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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10826751 No.10826751 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone sequenced the genome, 23 and me + promethease. then release data publicly? embarrassing data to have public

>> No.10826753

she sold bath water + spit??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQscyzNOBNY&t=9m7s

>> No.10826846

I thought she was getting sued because no traces of human dna were found in the bath water she sold. Could be bullshit though I saw it in a meme.

>> No.10826854

she was suing for libel and she quite clearly recorded her sources for her vending

>> No.10826867

What's the appeal of this broad? I mean she's pretty cute, but I just don't get it.

I expect a woman would have to be cute to be supported. It engages the same machinery that an infant of younger child's behavior would.

>> No.10827135

She's become more than the sum of her parts. The ironic memeing of her and the tiktok era has transformed her public perception into that of a goddess. The more followers she amasses the more her appeal grows, and so it has come to the point where people will even buy her bathwater because the goddess herself has blessed it with her touch. The jailbait anime aesthetic also has a hold over the generation that has been raised on anime and now sees the kawaii aesthetic as being the most attractive one there is, so buy becoming the closest thing to a 3D anime girl with both her makeup and her demeanour, belle has essentially become the epitome of beauty for an entire generation of ironic weeb zoomers. It is also a foreshadowing of the mainstream obsession with femininity and cuteness that is to come. In the future, being cute and feminine will be one and the same as being beautiful, and masculine guys will simply exist to fawn over their cute girl and bishonen boy overlords, kissing at the feet of the embodiments of the new age of beauty

>> No.10827157

that's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.10827167

Based on my limited knowledge from the video that Ozzy man reviews did on her:

>All she does is walk around in some fantasy outfit.
>While she does her videos she does vaguely sexual stuff.
>BUT, instead of just doing outright porn she does relatively "normal" and comfortable poses, the type of cutesy semi-sexual behaviour you get from a girl you're living with.
>For example wearing comfortable clothes showing a slight bit of skin, letting her ass slip while still mostly being covered, basically just showing off her feminine body.
>She has a pretty mediocre body at that.
>The cum face thing is another teasing pose she does where there is no actual sex involved.

Basically she has appeal to most guys without girlfriends who also like fantasy genre stuff, but more than that she appeals to men who are either afraid of women or have no experience of real relationships. The kind of cutesy/feminine behaviour and walking around in home clothes is of course what any average girl can give you, but it is something that has a big market gap on the internet because porn/sexual appeal content used to be directed at more obscure/extreme behaviour.

So incels watch her videos, and they get comfortable with her. This creates familiarity which eventually leads to crushes/falling in loved. She filled the virtual girlfriend market perfectly and that's why people are buying her ass water.

>> No.10827198

She's also a meme girl. Like she doesn't take herself seriously, joke about being a weeb and a whore and so on.

Many references to videogames, like Jessica Nigri does.

I think this "gamer girl scene" has many more actresses. We just don't know them because they're not as successful. Belle Delphine, on this matter, is an entrepreneur genious because she knows how to make people talk about her to attract paying audience.

Shame that her insta got deleted. She was making serious stacks.

>> No.10827313

>I think this "gamer girl scene" has many more actresses. We just don't know them because they're not as successful.
Absolutely, for every girl like this you hear about there are hundreds of thousands that didn't make it and are slowly resorting to actual whoring to survive. First they resort to private cam girl-ing, that's how it starts. They can make decent money as whores too don't get me wrong, but they aren't making big stacks like Delphine or top IG modelds.

>Belle Delphine, on this matter, is an entrepreneur genious because she knows how to make people talk about her to attract paying audience.
I agree.

>Shame that her insta got deleted.
Didn't know about this nor why, but meh I'm sure she'll survive.

>> No.10827344

So much fake news about the incident.

Pretty sure people are either jealous they didn’t think of it first, or couldn’t get so much easy money or are capitalizing on the people that are jealous

>> No.10827368

it’s amazing that this thread has like the highest level of discourse of all threads on this board right now, despite it being weeb not science or math crap. have the clamped memers successfully destroyed all science discussion?

