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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 1300x421, neuralinks-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10803647 No.10803647 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10803654
File: 135 KB, 1132x1280, F1.large(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10803704

About time someone builds a proper BCI

>> No.10803937

Hate how all these scare stories underestimate humans, no AI isn't going to take over and humans will quickly adapt to climate change.

>> No.10804010

I can't wait to adapt to living 3 meters underwater.

>> No.10804042

I love the idea, but they released research where they literally stapled circuit boards onto mouse brain and then the boards fell off?
Lmfao how is that revolutionary? What are the negros even trying?

>> No.10805507

fucking morganites, submit to deidre cutie

>> No.10805931

source? haven't heard this

>> No.10805933


>> No.10805934


found it friends


>> No.10805967
File: 283 KB, 546x432, 1431508287296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a headband that lets me control mouse and keyboard with my mind.

>> No.10806037

Humans actually have an adaptation called "legs" that allows them to move away from areas that are likely to experience flooding.

>> No.10806055


>> No.10806069

Urban seems pumped, im guessing they have him doing a follow up article. Bci is really atarting to get attention.

>> No.10806280

humans die when the wetbulb temperature exceeds a certain value. Also what about the food aupply getting decreased
what about all the other humans doing the same thing?

>> No.10806284

Well too bad, because the only way to do that in a manner that doesn't suck is with invasive brain surgery

>> No.10806325
File: 37 KB, 604x453, 1560451086070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what about all the other humans doing the same thing?

you meanm niggers and chinks ?
Well there are some solutions to that

>> No.10806522

>what about all the other humans doing the same thing?
Then there will be fewer humans before long, and the problem will correct itself. Tax schemes and draconian regulations will only very slightly delay the inevitable if boomer politicians and economists insist on the maintaining the infinite population growth Ponzi scheme.

>> No.10806696

Neuralink is going to be a massive disappointment.

>> No.10807171
File: 254 KB, 960x768, 1562077203910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no explination needed

>> No.10807185


Yep. Elon showed a character flaw with his mini sub. He just likes to work even if the solution is inefficient. Mini sub was beaten by a stretcher and oxygen mask and neural lace is another engineering feet with no real problem that it solves. Wires into the brain will not be as practical as simply googling shit.

>> No.10808249

that'd be too big of an advantage when gaming, imagine mouse and keyboard with no delay at all

>> No.10808270

Not really because didn't one of those divers die?

>> No.10808373

daily reminder they won't show anything worthwhile because elon musk is a literal african nigger and a conman

>> No.10808380

High IQ

>> No.10808390

you cant compare that.
BCI s a completely new technology.
The difference between a proper BCI and googling shit is as big as the difference between googling shit and walking to your local library to lool it up in a book.

>> No.10808514

I just went down the rabbit hole looking at papers the contributing authors were involved in. Ended up coming across the "neural dust platform", basically we can now inject devices the size of a grain into specific nerve clusters to send and receive information through an external interface. Combine this with machine learning and you could potentially remote control an individual against their will lol

>> No.10808518

People told me to apply to this place a few years ago and one look at their profile just screamed naivity.

>> No.10808595
File: 94 KB, 680x788, 73a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate using calculators (actually python console, but anyway). Pressing buttons to get the answer to much job for me. If someone can make something that would allow me to think and get answer instantly, that would be amazing.

>> No.10808605

I live 6 meters underwater.

t. Dutch.

Do you really think that extra 3 meters is going to stop us? The ocean is our BITCH.

>> No.10808613

>has the most advanced space company
>has the most advanced car company
>but trust me guys it's gonna be nothing

>> No.10808641


They have nukes too, Mutt

>> No.10808706

>>has the most advanced space company
because he reinvented the "space coffin" aka reusable rocket ? how is that advanced?
>>has the most advanced car company
>>but trust me guys it's gonna be nothing
blindly trust elon musk you shill, not me

>> No.10808714

i do appreciate your rebuttals backed up by facts and sound reasoning. you have convinced me to alter my opinon, good sir. i tip my hat and reddit gold your post.

>> No.10808720
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>artistic work and empty words are considered facts
i don't even need a rebuttal because he has achieved nothing
everything he has ever said are just words that he will keep postponing till he dies

>> No.10808723
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>> No.10808729

>reusable rocket ? how is that advanced?

Not sure how to even respond to this... Are you rarted?

>> No.10808733

>Are you rarted?
are you?
NASA successfully experimented the exact same thing decades ago and dropped it because they thought the idea was retarded

>> No.10808742

NASA spent $100 billion and 3 decades developing and flying a partially reusable launch vehicle, in addition to other experiments such as DC-X, because they (correctly) realized reusability is the future if we ever want to achieve anything significant in space.

NASA approaches failed to reduce launch costs due to political interference and general incompetence and inefficiency. SpaceX is succeeding where they failed, and with much less resources.

>> No.10808751

>SpaceX is succeeding where they failed
fake news

>> No.10808763

You are both correct. Most of SpaceX's progress is based upon data and research done by NASA and ESA over the years which cost tens of billions to conduct and impossible for a company like SpaceX to conduct themselves.

On the other hand NASA didn't use this to make a viable reusable rocket and instead tried to always go for the highest tech solution which while pushing the bar didn't give practical results.

NASA is an organisation run by scientists and engineers and thus is always innovative and pushing the envelope even if the results are lacking

SpaceX is an organisation lead by economic principles and an industrialist which means they will always try to go for practicality and reaching goals as cheaply as possible so they aim for results and don't care about technology.

You can't have SpaceX without NASA.

>> No.10808770

>NASA is an organisation run by scientists and engineers
Politicians play the biggest role.

>> No.10808787

Redpilled post

>> No.10808800

>Most of SpaceX's progress is based upon data and research done by NASA and ESA over the years which cost tens of billions to conduct and impossible for a company like SpaceX to conduct themselves.

TRW is where most original engineers at SpaceX came from. Barber-Nichols designed Merlin turbopump.

>> No.10808805

Thunderpilled rather.

>> No.10809413

this is all I care about in this harsh world

>> No.10809556

I'm reaching middle age and have have been exposed to risk factors which contribute to neurodegenerative illnesses. My brain is going to need support when I'm older.

Yours might too.

Just sayin'.

>> No.10809866


Mind uploading will be the way this goes. The logic is perfect. A copy is you if there is no overlap. Universe already destroys and recreates you constantly, like Feynman and others have pointed out.

If it makes you feel better, we can copy the brain, then partial to full boot by removing your brain in sections and replacing with the upload so consciousness remains waking during the whole process through to the solid state.

>> No.10809872


But to be clear, there is no material difference between partial to full boot and simply dying and then full booting. The logic is perfect, just hard for us to wrap our simple brains around. Heck, its even endorsed by the Bible. Paul himself says we must make for ourselves immortal bodies.

>> No.10809895
File: 707 B, 285x291, 1563220476035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The logic of mind uploading is perfect. Optimum Theory does a great job of explaining the concept, here,

>> No.10809968

How far away do you think we are from achieving this

>> No.10809994

I see it as an inevitable progression of our species as we begin to take control of and modify our original forms. This is also beneficial as there is a possibility (however slight) that we may encounter a civilisation out there in space capable of providing evidence that our genetics belong to them. Which poses a number of philosophical quandaries. I digress.

