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10835166 No.10835166 [Reply] [Original]

The biggest factor to development of human civilization and science is the population growth.

>> No.10835232

Yep and fertility is falling like the stock market during the crisis of the 1930s.

We need to ensure people have as much children as possible but people still have this 1990s retarded mindset as if overpopulation is a real thing and not a myth.

>> No.10835563

And the biggest factor to population growth is development of human civilization and science.

>> No.10835583 [DELETED] 

Was it I was to breed throughout Japan, ala Ghenghis Khan. Would this be a overall net benefit for humanity, or would so many children without a father be a net negative? Serious question

>> No.10835586

What if I was to breed throughout Japan, ala Ghenghis Khan. Would this be an overall net benefit for humanity, or would so many children growing up without a father be a net negative? Serious question

>> No.10835596
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Population growth doesn't mean shit when the population growth is coming from low IQ individuals.


>> No.10835600


>> No.10836850

Bump for this

>> No.10837028

You only need a handful of scientists to come up with stuff, but masses of consumers to produce the stuff at affordable levels. Being an African doesn't completely rule out the possibility of having high iq and a continent of 5B africans will probably have as many bright minds as a continent of 500m Europeans, just 10x the consumers.

>> No.10837041

that’s not how that works

>> No.10837053


>> No.10837146

it's the exhorbitent living costs and schooling, they penalise intelligence

>> No.10837420

that's exactly how it works. Sure Africans are poor and can't afford the goods euros can, more of a reason for someone to come up with cheaper ways to make stuff. If not africans themselves, scientists somewhere else. Fact remains, more people = more people to put new inventions to use to turn them in to common mainstream items of mass production.

>> No.10837594

Ah yes tyrone, mass extinctions are just boogeymen, have 18 kids, I beg of you!

>> No.10837937

>yeah I use 5g, how could you tell?

>> No.10838180

>Science gave us condoms in the West
>population decreases
>no condoms in Africa
>breeding like rats

>> No.10838189

No it’s not.

>> No.10838318

absent fathers mean single mothers, which results in a shit society in the short term.

however, if you are of genetic stock that has found evolutionary success through progressing it's culture and society.

then after several generations, the male and female distribution will normalise and there will localised return to family and civil values, which create a happier society, that can then advance and add value to the world.

>> No.10838341

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer cells.

Arbitrary population growth is meaningless. What matters is which parts of the population are growing and the culture of said part.

>> No.10839651

Science only began to flourish once there were enough people to move together and form villages and towns where people could focus on specific crafts, which eventually lead to development of these crafts. Even today, if you wanted to open up a business, focusing on a very fringe subject, you'd have to do it in a densely populated city to get enough customers.

any sort of population comes with it's culture.