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10824642 No.10824642 [Reply] [Original]

With all the testimonies, videos, radar signatures, official statements from pretty much every level of the government and a lot of it coming out very recently. I think it's safe to say the UFO phenomenon is a very real thing. There seems to be very advanced aircraft zipping around our skies and our oceans. What we don't know is the origin of these craft.

Now, where do they come from? Are they of extraterrestrial origin? Inter-dimensional? Some think they may even be humans from the future time-travelling and observing. What if they are our own craft? Is there somehow an elite group of people hiding exotic technology/physics from the rest of the world? How long have they had it? So many questions regarding the UFO phenomenon.

What do you guys think is the exact mechanisms by which they craft get their propulsion and energy. Is it anti-gravity? Maybe it's only gravity reduction or perhaps involves the bending of space-time around the craft? These craft while many come in different shapes and some seem to move differently they all seem to have one thing in common which is that they don't use any of the three methods of lift we know of.
Also, why do so many glow or give off light? By product from it's propulsion/energy source?

I hope we actually get disclosure but if we ever do it will more than likely be a water-downed version.

>> No.10824655

Also how do you guys think these craft are powered? Is vacuum/zero point energy not a meme? Is electrogravitics real?

>> No.10824665

It's simple...

It was product. It's possible to create drive like this in this society.

Question is if it is ours.

>> No.10824701

>we have finally reached earth
>what kind of drones should we send down to scout?
>nano swarms and mechanical bugs that are borderline impossible to detect
>or huge crafts that will alert anyone on the same continent

>> No.10824707

someone explain gravity reduction devices to me
is it actually reducing the effect of gravity or is it interacting with the earth's magnetic fiel to slow decent?
I know there have been craft created that reduced it down 87%

>> No.10824720

The only ufo with any sort of validity are the tic-tacs. From what ive read, which may or may not be accurate, they seem to be small robotic drones encased in some sort of spacetime/gravity warping bubble, so maybe movement is accomplished with like an alcubierre drive or something? Perhaps this means exotic matter?

Everything about them is currently unknown so conjecture is mostly pointless, although it would certainly seem they are propelling themselves by quantum propulsion as opposed to our classical methods.

They are certainly not from earth.

>> No.10824756

What about the webm posted of the gimbal ufo in the OP? The black triangle wave of belgium? The Tehran incident? The phoenix lights? Washington DC 1952? The Rendlesham Forest?

Are you implying only the tac tac Nimitz incident in 2004 is the only case of any UFOs ever valid? There have been multiple UFO incidents involving military and other high level people with notable backgrounds. We have astronauts, government and military officials as well as big players in aerospace all claiming the same thing

>> No.10824883

The tic-tacs are the only ones I know of that have multiple verified reports from the Navy and other government offices/agents. That isnt to say other incidents or sightings arent real, or that I do not posses other available information. Perhaps I will look into the other things you have posted

>> No.10825111


Sounds like you know more than we do

>> No.10825116


>> No.10825567

It's demons. Not even joking

>> No.10825584
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>someone explain gravity reduction devices to me

How about someone logically explain the cause of gravity first? Then we can talk about negating it.

>No lets keep talking about reducing something that may not exist.
No.NO. Lets not do this.

>vacuum energy

Yeah but "how much" vacuum?

>> No.10825604

The G-Force those craft should be under would be enough to shatter them. They must have some form of 'inertia dampeners' which would imply extensive and highly adaptive internal gravity control.

Why don't we try and have a thread about a very real topic without textbook huggers ruining it for once.

>> No.10825695

Well if you can (theoretically) compress spacetime in front of you / expand spacetime behind you to move your entire local frame (in other words, a "local bubble" around your craft) you should theoretically not experience any G's or forms of inertia as you are "technically" not moving.

>> No.10825716


I think the problem with a gravitational explanation for crazy manoeuvrability are the numbers required to make this kind of motion geodesic. I think whenever people have estimated how much energy it would take, the numbers are almost unimaginably huge (and not necessarily positive either).

>> No.10825725


>> No.10825732

possibly, it was reading something about old darpa research experiments where a guy made a bunch of fake rocks that weighed the same only somehow certain rocks were less affected by gravity it was something about field disruption, I don't recall the specifics though, quite fascinating physics. oh and some artist inventor guy in the 20s or 30s basically invented a massive fan powered UFO

>> No.10825737

Yes, this is probably why the energy produced by these craft is probably in my mind have to do with somehow tapping into zero-point energy.