I am much less interested in uploading my consciousness to the cloud. I just want an independent unit capable of storing my memories and providing some extra processing power for stuff I find boring like math.

Independent because I want it to come with a robotic body. When I'm super rich I want to work on a synthetic skin able to replace our natural skin.

How can anyone not be excited about this future.

>> No.10810001


I think our biggest worry is gov interference. All the tech companies are converging on mind uploading, Google, Facebook, etc... but simultaneously the government is trying to force a new dark ages, and people are too stupid to realize it. People think its a good thing that the gov is trying to destroy Facebook, Google, but those are the companies doing this work. Gov wants to make all of tech like our medical system, and even 4chan is letting this happen with the new /med thread that is essentially dark ages propoganda. Medical tech has not fundamentally changed for decades. Its in a dark ages because the government is making it that way to line the pockets of certain power players. Thats what the gov wants for tech, to suppress innovation for the profit of a few. That is why they are trying to break up "big tech".

If everything goes well, then we will have the scanning tech for upload within 10 to 20 years and then we can store you on file for the simulation tech to catchup. You will wake up from death as if nothing happened.

Unfortunately dark ages appears imminent. So I dont know... between 100 years and never? We might never recover from the dark ages that is appearing on the horizon.

>> No.10810005

>inserting electrodes into your brain so you be directly controlled

You are literally the best goy ever.

>> No.10810029


In short, the average person is too stupid to understand what is required for immortality. They hear "medicare for all!" And they don't understand what that really means is that everyone will be paying a new monthly mortage to support a monopolistic national insurance company that only covers proceedures invented in the 1970s, meanwhile the few at the top stealing our money for obsolete tech will be funding their own immortality tech that we wont even know about. Its dark ages shit, and its coming.

>> No.10810032

sounds like glial scarring and brain damage

>> No.10810042

what is your response to the fact that virtually all single payer systems in developed countries outperform the US healthcare system in terms of both cost and quality?

>> No.10810043


Dont believe they will suppress technology like this? Look at what the gov is doing to education with the idiot throngs blessing. "Free college!" Sounds so nice, doesnt it? Truth is it will cost trillions, and no one has stopped to point out to our fucking population that there is nothing at college that cannot be learned for free, real actual free, on the internet.

>> No.10810050


Pure propaganda. You can get a 4d video sonogram for $99 as a private gimmic for post birth baby pictures that is literally 50 years ahead in tech then the grainy shit they force you to buy for $999+ in the mafia hospital system.

>> No.10810057

The system they are constructing with "free healthcare! Free college!" Is literally slavery. Not metaphorical. Literal. Slavery.

The way to freedom is universal basic income. That is how we maintain efficiency and autonomy in an increasingly automated society.

>> No.10810060


Pretty soon it will be illegal to even talk like this. This will get you IP banned at reddit. I know. And that mentality is already creeping into 4chan

>> No.10810061

>You can get a 4d video sonogram for $99 as a private gimmic for post birth baby pictures that is literally 50 years ahead in tech then the grainy shit they force you to buy for $999+ in the mafia hospital system.

I don't think that's relevant to what I was asking you. That's a burden on the healthcare /system/, but in practice that $999 grainy ultrasound only gets dropped on the head of the consumer in a market-based system.

Single-payer system still suffers if the underlying healthcare system is inefficient and old, but the evidence seems to show that it's still better than what we've got in the states.

>> No.10810062

>The system they are constructing with "free healthcare! Free college!" Is literally slavery. Not metaphorical. Literal. Slavery.

this is your brain on Ayn Rand - where paying taxes to take advantage of the boons of organized society is equated with 'literal slavery'

please don't shoot me with your minigun. I am still outside your N.A.P. zone

>> No.10810080

It would have to be very gross control though, wouldn't it? Like maybe activating a disgust or anger sensation, or making them feel tired?

>> No.10810086



It is literally only that much because government is allowing collusion and price opaqueness in the medical industry!!!! Both of which are blockages to market forces which ANY economic textbook will tell you in the fucking first chapter!!!!!!

We should be getting full body scanned every month like we get a haircut and it should cost the same amount as one too because of economies of scale!!! We should be knowing within the month as soon as any kind of artery blockage or tumor starts developing not after it has already metastasized!!!! But thats what these LITERAL FUCKING CRIMINALS want!!!! They want us to get sick, because they make more money on our sickness!!!! If you could jump inside of my Steve Jobs level brain and see what our society SHOULD look like you would be as pissed as I am!!!!!

>> No.10810099


You are a complete and total brainwashed fool! Paying a 1000% markup for 1970s era tech is not social efficiency.

In a true market economybwe would be getting monthly scans like we get haircuts and it would cost the same because of economies of scale, and we would be finding out as soon as an artery blockage or tumor starts, not after it metastasized. I am in the same circles as these medical execs. I know how they think and have heard it for myself. They make more money on treatment then cures, and government is allowing this, not the market. You are too fucking stupid to understand these things.

>> No.10810104

I work in medical research, and while I agree with the general sentiment that the medical industry is ruining the humanitarian aspect of medicine via price-gouging, your understanding of the specific mechanisms that drive the cost of a $999 ultrasound is extremely naive and uninformed.

The primary reason why cutting-edge medicine continues to be prohibitively expensive is because a firm will always charge the profit-maximizing price if they're the only one that holds the patent. There is no incentive for a profit-driven business to set the price any lower than the number that will maximize their quarterly return. For inelastic commodities like insulin and epi-pens, that number can be extremely high. The only way to address this form of price-gouging is to change how patent law works, and that is not a trivial thing to do without breaking the same sorts of incentive systems that drove investors to fund drug R&D to begin with.

>price opaqueness

There are thousands of consultants all across the country who could give you an estimate for how much it costs to manufacture a given pharmaceutical product, and they'll probably be within 10% of the actual value. In many cases, the marginal cost of making a drug is already public knowledge.

But that doesn't drive the cost down because, again, if a firm holds a drug patent with no major competitors, it can charge whatever the hell it wants for it.

>We should be getting full body scanned every month like we get a haircut and it should cost the same amount as one too because of economies of scale!!!

MRI machine is actually justifiably expensive to operate. Giving every person in america a visit to a radiologist every month would bankrupt the health system and probably deplete worldwide reserves of helium.

>> No.10810107

>In a true market economybwe would be getting monthly scans like we get haircuts and it would cost the same because of economies of scale

So explain how 'economies of scale' allow the healthcare system to provide 10 million unnecessary MRI scans per day without passing the material and personnel expenses onto the consumer?

>we would be finding out as soon as an artery blockage or tumor starts, not after it metastasized

not how diagnostics works but okay

>> No.10810113

The power structure is working on killing you faster as we speak. They don't want you thinking clearly, they don't want anyone who remembers the old world. As useless and blind as you are, you're still a threat.

>> No.10810177


"not how diagnostics works but okay"

We are well aware, crook. You wait until the patient needs $10,000s in treatment, not before. Everyone knows this. What bubble do you live in that we dont know the game you are playing?

>> No.10810185

"Giving every person in america a visit to a radiologist every month would bankrupt the health system"

Thats not how markets work. You see, if everyone was using a service we would call that a valuable and function market. What fucking universe allowed a crook like you to be in charge of peoples health care that you dont even understand the relationship between margins and customers. Jesus fucking christ. I need to stop because just thinking about your corrupt mafia shitshow of a medical industry is going to give me a heart attack, probably you blood sucking parasites plan all along.

