Must be an extremely rare disease

>> No.10841211


>what why can't I get a gf /sci/ all I do is exclude myself before even starting with toxic and self destructive mindsets, why don't women find my 104 IQ attractive?

>> No.10841215

What do you mean you cant gain muscle?

>> No.10841216


Confidence had a fake it until you make it aspect. Especially if you have to develop it later in life.

>> No.10841217

borne by 26% of people

>> No.10841220

>I am literally incapable of gaining muscle.
Seek immediate medical attention. It seems you're about to die in 5 seconds.

>> No.10841223

Lifting for years, even under a strict diet and proven programs using lots of compound movements, leads to no increase in the size of muscles. I look exactly the same as day 1. Only stength improves somewhat.

>> No.10841224


>26% percent of people make up excuses for why they do not have the motivation to improve their lives

I'm actually surprised it's so low.

>> No.10841225


>I think when someone says, "lift heavy shit" they only mean in developing muscle as its only benefit. And need it reiterated 5+ times.

>> No.10841227

This is from a study of consenting and monitored subjects

Only muscle size and strength matter in life

>> No.10841229

I must live in a continent where this clear statistical truth is clearly statistically untrue. If you can move your muscles, it's impossible not to be able to develop them. So unless you have severe muscular atrophy or are quadriplegic, any 'i can't build muscle' is a proven lie.

>> No.10841232


>only muscle size and strength matter
>muh studies that can't even track food consumption on it's own metric, much less a more complex biological system

Your problems exist in your head. Do with that information what you will.

>> No.10841234

I live in Europe, the study was conducted in the US though iirc
Also, maintenance and hypertrophy are not the same thing

>> No.10841236

You just don't get it. Imagine not being able to generate any muscle mass. That is me.

>> No.10841239

>just b urself
worst advice ever.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

>> No.10841254

Be hot
Be evil
Be high social status
Be tall

If all 4 you should have been getting vagina since age 11.

>> No.10841276


And it's obvious that you are bent on finding any and all excuses to avoid taking the first step or any step in fixing your issues.

>> No.10841277

I've been going to the gym for years already

>> No.10841280
File: 15 KB, 220x334, 220px-Henry_Kissinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This man was washington's most prolific swinger. Thus short, fat, Jew was able to slay marilyn monroe tier pussy. He did 4 years as an enlistedman.

What's your excuse.

>> No.10841284


Post pics.

>> No.10841286

Parenthesis are useless here due to the associativity of addition

>> No.10841289

Go fuck a prostitute you anonymous incel!

>> No.10841295

Easy, all you have to do is create symbolize yourself and the female as an S-structure. Prove both of these structures to be isomorphic and you will be knee deep in tang

>> No.10841302
File: 228 KB, 885x222, no_exif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been able to build larger muscles than this

>> No.10841303


That's all you need.

You're not skinny fat or noodle armed.

>> No.10841308

I'm not a woman
It's very weak for a man

>> No.10841341

The problem is that there is no deterministic formula. You can only model women probabilistically. Associated to every man is a probability p that says how likely is a random woman to be attracted to him. We all have different p’s, but it has been proven p > 0 (axiom of rape). All you have to do is try as many women as possible until one lets you fuck her.

>> No.10841345

Physically impossible. You are doing something wrong.

>> No.10841346
File: 88 KB, 300x300, 2e9b92733b91654223b466d1f8dc3881c708706b4cc17d276fa05b6bf5507cf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only retarded ugly faggots can't get girlfriend. My brother is like 300 pounds and morbidly obese and he is fucking some 18 years old sporty blonde who looks like from some kind of anime.

I have realized that if you dont talk to girls you wont fuck. So how do you get girlfriend? Just talk.

>> No.10841488

That's not what he's saying. The dichotomy here is that the actions that maximize your chances of getting laid are fundamentally of a lower cognitive order. Engaging in high level scientific thinking and engaging in baboon behavior are mutually exclusive. Do you understand baboon man?

>> No.10841493


>I'm smart because I don't know how to smash

That's you.

It's literally cope.

>> No.10841501

girlfriends are for sinning
if you want to learn how to sin, it isn't a scientific question

>> No.10841514

>if you want to learn how to sin
my calculator has a sin button

>> No.10841567
File: 42 KB, 544x450, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at 11.09.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second anon was right. They most important factor is to be physically attractive. The chances of getting laid are very much like a beta distribution , where the null hypothesis is that you won't get laid.

