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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10835486 No.10835486 [Reply] [Original]

>Historic Europe Heat Wave Incinerates Records, May Speed Up Arctic Melt

>A historic heat wave is bringing unprecedented temperatures to Western Europe, and is poised to expand northeastward to Scandinavia and into the Arctic by late this weekend.

>Multiple all-time records were set elsewhere in France on Tuesday, both for daytime highs and hot nighttime low temperatures.

>Temperatures across 98 percent of Earth’s surface were hotter at the end of the 20th century than at any time in the previous 2,000 years.
And not a single government cares...

>> No.10835497

>by late this weekend.
i live in northen sweden. it's already here.

>> No.10835502

What the fuck you want them to do?
It's natural, it's not the governments who caused it

>> No.10835510

This means more farming land for Russia and potentially more opportunities to mine/get oil

>> No.10835547

Above 40C right now in Paris, almost 40 in parts of the UK. RIP.

>> No.10835564

Its obviusly part of the NWO's plan to terraform France for the africans and kill of all the old white people who forms the last bastion of white christian values

>> No.10835566

Russia becomes leader of Europe in 50 years confirmed

>> No.10835570

Some people dont understand that for quite a few places climate change is a positive impact on the economy. I think I heard poland is looking forward to it because of this, and im sure colder countries are thinking the same. Even in the US half the land becomes less fertile but the other half increases.

>> No.10835571

By next week, everybody will have forgotten and be focused on some other flavour of the moment.

>> No.10835579

>And not a single government cares...
Why would they?
It's not like they are sitting in front of buttons which could magically make it go away?

>> No.10835581


бaзиpoвaнный /sci/

>> No.10835584

>Some people dont understand that for quite a few places climate change is a positive impact on the economy. I think I heard poland is looking forward to it because of this
No because any of these countries are going to be flooded by immigrants

>> No.10835589

Not him but in the US here the colder places have very poor soil. Where I live, Kansas, the nutrients in the soil were built up by grasses over the course of millions of years by continual burning and regrowth. Colder forested places haven't had that luxury, so it's still be a net loss in agricultural ouput since we'd need exponentially more fertilizer.

>> No.10835620

which we won't have since phosphate is likely to be exhausted unless you want the stuff that's mixed with cadmium

>> No.10835621

>going to be flooded by immigrants
You say that as if it is an unstoppable force.
The EU and North America may have let them in out of charity/pity but I doubt Russia or Poland would be so dumb about it.

>> No.10835648
File: 31 KB, 602x399, Hungary-Illegals-Walls-Work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopping immigration is easy as long as there is at least a little political will to do so. Eastern Europe has this will.

>> No.10835775

Well, maybe if it is necessary the immigrants could be escorted by the army of the country where they come from. Maybe we could seize those pesky territories :)

>> No.10835781

this exact post is only ever made once every 20-50 climate change threads and its amazing how dumb this means this board must be.

>> No.10835788


>> No.10835815

Like Somalia is going to do shit against Poland or Ukraine.

>> No.10835817

Agricultural output is limited by 3 main factors: soil type, rainfall, and to a lesser extent heat. Places like Kansas have high clay concentrations in the soil, which sounds bad, but it actually means that nutrients basically get "embedded" in the clay, so high rainfall and watering are less likely to wash them away. This is the reason why the rainforests of South America actually have horrible soil, the peat from decaying matter is not very compact so the copious rains just wash everything away. Like just last month we had a full years worth of rain and it just reduced the wheat protein levels a little. Northern places with boreal forests suffer the same problem, everything's going to unthaw and they're going to be left with rocky well-drained soil that you have to absolutely douse in fertilizer.

>> No.10835838

interesting, seen any studies on feasibility of agriculture in northern latitudes this century that consider this? everything ive looked at seems to overemphasize co2 fertilization without regard for repeat desiccation of the soil from heat waves and soil quality differentials.

>> No.10835846


>> No.10835858

Heat resistance is mainly dependent on what you're planting. So in hot, dry conditions the yield of cord decreases substantially less than, say wheat. Though, you have to consider that no matter what, there's a general trend of decreasing topsoil quality and thickness the further you go from the equator, mainly due to gravity. I highly doubt any seasonal gains in places like Canada and Siberia will be enough to be viable, period. Poland and eastern Europe is a different story, their natural landscape is a grassland, so they'll definitely see gains.

