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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 721 KB, 800x529, elon9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10815138 No.10815138 [Reply] [Original]

Are his brain implants for real or is this all vaporware?

>> No.10815177

Wait and see.

>> No.10815189
File: 12 KB, 177x285, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Wetware

>> No.10815190

This. Wait and see. I remember when I was like "nobody will want to ride in a uber driven by a stranger" and "fliphones will never have bandwidth like my 56k tower personal computer does". We normies have been proven wrong too many times in too short a historical time window for me to be skeptical right now.

>> No.10815192

it's legit, but no way in hell are you getting one anytime soon unless you're paralyzed and had an assistant type that for you. They seem to have made some genuine advancements.

>> No.10815199

It's all in the cloud :^)

>> No.10815206

FDA approval is going to take some time. It will probably be a while before you see anyone using an implant IRL.

Here's the whitepaper if anyone wants it:

>> No.10815223

>we normies
Speak for yourself, Mr Normie.

Complete dismissal is a sign of ignorance. Understanding the range of metric is the best way to go about it, but that requires bit of knowledge about various subjects in discussion.

>Technical feasibility
AFAIK, its feasible to do so. Whether or not it can be safe will require more research.

>Government policy
They will ultimately decide whether or not product can be marketed. Usually its fine.

Whether or not this will be affordable or not will play a key role atleast for expansion. For critical medical reasons, insurances might cover it.

Want user-friendly experiences, so it will require intuitive/hassle-free experience.

>Public perception
Hardest to battle because general public is largely ignorant and thus will be the wild card.

>> No.10815266

how does it even work? all i can say is the only good thing about this is its generating a lot hype and maybe more proper research can be done on this. but just on a theoretical basis... i dont get it. any anons wanna explain?

>> No.10815278

It's really an extension of existing brain-computer interface technology, but with better spatial and temporal resolution

>> No.10815283

It is very much viable as described, tough I would be skeptical about applications beyond better control of prosthetics. It is essentially a deeb brain stimulation device but with thousands of electrodes instead of a handful.

>> No.10815294

But isn't it currently biased quite heavily in favour of reading rather than stimulation?

>> No.10815304

Can't wait for the NeurAutopilot.

>> No.10815332

Application wise yes, but the chip they developed for it is just as capable of stimulation as reading.

>> No.10815481

>"nobody will want to ride in a uber driven by a stranger" and "fliphones will never have bandwidth like my 56k tower personal computer does"
I don't remember anyone arguing either of those things.
1. Taxis were a thing
2. Cellular data bandwidth improved leaps and bounds in the 90s and 00s.

>> No.10815484


>> No.10815516


>> No.10815531

Watch their presentation. Each sensor has 1024 channels that can each be used to record or stimulate. At 2:19:00 they talk about the chip they designed for it.

>> No.10815595
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>> No.10815600

They never mentioned if the size or material of the threads gets by scarring/immuno response from the body. The longevity pill I can stomach and the functionality seems to be accurate escalation of performance from previous examples.

I do wonder if extraction is possible.

>> No.10815605
File: 20 KB, 262x401, Brainstorm_Movie_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real although not HIS source, it's his promotion.
Glowniggers solved this already.

>> No.10815614

They didn't go into specifics. The answer is probably that it's good and much better than previous devices, but far from perfect. That the probes are so much smaller and more flexible probably goes a long way, and materials will improve as they start to get human data.

>> No.10815635

Imagine utterly submitting to capitalism by letting a company implant shit into your brain

>> No.10815657

This device will end capitalism if it works. If you can give anyone superhuman intelligence, how could capitalism possibly continue to exist? We would rapidly achieve a level of technological development that would enable a post-scarcity interstellar utopia.

>> No.10815683
File: 1.35 MB, 1439x1425, 1544634864183 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based as fuck
it can't come soon enough. The days of uneducated retard and lifelong wagecucking are over

sorry boomer, your time is over. the future is now

>> No.10815691

It's like the codec in metal gear

>> No.10815726

Just wait until you get fed advertisements directly into your brain and get controlled to work like a fleshy robot slave

>> No.10815732

Who are these based gentlemen?