Let's assume the following: (physical attractiveness * .60) + (social status * .10) + (money * .05) + (intelligence * .05) + (talent * .05) + (charm * .025) + (fashion * .025).

Physical attractiveness, social status, and income all follow heavy right tail distributions. For intelligence, talent, charm, and fashion, we can assume the Gaussian.

A white, 6'2", physically fit chad born to the American middle class is at the higher end of social status and money relative to the rest of the world. Assuming the mean for the remaining factors (IQ 100, average talents, average charm, average fashion sense) you get the following:

~(.5 , .07, .035, .025, .025, .0125, .0125) = 0.6825

This individual rejects the null hypothesis. Increase any of these other parameters, like be famous, be incredibly wealthy, etc. and this guy is going to be drowning in pussy. This is why high value males disproportionately get all the pussy. For most guys, we hover in the mean for attractiveness, which is ugly on a beta distribution. Let's say I have above extremely high (top 90%) social status, intelligence, talent, charm, money, and fashion, but I am hideous.

~(.1, .09, .45, .045, .045, .020, .020) = 0.365

I still won't get laid.

>> No.10841575

Step 1: go outside.

>> No.10841580

loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding × guilt × shame × failure × judgment

>> No.10841588

Autistic engineer here. For me the trick is to put my skills into building "art" projects then getting them in shows and galleries. Women are all over me and re-interpret my autistic characteristics as that romanticized sensitive passionate artist stereotype. Art is broad enough that programming, electronics, chemistry, etc can all work.

>> No.10842154

go to nevada

>> No.10842283


>be physically attractive
*posts this >unironically in the same thread of the same board of the same website that gets spammed a million images showing that women don't find the vast majority of men physically attractive
>instead of finding ways to become higher socioeconomic status and confident to game the system and just not be unattractive he decides to make it his goal to be a poor, uninteresting 10

The fact we call this board /sci/ is a fucking farce.

>> No.10842293

posting this was a very evil thing to do I hope you know that

>> No.10842303

Why was that evil?

>> No.10842500

based mass-replier

>> No.10842537

>using percentages
Brainlet detected

>> No.10842539

>source: my ass

>> No.10842541

>physical attractiveness * .60)
>fashion * .025
the clothes you wear has a decent impact on your attractiveness

>> No.10842593

You're welcome. CTRL+F "26%" third result

>> No.10842636

>Watch them in the eyes, I used to play a game on the subway where I'd stare strangers in the eye until I make them feel uncomfortable.
This. I got my last two girlfriends by staring at them on the bus.

>> No.10842645
File: 425 KB, 650x1976, 1564244507767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really wanted it then you'd get it

>> No.10842647

think about it for 5 seconds

>> No.10842666

As the great philosopher Biggie Smalls once said: "Fuck bitches, get money"

>> No.10842676
File: 65 KB, 768x1024, 1561315406754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current year
>not on steroids and HGH

>> No.10842710

This. "Be yourself" is necessary when investing in a long term partner, but if you're a whiny bitch of a man child then *fix yourself* before trying to "be yourself". The self improvement in order to get there can take years of concerted effort (improving social skills, diet/exercise, making money, maturing emotionally) for some people. Once you're there, once you're a man, be yourself.

>> No.10842770

I want to fuck her asshole.

>> No.10842799


>> No.10842872

Not really sure I'm following your inane babble, but like you said, most women do not find the majority of men attractive, hence why we are using a Beta distribution.

It might be evil, but its reality my friend. As scientists we should strive towards objectivity. I am not attractive myself, but this doesn't have to be a bad thing, it can be empowering because it allows you to make a more rational decision given all the information. I'm actually in the process of collecting public data sets on this sort of stuff and developing some models in R. What I posted is obviously just psuedo-data, but its relatively representative of what I'm seeing so far in the actual data sets.

It's absolutely minimal. Your frame has a much greater impact on the appearance of fashion. Nice clothes won't look good on a bad frame/body. If what you claim were even remotely true, the fashion industry wouldn't have models who are representative of the peak of beauty, because it would be the "clothes that matters" :^)

>> No.10842907

"muh lifting"

>> No.10842912

why do burgers like larping as baby boomers so much?

>> No.10842917

Back to your basement incel.

>> No.10842974

The one thing women answer to is confidence.

> physical attraction
If it were physical attraction, you would expect to see a perfect match up between 10s and 10s, 9s and 9s, and so on. However, you usually see a member of a pair being significantly more attractive than the other.

