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File: 7 KB, 300x168, woman in labor pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10812703 No.10812703 [Reply] [Original]

What is evolutionary advantage of labor pain? Women know labor is very painful so they would want to have no/less babies?

>> No.10812721

if it hurts when you poop the baby out, you'll be immobilized, reducing risk for baby hurt. no pain then you climb tree baby just slip out baby hit tree hurt bad

>> No.10812723

Most women blank out the pain of childbirth. Ontop of this, age does deaden the memory of past experiences thus leading to "I don't remember it being this bad." Syndrome.

Like men getting raped in multiple divorces, or teenagers getting their hearts broken.

>> No.10812731

Tons of endorphines causing instant attachment to the baby
Imagine if it just popped at with ease. There is no finale to the event

>> No.10812733

It's painful because they've been meme'd into believing it will be painful, just like sex. Also, the woman being out of shape and/or giving birth laying on her back makes it worse too.

>> No.10812741

Not every trait and experience in our lives were selected for, dude. Pushing that oversized head out of that tiny vagene is bound to hurt no matter how you do it

>> No.10812747

It’s much better if you give birth in the right position, squatting or on your hands and knees. Hospitals should be banned from having women do it like they do

>> No.10812748

you mean without pain women would not "love" her baby, and she would drown it at first occassion.

>> No.10812774
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>Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

>> No.10812782

Why do you people ask these stupid questions? Not every goddamned thing has an """evolutionary advantage""", some things just ARE and that's all there is to them.

>> No.10812786

This sans ironie

>> No.10812797

Thanks for nothing, Eve. Useless bitch.

>> No.10812801

What's the evolutionary advantage of making these kinds of posts?

>> No.10812804

wtf? I hate Eve now!

>> No.10812849

Poor people have less kids, and then nobody can survive environment if he haven't got capital.

Funny fact, people can build entropy guns and be so poor they can't buy back better world for anybody.

Word is shitty because every body wants to have some money, therefore they cannot focus.

Option to be focused, not touched so much by priest of the money republic, is something nobody had ever, ever, ever had since we have technology. At least that's my point of view.

The problem is different we are humanity in galaxy motherfucker, Steven Hasn't told you when you run data trough his brain, but there is something like everybody is slow and too little search has been done, because nobody ever ever is going like:

Humanity cooperation coefficient of space fight survival is nowadays publicly literally zero. You cannot even know if we're already in alien machine, and they try to solve who fucked up planet's well balanced ecosystem to not ever evolve from DNA seed.

It don't exist, it never happen, fascism with human face is wrong too, just because people have common interest.

Problem is that we have the problem. We should admit it. It's not "you" or "me" we have the problem.

We have to build big walls and isolate some factions to solve problems clusters by clusters, but I bet some people will get along well even from different places, and they can be important in there...

If we select 30 random guys, what is the probability of having somebody who still thinks there.

>> No.10812862

Makes her want to get it out, obviously.

>> No.10812869

isn't birth supposed to be underwater or something?

>> No.10812885

Only for rich people that can afford pools in their hospitals.

>tfw they can't clamp you if you are born via that fancy way

>> No.10813093
File: 157 KB, 960x540, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre supposed to do it standing up

>> No.10813287

So would pleasure. This explanation makes no sense.

>> No.10813290

>Poor people have less kids

Literally the exact opposite of reality.

>> No.10813295

After pain = extreme joy (fuckton of hormones and neurochemicals xd)

>> No.10813623

It's the byproduct of the evolutionary arms race between bigger hips and larger brains. This arms race is still going every time I see a female with wide hips and small abdomen, causing all complex thought to be purged from my brain.

>> No.10813642
File: 83 KB, 900x900, A5402526-23D9-44F3-B34F-9515781EEEA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The pain isn’t the evolved characteristic, what’s evolved is narrow hips and giant heads/wide shoulders- the pain is a necessary side effect. Narrow hips to be able to run on flat land but as wide as possible to allow large infant head (hence men having narrower hips), wide shoulders to support big head, big head because infant cranium size is significantly correlated with adult cranium size, cranial capacity with brain size, and brain size with intelligence, in catarrhines. We’re also able to work socially to help deliver the baby, which requires big brains, big heads, and allows bigger heads to be delivered.

Tl;dr it’s an evolutionary tug of war between big head and narrow hips.

If brains worked differently in mammals me may have been able to get away with smaller brains, but i suspect evolutionary pressure for bigbrain was due to war between high apes (just like chimps raid each other now).
Just imagine the intelligence a species could evolve if its birth canal wasn’t restrained within a circular bone.

>> No.10813655

protip: it's not that painful, women just love to bitch about everything.

