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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10821330 No.10821330 [Reply] [Original]

can we ever build a gravity amplifier?

emergent gravity postulates gravity is just teh universe slowing down because of information density (it takes the computer longer to process) so things fall towards eachother in 4D spess time... so would a super powerful quantum computer be the best way to slow down time?

what about using a bunch of superconductors to twist a super dense plasma or electron degenerate matter?

>> No.10821390

I read somewhere that theoretically quatum computer could run some kind of calculation that will prevent them from heating up or use up all the energy and they wont need to be cooled

>> No.10821403


>> No.10821405

dunno mate try it

>> No.10821412

k but i wanna fantasize about it first

>> No.10821441

google it then dude
its a pretty common concept people play with

>> No.10821447

you think i haven't tried googling it?

>> No.10821470


>> No.10821473

A gravity amplifier would make gravity distort. Speeding up time would require gravity to invert.

>> No.10821483

welp ur wrong.. the thread i killed was shit anyway tbqh

i meant slow down

>> No.10821488

Just add mass bro

>> No.10821499

>gravity is just teh universe slowing down because of information density

>> No.10821505
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Physical World as a Virtual Reality:
>Processing load effects. On a distributed network, nodes with a high local workload will slow
down, e.g. if a local server has many demands a video download may play slower than usual.
Likewise a high matter concentration may constitute a high processing demand, so a massive
body could slow down the information processing of space-time, causing space to “curve”
and time to slow. Likewise, if faster movement requires more processing, speeds near light
speed could affect space/time, causing time to “dilate” and space to extend. Relativity effects
could then arise from local processing overloads.

>> No.10821515

Couldn't 4chan just have a "crackpot" board and move all the crackpot threads to it? Or would there be nothing left here?

>> No.10821518

nothing ive said is crackpot

what's the point of talking about science or technology if you don't want to do ambitious things with it?

AI was considered crackpot some time ago.. the internet might have seemed like a crackpot idea in the past

there's nothing in physics that prohibits the use of gravity for the purposes of slowing down time

>> No.10821524

>nothing ive said is crackpot
I half disagree. You've basically correlated magnetism and gravity together with the OP image.
Reason why only half is that they are correlated. But you've not given any mechanism to change them to one and another.
We've been trying for decades to do just that. Unless you've got a better insight as to how. The question is a moot one.

>> No.10821525
File: 9 KB, 256x197, download (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also fucking read the papers you dimwitted smugnorrant retard:

>General Relativistic Gravity Machine using Electromagneto-Torsion Field


>General relativistic gravity machine utilizing
electromagnetic field

>> No.10821526
File: 129 KB, 800x517, 800px-Gravity_Probe_B_Confirms_the_Existence_of_Gravitomagnetism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gravitoelectromagnetism, abbreviated GEM, refers to a set of formal analogies between the equations for electromagnetism and relativistic gravitation; specifically: between Maxwell's field equations and an approximation, valid under certain conditions, to the Einstein field equations for general relativity.

>All of those observed properties could be explained in terms of gravitomagnetic effects.[5] Williams' application of Penrose's mechanism can be applied to black holes of any size.[6] Relativistic jets can serve as the largest and brightest form of validations for gravitomagnetism.

>A group at Stanford University is currently analyzing data from the first direct test of GEM, the Gravity Probe B satellite experiment, to see whether they are consistent with gravitomagnetism. [7] The Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation also plans to observe gravitomagnetism effects

>Initial results confirmed the expected geodetic effect to an accuracy of about 1%. The expected frame-dragging effect was similar in magnitude to the current noise level (the noise being dominated by initially unmodeled effects due to nonuniform coatings on the gyroscopes). Work continued to model and account for these sources of error, thus permitting extraction of the frame-dragging signal. By August 2008, the frame-dragging effect had been confirmed to within 15% of the expected result,[6] and the December 2008 NASA report indicated that the geodetic effect was confirmed to better than 0.5%.[7]