> money

Money is successful because it brings confidence to its withholder. However, if money were solely the attractant then you would expect Mark Zuckerberg to have married Scarlett Johansson, when well, quite the contrary.

> intelligence

Well this board is the most intelligent on the internet and 80% are KHV.

Women, biologically, answer to confidence the most. This is why dumber and not so handsome guys get the best females. They are too dumb to feel awkward or conscious and are not afraid of rejection.

>> No.10842986

>Demonstrate competence to achieve wealth and social status.
this is what dumb americans believe

be a fucking man, have confidence in yourself, don't be excessively ugly, and have a personality

>You are like a tree and women are like wind, they can't change your position

what this guy said. a girl 15 years younger than me (I'm 37 and in shape) had it in for me and out of the blue she turns and says to me "you're so calm and strong". but I'm married so that was the end of that

>> No.10842991

The only people I've ever heard say poon were incels and 80s(?) movies

>> No.10842999

Stop getting hung up on the choice of a particular word and start smashing pussy, the material is right on the money.

>> No.10843064

Holy fuck that comic is so insufferable and pretentious.

>> No.10843209


>> No.10843418


>> No.10843465

I once wrote a script that parsed profiles on a social media site, to find possible mates.

Exchanged messages with 6 best matches, ended up meeting 3 in real life.
All were pretty chill,
Briefly dated one of them and am still friends with all 3 of them.
Coming up with the formula of what you're looking for is the hardest part. For an easy prey, you could try ~similar interests but not too social (few friends), if you believe in astrology or some other supernatural ... stuff that would assure you, you're a good match, include that as well.

Believing this to be a legit way of doing things, is the main factor that makes it work - i actually believed this was a good idea and I'd have a magical bond with all these girls and they would naturally like me, which gave me tons of confidence to interact them.

>> No.10843498

thing with this kind of mentality is, it does work BUT, these are basically all the things men do 'wrong' because it's what men actually want and if you find someone you really like and have deeper feelings for, keeping it up, is going to be at the expense of your own mental fulfillment. I mean for example acting like you arent afraid to lose her, when you legit believe you've found "the one", is just putting yourself in a position of acting agaisnt your emotions

>> No.10843526

>If it were physical attraction, you would expect to see a perfect match up between 10s and 10s

When hooking up for sex women match up with men more attractive than themselves (this is why Tinder doesn't work for average men). When they want parasitism/relationship they lower their standards and choose less attractive men who won't leave them and can be easily controlled.

>However, if money were solely the attractant then you would expect Mark Zuckerberg to have married Scarlett Johansson, when well, quite the contrary.

Scarlett Johansson has her own money, so that's a bad example. Money isn't the sole attractant, but it's been proven in multiple studies to be a significant factor (google it).

>This is why dumber and not so handsome guys get the best females. They are too dumb to feel awkward or conscious and are not afraid of rejection.

I think there's an element of truth to this - it's also why women are more attracted to psychopaths/narcissists.

>> No.10843555
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look like this.

Short? It's over.

Balding? It's over.

Small frame? It's over.

Curry? It's over.

Gook? It's over.

Recessed jaws? It's over.

Weak brow? It's over.

Big eyes? It's over.

Socially awkward? It's over.

There's plenty. In short, if you want a non-troglodyte girlfriend, you better be more attractive than 85 of men.

>just be confident!
Bluepilled cope

>> No.10843557


85%, my bad.

>> No.10843567

There is no formula unless you consider the one step formula of "adapt" to be a formula. Try things and adapt what doesn't work. What might work on one woman, in one city, in one time period may not work on all the others.
Aside from "practice hygiene" all of the previous advice is garbage. Start lifting, wear nice clothes, and portray a fake character of dominance? What happens when you get tired of the fake persona? This advice is used to attract empty club girls of no value, and after trying this advice you guys cry that woman are evil.
Wearing nice clothes and crying about how women only care about money is literally the equivalent of woman showing excessive amounts of cleavage and crying that men only care about sex. Do you guys have no self awareness?

>> No.10843573

>Lift and wear nice clothes
Literally Elliot Rodger's advice
>Wait for women to pick you
Also one of Elliot Rodger's beliefs.

>> No.10843579

This thread belongs in >>>/r9k/. I would wish an empty, depressing life for every last one of you but it's evident you already have that.

>> No.10843582

I suppose we should stop believing 1+1=2 since he no doubt believed that too.

>> No.10843586

Weak comparison. A more accurate comparison would be that Elliot along with all of you believe 1+1=3. Elliot took all of the typical PUA and incel advice and still failed miserably.

