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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 357 KB, 1629x1860, may30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10820315 No.10820315 [Reply] [Original]

so, anons, sabrina graduated from harvard and is continuing on there for 3 years with guaranteed funding over that time period of $250,000. then, after that, she is going to lead a newly founded research institute, details to be released in the future, offered to her during her visit to the White House in late 2016.

being as though she is the next einstein, she deserves this. working in a patent office was obviously not the right path for einstein, he should have gotten these sorts of opportunities.

anybody wanna elaborate on asymptotic symmetries and soft modes and superrotations? i'd like to have some insight because sabrina's QFT chops and math skills are so extremely elite it blows me, and also the late Stephen Hawking, out of the water

>> No.10820515
File: 151 KB, 412x1213, sabrina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next einstein bump

>> No.10820522
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1551296283854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how it looks like it says vanitas in the thumbnail, because that's all this is. The world's respect means nothing if you do not have God. Better to be hated it the world and loved by God. I will tell you, the vainglory of this worldling will lead her to perdition.

>> No.10820614

they say that men are 'more visual'. visual thinkers, etc. but why is it women always take pictures of their every shit

>> No.10820641

she's cuban though, and i bet she is a confirmed catholic, and she probably goes to church on christmas and easter with her parents since she has no significant other. maybe even pentecost too

>> No.10820654

I sense a bit of sarcasm.

>> No.10820659

no shit sherlock

>> No.10820714
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 26E85B28-00B3-4D19-ADDB-0A5E4279816B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the bjork stalker’s at it again

>> No.10820722

how long will it take for me to keep making sabrina threads without her ever being actually stalked or harmed before you can realize that this is a commentary on the academic system and how the media covers it?

>> No.10820724

harvard is a bullshit liberal indoctrination camp
it's there to support the democratic party

>> No.10820736

Sharing symbols of social importance

>> No.10820771
File: 49 KB, 400x600, Sabrina+Gonzalez+Pasterski+Young+Women+Honors+o8m1wyOL0tBl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she also has posed for sexy photoshoots, which in all honesty i have masturbated to. i mean pic related is just her red carpet photo where she got all dolled up but there are legit "modeling" photoshoots she's done. i don't blame her, she is sort of a media icon, and if you go to physicsgirl.com you can see she does lots of well-publicized events. i bet douglas stanford is totally reeeeeing out about that

>> No.10822431

can you really trust an institution that can't discern it's U's and V's?

>> No.10822446


>> No.10822489
File: 53 KB, 600x676, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely curious, what do you find irksome about it?
(Note: I've not heard of this lady in Academia nor read any of her publications as far as I can recall, so I've really no idea of the quality of her work.)

>> No.10822573
File: 128 KB, 934x985, 1563355330929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of having Jewish connections

Fuck academia

>> No.10822585

>the joos are the culprits of my failure and low IQ.

Every time.

>> No.10822604

>the joos are the culprits of my failure and low IQ
I'm not a failure, I'm succesful in everyway and more succesful than her

I don't even care about those meme universities like "Harvard, Oxford, MIT..." it's just the names, and mostly rich kids go to them just to brag " I graduated from XXX University, so I'm better than you"
Tell me last time a great research paper got out of these Universities

It saddens me that I've seen lots of talented guys that were incredibly smart, but they didn't have enough connections to continue their path

If one day you reach a high level in academia your jaw will drop at how fucking biased and corrupt everything is, and this is in Western Europe and US

you're so innocent

>> No.10822610

Ok then, if you say so.

>> No.10822646

>Getting recognize as genius since high school
>Do nothing relevant next decades
Suicide watch

>> No.10823528

bump, since the other threads at the top right now are trash

>> No.10823573

all these flavours and you choose to be salty

>> No.10823576
File: 318 KB, 489x816, ECBD4D41-4735-45A1-9A00-E7D95027D375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord be with you, anons

>> No.10823579

What is a superrotation?