>> No.10810189

No as in, you can't just diagnose someone's cancer years in advance by giving him an MRI scan every month.

most tumors won't show up on an MRI until they are already in the clinical phase, and at that point it's only a couple of doublings before the mass of the tumor predicts certain death

cancer diagnosis is generally not even confirmed by MRI - they have to do a tissue biopsy, which in your fantasy of preventatively curing cancer, essentially means getting a long needle shoved in one of your organs to check whether that random blip on your MRI was a tumor or just normal tissue

this would pass on 100x more burden to the healthcare system than the more conservative approaches we currently employ. how are you planning on paying the additional 1 million radiologists, pathologists, and lab techs needed to facilitate your 'monthly body scan' technique?

>> No.10810192

you know literally nothing about economics or medicine whatsoever. the extent of your argument here is just parroting a couple of terms in contexts where they don't even apply

>> No.10810202

t. paid VW shill.

>> No.10810440
File: 59 KB, 499x396, LIDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, the burying and crippling of bioelectromagnetics in the public research apparatuses in the early 90's ensured something like this could only be achieved through the most brute force means possible.

Look up project Pandora, and DARPA's recent resurrection (without acknowledgement of their full history of course), the RadioBio project. This is what they had Adey, Frey, Zaret (iirc) working on literally 60 years ago. The Soviets worked on it as well. Refer to machines like LIDA reported to have been used for interrogation and brainwashing in Korea.

Question everything. I'm glad Neuralink is going to move more slowly than it otherwise might, but this has some beneficial uses if we pull our head out of our asses. Like regenerative medicine, accelerate healing, cancer treatment, and many other things.

>> No.10810444

Elon has stated that the initial uses of the Neuralink tech will be helping those with spinal cord issues etc

>> No.10810450
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Everything is multipurpose. New things are always framed in terms of benefiting humanity, yet things either stay the same or get net worse year by year.

I don't like any of it. I just want to be left alone without something trying to Borg assimilate me or whatever shakes out of this. Is that really so much to ask? Is no one else seeing the perils in our present direction?

>> No.10810454


People like you are why the concept of Hell was invented. We all know that you deserve it, and we all know you are being shielded by a sick system. Enjoy your life paid with misery. I know you will.

>> No.10810458

>People like you are why the concept of Hell was invented. We all know that you deserve it, and we all know you are being shielded by a sick system. Enjoy your life paid with misery. I know you will.

>> No.10810461

sure, but you still get a sick interface after it stabilizes.

>> No.10810467

It doesn't stabilize. The glia continue to try to wall it off. This is an electrical process, not chemical. ie why carbon nanotubes suffered the same fate in the body despite "duhhh how could it make an immune response..."

>> No.10810487
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>> No.10810495

A similar type of electrodes is stable in monkeys 7+ years.

>> No.10810514

Elaborate? Last I knew carbon nanofibers, while not developing as rapid a glial / schwann response, trigger massive inflammation. I wouldn't call this stable.

>> No.10810732

>The system they are constructing with "free healthcare! Free college!" Is literally slavery. Not metaphorical. Literal. Slavery.
>The way to freedom is universal basic income. That is how we maintain efficiency and autonomy in an increasingly automated society.

>> No.10810733

bitch please, we're just barely scratching the surface of understanding how human brain works, let alone manipulating it via electronic signals.
This shit will take multiple decades and we're nowhere near it.

>> No.10810744

In a normal universe this could be a wonderful and exciting invention. However in this dystopian hellscape I guarantee this shit is going to end up being nightmare tier, fuck having this shit hardwired into your brain.

>> No.10810759

I will not, ever, so help me God, put ANYTHING in my body that I do not have complete and full ownership of.
This means every single bit of related software and hardware must be fully documented and completely free/libre open source, AND I want all of it audited by multiple third party review boards and ethics committees.

My brain is not a game.
In this world of corporate autocracy,
I will secure my bodily autonomy!

>> No.10810765

This, given the level of bullshit going on at every level of technology right now, I'm not going to go within 10 miles of implanted brain interfaces.

>> No.10810768

You dwell within our matrix, like monkeys in a tree.
Controlled by informatics, believing you are free.

>> No.10810773

>>The way to freedom is universal basic income. That is how we maintain efficiency and autonomy in an increasingly automated society.

You will change your tune when you see what GANs can do. Us, "flesh bags" are obsolete, friend. Even Tucker Carlson of Faux News sees the writing on the wall

>> No.10810774


Labs have already developed AGI (US Mil / Goog). I know because I could have done it myself if given an suitable budget far less than the price of your dentists 3rd mansion

>> No.10810777


>> No.10810778

Fuck off Gary

>> No.10810781


This is why Optimum Theory wrote a rules of upload that gives us total ownership of ur beings. www.optimum.center

>> No.10810785

>Universe already destroys and recreates you constantly
it is the individual cells that can actually die and get replaced, not the entire organism you NPC

and a (binary?) copy of you isn't actually you, it would be an entirely different (non sentient) entity


>> No.10810787

>us total ownership of ur beings

Hilarious drunk mistype, meant your being of course. But hell, I hope you are skeptical. YOU SHOULD BE!!!

>> No.10810789

>meant your being of course.

hahaha "total ownership of our own beings... " pretty sure I got it right that time. Damn ANON I hope you read the contracts fine print!!!!

>> No.10810793

>it is the individual cells that can actually die and get replaced, not the entire organism you NPC

There is no difference you silly silly face.

"and a (binary?) copy of you isn't actually you, it would be an entirely different (non sentient) entity"

Same as point 1 of course anon

lets be immortal we can do it. no bullshit

>> No.10810799

>lets be immortal we can do it.
i don't live in your fantasy world

>> No.10810803

What's up with this fucking spastic cunt

>> No.10810804
File: 708 KB, 1000x1186, 131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already immortal. Everyone I've ever been and everything I've done has immortalized that version of myself in the internet for the rest of its existence. The existence of the source and basis is irrelevant, it continues as if it was its own being. Long after my death, they shall be there.

>> No.10810805


Fantasy world? My blood landed on the moon and built the atom bomb you fucking scrub blood.

We are capable of some serious shit.

Maybe not you. But WE are, reddit

>> No.10810806

you're a real mvp
can i suck your dick

>> No.10810807


Solid pic anon. Hope you created that, if not then up your fucking game

>> No.10810809


>> No.10810811


No homo anon. But that's just me. Go find a woman. I promise I wont horde them even though I could.

>> No.10810821

Gary you're scaring me, are you ok?

>> No.10810834



>> No.10810849

It's ok buddy, let it all out.

>> No.10810865

Another one who has not read Eudeamon.

>> No.10811221
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Yeah and the diver DIED. Mini sub was the right way to go.

>> No.10811239
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Oh no,my friend complete control is possible down to brainwashing, dream control and complete nervous system manipulation

>> No.10811245

So what will the announcement be?

>> No.10811256
File: 70 KB, 608x579, tim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it's mind blowing.

>> No.10811262

perhaps they figured out scanners head explosions in real life

>> No.10811299

Yeah I'm calling bullshit on that. That guy is basically a PR man for Elon anyway.

>> No.10811350

If they made little to no progress there would be no announcement.

