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10815260 No.10815260 [Reply] [Original]

Starting a physics major first year in uni
Anything I should know?

>> No.10815262

Yes, quit and enroll in CS instead if want a job

>> No.10815269

If you're not 160+ immediately enroll in something applicable.

>> No.10815277

not computerscience or computer engineering

>> No.10815334

I confirm there's some truth to this.

There are three options for careers in physics:
1.) Stay in academia and teach and do research in physics (be employed by government or college)
2.) To become employed by a private company to do reacher for them.
3.) Become self employed

The fist two REQUIRE at least PhD with publications. So you if you're thinking of finding the job the conventional way, and if you choose a physics major, you are also need to devote another 7+ years to getting your PhD.

for option number 3, the less conventional way, a PhD is not required, but is also just as risky, because nobody is going to provide you with the answers.

>> No.10815336

Major in accounting and work on Wall Street instead.

>> No.10815468
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>> No.10815477

Switch. Get out. Physics is a dying field. Seriously.

>> No.10815490

Well, not only the fact that a PhD should be your entire goal if enrolling in physics/math, but also these fields have been hammered to death for 300 years. If you aren't 99 percentile you're wasting your time, unless you want to teach.

>> No.10815629

Most software jobs will take people with any math/science or engineering degree, not just CS

>> No.10815638

Physics is the only thing I like and all the data I read said the degree is at least top 15 in value. wtf bros

>> No.10815640

>Yes, quit and enroll in CS instead if want a job

Do NOT do this, CS degrees are actual fucking memes

>> No.10815669

Everyone ITT is either a troll or a retard who graduated with 0 work experience.
It'll be hard to get a well-paid research job without being at the top, sure, but other fields cum when they hear the words "physics degree". Go into an office, go become an engineer, go be a programmer, go become a patent attorney, so long as you're not a retard who thinks that they can be carried by a degree alone (which is the same for all degrees) then you'll be fine

>> No.10815675

This only works out if you're american, seems like things are more flexible there.

>> No.10815678

All degrees are actual memes. The modern education system is just an elaborate scam to transfer money from the government to administrators. At least with CS you are almost guaranteed a middle class job on graduation, at least until the current software bubble pops.

>> No.10815685

I want to study physics.
Is it hard?

>> No.10815700

>Go into an office
and get paid the same as someone with a communications degree who spent four years in an alcohol-induced haze while you were studying
>go become an engineer
after teaching yourself the prerequisite knowledge, convincing someone to hire you, and, depending on the field, completing a four year apprenticeship and passing the PE exam
>go be a programmer
like anyone else who can read a book
>go become a patent attorney
after graduating from law school and passing the bar exam

There's certainly nothing wrong with a physics degree, but it's not some magical do-anything pass. You still have to acquire competence in whatever field you want to work in, then prove it to prospective employers. Anybody with any degree can do that. t. software engineer for a top 3 tech company with a humanities degree.

>> No.10815721

>>go become a patent attorney
>after graduating from law school and passing the bar exam
Wrong, wrong wrong! Patent attorneys look for physics degrees specifically over law degrees