>> No.10823595

i thing sabrina tried to give a decent explanation of superrotations in her thesis:
despite that being one of the shortest theses i have ever seen (under 100 pages including the bibliography)

>> No.10823659


>> No.10823661

>/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.10823689

Humans are wired to pursue salt given its rarity in the wild.

>> No.10823699

Who do you think the author of those subjects are?

>> No.10823701

>only rich kids
that's a big oof from me dawg.

>> No.10823708

>only rich kids
>tell me the last time a great research paper got out of these universities
that's a big oof from me dawg.

>> No.10823711

Is there any legal way to do research in biology and chemistry without entering academia?

>> No.10823722

Send emails. They'll be ignored though.

>> No.10823728

>They'll be ignored though.
So that isn't a way, and thus yours isn't an answer.

>> No.10823729

Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK. I'm going to best her and show the world how physics is really done. Mark my words, anons, I won't fall behind. Sabrina BTFO by 2026

>> No.10823806

i mean, only the media thinks Sabrina is the best millennial. really, it’s probably Douglas Stanford, so keep him within your crosshairs too

>> No.10823809

Based. Show the numale faggots that /sci/ is the man’s domain.

>> No.10823814

Thanks, anon. I'll check some of his research

>> No.10823832

sir this is an arby's

>> No.10825042
File: 12 KB, 492x445, laughs necromantically.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. salty Liberty Uni bitch boy

>> No.10825045

You're reposting many times mate, stop samefagging this isn't reddit

>> No.10826588


>> No.10826613

Man that’s really cool bro I respect that. Anyways let me get a double hamburger, large fry...

>> No.10826615

Can I get an uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh number 7 with a diet coke?

>> No.10826638

Don’t copy my joke nigger

>> No.10826672

I don't want to be rude, but I knew homeless people that could do.

>> No.10826944

Do what, and from where?

>> No.10827224

>Opposing a murderer means I'm jealous of the murderer's greater success at murdering
Every time.

>> No.10827406

t. VixRa poster

>> No.10827413

Could someone please tl;dr me on this meme?

>> No.10827421
File: 60 KB, 650x650, 70f08be2-35d0-45ac-e89e-ac0a8927ba6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a meme though, aside from the "next einstein" thing, which she has responded to by saying "don't call me next einstein" more or less, but anyhow pic related

>> No.10827425

All right so she's a moderately successful physics grad who seems to be getting some media attention, why does /sci/ hate her?

In my country every non-white idiot with a PhD who "graduated within a record time of 4 years [sic]" gets some kind of major media coverage.

>> No.10827435

>moderately successful physics grad
no, she's ridiculously successful. she got an offer from the fucking president of the USA (or maybe it was michelle obama, not sure) to be the PI professor of her _own fucking new institute_ two+ years before she even graduated, plus she's making approximately double per year what the average postdoc does, and is guaranteed that for 3 years instead of the average 1 year guarantee.
> why does /sci/ hate her?
a mix of jealousy and the fact that we secretly want her to be our waifu

>> No.10827446

I guess getting it from a politician is great an all, but...
>to be the PI professor of her _own fucking new institute
So do half the faggots in my class who call their sparsely funded startups "institutes".

>plus she's making approximately double per year what the average postdoc does
She's a successful non-white, non-male, this is the norm. Here there are engineers who get 7 figures plus stock options right out of graduation because some government company wants to get rid of its white males.

>a mix of jealousy and the fact that we secretly want her to be our waifu
She's not very attractive in my opinion, but I guess until you meet someone smart and hot she seems to have an appeal.

These things aren't sustainable. Just focus on your own career. Most public research institutions and successful companies pay researchers for real results and they pay millions not this 6 figure pittance that can barely afford to fund a grad-student. You can be successful as long as you don't become one of those depressed faggots that give up because someone who got lucky with media attention.

>> No.10827448

Fuck off, /sci/ is a place of Schizos that think they are better than everyone else, you're on the wrong website my fellow redditors