>> No.10815741

it's a skinner box with fewer steps, Behaviorism is air-tight psychology.

>> No.10815745

do his hairplugs go into his neocortex?

>> No.10815751

This makes no sense. If it works, why would that be a useful way to use it?

>> No.10815831

And how is that supposed to "give" superhuman intelligence?
Your mobile phone gives you a great advantage compared to your grandpa. Doesn't make you smarter tho. This will not change even if you'll be able to control your phone with your mind.

>> No.10815951 [DELETED] 

All implants are placebos

>Loads crossbow

>> No.10815964

The ultimate goal is not merely to allow you to control your phone with your mind; it's much more than that. Controlling your phone with your mind is something they want to do in the next 1-3 years. Their longer-term mission is to enable superhuman cognition. That's something in the 20-year timeframe.

>> No.10815967 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 295x312, MSP94001g9bf15g2cf0dg6b000039eg36bde14bb611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shoots self in brain*

Entire Crypto Portfolio achieves God Reality Manipulation Singularity Status.

First Zillionaire: Simon T. Cosgrove

>And that is how I became the richest recluse sage spider ever.

>> No.10815970 [DELETED] 

How fucking lazy do you want to be, Anon-kun?

>> No.10815978

Pretty damn lazy. I would like to live in a virtual reality procedurally generated by my own imagination.

>> No.10815979

So the way this works is analog spikes translated and filtered into digital space. Then run into a control interface of some kind. Keyboard, or otherwise.

Doesn't this in theory allow people to expressively show a computer in some sense how to carry out the procedure for an action. Or would that be only true if the computer had a human brain. Perhaps I am considering a further conversion from digital representation and action. To replication into a more digital space where the machine can automatically carry out the action

>> No.10815981
File: 58 KB, 658x523, CB769312-9374-42C6-8144-2E5C8C1D61BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At 22 my grandpa had his Physics Degree and was already married to my grandma
>Here I am at 22 and haven’t even started my degree, also a KHHV watching b4nny stream TF2

How to reconcile

>> No.10816004

Blame your parents, they bought you a computer.

>> No.10816010 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20190718_123510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish granted.

Women (submissive/slave/slut) ONLY
Men (cucks/traps/bears) ONLY
And whatever else I feel like to happen 7 minutes from now. And every exponential increment henceforth shall be union and unity itself of all written questions left unanswered.

I am Time, God of Knowledge, Wisdom, Intellect, and Insight. If any humans needs those now they'll have to find my physical vessel, Solivagus (Christian name: Simon T. Cosgrove, born on Gregorian calendar date: 29/08/1984)


>> No.10816015 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 300x174, assassination-classroom-300x174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the sage at the front that sends all past 4chan sages to the BACK OF THE QUEUE.



>> No.10816057 [DELETED] 

Money can no longer by any future options in crypto.

>Seals all crypto investment to production, translation, and exchange channels for the glory of ECHSECHS

>> No.10816064

I don't see why extraction wouldn't be possible, all the electrodes terminate outside the skull and are inserted in a straight line. Surely the electrodes have the tensile strength to simply be pulled on to extract them in the same line they were inserted?

>> No.10816078 [DELETED] 

Whatever makes ya happy I guess Elon. If you had to get this far to be happy about bullshit success then enjoy your zillions.

>> No.10816190

Fuck off namefag go shit up another thread.

>> No.10816192

Deep brain simulation. I think it’s called DBS.

>> No.10816195 [DELETED] 

They are all my threads, dipshits. I just make more stories with a science-specific dictionary based on Eliza psychology.

But hey, I love living off people who like to get angry at their screen for the way the light and words they read made them feel!