>> No.10821533
File: 41 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not talking about a direct conversion and as i understand it the idea is to use a superconductor to accelerate matter in a torsional field to harness gravitoelectromagnetism

musha theorizes that the superconductor would act on the quantum vacuum so you wouldn't need actual matter otherwise you'd need electron degenerate matter but through oscillation you could create constructive interference of the gravity waves regardless

here's a vid about it:

>> No.10821537
File: 4 KB, 125x105, 1463180140990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>analogies between the equations for electromagnetism and relativistic gravitation
It's like they're not even sure either. Like there may be three different building blocks to the whole picture or something.
If only we had better insight as to how to go from a light bulb to elcrtro magnet and graviton repulsor.
It's like we'd have to make some sort of reverse hysteresis meshing device.

>> No.10821541

yeah idk what u mean

im talking about confining super dense plasma in a nested helix to twist 4D space time

>> No.10821545

Study how a magnetic field attracts and repulses.
It's way harder to skip learning curves this deep into physics.
Not because you're dumb. But because you're just aware enough to not luck onto it.

>> No.10821553

bro im not going to be doing this anytime soon but i want someone whos maybe a bit more educated to entertain my fantasies a bit and maybe paint a picture about what it would actually require

this is the thread that would die if you created a new one:

youre acting like that's a tragedy

>> No.10821557

theres nothing wrong with trying to mine creativity from forums.. ive done it with other things and some random person gave me a good idea and as i see it there's no harm in posting this and seeing if someone might have have some insight by chance

>> No.10821561

this board sucks man

>> No.10821567

>maybe paint a picture about what it would actually require
I have.
>acting like that's a tragedy
No, I've only jumped in on a distinction point and gave insight for you to find better relative study.
4d plasma vortex sounds like it may apply if you learnt how a field behaves,
Like instead of a vortex it was some sort of calculated snakes and ladders dice roll manipulation.
Instead of just bruit energy.

>> No.10821569

apparently.. but it's still less anoying than reddit

>> No.10821572

k i dont know what reverse hysteresis meshing device means?

hysteresis as in how a magnet's spins are aligned depending on how it was created?

>sort of calculated snakes and ladders dice roll manipulation
like a quantum computer?

>> No.10821578

>magnet's spins are aligned depending on how it was created?
So if gravatons are monopoles. What would it take to reverse the action that happens to ensnare matter.

>> No.10821586
File: 61 KB, 960x720, Computer+Time+millisecond+10-3+=+1_1,000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is actually a very interesting article, heres the key points as for a "practical machine", practical meaning if it was to be made this are the parameters to aim as per their calculations:

>we may conclude that there is the possibility to generate a new gravitational field by applying impulsive high electromagnetic field to the toroidal device.

>4. Numerical Calculation for the Rotating Electromagneto-
Toroidal Gravity Machine If the considered gravity machine could be operating with a velocity of the rotating toroidal structure to be one percent of light speed, and considering the parameters r 5 m (meters radius) B=100 Tesla, 1 Giga volt, and the duration of time for applying the impulsive high voltage electric field be 1.0 pico second.

1 GigaV at 1.000.000 Gigahertz !!!!! fuck me dead! and I'm strugling "just" to get up to about 1MV in a practical way... thats definitively out of the capabilities of my EE home lab thats for sure.

>> No.10821591

>1.000.000 Gigahertz

sorry, this should be 1.000.000 MegaHertz

>> No.10821603
File: 40 KB, 570x429, laffcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sorry, I thought you meant real science. I forgot where I was for a second.

>> No.10821626 [DELETED] 

>graviton monpole
umm it's a force carrier like a photon and photons aren't considered monopoles?

>What would it take to reverse the action that happens to ensnare matter.
assuming gravity is the universe taking longer to process information as in >>10821505 then it would be the action of bringing the matter or bound energy together in the first place
>1 Giga volt
well lightning is like 100mv so it's just ten times that

what's unscientific about it then smarty pants?