>> No.10827385

hate when people call these types of scammers genius.
nothing is genius about exploiting
if i wanted, i could take money from children too without physically touching them. It's called self-respect which prevents many people to be like these shits.

>> No.10827389

Marketing is done, all you have to do now is clones.

>> No.10827403

I didn't say I respect "genius" entrepreneurs. The term implies they are good at making money, but luck is a major factor in that.

>> No.10827438

Found the incel who pays 1000$ for her ass water

>> No.10827442

There are laws in place regarding the intentional spreading of sexually transmitted diseases.

So yea she cannot sell her bath water legally

>> No.10827485

Classic debutante who does dick tease videos on tiktok. In a year or so nobody will care and there will be a new debutante.

It's like asking why do young girls like (insert Youtube teenage boy celebrity).

>> No.10827489
File: 95 KB, 1080x600, mary-belle kirschner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a /pol/fag said she's jewish and has had a nose job but i don't believe it

>> No.10827531

To be fair, there are many more places on the internet you can go if you want actual serious scientific discussion. 4chan is always 90% off-topic shitposting regardless of the board topic

>> No.10827542
File: 24 KB, 540x375, 1516385489546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mary-Belle Kirschner

>> No.10827561

You don't need to be a genius to know men think with their dicks. She is a worthless cunt.

>> No.10827679

You can't transmit an STD through a jar of water, retard.

>> No.10827762
File: 111 KB, 602x752, main-qimg-0077009f6dd63ed2e0090354a37e89bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would unironically drink her fermented piss.

>> No.10827783

>What's the appeal of this broad?
>I mean she's pretty cute

>> No.10827853

I honestly do not find her attractive.

>> No.10827863

Sounds pretty Jewish.

>> No.10827867

>You don't need to be a genius to know men think with their dicks.
Compare what she is doing to the average whore.
She is making millions of her body, without having freaks sticking their dicks inside of her, certainly one if the most successful whores there is.

>> No.10827925
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>> No.10827965 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 633x758, 1522297715260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's hard for burgers to believe this but not all german names are jewish.

>> No.10827980

I need her nudes from her private snapchat but
1) i don't want to pay for it
2) all her stuff on the panda are lewd, but not nude.

>> No.10827986
File: 43 KB, 504x184, l8e6rigu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was born in South Africa.

>> No.10828061

I always knew she's a nigger.

>> No.10828098

Not him but I don't either. She looks like a hyperreal caricature, which I guess is what she's going for but I firmly stand for the "girl next door" aesthetic. Instathots in general do nothing for me

>> No.10828100

I agree.
This picture looks okay, but only because her face is so hidden and angled.

>> No.10828101

she looks like a midget in this pic

>> No.10828112

She's 5'6 and taller than me.

>> No.10828123

Her body reminds me of a tranny and she just looks artificial. I might be biased since I like a little thicker/heavier women than normal, but she's definitely nothing special. I do respect how she takes advantage of beta orbiters though.

>> No.10828151

Is that herpes on her lip? Hard pass.

>> No.10828158

she hasn't done anything too outrageous. i'm sure they'd be plastered all over /gif/ and /pol/. some suggestive stuff but only her orbiters would care. she's not taking dick or anything like that on camera.

>> No.10828201
File: 505 KB, 961x1201, ProfilePicture%2Flang_en%2Fbelle-delphine__fc18a8%2Fblob__97219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her body reminds me of a tranny

You're a faggot and you're projecting your fantasies.

>she's definitely nothing special

What do you mean nothing special? What is special in terms of female body attractiveness to you? She has all key elements to be defined as hot and cute at the same time, I'm not a fan of her at all but aside her persona she's a fairly attractive thot.

>> No.10828215

lmao, imagine actually having to use this word to justify your attraction to women with the body of a 14 year-old. She has no tits and no ass.
Go there now and the vast majority of women on there look nothing like your angel.

>> No.10828257
File: 10 KB, 236x186, c2dff3e4bbe638c585cfb10d7e18110d--surprise-me-shocked-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She escaped the White Holocaust just in time!

>> No.10828352

>porn whores

No thanks.