>> No.10813670


labor pain is a myth, women don't have nerve endings in the vagina.
you can watch various women taking dildos much much larger than a newborn baby , without much trouble.
the "pain" is actually just the sensation of pressing something great through the hole

it's also the reason why women either feel nothing during sex (because there are no nerves) or pain (the dick hits them)

>> No.10813680

Larger brains require more energy you
catamite. Theres a point where increased brain size can become a disadvantage

>> No.10813700
File: 1.88 MB, 1242x1224, F8CE0E59-8208-4E62-B14E-FAE408A1EC4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that’ll matter before the hips get too wide to move properly
>implying a made up alien species needs to have the same lack of nutrients in their environment.
Then again the more resources there are, the lower the need to evolve intelligence, so that’s an interesting point Dr. Pederast. There are of course, dozens of other relevant characteristics i didn’t mention, and neither did you.

>> No.10813770


With the right mindset, you can give birth without feeling much pain.

>> No.10813804

good picture

>> No.10813841

It's because we force women to give birth on their backs. Puts the pelvis at a disadvantaged position and makes the birthing canal tight.

Women should give birth in doggy style or squatting, the same way you see chimps do it.

>> No.10813908

>calling people who aren't contradicting you or are even saying the same thing as you retards
Literally what did the autist mean by this

>> No.10813923
File: 79 KB, 250x238, 1404268630510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10814031

This this this
Due do the gift of easy video, you can now look up tons of videos online, most women who just grab a tree branch in their back yard and dumb the baby out do it in a few minutes with very little pain.
They have just been trained to think it hurts by movies and tv, so it does,

>> No.10814043

the ones with larger pelvic hole areas experience less pain and are more willing to have more kids

>> No.10814060 [DELETED] 

hip size isn't the issue the size and shape of the pelvic cradle is more important

historically women would just die if they couldn't birth, medical intervention is probably having a major effect on darwinian selection here.

>> No.10814063

women are too fat and unfit

>> No.10814082

None. Our head size increased extremely quickly and the pelvis didn't manage to adapt.

>> No.10814083

apparently the majority of /sci/ has no idea what evolution is. the question to ask is "why is a newborn baby's head so large?" labour pain is secondary to that.

it's like asking- why did only humans evolve the need to wipe their ass after they shit? when it's a byproduct of us having such large buttocks because of our bipedalism

>> No.10814220

Is it true that every womam poop during the labor?

>> No.10814229

it's thought to be evolutionarily adaptive, they're literally colonising their child with digestive bacteria

>> No.10814269

my gf didnt. the baby took a huge steaming one on her though

>> No.10814273

You faggots are retarded and have no idea how evolution actually works. Kill yourselves.

>> No.10814282

This is why oxytocin is an amnesiac.

>> No.10814294

basically the pain tells the woman to get the fuck to somewhere safe

>> No.10814321
File: 318 KB, 489x816, D19FB142-1B7E-4F22-A1E9-835B619D6B0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10814323

Giving birth wasn't painful in the past, actually. Attestations from historical authors make giving birth seem far less painful, more of a chore than anything. In particular, books on midwifery (which only women were allowed to practice, by tradition) don't mention pain much at all.

Of course, up until recently women also gave birth squatting, laying on their side, or on all fours. These positions allow the woman to properly push, and allow her to brace her abdomen. A woman laying on her back prevents both of those. The idea of a woman laying on her back was concocted in the 19th century as a way to make it easier for doctors to strap a woman down so they could observe the birthing process.

>> No.10814392

Imagine being so wrong yet so confident

>> No.10814397

>he needs to wipe
There's something wrong with your digestion mate

>> No.10814414


>> No.10814726

It was a curse from god

>> No.10814827


Do you even wash?

>> No.10814865
File: 94 KB, 1024x961, displeased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foolishness of God is wiser than men, especially yours.
Explains everything.

>> No.10814872


I doubt that anything can even be said about pain or lack thereof during birth since women are not actually conscious and cannot self-report.

>> No.10814927

Holy shit fuck off back to plebbit with that insane spacing.

>> No.10814966

There is no evolutionary advantage to birth pain. Evolution only selects for the survival of the baby. The mother’s survival is less important since she’s already passed on her genes and has done her part. However the mother’s survival is selected as more babies means more hanches of passing on the gene responsible for survival while giving birth. Evolution is both beautiful and cruel,

>> No.10814970

>the mother’s survival is less important
not necessarily the case
>the mother’s survival is selected
not necessarily the case
>evolution is beautiful and cruel
this has nothing to do with science

>> No.10814984

A bad birth weakens the mother meaning she's less able to protect herself or her offspring from attack

>> No.10814989

>the mother’s survival is less important
>the mother’s survival is selected
>not necessarily the case
True, if the baby dies and the mother doesn’t, there’s still an opportunity to pass on genes. Although I would argue that the mother’s survival is ever so slightly advantageous and thus selected for since a baby can either be male or female. And males have a smaller chance of procreation.
>evolution is beautiful and cruel
>this has nothing to do with science
Don’t care, it’s still true

>> No.10815229

You need sensitivity to not hurt the baby during labour. Also it might have been less painful when our ancestors had wider hips or but idk too much about that.

>> No.10816876

Which is why >>10812774 is the only explanation.

>> No.10816928

Giving birth is not actually painful. It's just physically stressful, which most women aren't used to and mistake for pain. Its like if you run of play sports and really exert yourself. It's exhausting but not painful per se.