>> No.10825738


That patent is undoubtedly some kind of scam. I think the most interesting question is who is the target audience. Some have suggested it's part of an effort to encourage Chinese (etc.) military researchers to waste time trying to replicate impossible technology.

>> No.10825744

USAF study on the physics of teleportation.


>> No.10825751


That's written by Eric 'Skinwalker Ranch' Davis man. He also managed to get some juicy contracts writing research papers for that AATIP program. Something more serious would be written by leading physicists but (e.g. as part of the JASON group) but not all of their output is unclassified.

>> No.10825785

What's your opinion on Robert Bigelow? He seems very convinced of UFOs and seems to have lots of insider knowledge as well as doing lots of private research(including buying skinwalker ranch) as well as working with the government.

>> No.10825829

This guy is for sure privy on some things and has his hands deep in secret things. Guidelines on UFOs for private and military includes contacting Bigelow's company. He has spent millions on the research of the subject since the 90's and openly claims the existence of a UFO phenomenon as well as existence of some of it being for extraterrestrial.

>> No.10825862

What are some of the more believable stories/videos? Last i looked into this kind of stuff was when a SA country (Peru/Argentina/Chile; cant remember which) had a navy helicopter up on a training mission. They sportted an object on FLIR but wehn swapping to visual it wasnt visible. Was this eer explained?

>> No.10827548

or by bending spacetime it's actually slowing down you know like, time itself
they'd just exist in a temporal bubble so that from our frame of reference it would seem they are travelling fast but in reality we are just observing them at 1000x speeds

>> No.10827600

Future spacecraft will probably be powered by some sort of high intensity gamma laser being fired at it from a focused quasar or something. They'd have some sort of exotic matter suspended in vaccum that can gobble up gamma rays or something, and make useful power out of that onboard the ship.

>> No.10828967

ayys are likely using virtual photons and the ships are non-physical. so the pictures are the whole thing. this could be technology which the us military discovered with its work on lasers and holographics in the 50s and because it's nuclear powered it never entered into the mainstream scientific literature. think- nuclear satellite projecting something down on to the planet's surface.

>omg what is that, it's moving so fast

it's a hologram, you're basically like that cat with the laser pointer.

>> No.10829177
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THAT is just a more advanced version of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC97wdQOmfI

Full screen OPs video and you can literally see the exhaust jets in the same positions as the video I just posted. These are anti-nuclear-missiles and drones made to travel at extreme speeds (near orbital velocity) in order to chase and destroy very fast missiles/targets.

>but why would US not notify their own pilots
Why the fuck would they? It's better to test your own technology properly in real world conditions. These machines are completely doable with our understanding of physics. You guys talking about anti-gravity don't know shit about physics and are just wishfully thinking.

Think about the immense task it would be for us to travel to another star. The infrastructure we currently have and need still before we even start sending things to other stars. Realize that aliens are under the same physical constraints (distance and speed) They wouldn't be flying around in little tic-tac drones fucking with our jets. Not to mention after seeing the Lockheed video if you still think the tic-tacs are aliens you're simply incapable of acquiring and sorting information properly. Aliens visiting Earth would be such a big event that no one on earth could hide it.

>> No.10829190


I firmly believe that UFO phenomenon are literally just classified government flight projects. Governments often have technology that is 50-100 years ahead of anything available on the civilian market and black budgets exist. Anyone who thinks it is aliens is an idiot.

>> No.10829198

I've heard a rumour that it involves rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates and their ability to create apparent negative energy states which can be used for thrust in positively curved space. I've also heard that the zapping high intensity, extremely short burst laser pulses at dilute, ultra-cold alkali metal gases and amplifying the plasmonic waves beyond the Schwinger limit is a both a solid power and weapons system.

>> No.10829206

nice find, it's exactly this thing.

>> No.10829301

I'm feeling very sleepy

>> No.10829306

They're space boomers wasting their space kids space inheritance going on safari. They view us as exotic wildlife.

>> No.10829344

Put together these two theories:
William Lyne's theories about how flying saucers work (he's close to the truth but his ideas are false since he believes EM are ether waves).
Miles Mathis' third (most recent) gravity theory (EM particles are the ether, which is dynamic).
IMO these are the only two physics conspiracy theorists who aren't controlled opposition.

>> No.10829654

You may not be joking but you are stupid.

>> No.10829655

Is Bob Lazar telling the truth?

>> No.10829692

Yes, neither can you deny the evidence anymore.