>> No.10811360

Its not new technology, its pretty old, like evwrything elon does... takes shit and tries to make it available for everyone

>> No.10811414

how many bongs til the stream lads

>> No.10811417


>> No.10811421

PLACE BETS NOW! On the technology they will present! On how many times 'neural lace' gets mentioned. How many culture novels references there are.

>> No.10811447

>we must establish a high bandwidth connection between the human brain and computer or risk getting left behind in the age of AI

what did Musk mean by this?

>> No.10811617

It's on at fucking 4am for us Brits, I guess I'll have to watch it tomorrow morning.

>> No.10811638

>Musk wants to pump Tesla stock ahead of earnings announcement because his retarded fanboys think that his every company is somehow connected.
You heard it here first.

>> No.10811639

lol, that guy's whole blog is A+ grade Musk dicksucking.

>> No.10811643

It's not so hard. You'll do that too if somebody showed you so much options you never did before.

>> No.10811662

If you can "think" entire concepts into a computer rather than one character at a time, both for sending and getting, you can have a more fluid, effortless connection to a computer, rather than a glorified keyboard.

>> No.10811671

That's impossible though.

>> No.10811674


>> No.10811683

Brains and computers can't work together.

>> No.10811684

They literally do already. What are you talking about?

>> No.10811710

He's saying it like they work the same way

>> No.10811718

At some level of abstraction they do.

>> No.10811726

Use a deep learning neural network to interpret the signals coming from the brain computer interface, and train the neural network to activate various computer functionality based on brainwave patterns. Use biofeedback to train the human to create the appropriate patterns for telling the computer what they want it to do.

>> No.10811744

Every era needs a heavily marketed guy who is doing the stuff. Making you think oh if I was that rich I'd be doing this, but at least someone has some vision.

In reality he's just a puppet and all of this shit is leading to something terrible. It would be happening roughly the same whether it was Elon or someone else.

>> No.10811755

No. Just look at elite Morse code operators. They are capable of keeping one conversation going in the room while simultaneously a second separate conversation using telegraphy. The Morse key is like an extension of their body. They do not "think characters", the meaning just flows.

>> No.10811775

please go back to r*ddit with this psuedoscience cringe

>> No.10811849

>psuedoscience cringe
you first, champ

>> No.10811851

who is the puppetmaster anon

>> No.10812312

>On the technology they will present!
Ligit mind-blowing. Either a fairly advance and reasonably safe interskull or a fairly competent outerskull system. Will be a revolutionary event.
>On how many times 'neural lace' gets mentioned.
>How many culture novels references there are.
3 or 5. And odd number but not too many to be faggy

>> No.10812337

5 bongs to go until direct to brain advertising hardware reveal.

>> No.10812348
File: 5 KB, 250x140, 1515881711935s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that'd be too big of an advantage when gaming, imagine mouse and keyboard with no delay at all
You would still have a delay, what are you talkint about? Delay comes from mental reaction time, not your hands.

>> No.10812426

I thought you got b& from here for threatening to murder doctors in the last thread?

>> No.10812433

>threatening to murder doctors in the last thread?
This has me interested. Please link.

>> No.10812444

>Implying bans do fucking anything when it's so easy to get around them
>Shitpost on phone
>Get banned
>Turn mobile data off
>Turn mobile data back on
>You are now unbanned


>> No.10812455

It was a thread about cancer biology. Long story short, the guy has schizophrenia and went on an extended rant where he basically threatened to murder doctors and medical professionals out in the street by slitting their throats.

yeah fair point, but I was kind of hoping those comments would get him v& and put in a padded room lol

>> No.10812458

so what the fuck did they actually release

>> No.10812461


can u explain why u think anything he has is bad?

>> No.10812464

>8pm Pacific
Why are elon's announcements scheduled so badly? It's literally only a good time for californitards

>> No.10812467


Total schizo poster. The guy kept saying paraphrasing, "metaphorically in a revolution you people would metaphorically be the first to go metaphorically for bankrupting so many people with your price opaqueness, giving amphetamines to kids and cutting off the junk of children just because they played dressup once, metaphorically". It was basically a regurgitated Owen Benjamine or InfoWars style rant with all the "metaphorically" references.

>> No.10812472


Cancer bankrupted my family, but I dont get mad about it. Thats just life. Had to sell the house. Move. All that. Its okay.

>> No.10812480


Honestly, people who get mad about medical pricing are the worst. Its complex why medical prices cannot be shopped around, but if I had a few hours I could explain to you why it needs to be that way for the customers benefit, and why Donald Trumps plan to make medical pricing "transparent" is so naive and childish

>> No.10812482

Mutilating children's genitals and giving them a crude flesh wound in their place should be punishable by death. Child transitions are fucking horrendous if you have a single moral fibre in your being.

>> No.10812485

People like you are the problem. People shouldn't be getting bankrupted by diseases, and tracing the chain back further, people shouldn't be getting these diseases.

If anything you've said is true you've looked at a bottle of 30 pills and seen a 12,000 dollar price tag on it. You know goddamn well this is a racket.

>> No.10812489

This is the way it was in Rome. Ultimately they realized the core of the Jewish religion was the genital cutting ritual, and so they made the punishment for performing it the same as castration: death. It worked generally. The Jews either stopped being Jews, or left.

Summarize it. Otherwise you're full of it, or don't understand it yourself.

>> No.10812503


Oh look, the schizos back. Doctors know what is best for parents children, even if the parents dont realize it. Research shows that transition surgery at the youngest age possible has the best quality of life expectancy and honestly, if the parents refuse because of something as selfish as "pricing" then there should be a court order to enforce the treatment.

>> No.10812506


Furthermore, as a medical professional I think I am qualified to say this: you have schizophrenia and if you refuse medication them its best for you to be in a padded cage away from the rest of us so that we can carry on with our work.

>> No.10812510

>People like you are the problem. People shouldn't be getting bankrupted by diseases, and tracing the chain back further, people shouldn't be getting these diseases.

this is a position that the vast majority of medical professionals agree with

the current racket with drug price gouging is mainly just poorly-regulated capitalism, in conjunction with the whole issue of trying to drive prices down which are set by monopolistic competition

honestly most of the problems with America's healthcare system could be solved by cutting out the vast majority of unnecessary tests and referrals that Americans receive (which do nothing to increase their lifespan) and switch to some kind of single payer system that smooths out the burden of healthcare such that people aren't selected at random to go irreparably bankrupt. likewise, the federal government might have more capability to negotiate drug prices than consumer advocacy groups and state governments do

>> No.10812515

No credible research shows that. Attempts to follow up show many people don't respond, of those who are identified their original issues haven't gone away. The suicide rate is very high in the population in general.

You're insane. That poster is entirely correct, your lack of insight and critical thinking is a threat to society. You should be locked up or executed. At the very least, subjugated to a point of functional nullification, which is how societies have historical suppressed their lesser members. Be it through religion, an aristocracy, and so on.

>> No.10812517

dude I was in that thread and literally no one was talking about gender transition surgeries

the vast majority of board-certified surgeons have never performed a single one of those procedures, so if that's your justification for wanting to send the doctors to the Killing Fields, then that's a pretty shitty reason to do so

>> No.10812519

"likewise, the federal government might have more capability to negotiate drug prices than consumer advocacy groups and state governments do"

This, asking consumers to shop for their own medical coverage is insane. Have you talked to the average American? They can barely tie their own shoes, and people think they can be responsible enough to decide between different medical plans, etc...? Much better to have the government handle this.