>> No.10816964

Medfag here: this belongs in the medfag general...actually not really since it's such a dumb question.
Think about the mechanism: labor pains are the uterus contracting vigorously, basically muscle spasms(muscle spasms are painful, think of when you get back pain from a strain) producing crampy abominal pain. Labor is basically the worse period cramps of your life + pushing a solid object (usually weighing 7-9lb) out of your vaginal canal.
As for why muscle spasms are painful evolutionarily, I guess you'll have to make a thread about that, or read a book on muscle cells and physiology lol.
It's not meme'd. It depends on whether the woman has given birth before VAGINALLY (primigravid) or not. Also if she's a teen(hasn't developed 100% most likely) during this first time. Obviously, if your vagina has been dilated to that extent before, it's easier to get there so it won't take long and thus you won't be in pain a long time. A woman giving birth for the 4th time, passes that shit in like an 1-2 hours tops once her water breaks unless something is wrong.

I agree that hospitals not letting the woman squat, mainly here in America, is pretty silly though. The way we poop on toilets is also very silly but what are you gonna do, people want laziness? I think it's personally about lawsuit prevention imo. It's probably a lot easier to make sure you don't drop the now slippery baby when the woman is laying down with legs wide open in front of you then with her squatting over the bed and you putting your hands under. Still sad when the health system is more interested in covering their asses quality care. I think they make women squat in some UK labor and delivery units though, no? I saw a vid on it once.

>> No.10816965

Hormones are released that override the fear of pain.

>> No.10816968

It's both. It's literal crampy lower abdominal pain (uterus contracting hard and fast), pressure from the baby, and of course pain from a moderately sized solid object ripping through your labia, especially on the first time. On my ob/gyn rotation, we almost always had to suture vaginal lacerations on first time moms.

>> No.10816973

kek. That's 4chan for you.
There IS some truth that squating is a more ideal position mechanically though. Same with pooping.

>> No.10816976

No, but it is pretty common. You're pushing your abdominal, That's bound to let out some poop as well if you haven't pooped prior.
Just having the baby pass through the vaginal canal(which is very close to the anus btw) is enough. The vagina is filled with bacteria, remember?

>> No.10817004


Wow a fucking cramp bro. I had one playing tennis last night lol

>> No.10817109

>what is the difference between mild dull, 5/10 pain vs severe intense 9-10/10 pain.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

>> No.10817223

Maybe it's supposed to warn the mother she's in the wrong position to deliver the baby.

>> No.10817418


Yeah nice science on that. You totally didn't just make those numbers up.

>> No.10817461

>Someone does something bad
>Other people are punished for it
How the fuck can anyone think the concept of original sin and inherited guilt are at all moral? The god of the bible is a dick.

>> No.10817464

So can you present your source on your claim that childbirth is painless?

>> No.10817479

We are the only creatures ordained with free will and rather than be be with God we chose to be with a serpent offering some cheap fruit. Eve blamed the serpent. Adam blamed Eve. Original sin merely follows this tradition of passing the blame. We are fortunate he did not abandon humanity entirely.

>> No.10817484

If it's an allegory, and I'm not speaking with any theological authority, it could be that eating from the tree of knowledge was a representation of mankind leaving the state of nature, and the new selection pressures (needing more development time for large brains in the uterus -> more birth pains) could be a direct result of Eve's actions, and the judgement would be the Lord not deciding to step in and void her decision (Doing so would make people little more than automatons due to a lack of free will, which would make the creation's love and obedience to their Creator artificial. People were created in the image of God, whose chief attribute is love, so false love would not be a proper reflection of God).
One could counter me by saying "Well, if that's the case then how can baptism wipe away original sin if it's the leaving of the natural state? How could Mary be conceived without original sin when she under the same selection pressures as the rest of humanity as a result of Eve's decision?"
I don't know the answers to these questions, and I'm not a theologian, but it could be food for your thought.

>> No.10817527

>what are muscle spasms

>> No.10817528

There is none, Eve was a hypergamous cunt, so as a fitting punishment, God made it so that the only useful thing she can do cause an immense amount of pain. Bitch didn't even say sorry...

>> No.10817540

Go to a priest and respectfully ask this.

>> No.10817572

Blame Adam.
>God makes you a peer
>She wants to ride cowgirl
>get salty because you're a degenerate that only want to have sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation
>dump her for a hotter, younger, more submissive thot that listens to snakes

>> No.10817734


There is no source because you can't prove it

>> No.10817755

>Women know labor is very painful so they would want to have no/less babies?

Seems to have worked out just like you described.


>> No.10817802

There is no advantage retard, you are expanding a small hole to make it large enough for the baby to come out, of course it will hurt, I swear this board is full of morons.

>> No.10817832


AHEM "You see, the lord works in mysterious ways."

>> No.10818052

>What is evolutionary advantage of labor pain?

are you sure you not just doing it wrong?

>> No.10818154

>when her pelvic hole is large