>> No.10816196


>> No.10816202

Vapoware just like Hyperloop Solar roof and Starship

>> No.10816206

How about we not wait and see and look at the history of this person.
Has he lied before just to get some attention (Tesla stock) and investor money to keep his vapoware sheme/scam running?
The answer is yes.

>> No.10816296
File: 28 KB, 518x444, USB mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USB mice? What is this, 2004?

Mice have been wireless for a long time now. This is outdated tech!

>> No.10816338

How do you keep it in the ports? Won't it get upset being upside down and try to wiggle out?

>> No.10816351

Has he produced or made anything? The answer is also yes.

>> No.10816399

5 rogues and their packmule

>> No.10816414

those hair implants are real thats for sure

>> No.10816512

You want neural scar tissue? Because that's how you get neural scar tissue.

>> No.10817480
File: 34 KB, 1531x770, Which_Is_it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked about this in the neurolink thread but it is dead so I'll ask again here. If you were to plug his neurolink into the optic nerve would the resulting spike raster be arranged in accordance with the inputs or would it be a mess? For example, if you have two sensory neurons immediately next to each other do their axons maintain relationship to each other physically down the length of the optic nerve?

>> No.10817485

do not respond to the shill, please and thank you
he's been shitting up /sci/ for ages with the same nonsense

>> No.10817510

Would it matter if you could calibrate to the inputs by exposing the eye to different colored lights at different angles and save it as a profile for the user of the neuralink? Or am I brainlet.

>> No.10817547

>Would it matter if you could calibrate to the inputs by exposing the eye to different colored lights at different angles and save it as a profile for the user of the neuralink?
No that would work, however, I am trying to generate spike rasters of a simulated optic cord so I need to know if I should randomize the order of the simulated eyes outputs or not to get a semi-realistic representation.

>> No.10817747

Look at those watery eyes fuck I wanna hug it poor thing well maybe not hug but touch it with at least three fingers

>> No.10818338

it's just a reflection, it's not crying, it loves its USB port

>> No.10818664

How long before the military is in on this?
Controlling a mouse isn't much different from two servos and a gun, basically like the gun predator had.

>> No.10818674

Disney bought out the Bionicles?

>> No.10818684

Go vegan

>> No.10818767

I go crazy without eating meat, something about my mood and cognition requires it. So do my tastebuds

>> No.10818771

About negative 20 years.

What do you think they do all day at Area 51?

>> No.10818778

more reason to do it

>> No.10818780

>Clamp your umbilical cord
>Offer an implant to get your functionality back
>Costs money
>Possible exorbitant
>Renders you a slave to the broader system
>Maybe literally

>> No.10818783

I don't see that reason

>> No.10818784

They clamp alien umbilical cords before the completion of placental transfusion.

>> No.10818833


i sure hope so cus i feel so braindead and dumb.
I hope AI will enlighten me and i get friends

>> No.10818872


>> No.10818884

They're Sapeurs look it up

>> No.10818886

Vaporware, expect another 100 years.

>> No.10818891

Basically slumdogs who wear expensive suits as escapism.

>> No.10818900
File: 125 KB, 593x593, despairing wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10818944

It's not about usefulness, it's about dominance.

>> No.10818970

Controlling your phone is what you'll be able to do with a neural prosthetic. Next 5-10 years let's say.

"Superhuman cognition" is a load of crap. Even the fundamental understanding of cognition is nowhere near, let alone injecting nano-bots to interact with your brain. Give it 100

>> No.10818990


>Yep, more grist for the Basilisk!

>> No.10820376

i am ready for my implant mr musk

>> No.10820386

What is Basilisk?

>> No.10820439

Putting an IoT device on your brain is a horrible idea. If they are not 100% Perfect someone will find an exploit and hack into those things.

>> No.10820594
File: 102 KB, 1300x650, borg-queen-picard-star-trekjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably genuinely wants to do them, but he underestimates the complexity.

Also. Someone has to do the start already. If everyone says "its too hard, let's go make bs apps instead or buy land", no cool future technology will ever get done.