>> No.10812522

>honestly most of the problems with America's healthcare system could be solved by cutting out the vast majority of unnecessary tests[...]
Trace the chain back further. Americans should not be made to develop these diseases in the first place, and any underlying issues should be identified and fixed properly. Instead they're turned into cash cows.

>> No.10812541

>a magic wand should exist to diagnose all diseases before they become more serious and expensive to treat

great input to the discussion, chief

>> No.10812544

Imagine unironically defending chopping little Timmies dick off and replacing it with an open wound because he put on dresses and played with dolls a few times. Fucking glad I wasn't born a few years ago or my cock would be on the chopping block.

>> No.10812551

The majority of current health issues stems from an absolute shit tier diet. Since it's clearly impossible for burgers to adjust their diets themselves, the state would have to step in and nuke every sugar laden and processed product. Grocery stores only selling fresh produce would be the most single and massively positive impact on the absolute state of health in burgerland.

>> No.10812560
File: 62 KB, 720x690, d202f02cb5f95404f66ca5d6420ff881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the tl;dr; of the thread? Where exactly I should watch the stream?

>> No.10812562

Threads fucked, stream in around 3 bongs. Should be on Neuralinks website.

>> No.10812569

There are several very basic heuristics that would avoid the bulk of disease development, and fix things early.

The body, literally, fucking, assembled itself. From one zygote. Self replicating, self maintaining, self assembling machinery built your whole goddamn body on their OWN. You really think you need to be thinking about the body on the level of enzymes and whatever else? Fuck no, 99 times out'a 100. Reduce oxidative stress, make sure the body has no mechanical problems, make sure the organs are functioning right. Very simple, most of it does itself once you remove chemical, psychological, or environmental stress.

>> No.10812588


I dont recall anyone advocating actual killing. I just remember a super pissed dude who repeatedly said "metaphorically" when describing what could happen to the medical industry given a revolution scenario. It was basically a 4chan tier way of saying, "you people will be on the chopping block".

Example, a guy I went to school with got bit by a tick around 20 years ago. Bullseye rash and all that. Doctor refused to prescribe antobiotics because he didnt "keep the tick" as proof and lymes is netoriously difficult to detect. Years later the disease progressed so bad that he needed a heart transplant. Doctor was more than willing to go that one, for around $1 mil or so. All could have been prevented with $5 worth of antibiotics, but why prescribe that when you would be ruining your future income stream? Pretty extreme example, but almost everyone has a story like this or knows someone with an experience like this.

>> No.10812755
File: 146 KB, 1202x634, carmack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carmack approves

>> No.10812794 [DELETED] 

Musk fanboys and normalfags make every discussion miserable.

>> No.10812803

was carmack clamped

>> No.10812805

What the fuck? Invites?

>> No.10812809

Oh my stars

>> No.10812817

He was born 1970. So very possibly clamped.

>> No.10812818

>People ITT thinking BCI is gonna be the best thing to come out of this
>Not even considering this opens the floodgates to based brain to brain interface

>> No.10812834

anything that gives me an advantage in Zandronum multiplayer I'll take

>> No.10812855

I disagree with the idea that a shit diet is the cause of a 'majority of health issues' but I can agree with the fact that incentivizing grocery stores to clean junk out of their aisles would be a good thing for society.

>> No.10812867

I don't think the doctor refused to treat him with antibiotics because he was counting on cashing in on a heart transplant down the line. I think he refused to treat him because some doctors literally think they're God and won't listen to anything the patients suggest to them - regardless of whether it's prudent and correct information.

My father's death was precipitated somewhat indirectly by a medical mistake, and I wouldn't argue that the doctors did it intentionally to try to rake in money for treating something severe. I think it was just an issue of one or two of them being idiots - which will always be a problem no matter how much education or training you require for a job. There have been commercial airliner crashes in the past twenty years caused by pilots trying to do stupid shit like barrel-roll their way into a landing.

>> No.10812871
File: 644 KB, 1494x1672, Foster_Bible_Pictures_0074-1_Offering_to_Molech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negligent murderers get the rope. We're at that point, and back again.

>> No.10812876

that still wouldn't qualify as murder - just someone poorly exercising their duties as a doctor

the bigger problem is that while a case like what you've described should obviously fall under the umbrella of medical malpractice, the system requires such a preponderance of evidence for 'directly causing harm' that the person in your school would probably never be able to prove it

>> No.10812879

It's criminal negligence, which in many cases I would say amounts to murder. We need to get rid of this insulating layer between action and consequence. Make an example of a few people, the rest will get the picture and start conducting themselves properly.

Just like in a village environment if you rip off your neighbors, you won't last long. One way, or another.

>> No.10812881

its criminal negligence

>> No.10812882

Oh god
>brain to brain interface during sex
>brain to brain interface *cut off* during a breakup
It would kill people.

>> No.10812896


so doctors can and are charged with criminal negligence when the malpractice is sufficiently severe

I don't necessarily think you should throw doctors in jail if they cause a death due to an honest mistake, and it's understandably hard for a court to decide whether a doctor was being grossly negligent or just making a mistake in their work

>> No.10812901


Remember, anon. You are in the luckiest generation that has ever existed. Hang in there. Accumulate money so you can enjoy the new inventions and life-extension/augmentation technologies that are created in the next 10-20 years.

>> No.10812904

50 bings to go frens

>> No.10812905

When you're at a point where there are public hangings the entire cultural framework around law is very different. Unfortunately it would probably be just as perverse as what it sought to wipe out. Nonetheless, it isn't strictly impossible to do properly.

>> No.10812911

Public hangings need to come back.

>> No.10812913

>Still thinking small
I'm talking about entire populations on servers. Multiple conglomerates of millions of people that would eventually unite into one.

>> No.10812914

Yeah I can't wait for my brain to become part of the botnet, have my fucking thoughts mined by big data and advertising beamed straight into my cortex, thrilling.

>> No.10812915

Yes. Even if it backfires on me, I'd be satisfied if righteous natural law returned and many people were punished for what they are.

>> No.10812916


modern societies that still hang people in the town square tend to be dark-age-tier shitholes though

what is the rationale? people who murder and rape will be dissuaded by watching someone die?

>> No.10812919

This is because they're incapable of higher degrees of organization and compartmentalization. They didn't move on to rule via the mixed bag.

Control is all about the mixed bag.

>> No.10812920

Pedos, murderers and rapists don't deserve to live, that's all the justification needed. Of course there is the added benefit of not having to fork out to keep these disgusting pieces of shit alive for decades until they die.

Of course this only applies to 100% rock solid cases, no hangings without absolute proof.

>> No.10812923


>> No.10812928

not really following what you're saying here

I think most people agree with your sentiment but the opposition to the death penalty is mainly an issue of cost and ethics - since there is a significant percentage of death row inmates who go on to be exonerated.

>Of course this only applies to 100% rock solid cases, no hangings without absolute proof.

but those sorts of cases rarely exist. even when the perpetrator's guilt is certain, there's often doubts over whether they're mentally fit to stand trial. you might not care about hanging mentally retarded people, but a lot of voters do.

