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File: 88 KB, 566x700, australian_aborigines_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10812077 No.10812077[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the biological advantages to being an Australian Aborigine?

>> No.10812078

Giant frontal lobes.

>> No.10812080

commune with the dreamtime

>> No.10812152

Is that way they're so stupid?

>> No.10812155

Dude what is your problem?

>> No.10812194


You keep closet nazis awake at night.

>> No.10812208

All of them, they're alive.

>> No.10812226

>Is that way they're so stupid?
>Is that way

>> No.10812249

They don't get melanoma, whitey

>> No.10812253

Tracking abilities, imagine the spatial sense and they imagine better

>> No.10812254

280 average IQ. Just look at their giant cortexes trying to burst out of their skulls.

>> No.10812286
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, Brainlet_f3217f_6615771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that way
average /pol/tard

>> No.10812289

Complete sun immunity.
Very good sense of smell.
Deep connection with nature.
Kind, gentle creatures on account of being none too clever.

>> No.10812296

>they are smart, compared to me
Thanks for posting your selfie

>> No.10812298

You can sleep outside in the nude.

>> No.10812303

Really good thermoregulation.

>> No.10812330

They, like many crustaceans, can survive in what would be unsurvivable conditions for many other humans. My chemistry teacher once said when she looked at the blood analysis of some aborigines that their blood was not conducive to the continued functioning of life.

They also have a high tolerance to self inflicted poisoning such as petrol sniffing and methylated spirit drinking.

>> No.10812377
File: 96 KB, 460x770, Back-In-My-Day-Girls-Didnt-Have-Curves-They-Had-Edges-Funny-Old-Man-Meme-Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clever Story Man, that's me.

What'cha want?

>I am the Original Breeding Male, and Ancestral Kookaburra Crafter. There is none that could experience memory and life any faster. Keep up, ya stupid wurundjeri women!

>> No.10813041

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10813065

An astonishing capacity for petrol

>> No.10813067

literally "i kno u are but what am i?"

>> No.10813087

young aboriginal men have the best eyesight in the world

>> No.10813135

>You can sleep outside in the nude.
On the road

>> No.10813141

Well if you think abos are smart then it's still true

>> No.10813143

Edgy post, dubs-mate!

>> No.10813150

This, apparently aboriginal art has been discovered featuring constellations that we (wh*toids) cant see with the naked eye.

>> No.10813230

is that what the big frontal lobe is for?

>> No.10813280

Do Aboriginals have Neanderthal DNA?

>> No.10813329

I was under the assumption they were largely pure sapiens.

>> No.10813468
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>> No.10813608
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>> No.10813615

Surviving in the hell that is the Australian outback.

>> No.10813641
File: 81 KB, 645x729, CE36F7D0-5BB0-4879-8251-311AD21CFFE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10813643

Can they build muscle, cuz I can't

>> No.10813821
File: 1.41 MB, 617x1404, abos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ok

>> No.10813836

>Deep connection with nature.
>Kind, gentle creatures on account of being none too clever

t. australian

>> No.10813879

Heightens the clarity of immediate input and increases potential output. Coupled with the minerals they intake from the roots that they eat, their reaction time is fast.

In short, big crossroad let many people through at the same time.

>> No.10813890

This, my dick would constantly be diamonds just thinking about how angry I'm making all the /pol/tards

>> No.10813896

Lower entry marks to university courses.

>> No.10813897
File: 12 KB, 408x431, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude what is your problem?

>> No.10813925

>>Is that way
>>average /pol/tard

Where is the lie? I know his typo was "epic lulz", but abos literally need commercials telling them not to sleep on the roads because cars will hit them.

Actual advertisement on NITV(national indigenous channel).
Even dogs figure this out by mere observation.

>> No.10813931

And another one, reiterating the point that "roads are for cars not for sleeping".


And lets not forget this public service announcement titled: "Bloody Abo's Stop Drinking Our Petrol.". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LIrIZolEEY

>> No.10813967

River crossings bros and also physically one of the oldest and longest running human races on planet Earth just think while ancient Egyptians were busying making jokes about one hemisphere of the earth being flat and building giant fuck off monuments which are actually alien hardware just quietly these mad cunts were out circumnavigating the far side of the globe n fighting the fucking dinosaurs think lake eyre or as I like to call it underwater pterodactyl motherfucker

>> No.10813974

Retard strength

>> No.10814002

Do they have any reason for doing this?

>> No.10814003

Able to huff a large quantity of petrol.

>> No.10814018

Europeans have about 2% Neanderathal DNA. Aboriginals have about 20% Denisovan DNA.

>> No.10814033

In 50,000 years, they invented the stick. Given another 50,000 years, they may have invented the wheel.

>> No.10814064


>> No.10814072

isn't it 10%? denisovans are thought to have created quite incredible jewelery

>> No.10814129


spotting asylum seekers and manhunting criminals

>> No.10814171

>enhanced eyesight
>dolichocephalic skulls
>resistance to harsh conditions
Are abos the closest we have to modern-day neanderthals?

>> No.10814173

neanderthals were cold adapted big game hunters.

>> No.10814175

Couldn't they adapt to the desert in Asia?

>> No.10814178

>muh pole
fuck off nigger

>> No.10814186

Neanderthals had higher IQs.

>> No.10814191

They also had huge frontal lobes and tiny cerebellums. = high crystallized intelligence, abysmal fluid one.