>> No.10821628

give a look to the articles, they are not bad per se.

in a way this reminds me of the first proposals of nuclear power, at the beginning there was a lot of speculation if it was really possible or if it was just pure imagination taken from theories and caculations with no experimental data.

>> No.10821629

>graviton monopole
umm it's a force carrier like a photon and photons aren't considered monopoles?
>What would it take to reverse the action that happens to ensnare matter.
assuming gravity is the universe taking longer to process information as in >>10821505 (You) then it would be the action of bringing the matter or bound energy together in the first place
>1 Giga volt
well lightning is like 100mv so it's just ten times that
what's unscientific about it then smarty pants?

>> No.10821635
File: 7 KB, 320x157, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gravitoelectromagnetism is a real thing as validated by the gravity prob B sattelite but the question is whether superconductors would be enough or if you would need a super dense confined plasma or electron degenerate matter in the nest helix

musha's paper is based off of forwards paper about the degen matter and he said you can use a superconductor because of the quantum vaccuum supposedly?

anyway if a tokamak can confine plasma then how big of a tokamak would you need to confine electron degenerate matter???

>> No.10821637

Why is gravity so 'weak'?
dipoles are also able to be arranged into a sphere. How would that affect their strength?

>> No.10821649
File: 75 KB, 766x678, Halbach_array_by_Zureks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is gravity so 'weak'?
because the universe is pretty gud at processing quantum information? OR the action of gravity at a distance is determined by entanglement and pair production in a tensor network of exchanged virtual particles in the quantum vacuum and the range at which that happens correlates to gravity? So basically you are pulled towards something when you begin to be entangled with it and that slows down the processing so you fall towards the body in 4D spacetime:
Professor Mark van Raamsdonk:
Leonard Susskind

>dipoles are also able to be arranged into a sphere. How would that affect their strength?
it wouldnt??? or it would like a Halbach array? So youre talking about an array of gravity producing elements that strengthens or amplifies the total field?


>> No.10821655

>...so it's just ten times that

ooooh.... OK....

you have never worked with high voltages do you?

working with very high voltages is very tricky because it can become impossible to "keep it in the wires"... at MV range the air itself becomes a conductor....in the power industry this is a huge problem too and they work at "only" less that 1MV (and the high amps doesn't make it any easier either...)

BTW try to use capital M for mega "m" means milivolts, for a moment you cought me off guard there.

>> No.10821657

and i think the whole point of machine like this is to focus gravity sort of how i think youre alluding to

for example you could take energy from the sun in the form of a dyson sphere and then twist that energy so you could focus the gravity by gravity electromagnetism and frame dragging

>> No.10821660

>BTW try to use capital M for mega "m" means milivolts

oh.. well the way i envision this thing is that it would have to be built in space with superconductors so maybe ionization of the air isn't a problem?

>> No.10821665

>Halbach array
And how does one fuck this up? To flip the effect.
If it were a sphere. How could you exchange one thing to somewhere else.

>> No.10821669

uhhhhh flip the magnets in the opposite orientation pattern???????

why do you post animu grills with different colored eyes??

>> No.10821678
File: 73 KB, 736x460, 1459762494925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to solve this for anti grav.
>post animu grills with different colored eyes
There's many reasons. Most are connotatively correlative.

>> No.10821686

>You need to solve this for anti grav.
am i retarded or if you reverse the halbach array it's just another halbach array

are you trolling me?

>> No.10821687

>oh.. well the way i envision this thing is that it would have to be built in space with superconductors so maybe ionization of the air isn't a problem?

but even then look at the specs that the calculation gives:

1 GV at 1.000.000 MHz

I kinda like this proposal because it uses a "simple" implementation (its basically a 5 meters radious toroidal wound coil) BUT when you look at the calculated specs....

...and to work directly with matter as in a tokamak... well now you need a tokamak which can be even some how more dificult than the toroidal winding.