>> No.10835883

It's "бaзoвый"

>> No.10835888
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>> No.10835903

>And not a single government cares...
what the fuck can they do though ? banning straws just to annoy me? will they ban condoms next? KEK

how the fuck can you solve it if not by bombing the shit out of africa india and china, to then kill all the violent hungry people on the west affected by this new eco friendly economy?

>> No.10835911

This. We just need to wipe the slate clean, just start over.

>> No.10835931

>kill the people with the smallest carbon foodprint

>> No.10835940

>will they ban condoms next?
Incels usually dont need those, cant really see how it will irritate you

>> No.10835947

Meanwhile it's the coldest summer in Russia.

>> No.10835948
File: 357 KB, 2261x1565, gw-graphic-pie-chart-co2-emissions-by-country-2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source: your ass


>> No.10835961

Hit a nerve, bot?

>> No.10835964

bla bla bla

>> No.10835974

I pretty sure all the Tundra in Siberia is burning right now.

>> No.10835978
File: 83 KB, 1000x833, LookatYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at you humans flipping out, learning you are all going to die a slow cooking death. Don't worry! We take care of the planet after you are gone. You did your part as you were told.

>> No.10835984


>> No.10835991

>doesn't understand the concept of outsourcing manufacturing
And i thought /sci/ was the smart board

>> No.10835992

United States have the highest carbon footprint per capita, so that means you die first, mutt.

>> No.10835994

So hot? Well I once felt in my house 45C for an entire week. So, you have to pump those number.

>> No.10835997

South East Spain. I'm at the beach
It's being a cold summer. comfy
hahah enjoy our displaced heat in the north

>> No.10835998
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Die human

>> No.10836003
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I still hope we will die in a nuclear war. Quick instead of slow

>> No.10836010

oh yeah that would totally stop them from producing and selling their goods so funny

that depends on who will be on charge to make that decision

will it be you?

>> No.10836014

>the disintegrating culture of death that is wrong about nearly everything that matters, whose entire scientific apparatus is repeatedly demonstrated to be unverifiable bullshit top to bottom, who is directed by people who hate you and want you dead, as it parasites the corpse of a once great civilization, said something is true
>what, you don't believe them???? you think you know better???

>> No.10836027
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> The United States and Europe have been responsible for pollution and climate change for 100 years
> Yes, we should bomb Africa and Asia

>> No.10836029

why are you on this board, pissjug chump

>> No.10836034

why are you on this earth demon

>> No.10836036

cause they got to develop first you smooth brain

>> No.10836044
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>And not a single government cares

the white ones do, thats why their populations are dying

>> No.10836051

Riddle me this: Why has America's gdp gone up then?

>> No.10836070

>omg how could that be that the GDP of the most powerful country on earth has gone up?
ok nigger lover

>> No.10836073

It has nothing to do with the OP or what the poster you’re replying to just said idiot

>> No.10836116

Yes? The local population doesn't have the wealth to consume as much as westerners

>> No.10836138

business would go on as usual

>> No.10836201

How is this bullshit exactly?
Do you think these manufacturers are going to lower the prices of their goods even if that would mean operating on a loss?
You do understand there has to be a demand for a business to exist right?

>> No.10836214


>> No.10836272

and you do realize that china would love for this shit to be true because that would mean that they could just take over right? the west is hardly even half of their clients

basically all emerging countries (not just china) are following trail left behind by the west so even if the entire west ceased all emissions, they alone would ensure new emissions for an entire millennia

modern china is rapidly modernizing, they have a growing middle class, are exporting their own products and can't even get sued for copyright, and yet you're implying that there is an invisible hand pulling the strings, you're full of shit

>> No.10836852

Americans are by far the worst polluters on the planet, and Europe is near as bad.

You're the ones who need to be wiped out.

>> No.10836859

Certainly won't be you making that decision.

You're a prole drone. They'll axe you and everyone in your family as happily as they would a single indian just as soon as it becomes convenient.

>> No.10836901

>video by a literal big oil shill
kill your self you fucking tool

>> No.10836905

oil is based and boomer

>> No.10837234

>Ngubus get French visa
>Poland is part of EU
>France turns into Rwanda
>Ngubus with French visa immigrate to Poland

>> No.10837269

Petroleum engineer?