>> No.10843608

You must be incapable of anything beyond black and white thinking if you believe that the incels have absolutely no true beliefs about how attraction works.

>> No.10843609

Actually people with the "rare" KL-VS G/T variant have lower testosterone and vitamin D than people with the more mundane KL-VS variant.

It was observed that attempting to supplement people with the G/T variant with either testosterone or vitamin D was ineffective and potentially detrimental.

I don't think you can say people with the G/T variant are "genetic dead ends" as they are currently being studied to develop a cure for alzheimers and general cognitive impairments.

>> No.10843633


>> No.10843635

what's bird eyes?

>> No.10843672

"Even a broken clock is right twice a day" is a very common saying. You're not a genius for realizing this.

>> No.10843675

>lifting and wearing nice clothes is bad advice because ER believed it

Yeah, women HATE well-presented guys. If you have two men who are totally equal, but one is in good shape and well-dressed, and the other is a 300lb monster in a Star Wars t-shirt, they are EQUALLY attractive to women.

Do NOT go to the gym. Do Not buy nice clothes!

>> No.10843676

I don't believe I am a genius - not at all. I believe that guy's acting like a retard if he thinks that *everything* Rodger believed about women is false.

>> No.10843678


>> No.10843680

>If you have two men who are totally equal, but one is in good shape and well-dressed, and the other is a 300lb monster in a Star Wars t-shirt, they are EQUALLY attractive to women.
Cherrypicked example. Of course the morbidly obese disgust everybody. Compare somebody of a regular body type to a narcissistic dudebro and any woman who respects herself would choose the average guy over the other.

>> No.10843708


It turns out that getting fitter and dressing better doesn't guarantee that you'll turn into a douche. Shocking, I know. Normal, attractive guy >>>>> normal, non-attractive guy. Stop making excuses for being a lazy slob.

Honestly, douchey attractive guy > normal, non-attractive guy. It seems you underestimate the degree to which women are attracted to loud, cocky, arrogant types. Prime, desirable women are not going to be drawn to quiet, cerebral guys if they've not got anything major going for them (e.g. looks, status). I know this is an unpopular opinion on a science forum, but it's how things are now. If you want a frumpy fat girl who Fucking Loves Science, though, then you might be okay.

>> No.10843761

I'm bald as fuck and I get around just fine man

>> No.10843765

The truest based and redpilled

>> No.10843772

Just text her for a few days.
Don’t text like a fucking sperg. Keep it simple.
If she’s replying back to you, she will probably agree to meet up with you.
If she will meet up with you, ask to meet up again, and again.
The girl in question needs to become your friend before she becomes your girlfriend.
This isn’t a long process, you can get it done in about a month.
But be weary, sometimes when you’re attracted to a female, you go blind to a lot of the bad things about her, and sometimes you don’t start to see all of those bad things about her until it’s been too long, and you feel stuck.

>> No.10843780

This is your brain on redpills.

>> No.10843832

ok recently I got to witness female attraction towards "douches" first-hand.

I was threatened by and also witnessed a guy beat a dog to death in the middle of the street.

The guy was clearly mentally agitated on that evening; but at the tribunal where I was there as a witness, even though everybody was clearly against him, he kept his composure as if this was "just business as usual".

I got a good look into his eyes and I could see a similar "dead" look that you can see in american psycho; in short his body language, his tone, the way he looked at others all very loudly shouted P S Y C H O.

The (female) judge has to constantly bring him back on track, he, like all poor liars couldn't keep his story consistent.

During the trial the judge and prosecutors seemed to agree he was due for a psych eval.

BUT! BUT! a few days later the final judgment was revealed: no psych follow-up, no fine, no jail, apparently it was all fine and dandy.

This is for a guy who had already been arrested by the police for beating up his girlfriends and stabbing middle school kids. And the day of the trial guess who was there? some of his exs all supporting him against... me? LOL Also it was revealed he got his latest girl preggers at 19.

Guy doesn't have a job, no car, spends his days threatening people and acting like a chad; but he is going to be a father and apparently a real catch judging by the (ex)girlfriends who showed up...

BUT it is all okay because he is attractive (per my area's standards)

Lesson learned: be a douche. I'd say I am not as attractive as him but I can hold up to scrutiny (even at my age) only "problem" is I fall in the introverted and discrete category, doesn't mean I am going to let people walk all over me, I just keep to myself by default. I should really just be more agitated, ideally in a douchy way...

>> No.10843834

like a chav, not chad, even tho he is considered a chad too then....