>> No.10829704

He believes what he says. Whether or not it happened or if he imagined it (eg. A Beautiful Mind) is a different story. He has however known about stuff that he couldn't have otherwise known.

I really want to believe it's true, but I worry that's just clouding my judgement. I'm just looking for reasons to believe than reasons to not.

>> No.10829757


This thing about the impossibility (or implausibility) of interstellar travel is a complete fallacy, I don't know why otherwise reasonable people fall for it.

>> No.10829770



>> No.10829771

go read stanton friedman

>> No.10829796

Watch the recent Netflix documentary about Bob Lazar or the Joe Rogan podcast. Based on rational decision-making, it's certainly undeniable evidence (it wasn't like that years ago).

>> No.10829807

Nobody is saying interstellar travel is impossible. But we have to agree that it's REALLY hard and takes a LOT of TIME to get to another star and if it was done it would be a big event for that species just as it would be for us.

It's annoying how small people think space is. The nearest star is over 20-trillion miles away. There's no distance in our lives I could compare that number too. They wouldn't come all this way just to mess with some jets.
They wouldn't come in small craft unless they where using FTL travel or drones that didn't have to worry about the time it would take, and even then, what fuel would they use for the smaller craft? If they came in "person" it would most likely be in a massive ancestor ship that would have been traveling for many years. Multiple governments would know about their existence already and you couldn't keep that many people silent for this long.

>> No.10829825
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> Netflix documentary about Bob Lazar
>Based on rational decision-making
> undeniable evidence

This is the kind of scitzo mind that Bob Lazar panders to. The Joe Rogan podcast was a perfect example of the kind of hack Bob is and Joe could clearly see right through him. Convenient headaches, unscientific broad claims about physics and the events that took place when he was at area 51. He's a a snake oil salesmen clear as day. He doesn't talk or act like a scientist at all. You may not believe it, that's fine, you will do and change nothing while guys at Lockheed and Grumman make real advances that make shit brains like you cry aliens.

>> No.10829857

You obviously should do your own research, but both the podcast and or the Netflix documentary sums it pretty much up. I am not giving Bob Lazar full credibility, there might have been quite lots of untruth told to Bob Lazar which in return made it to the public of course, but I do without a doubt believe we have our hands on such crafts, for all we know they might've not came from a different solar system. I'd also like to hear why you're in such extent of denial? You're making assumption merely based on the way he speaks?

>> No.10829861

he wasn't at 51 he was at a related facility as some sort of technician for some contractor
there's a lot of fabrication of the story

>> No.10829862

did aliens do 9/11?

>> No.10829947

>You're making assumption merely based on the way he speaks?

As appose to what? The way he reads? The words he is saying are not the words of a scientifically literate man. He is using textbook con-man tactics of dodging the important points and faking illness when he finds himself in a corner. What more does he have to do before he is allowed to be criticized? I've done way more research than you clearly have considering you probably don't even know who Lockheed or Grumman are or what they have done.

He glosses over BIG physics claims that any real scientist who knew anything about physics would catch right away. Compare him to literally any other scientist that Joe has had on the podcast and you will see the difference. His Netflix special was equally as misleading and sensational considering they showed no hard evidence and didn't even bring up the various crafts that people thought where aliens for years before it was revealed they where military drones/jets and bombers yet he showed footage of those crafts and led you to believe they where aliens. Bob talks like a conman trying to sell you a story. He provides no real value and just makes it harder for people to see the truth.

>but I do without a doubt believe we have our hands on such crafts

Ok keep believing that.You're clearly set on wishful thinking over critical thinking considering comments like that. At the end of the day people like Bob get us nowhere so it's not like anyone is worried about Bob "leaking" secrets or contributing in any tangible way.


These are real technologies that came out of military projects. If you can't see how these are the UFOs people have seen over the years then you're the one who's in denial.

>> No.10831254
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This has been known over 70 years, it just never reached the mainstream and was covered up which might actually be better in a way because if revealed it opens up the door for things we might not be ready for.

The very definition of UFO means that it can be anything, like with dreams it doesn't necessarily fit within only one category and can be many different things

There are many ways to accomplish spacedrive motion.

Gravity is an acceleration resulting from interaction of atomic dipoles with a higher dimension which is generally extrapolated into the notion of "space-time" which is a mathematical construct attempting to explain the higher dimension.

>> No.10832024

>The exotic technology behind UFO/UAPs

your moms dick.