>> No.10821690

>calculated specs.
the rotation speed is the biggest problem right?

>...and to work directly with matter as in a tokamak... well now you need a tokamak which can be even some how more dificult than the toroidal winding.
well im thinking what if musha is wrong about "only" needing superconductors so using magnetic confinement to compress matter to the density of a white dwarf seems like the only option?

>> No.10821692

>reverse the halbach array it's just another halbach array
Yes, and?
>are you trolling me
No, but I did lol.
A reverse array, is the poles in the other staggered position.
So in atomic mechanics. What happens if you remove something from one?
Throwing a cluster of magnets at another cluster. What happens?
So a delicate zigzag arrangement magnets. And you remove a piece. How do you think they'll react?

>> No.10821702

>How do you think they'll react?
magnets on either side of the missing one will be attracted to each other so it will become unstable

>> No.10821712

I vaguely remember a solve to this. But that's as far as I can take you.
Any more, and I limit the possibility of a new method.
I hope I've been a good sounding board. Good luck in your endeavor.

>> No.10821729

>the rotation speed is the biggest problem right?

no, its that you need the two specs to feed this coil voltage and frequency, both of this are HUGE. I have NEVER even heard of something that could get to that spec.

generally you found invetigations that can get very high voltage or very high frequencies but in this case you need both (according to that paper, this is not my idea and specs).

generally you can find papers on high voltage from power companies like siemen... and even tesla (his patents, or go to this thread where I give a lot of details javascript:quote('10819862'); just follow the "chain" of post

>well im thinking what if musha is wrong about "only" needing superconductors so using magnetic confinement to compress matter to the density of a white dwarf seems like the only option?

all this sounds so easy when you say it....

>> No.10821733

sorry, this is the thread:


>> No.10821756
File: 749 KB, 990x991, 1470641344591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and you missed the implication of what a reverse halbach array means in relation to gravity.

>> No.10821765

ooh tesla connection, spooky

>> No.10821770

then tell me?

i read that halbach arrays change magnets from dipoles to quadpoles and octopoles and so on? idk though and i dont even get what reversing it will do except changing the phase of the array by one?

>> No.10821778

tesla talks about aether in his gravitational theory and musha talks about quantum vacuum as aether in that paper as the basis of why you wouldn't need white dwarf matter but rather a superconductor

>> No.10821787


I don't get it, which do you want? If you negate gravity with electromagnetism then isn't it just the same thing?

Did you just post that for the fpbp? You didn't get it, sorry.

Nothing will ever get rid of the poles on a magnet. Magnetism necessitates polarity.

>> No.10821788
File: 23 KB, 480x640, 1472473932299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity pull matter in. If its SAP is a halbach array.
Then the reverse would be the opposite effect.

>> No.10821799

hmm yeah well i disagree because i think gravity is emergent from the information processing power of the universe so there is no way to speed up that processing power as a vacuum would be fastest it could run.. well unless you clear the quantum vacuum but idk how and the vacuum doesn't have a huge amount of energy anyway unless it's like the speed of light where you have to use exponentially more energy to "clear the vacuum"

>> No.10821800

well there is this


>> No.10821804

i didnt say anti gravity but the video i posted earlier thought of antigravity as just frame dragging and not negative mass or whatever

>> No.10821808

nothing spooky about it once you actually read his patents

all the "spooky" comes from wackos that don't know electrical theory.


>> No.10821816

>information processing power of the universe
Hmm. Only thing I can assume to slow that is a black hole.
But then you'd have to assume matter has a hertz limit and no limit to quantum data bits.
I'd suggest taking a step back to data processing IRL.
I've got some posts in /sci/ under this handle that covers analog with digital relation points.
Also as a alternate Big Bang being reliant of perfect data storage.