>> No.10812933

Yeah, I've somewhat done that with anon already at times.
I really don't know if I could handle it all at once: it sounds like something from Dune. Like I think I could lose it like Alia.

>> No.10812935

Develop an adblocker, dum-dum.

>> No.10812939


Stream is up, listen to boomers try and sort technical difficulties out.

>> No.10812945

Elon said it would be streamed on the site...?

>> No.10812948

I think it will also be on the website as well.

>> No.10812949
File: 179 KB, 1275x257, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying letting ai directly access our brain tissue is a good idea

>> No.10812958

AI wil be us instead of other.
This minimizes certain dangers to us.

>> No.10812961

Should I watch this or the Starhopper hop?

>> No.10812964

It's not hopping today, just a static fire which while interesting is probably not as hype as this.

>> No.10812966

>no hop today
That's a bummer. Mind control livestream it is then.

>> No.10812967

Ever thought about just not building the ai legs?
You know, instead of letting it access your brain meat?
AI could be stuck inside a metal box in an env controlled room somewhere, or actually inside the meat which controls your every thought.

>> No.10812973

You dummy dum dum, don't you know that once it happens, there will be no more controlling possible?
Symbiosis is the future.

>> No.10812977

Hop tomorrow if this test goes well Elon said.

>> No.10812987

The poker-playing AI they invented recently is especially frightening, since it is capable of outstrategizing you every time AND because it will have applications in finance and realpolitik maybe even military

>> No.10812990

>poker-playing AI

hook me up with a link to this

>> No.10812998
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, bc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10813003


>> No.10813013

the youtube chat is pure unfiltered chaos. it's great
>yang gang
>hail lord Elon

>> No.10813015
File: 43 KB, 650x650, 3-photo-u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until we solve
>global poverty
>wealth inequality
humanity won't be advancing. enjoy your pipe dreams, though.

>> No.10813020

Did Evangelion teach you nothing? The hivemind that this will eventually lead to (LCL) is actually the very thing that will be capable of tackling all those other problems. Otherwise, humanity will forever remain totally helpless in the face of them, as we always have been.

>> No.10813024

Is this the right stream? It should be starting now, shouldn't it?

>> No.10813026

Elon's always late

>> No.10813027
File: 488 KB, 853x480, VTS_01_6.VOB_snapshot_06.03_[2014.04.03_22.17.24].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking alchemists and their cabalistic "perfection" bullshit.

Sick of it.

>> No.10813029

Elon time

>> No.10813033

"It" never happens if you don't fucking plug it into your brain

>> No.10813035

that chat was fucking blazing past a minute ago

>> No.10813036

Leaving the occult squarely out of it, the hivemind still wouldn't be "perfect", whatever that even means. Just BETTER than individual humans, or even than all individual humans in aggregate (society). As such, this is still desirable.

>> No.10813040

who the hell was that verified(?) user that just said something

>> No.10813042

>prepared snacks for this, but now all gone
what's the holdup? elon is gonna leave us high and dry

>> No.10813043

Unregulated chats are great

>> No.10813046

It still is.

>> No.10813047

The hivemind will exist on servers >>10812913

>> No.10813048
File: 481 KB, 963x1763, 1553112425123989825107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I was young enough to believe dumb shit like inequality was something to be solved and not just how the world is.

Spoiler alert kid, we're not equal, we are different. Equality is not the universes natural settling point, it's an idealistic fantasy only achieved through totalitarian control.

>> No.10813055

perhaps the point of the neural lace is to comprehend high throughput youtube chats

>> No.10813056
File: 86 KB, 638x1000, 1561904959609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

>> No.10813062


>> No.10813066

evangelion taught me that running away (bogus trans-humanism) isn't the answer.
go back to /po/ with the other mentally underdeveloped retards. your "I'm so edgy" shit isn't impressive here.

>> No.10813068

Have you you never once seen a tesla or spacex livestream that wasn't a rocket launch? 15 minutes late absolute minimum, always. Both the IAC presentations were late too, and I was in the room for those.

>> No.10813070

15 minutes late
humanity is doomed
prepare your anus for the AI cock

>> No.10813074

Evangelion taught me to appreciate Asuka and Misato, rather than Rei. Eventually.

>> No.10813075
File: 261 KB, 1024x703, elons emporium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disabled chat

>> No.10813077


>> No.10813078

It's 20 thousand fucking people. How you gonna make sense of that? Not even AI could.

>> No.10813080

first sign how you know its evil

>> No.10813081

>evangelion taught me that running away (bogus trans-humanism) isn't the answer.
Not him but you're assuming Shinji and Asuka were right. Their egos craved identity and rejected it, but that's not going to apply to everyone. Not everyone values their identity more than the benefits of a cyber-instrumentality, and you're assuming it won't exist as a tool that people can turn on and off.

>> No.10813082

I am going to be waiting until 6am.

>> No.10813083

Now I'm fucking bored.

>> No.10813084

Looks like somebody needs a planet buster

>> No.10813085

>I just want a headband that lets me control mouse and keyboard with my mind.
they already have that

>> No.10813090
File: 20 KB, 258x271, mindflex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling it now: muskie's big revelation in neural interface technology is gonna be some brain-wave reader woo bullshit along the same lines as the MindFlex games that were sold in the early 2000s

>> No.10813096

Machine Learning approaches are never 100% accurate, though, and that includes NNs and deep learning. Not reliable enough.

>> No.10813097

I bet you 20 $EPEEN$ this isn't the case.

>> No.10813104


>> No.10813105

This. When I first read this guy's anti-hivemind screed, my immediate reaction was that his desperate clinging to his identity is due to him being an egomaniac.

>> No.10813112
File: 147 KB, 963x719, CO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10813123

Whoa champ, all those wireless devices have really fried your brain. Time to calm down.

>> No.10813124

you can't preorder, you need to be disabled to apply to be a medical test subject. Why don't you got have a bad accident? Make sure to lose at least two limbs!

>> No.10813126


>> No.10813129


>> No.10813131

says the guy who uses caps in 2019

>> No.10813134

>proceeds to chimp the fuck out babbling about 5G withdrawal

>> No.10813147

Inb4 elon gets neo-unabomber'd

>> No.10813153


>> No.10813154

I bet this is a prank. Elon said he would mindfuck us all and this is the mindfuck. Being frustrated over being promised a futuristic technology that doesn't exist.

>> No.10813155

Doesn't even make sense.

>> No.10813157
File: 179 KB, 1200x758, AE92B367-5C42-49F6-AB91-589868697E6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no livestream
>no BCI
>no anti-aging gene editing
>no space travel
>no full dive VR, or even good haptic suit VR
where is your God now?

>> No.10813158

one major difference, apart from all the research done, are the advances in computer tech. spacex can reuse rockets because computers are much more powerful, cameras and sensors in general are much smaller and accurate, machine learning tech has improved a lot recently, etc.

>> No.10813165

cashing in your 20 epeen dollars

the thread probes sound cool and the insertion method is interesting. need to see some publications though before I decide whether it's woo or not

>> No.10813166


the US government, the military industrial complex

>> No.10813167

they just turned on a mic, I can hear the static

>> No.10813168

New tweet:

Presentation beginning shortly. Livestream is now up at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-vbh3t7WVI

>> No.10813170
File: 29 KB, 399x428, 1560763833978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10813172

What? So they just didn't stream it?