>> No.10814194

The fuck's a closet Nazi?
Is it something a YouTuber/leftypoltard said and now it's caught on?

>> No.10814199

you are adapted to live in an australian desert

>> No.10814208

We don't really know that.
However, what if homo sapiens living like abos have even lower IQs? I mean, they don't live like the average westerners (I guess).

>> No.10814211
File: 227 KB, 1190x716, doctoriginals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think they make us angry ? They're a good laugh.

>> No.10814237

neanderthals were probably a phenotypically diverse group adapted to various environments. so I guess we can't generalise so easily.
give a neanderthal a computer and you likely couldn't tell their shitposting apart from our own

>> No.10814243

Hectic source there butterbrain.

>> No.10814286


Closet nazis have been a thing since 1946.

>> No.10814295

I'm not talking about " 'Nazis' who hide their political views"
I'm talking about the particular moniker "Closet Nazis".
Unless you mean it's been used since 1946, in which case in what context, and why has its use sprung up again?

>> No.10814309

Abbos operate on a different level.

>> No.10814313


>I'm not talking about " 'Nazis' who hide their political views"

But I am talking about them.

>> No.10814322

Right, so you heard it recently and you're repeating it ad nauseum like a /pol/tard, got it.

>> No.10814330

and what did you invent history boy retardsex?

>> No.10814336


If by recently you mean 1946 then yes.

>> No.10814354

Then when and where did you hear about it?

>> No.10814359


I heard it at 13:45, Finsterwalder Str. 27.

>> No.10814376

From whom?

>> No.10814388


From a closet nazi.

>> No.10814402

Why would a closet Nazi describe himself as a closet Nazi in the middle of the day to someone who apparently was alive at the time of the founding of the term in what I can only assume is a either a German town or a town with a German heritage?
This all seems rather suspect, in fact I'd almost believe you were leading me by the nose!

>> No.10814404


Well you're asking retarded questions in a retarded thread so I'm going to give you retarded answers.

>> No.10814409

Why would you go on the internet and lie?
Don't you understand how cruel a thing that is to do to a person?
I'm appalled that such actions aren't dealt with by the mods in a more prudent manner.

>> No.10814411


I haven't lied about anything.

>> No.10814413

Then why would you describe them as retarded, would you describe that day as being retarded in particular necessitating that those answers be retarded?

>> No.10814424

What have you invented?

>> No.10814438

Not him.
The statement was specifically worded as "this group of people (specifically this race) has invented nothing of note of their own volition" which while not entirely true, as the didgeridoo and boomerang are of note, the comparison of that to "what have you personally invented" is moot, as it compares, not even apples and oranges, but apples and a wagon train of supplies.

>> No.10814440


I answered your question already previously.

>> No.10814446

No, you stated that you gave retarded answers, I'm trying to ascertain why you gave retarded answers.
If your statements are true, and the answers themselves do not necessarily need to be retarded in format, then am I to believe that you think this thread is indeed retarded?
What makes it so?

>> No.10814460


>No, you stated that you gave retarded answers, I'm trying to ascertain why you gave retarded answers.

I answered this in the very same post.

>> No.10814477

>When Prince Harry trains with the largely Indigenous NORFORCE unit, he may learn some of their secrets, but he might struggle to ever be anywhere near as good at spotting enemies as the diggers are.

>The reason is the way the eyes and brains of Indigenous Australians are wired.

>An expert in Indigenous eye health has said some Aboriginal people in outback Australia have vision that can be more than four times better than non-Indigenous people.

>They can see things that are four times smaller than what is assumed most people can see, making their vision the best in the world.

>It also makes the North West Mobile Force (NORFORCE) team particularly useful when it comes to seeing an enemy from a long way away, and in their work patrolling about 1.8 million square kilometres of land in the NT and Western Australia.

>In times of peace NORFORCE spotters are used to find asylum seeker vessels or illegal fishing ships in Australian waters that may otherwise go unnoticed.

>The incredible ability is known as "sharper vision" or "super sight".

>"The super sight is the way their retina and brain is wired, and they are probably like that from childhood," said Professor Hugh Taylor, who pioneered studies into super sight.

>> No.10814483

>Professor Taylor, from the University of Melbourne's Indigenous Eye Health unit, agreed Prince Harry would struggle to keep up with the NORFORCE soldiers' abilities.

>"There may well be a number of the Aboriginal soldiers in NORFORCE who have much better vision than mainstream Australians or regular soldiers," he said.

>"So if Prince Harry is out with some of these Aboriginal people he may well find that their vision is actually far better than his.

>"He may have to get a pair of binoculars to see what they see with their naked eye."

>Good vision is considered 6:6 vision, which means someone standing six metres away from an eye chart can see it as clearly as an average person at six metres away.

>But in Aboriginal people it was much better than that.

>In fact Professor Taylor's studies have shown that some Aboriginal people in the NT, WA and SA had 6:1.4 vision, meaning they could see things from six metres away that an average non-Indigenous person could see only from 1.4m away.

>Not all people studied had such high vision, and others were sometimes recording 6:2 or 6:3 vision, which was still far better than is usual for the general population.

>"The vision of the Aboriginal people, the fineness of their vision, is better than has been reported anywhere else in the world," he said.

>> No.10814485

>tfw it's true

"The frontal portion of cerebral cortex was larger in Aboriginal than in Caucasian brains."


>> No.10814509