>> No.10828353

She has an under developed chin even for a woman, her teeth simply dont fit in her mouth, I suspect she had to have palatal expansion to even have enough space for all the teeth to grow.

Honestly she is below average, her face is average af, the only thing she has going for her she is slim and always filters on her photos. But I guess in the land of fat mongrels, a slim mutt is a queen.

>> No.10828359

She doesn't look Jewish.

>> No.10828378

but that's exactly what Belle is

>> No.10828380

This here is the redpill

>> No.10828383

herpes is plural, when there's only one you call it a herpe

>> No.10828398

>I guess in the land of >>>/s/, a slim mutt is a queen.
Her competition is whores and pornstars, not fat mongrels. And she blows them all out of the field without even showing a nipple.
Objectively, she is more attractive than them, since she attracts more money for less work. No way around it.

>> No.10828401
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>> No.10828412

She does nude stuff if you just google it

>> No.10828446

The majority of people have herpes. You probably got it from your parents and never noticed because the immune system suppresses it.

>> No.10828473
File: 63 KB, 600x400, 1548106993958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the DNA in her bathwater enough to reconstruct her genome?

>> No.10828539

Show me her porn then.

>> No.10828541

not her

>> No.10828552

There are tons of better looking porn stars than her its just that they are all trash, her audience is the men who are extremely socially awkward, who grew up with online video games and twitch streams, and find even regular porn too intimidating, thats why they seek this fake so called relationship and drama from various non nude female streamers instead of just jacking off to pussy and then getting on with life.

Hahaha real 'beauty'

>> No.10828574

>There are tons of better looking porn stars than her its just that they are all trash,
So she's better than them.

>> No.10828576 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 720x720, 53222102_1207406976091158_7536278791836772129_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regularly beat my meat to porn and to a lot of hardcore stuff yet I still find her hot and alluring despite just showing little parts of her body. That's the game, not all girls have to be crackwhores with no self dignity, you think like a cumbrain. She's clearly very smart by knowing how to make money using her body but without being explicitly nude or taking dicks in her from other mongrels.

>> No.10828590

I’d rather watch Honey Gold get fucked any day

>> No.10828620

Better in sense she doesnt do hardcore porn (yet),

Honestly her face just really isnt that attractive, the proportions are all messed up, way too small chin, underdeveloped, teeth that literally stick out from her mouth, face to short and too wide, nose too large that she tries to hide with a ton of make up, angles and filters, low cheekbones, she does have symmetry (at least what I can see from the pics in this thread) but thats about it, her body is nothing special, she isnt fit in any sense, no distinctive breasts, no hourglass figure, just slim

>> No.10828624

>Honestly her face just really isnt that attractive, the proportions are all messed up, way too small chin, underdeveloped, teeth that literally stick out from her mouth, face to short and too wide, nose too large that she tries to hide with a ton of make up, angles and filters, low cheekbones

Not everyone wants women to look like clones

>> No.10828643

She is a mutt, she doesnt resemble any european ethnic group, she is also looks like she never eaten any solid non processed food in her life. If you are mutt yourself or are into mutts then she is perfect for you.

>> No.10828655

Names ending with -ner usually are though, like -berg or -stein.

>> No.10828661


>> No.10828662

How come there's never pictures of this girl out in town, or hanging out with her friends, or some other girls saying, "I know her and she's a stupid bitch?"

>> No.10828666
File: 9 KB, 257x196, TIMESAND___2h3h3538494ffhkvrvcdgqtviwek76qq99a0efe3rhrrdjdjkbrybk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is a mutt, she doesnt resemble any european ethnic group
lol, what breed of wolf does doggo resemble?

>> No.10828668

I assume nobody recognizes this fake ass plastic bitch with no make up, filters and wigs.

>> No.10828669

>She is a mutt, she doesnt resemble any european ethnic group,

I don’t give a shit about European ethnic groups or any other kind of ethnic groups at all except when they tickle some fetish I have at the moment.

>she is also looks like she never eaten any solid non processed food in her life

No idea what that’s supposed to mean but she’s too skinny for me if that’s what you’re saying.