>> No.10837343
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Not true. Pic related. Yeah, it's disappointing. But still, "not a single" is a very sweeping assertion. In addition to pic, on scales below national governments (e.g. city governments), there are governments that are taking action.

They could enact policies to mitigate the damage caused by climate change. This can be done by:
* Making climate change less dramatic
* Doing things that will help cope with the changes (maybe better hurricane shelters or something)

>> No.10837902



(great site btw, thank you)

>> No.10837929
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>climate change is real

>> No.10838531


>> No.10838553
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You see, there is no point at all in humanity existing as a species without having modern technological civilization. This means that countries which produce a lot of economic outpput ought to get a pass on their carbon dioxide emissions.

If you account for this and look at actually meaningful metric, such as ratio of GDP to CO2 emissions, then the list is all over the place, with third world mixed in with second world mixed in with first world.

>> No.10838615

I’m from Poland and nobody here is looking forward for it. It’s literally unbearable, these temperatures, for most people here, me included. Most of this summer all I can do is to lay down trying not to die from overheating.

>> No.10838739

>India has x4 the size of U.S population
>u.s. still emits twice as much

You are gonna have to change the source of your alternative facts /pol/so--they are not helping you.

>> No.10838753

Timmy has 1 apple and johnny has 100 apples in week 1.
A week later, timmy has 3 apples and johnny has 90.
>Timmy has had 300% growth in apples while johnny has lost 10%
>Clearly timmy has all the apples now!

>> No.10838803

>kill the people with the smallest carbon fooTprint
>pic proves otherwise
>lets single out a single country and devede total emissions per person for no reason at all lel eckz dee

>> No.10839078
File: 13 KB, 462x533, World-steel-production-largest-by-country-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They exported all their polluting heavy industry to China

>> No.10839098

>we wuz chinese

>> No.10839218
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This is a vague designation system. How the hell is China more committed to reversing global warming than the USA? China should have a gray color and every other country should be orange by comparison. It's not even close.

>> No.10839638

the balkans are surprisingly cold
last year I remember sweating like a fucking boar, not long ago we were hitting 40s, while now it's pretty cool for the summer.

>> No.10839648

It's just because you're not used to it-- and you'd get dehumidifiers and A/C if it started becoming common anyway

>> No.10839687

how naive

>> No.10839708

You do realize that China puts out more renewables every year than the total sum of every renewable in the US.

>> No.10839710

China mostly do it because they are building on shit energy infrastructure/logistics so it's easier to build new factories in random places that happen to have good access to wind and sun power rather than places with access to power lines. They're by many measures miles ahead of India, but it seems like these are purely based on raw emissions data so the greater output of industry puts them worse off overall.

The US tried something similar for small rural manufacturers, but rather than subsidize solar panels or wind turbines the gov subsidized fracking, which turned out to be a massive dud. There's also an American obsession with keeping truckers happy and not developing rail links.

>> No.10839756

China flooded its own market with cheap low quality steel.

>> No.10839846
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See the problem is, those statistics think per capita matters, but it doesn't. If the whole world would be rich and live like America, yes, that would be bad. But they don't. Extrapolating the living standards of Americans to the whole world means nothing, it's just trying to get to whatever numbers you want to see.
There's only 320 million Americans, but there's billions of Asians and Africans, and they pollute more. Doesn't matter if there's more of them, we only have one earth, and they don't get to fuck it up just because they keep shitting out ugly babies. All green politics should focus on population reduction in overpopulated areas, this will bring the fastest results compared to anything else. But with forced immigration, they do the exact opposite, relieving overpopulated areas of people, by sending them to countries with higher living standards. That increases pollution two-fold, the overpopulated areas keep reproducing exponentially, as they don't hit their carrying capacity, and the immigrated people pollute more due to their now raised living standards.

>> No.10839875

I can't wait for the world to end

>> No.10839878

Per capita does matter if whitey uses 10x the resources as someone from Bangladesh.

>> No.10839884

We are good the US for now, and the US rules the world.

So until shit gets bad in the us, deal with it euros. By the way, the melting of Greenland is literally cooling the continental US. The meltwater on top of the ice is akin to the refrigerator door being left open. Shit is so cash bruh.