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File: 46 KB, 1100x834, tonsil-stone-image-credit-tonsilolith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10836919 No.10836919 [Reply] [Original]

i want to create a cheese with the flavor profile of a tonsil stone
kind of the same idea as limburger but tonsil stones instead of feet
suppose i can culture tonsil stone bacteria and incorporate it into cheese somehow?
i asked /ck/ already but that place is full of retards

>> No.10837012

Its the white blood cells turning into puss that really gives it the lovely bouquet.
Vonnegut referred to the smell as "garlic and roses."

>> No.10837022

The other day I took out the biggest tonsil stone I had in my life. I was like a month with it, I could feel it in my tongue. When I get one they usually come out in a few days, but this one was stuck there for some reason. I tried to take it out with my tongue but for some reason I just couldn't, it was stuck. It didn't feel specially big or anything, just a bit sharper than the ones I usually get. So one day I was eating and almost gagging on that shit because I could feel it hitting my throat, so out of desperation I put one finger in and pulled it out with my nail. At first nothing came out, but then when I closed my mouth I could feel it falling down, and it was so big I gagged and was feeling I was choking on it. Then I took it out and shit was huge, the biggest I have seen in my life, probably 5 times bigger than the ones I usually get. It smelled really bad but it was so amazing I kept it around for a few days to play with it. In the place of the tonsil stone in my throat I had a big hole I could feel with my tongue. It was pretty weird shit.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.10837127

How do I buy one of these?

>> No.10837164

I accept paypal and bitcoin.

>> No.10837873
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What the fuck is even a tonsil stone?
I had bad tonsilitis and strep many times when I was young which basically melted my tonsils away so I never even got the procedure done because my family was poor and we had no insurance.
I never had a tonsil stone, I though you got kidney stones, not tonsil stones.

>> No.10837895

I actually enjoyed this post

>> No.10837933
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nice blog

>> No.10838558

Your tonsils have little pockets in them. Sometimes a little bits of food get stuck in there, some post nasal drip and your mouth dries at night dries it out and it basically festers.
Some people will never have them while others will deal with it forever.
Its just a little chunk of deliciously gross smelling puss and rotting food that gets stuck in there.

>> No.10838678
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>> No.10838798

>Tonsil stones are soft aggregates of bacterial and cellular debris that form in the tonsil pockets

Says nothing about food anywhere

>> No.10838817

>bacteria dont need nutrients
they assume you have a basic understanding of biology

>> No.10838825

>your food is the only source of bacterial food

>> No.10838837

That's disgusting.

>> No.10838870

I had tonsil stones for a year during my mid 20s. I used to wake up and first thing in the morning I would hock my throat and spit out a tonsil stone on my hand. I never had them before and then I never had them ever again. Only for one year. Really odd.

>> No.10839316

Tonsil stones are kinda jokes, I often give them a sniff and eat them afater they pop out. The smell is sulphur dioxide right? Maybe use rotten eggs or something?

>> No.10839357

This fucking thread I swear to god, damn it.
Pure 4chanitis.

>> No.10839364
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"""intelligent""" design

>> No.10839397

probably something only white people get. The most degenerate of all human races

>> No.10839401

>invent everything that runs on electricity

>> No.10839697

When I used to smoke I got these a lot too. Once I spent 20 minutes picking them out one by one with an acne stick. It felt great. All of them were small, no bigger than 5mm, but it was absolute pleasure. Now my tonsils look like they were hit by a buckshot.
Now I am juuling and still get them sometimes, but they are extra tiny -- just like sand grains. I spit them out on the ground after clearing my throat

>> No.10839805

Oh god

>> No.10840372

>same skin color as some dude that invented one thing in the entire history of humanity
>we are the superior race!!!!!
fucking crackers. it's also responsible for the most deaths and atrocities in the entire history of this planet. At least your race is dying like it deserves, fucking degenerate savages.

>> No.10840374
File: 102 KB, 933x1188, race predicts crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savages, eh?

>> No.10840406

>crime in one country, where white people have the power and black people can only commit violent crimes
lmao back to /pol/ faggot, your shitty arguments don't work. You nuked millions of people, you exterminated jews, indians, you continue exterminating other races, you're destroying the only planet we can live on etc
fuck off cracker, you're an animal and your genes are dying at least. Thank god, you won't be missed.

>> No.10840416

Explain how whites have the power

>> No.10840446
File: 14 KB, 318x159, serveimage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not american so it makes it easy for me to see from the outside:
>44 out of 45 white presidents in the US
>median wealth of blacks is 7% that of median wealth of whites in the US sauce https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2014/demo/wealth/wealth-asset-ownership.html
That's not a typo. It's literally 7% (9.5k on average for blacks vs 131k for whites) If that's not power, what is.
>Police defends people and property, when you have all the property the police works for you.
>white collar crimes are overwhelmingly from whites (ie crimes where you actually hold power)
>violent crimes are much more likely to be commited by blacks (ie when you're fighting for survival)
>judges are white, sentencing against blacks is 20% longer controlling for crime nature and history of the offender
could go on and on

>> No.10840461

Blacks and Whites use drugs at the same rates, yet blacks are 5 times more likely to be arrested for drug possession. Why do you think this happens ?

>> No.10840489

Blacks have less wealth because they're dumb. All you have to do is finish high school, don't commit crimes, and don't have kids early. The world is your oyster. But no. They gotta be stupid.

I know a black guy. He was raised by a single mom, has a retarded brother, his mom died from some kind of overdose. Now he takes care of his brother and gets paid by the government. He has always been poor as fuck and never committed a violent crime.

You're out of excuses. Now let me explain why blacks have all the power.

>> No.10840495

Because they commit so many crimes people are always suspicious of them.

Anyways it's socially unacceptable to speak badly of blacks. To the point you can lose your job for it. There's affirmative action meaning a white kid who worked hard will be denied from university for a black kid who "kind of tried"

If that's not having all the power idk what is.

>> No.10840499

>you nuked millions
Couple hundred thousand.
>exterminated jews, indians
Mongols killed enough people to drop the ambient temperature of the Earth. Every group of people who have had any amount of power has committed atrocities. The only reason you're so butthurt about whi peepo is because whites did it most recently.
>you continue exterminating other races
Along with all the other groups currently committing genocides and horrific atrocities around the world.
>destroying the planet
China and India?

Look, bud, I can understand why any dark skinned person alive today would be mad about whites, but you can't just go around spewing falsities and parroting outright lies because you feel rough that the last time someone like you did everything they could to dominate the world they likely only raped and pillaged their way across half a continent instead of most of the world.

>> No.10840509

>violent crimes are necessarily about fighting for survival
I mean, if we're just going to make shit up to push a narrative, white collar crime is only illegal because poor people are jealous of the rich and politicians have to do something to keep the rabble in line.

>> No.10840673

>same colour as some guy who was a slave centuries ago
>we are oppressed!!!!

>> No.10840688
File: 31 KB, 269x287, 1473666773845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about tonsil stones
>Hijacked by racists

>> No.10841439

Guys can we please just keep talking about tonsil stones? I had a fetish for them and i didn't even know it till now

>> No.10841447

You need egg yolk