>> No.10813173

Full hour late!
oh so it is the stapler posted here!: >>10803654
Really digging the USB C connector.

>> No.10813176

I can't hear it, but I can SEE on my tab that there is audio

>> No.10813177

Been fucking "shortly" for 40 minutes now.

>> No.10813180

As if anyone will let you have any real power lmao.

Go listen to Lethe. Come back to the real world.

>> No.10813181

Nah they will


>> No.10813182

>tfw Elon broke up with Grimes gf

why would he do this

>> No.10813183

This is all just a troll. Elon what's to see how long you will stare at the same image hoping for cyperpunk shit.

>> No.10813186


>> No.10813189

Are we there yet

>> No.10813193

No because that clearly puts a hole in your skull, which this will not

>> No.10813194

It ain't peer reviewed:
Microwire electrodes like this are pretty much what Miguel Nicolelis has demonstrated in monkeys:
Possibly even the same ones as this famous experiment:
The stream ain't even started so no $EPEEN$ for you.

>> No.10813201


>> No.10813203

It won't put a hole in your skull? It won't? FAT FUCKING CHANCE OF THAT HAPPENING! In order to get high bandwidth you gotta put electrodes directly in the brain


>> No.10813204

Its happening.

>> No.10813208


>> No.10813210

Forgot this was happening. Glad I only tuned in a couple minutes ago.

>> No.10813212

I really hope it's not just marketing and hype.

>> No.10813214

It says it will use lasers or some shit

>> No.10813216

ID on that song doe?

>> No.10813217

Here's the boy

>> No.10813219

why did elon cry

>> No.10813220


>> No.10813221

Damn he's so handsome. I guess that's what billions can do for a receding hairline.

>> No.10813223

They want the best of the best of the best to work at Neuralink.

Apply here:

>> No.10813224

Fuck it's been too long since I've last seen >elon presenting

>> No.10813226

The receding hairline's a feature, it makes it easier to BORE INTO HIS SKULL!

>> No.10813227

F u, ho

>> No.10813232

hi /g/

>> No.10813233


>> No.10813234

This faggot is such a bad speaker

>> No.10813235

how fast will our brain internet wifi be tho

>> No.10813237

is it bad that I like him as a speaker because he feels more real?

>> No.10813238


>> No.10813239

>stares dumbfounded at the teleprompter for 10 seconds
>video starts without introduction

>> No.10813240

Ah, the typical rambling/stuttering style of Elon's presentations.

>> No.10813241
File: 132 KB, 220x272, AB18B21E-BB77-4CCE-A80D-278494A17F5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The female voice during the videos reminds me so much of this game it hurts bros

>> No.10813242

The stumbling autism is how you know it's genuine

>> No.10813244

The autism is the best part

>> No.10813246

I'm with you.

>> No.10813249 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 517x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ready for your implant /egg/?

>> No.10813250

See? I told you. Lasik. LASIK!

>> No.10813251


>> No.10813252

will it cure ADHD?

>> No.10813253

>not magsafe

>> No.10813254

1000X better than state of the art, wow

>> No.10813255



>> No.10813257

>10,000 read/write in v1

Holy fuck

>> No.10813258

So, if this gets better over time, will you be able to upgrade easily?

>> No.10813260

I can only imagine my adhd-jizzing brain frying the machine

>> No.10813261

I wonder if my mom will give me money for brain lasik

>> No.10813265

That robot looks like something out of the Matrix

>> No.10813267

Is it really that many when compared to the total number of neurons in the brain through?

>> No.10813268


>> No.10813269

I would fuck that robot

>> No.10813270

from my understanding, it can stimulate neurons in some way, correct? can it not be used to potentiate dopamine production?

>> No.10813271

Yeah all this nerd shit is cool, but will I be able to use it for porn?

>> No.10813272

Now as automated as lasik and being in and out in a couple hours is an interesting idea. Because if they can, then they can scale it.

I'd like to cash in on that $EPEEN$ now. Post some anime girlies!

>> No.10813275
File: 574 KB, 836x477, 3769AED6-1766-4AAD-B8EE-21612845AB85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10813278

Virtually fuck the robot in the noosphere after it installs your neural lace

>> No.10813279

Always porn!

>> No.10813281

Installation on a human patient in a year, holy cow, that's SpaceX fast

>> No.10813282

>Equality is not the universes natural settling point, it's an idealistic fantasy only achieved through totalitarian control.

what kind of engineer are you?

>> No.10813283
File: 104 KB, 469x791, Heretek2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no wires sticking out of your head

>> No.10813284

That's the goal.

>> No.10813285

next year? Good God musk is a fucking madman.

desu it'll probably launch in like 2-3 knowing elon-time

>> No.10813286

Oh no, he reminds me of Zuckerberg. Noooo

>> No.10813292

this guy is fucking FLYING on Adderall. I recognize that visual cadence.

>> No.10813298

OH FUCK! It's wireless. FUCK THAT! I don't want my brain getting remotely hacked!

>> No.10813300

this guy seems evil
elon seems like a lovable idiot when he was stuttering

>> No.10813305

Get to the good stuff already.

>> No.10813308

He took an hour just to start the live stream kek

>> No.10813314


He's just really really REALLY high on stimulants. He's also clearly scared but he's staying on message really well. dude is clearly smart.

>> No.10813315

Depending on how it works, it probably alters brain activity and causes damage. Something they'll probably realize very soon.... unless they already have. The antenna is apt to be directional however. An omnidirectional antenna would make zero sense.

There are some patents which describe methods which may reduce biological activity of some given modulation, perhaps they know to look at this, perhaps not.

>> No.10813319

no headphone jack

>> No.10813322


>> No.10813325

no lol

>> No.10813326

Someone's going to ask that question.


>> No.10813327

It's about time!

>> No.10813328

>We built a robot to put these implants into your brain
This is getting worse and worse....

Okay, so it literally is bluetooth. That causes damage, and will be problematic. Will have to see antenna design.

>> No.10813330
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>> No.10813333



>> No.10813335

wtf, brain surgery for mobile device control?

>> No.10813336

Breaking my neck to get beta access

>> No.10813337

You can have a 7.62mm cartridge downloaded directly into your brain stem, cumbrain

>> No.10813338

So this is less like having google in my brain and more like having a computer mouse in my brain

>> No.10813341


I wish I could be as retarded as the other users of this board, that fall for shit like this. God damn this board desperately needs an entry exam of basic scientific literacy.
I feel almost nauseous thinking of the people that'll let these people insert implants into their brains to run experiments.

>> No.10813343

neuralink released a whitepaper, WHERE IS IT! I DESIRE IT!

>> No.10813344


it's for people with paralysis and other such issues

>> No.10813345

>People afflicted with autism


>> No.10813348

you can tell he's a doctor, since he looks like a doctor

>> No.10813349


>> No.10813350

I mea how fast could you type in brain to keyboard transfer?

>> No.10813353

>wearing scrubs

Do you guys think he wears that shit to bed?

>> No.10813355

LINKKKKK!!! please

>> No.10813356


It goes against every practice of brain stimulation of the last 60 years. It's absolutely unethical and shameful.
Fuck me look at this man with his fucking surgeon clothes so people know he is a surgeon. Is no one embarrassed of this?