>> No.10821899
File: 402 KB, 659x494, Schematic-representation-of-a-black-hole-upper-left-and-the-holographic-universe-upper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only thing I can assume to slow that is a black hole
well any mass slows down time and it's proposed that a black hole is the limit of the processing power and information density

>no limit to quantum data bits
holographic principle states that the amount of information in a blackhole cannot exceed the amount of qbits in planck units along the event horizon


susskind won the black hole wars against hawking to prove this so it's accepted science today

>> No.10821904
File: 233 KB, 1050x1144, fisica49_01-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10821935

Yeah, but cluster computing is only limited by interlace bus speed and code compression.
What you have is time dilation, that doesn't affect frequency.
And past the event horizon is negated by pathing around it.

I'm far from versed in 'reality processing power'. But I'm sure >>>/g/ can give more relative comparison.
Best I can think to 'break' it. Is max heat. But you can't input greater than it. But that doesn't mean you can't have successions of it.
Being an analog. There's no limit in hertz. Just wave length.
But hey, what do I know. You've got more interest in this path. I'm just a general nerd.

>> No.10821957
File: 34 KB, 220x148, envelope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're in the camp that Gravity has a physical wave component, than it becomes a matter of frequency and energy.
You'd either produce an ultra, ultra low frequency deconstructive wave for the field you're trying to affect, or:
You mimic that huge wavelength with an envelope comprised of super high frequency waves.

>> No.10822011

I actually though about this possibility that a electromagnetic wave could produce a change in gravity

supposedly light should be able to bend by gravity but apparently the gravity field has to be huge IF GRAVITATIONAL LENSING IS EVEN TRUE ...

but as far as I know no one has ever experienced a relationship between EM and gravity but if we go by this paper it makes sense because it has to be HUGE both in frequency and voltage .

I wonder if thic could be scaled down to a manageable level?...>>10821586

>> No.10822016
File: 36 KB, 480x360, toroidken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but as far as I know no one has ever experienced a relationship between EM and gravity.

"Both are magnetic attraction/dielectric acceleration, one is a coherent point-source and the other isn't".

>> No.10822033

I suspect it can if understood properly. You might not be able to get the resolution you need with a single larger scale high energy E&M wave, but then using a few whose timings were randomized or off-phased might compensate. I didn't read all the articles, but just by looking at the names of links, I suspect that's what all the timing and pulsing discussion is about.

I don't think it's been ruled out that they aren't both point source. Many physicists are still in denial of the importance of including the massive effect of gravity at even greater closeness.

>> No.10822046
File: 356 KB, 799x557, genuine Anti-Gravity. What_ Really_ You decide......What if its so_ -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe when he properly demostrate his magic "antigravity empanada" ....

go to 13:00
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG2dtVEJO6g [Embed]

or whe he proves his "gold filtering method"...
he might as well be just desinforming people, none of his "pratical designs" are proven. he claimed he could use magnetism to select gold from rubbish but first you had to pay all the expences for the trip to your place so he could explain it to you:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfvyk0LHLSY [Embed]

and that is exactly what this other shill is doin with the concept of "radiant moray energy"

>give me some money and I'll give you "the secret"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHTCZu8OZtI [Embed]

heres how the whole lies about "radiant energy" started >>10819923

>> No.10822050

I hate ken wheeler so goddamn much

>> No.10822078
File: 84 KB, 533x700, 4ecef4cd2f1eaa306b6ae7500fda55474ad14589bf3b37b1f02401ef7e7075bd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you call/email him and ask him? He answers questions you know. Also the gold thing is literally used in gold extraction techniques, everything he says about diamagnetism causing gold deceleration is literally backed by science, you can literally go verify it with a magnet and gold yourself. If you don't have gold then use another diamagnetic element, the concept is the same.

I won't comment about his "anti grav" claim. WHICH BY THE WAY he never actually claimed was "anti gravity", but hey, "apophasis" tends to confuse people into making irrational "counter arguments" though so I forgive you (go look at a Trump tweet for examples of this).