>If you are mutt yourself or are into mutts then she is perfect for you.

I’m into destroying ethnicities and races by interbreeding but she’s too skinny for me.

>> No.10828672

There’s a few pictures with what looks like other camwhores.

>> No.10828674

How could she? Angels don't shed

>> No.10828689 [DELETED] 

It doesnt, it resembles nigger, in apperance and character, violent tendencies etc

>> No.10828721

go away tooker

>> No.10828741


>she's a mutt

Of what exactly? Seriously what do you actually think she's a mix of?

Or are you saying that because you can't cope with the fact this """"mutt"""" is more attractive than you to the point where you she make bank off of it?

>> No.10828774

Id say most likely some distant mexican ancestry , in this pic she really does look partly spic >>10828576

>Or are you saying that because you can't cope with the fact this """"mutt"""" is more attractive than you to the point where you she make bank off of it?
I dont watch her streams and I dont give her money, I can cope just fine, its the no life losers who are giving her money and are obssesed with her.. (You), that has serious coping coming their way.

>> No.10828866

I bet 50% of the people who bought her 'water' were those retarded youtubers

>> No.10828869

Holy shit that picture made me laugh

>> No.10829740

She got gorgeous arms

>> No.10830037


That particular name is historically Jewish.

>> No.10830039

You missed the thread on /b/ where they declared her dead, some anon posted the snapchat ‘car date’ where she shows a little pussy and tits and inserts a dildo in her ass (although I hold reservations due to the angle of insertion).

What you seek is definitely out there anon.

>> No.10830351

Enjoy being a permavirgin, no man argue so autistically about a girl's traits who's already hot on her own.

>> No.10830379

could just be a deepfake

>> No.10830389

>same teeth and braces
>same general face shape
>same nose
>same shape of eyebrows (one picture has just been groomed more)
>she's obviously wearing colored contacts
Yeah ok anon

>> No.10830417

the elbows are a bit pointy though

>> No.10830507

Parting incels and morons from their money is always a worthy cause. It is the only good part about Apple, you can immediately recognize retards

>> No.10830569

lmao. sounds fake

>> No.10830581

iphones are offered for dirt cheap with new phone contracts

>> No.10830592

>dirt cheap
>you just have to pay this set amount over the next 24 months, sum total ~1800-2000$
My point stands even firmer, thanks anon

>> No.10830602

Yuck/yikes tbqh
Imagine laying in bed with a woman that's subtly positioning you as a surrogate father figure.

>> No.10831195

I see absolutely no problem with that.

>> No.10831333

Wait, if we got ahold of this could we sequence her genome and clone her with a chinese CRISPR?

>> No.10831373

Her mouth is so fucking grotesque.

>> No.10831418

have sex

>> No.10831431

Sounds like sour grapes

>> No.10831434


>> No.10831437

fake news

>> No.10831446

Sounds hot

>> No.10831626

post ass

>> No.10831631


>> No.10832206

it means she's loyal to you

>> No.10832218

You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.10832256

I agree anon, people calling me daddy in the sack has always been a turnoff for me.

>> No.10833473 [DELETED] 


>> No.10833479

Imagine cumming in her pink butthole and then watching your cum ooze out

>> No.10833502


>> No.10835130

She looks 13 and has done a lot of loli cosplay, and she doesn't do any desperate porn/cam whore shit and that makes her more desirable and keeps horny losers thirsty.

>> No.10835151

Stop living vicariously thought a boyish girl your phantasms of existing a chick with a dick.

>> No.10835154

She is just another thot who sells nudes and stuff. You can find stuff from her premium snapchat and onlyfans pages online. Here is a video of her giving herself an anal dildo orgasm, if you're into that stuff:

>> No.10835161

Also, she is apparently a Twitch streamer as well, but that is just a funnel for her real business of selling nudes. A ton of female streamers do this. A lot of female YouTubers do this as well. Like this girl has 220k subscribers on YouTube and LARPs as a vlogger and influencer, but the real money comes from Patreon where guys pays for nudes.