>> No.10820615

are vegans allowed to use medicine that was tested on animals?

>> No.10820647

How can anyone underestimate accretative successor functions from a modal [math]\iota[/math]?

>> No.10820652
File: 798 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20190720_104601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All technology is an extension of memory of the communication once experienced by an Elder.

All mobile phones are now walky-talky-fucky-sucky sticks.

>Nüsha, Earth's first and only culturally-vegan Rain God. Married to Geya, Source Of Humanity.

>> No.10820734

But it's not connected to the internet via the chip, only by the external device which powers it. With the external device turned off, the system doesn't work.

>> No.10820811

Found the bug guys! Kill it by hiring it!

>> No.10820829

are you mad?

>> No.10820878

actually, they did an NPR episode on the neurological strengthening. It has all to do with increasing deep learning abilities in adults. When we are children we learn things much easier because our brain systems are developing, and the brain is easily stimulated during this time. As we get older the brain starts to forget how to learn properly, and our reward systems get jacked up for various reasons. These implants aren't meant to give you superhuman information, they're meant to enhance your ability to learn information by stimulating certain areas of he brain that promote learning. Hypothetically, it will first help those with learning disabilities, however it will quickly be seen as the gateway to a higher learning previously misunderstood. They started with the prosthetic, but now after seeing it's abilities, its only a simple procedure to implant them. Its completely electrode based

>> No.10820902


His hair transplant is real

>> No.10820905

Oh you poor fool, don't google Rotiluks Basilisk.

>> No.10820907

>implying we have 100 years left on this planet

>> No.10820910

Only 12.

>> No.10820918

Nah 12 to turn it around, there will be more in agony

>> No.10820921

And then an eternity in hell for being sinners.

>> No.10820923


>> No.10820924

>implying we have 100 years left on this planet

>> No.10820934

theyre africans who live in poverty and spent all of their money they save for years on a single piece of their outfit, theyre called dandies and theyre just niggers being niggers.

>> No.10820952

his alien gf gave him the secrets for human instrumentality

>> No.10820958

of course it is. this guy watched that episode of west world season 2 and 2 days after it aired when it was new he made the announcement that tesla was going to do it

the west fills itself with lies upon lies. retards walking around proclaiming themselves to be geniuses. behold the faggotry


how the fuck is glass a good insulator? plasma globes are a thing. how does it respond to a hand if its so good at insulating? vandigraph machines require a glass bead / rod as the "collector" on a axel to well collect electricity constantly

come and see


holy shit its like the dumbest people on the earth decided to rewrite the laws of physics. how can a 100 nf capacitor even make a 3 volt led blink. am i god? did i just break black science mans mind? and i did it with no resistor. thats tantamount to blasphemy. thats right i charged a cap and shorted it with a fucking led no resistor and the cap shouldnt even be able to have 1/1000 the power to make it glow but it did. should i have followers? i think all of you should kneel

>> No.10820959

What happens if your sensor implant explodes?

>> No.10821116

Are you familiar with Dunning-Kruger?

>> No.10821130
File: 1.22 MB, 2246x1588, look_at_the_top_of_his_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's exactly as real as the (((Full Self-driving))) feature in his cars.

>> No.10821156
File: 46 KB, 500x371, tfcik6r7id6i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tech is mostly about the actual probes which is true because polymers interface with neural tissue better than metal

then it's about software neural networks interpreting brain signals which seems to still be in its infancy

also i imagine controlling something with your mind would feel annoying and frustrating.. they have those toys which use bio feedback and it's exhausting and gives me a headache

>> No.10821216

Heh, you don't wanna know kid...
*Sheathes katana and walks off into the sunset*

>> No.10821439

Yes, the mapping is retained, although deformed.

But yes, nearby visual field stimuli will generate activations of nearby neurons


>> No.10821675

There are 10s of thousands of amputee veterans that would love to have better prosthetic control and some feed back.

>> No.10821681

What is this neurolink stuff is just a plan to power his self driving cars with human brains?