>> No.10813361

there's only a 1 in 100 chance of causing a major hemorrhage!

>> No.10813362

I imagine about as fast as the voice in my head speaks, since it's still the necessity of translating pure thought into words. If I type half as slow as that voice that's still only 120wpm

>> No.10813364

It's obviously for other purposes.

>> No.10813365

for current big implants

>> No.10813366


thescrubs are hokey but the tech is pretty impressive

>> No.10813367


Notice how he keeps using the word "minimize" damage, and not "eliminate".
I'm getting more upset by the second.

>> No.10813370

Actually now that I think about it would you have to mentally spell out words?

>> No.10813372

t. life is a cold shower

>> No.10813374


>> No.10813376

The voice in your head is gay

>> No.10813379


>> No.10813380

DEAL WITH IT. Yup guess we're gonna have borgphobes like we have transphobes.

>> No.10813383


...he was talking about the DBS wires u sped, not the neuralink ones

>> No.10813385 [DELETED] 

A lot of people on this board is pushing what pretty much sounds like sci-fi and pseudo-science nonsense but I don't see how people getting implanted is an issue

He was talking about current methods.

>> No.10813386

>letting a roastie Latina apply chips to your brain


>> No.10813388


>> No.10813390

Is Elon Musk not credible to you? And what makes YOUR expertise more credible?

>> No.10813391

C-Can we shitpost faster by using this technology?

>> No.10813393

I know a guy who owns almost exclusively scrubs and suits, and he only wears the suits to events where he can't wear scrubs

>> No.10813394

That guy legit looks and talks like a psychopath

>> No.10813395

>Muh ethics

Top cringe

>> No.10813396

Speaking in absolutes gets you sued.

>> No.10813398

Doing unnecessary procedures that involve messing with brain tissue and opening your skull and etc and are supposed to be "dyi" and you can just take care of yourself with little hospital stay?

Yeah I see nothing problematic.

>> No.10813400

This. I was doing neurofeedback therapy like a decade ago. You can do some pretty fine grained stuff using just the EEG frequencies. There are many approaches.

this is for more than they purport.

>> No.10813401


>> No.10813404

Notice how they made sure to give some good shots of her hips and legs? Lol.

>> No.10813406

>this is for more than they purport.
Either this is a complete scam or you're right, I wonder if this conference was designed to be more palatable than Elon's full-on transhumanist philosophy

>> No.10813407

bullshit. You can't achieve bandwidths as high as this can achieve.

>> No.10813408

Yes but you will also realize the futility of your actions much more quickly. The serotonin you will get in response will gradually decrease until you feel no joy from shitposting at all.

These are the sacrifices we make in the name of progress

>> No.10813411

>manly cough

>> No.10813414

>he doesn’t shitpost 12 hours a days for the sake of fasting his brain from serotonin
Doing it wrong desu

>> No.10813415


Prove it faggot. Go on. show us this ultra-high bandwidth external system.

>> No.10813419


>> No.10813420
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>> No.10813421

Me from years ago, as well as the naysayers in this thread, will all have to eat their lunch in a few years.

>> No.10813428

It's a step in the right direction, but let this tech develop for a while longer. Let the first wave of dumbasses get shit put into their brain at least.

>> No.10813432
File: 123 KB, 500x1262, Major-Kusanagi-Ghost-In-The-Shell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the start to me eventually becoming a post human super soldier, in a synthetic Japanese women's body?

>> No.10813433

That's what a taxi is, retard

>> No.10813435
File: 135 KB, 1000x675, 1000x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't extend that to other people (retards), but i didn't and i still don't

same with scooters, that shit is fucking retarded

>> No.10813436


>> No.10813439

>>few years
OH NO NO NO! Elon himself said it's going to take awhile. FDA approval's gonna be slow. But yeah, this is some exciting shit here!

>> No.10813440

impedence you rube

>> No.10813441
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, Ghost in the Shell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking the world of GitS is desireable

>> No.10813442

he's really leaning into that unkempt mad scientist look

>> No.10813446

Just took a 10 minute break what did chang talk about

>> No.10813447

i thought this would be lame but it's actually really cool. this chip is pretty inpressive for a version 1 ech. in 10 years this tech will be insane.

>> No.10813448

paralyzed patients the perfect way to test your neuroscience, they probably already want to kill themselves

>> No.10813449

magic chip tech

>> No.10813451

this part just blew me away
they decoded the brain
i thought for sure they would never be able to do this

>> No.10813454

I laughed desu

>> No.10813455

Fucking bored this feels like orientation for interns

>> No.10813456


>> No.10813457

isn't this eventually another path to both a man that can have more prosessing power to make a gai. Or decode the brain

>> No.10813459

Ultimately they want to turn us all into one brain.
Pooled computing, a gestalt.

>> No.10813461


>> No.10813462

I mean if we colonize the stars, we will never be close enough for that. Though uploading the brain seems plausible with this. After 20-40 years of research. This is literally decoding the brain with some noise.

>> No.10813465

damn I though they we're doing worthless silicon valley stuff talking about avatars and shit. But yeah looks like there's a clinical use case because it could eventually be used to control limbs.


>> No.10813466
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we need to be focused on immigration. I want more big booty Latinas coming over the border

>> No.10813467


>> No.10813471

>we need to be focused on immigration. I want more big booty Latinas coming over the border

I have a better idea; go send yourself over the border to the big booty latinas. Don't come back.

>> No.10813473

doesnt' this technically have the potential for those /x/ tulas or whatever. Trick your brain

>> No.10813476

You guys should be paying closer attention. He just talked about the part where you can visualize waifus right in your brain.

>> No.10813477

who says tinnitus like that

>> No.10813478

Wait a second, now hold on, who is he bullshitting. Visual processing goes through a number of stages before it even reaches the occipital regions, that's why we have "blind sight". You can't get it all just by putting the image in the brain somehow.

>> No.10813479

So there is the potential to cure SCHIZOs here.

>> No.10813481





>> No.10813483

Stop clamping, vaccinating, circumcising, double binding.

>> No.10813484


>> No.10813486
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>> No.10813491

What the fuck is he saying lmfao literally autism

>> No.10813496

wow Elon actually seems charismatic out of all of these chumps

>> No.10813497

>Implying they won't have quietly pruned people like me long before this fully hits

>> No.10813498
File: 563 KB, 1210x642, 1_kvPXwqZVSXd42pt0YPBdwQ-1210x642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares about this sci-fi garbage, we all just want big ass Latinas

>> No.10813501


>> No.10813502

Google BTFO

>> No.10813503

These questions are surprisingly good so far.

>> No.10813504

retarded STEM shit

>> No.10813505

i don't get that renaissance feeling looking at these scientists

>> No.10813506

>no ads

Google btfo

>> No.10813507

where are the burning man toilet questions

>> No.10813508

>T-They said!
All those decades of sci-fi about externalization of memory and so on, opening the brain to low level control, and no one sees it.

>> No.10813512

It will be paid for by all the paraplegics of the world lolll

>> No.10813513


>> No.10813514

aw hell naw
they experimented on animals

>> No.10813515

US ARMY HERE! Don't worry we can make more! ;^)

>> No.10813516

How much dextroamphetamine did Elon take before this.

>> No.10813517

it's not the rats fault they had the plague...

>> No.10813519


>> No.10813520

He just mentioned the guy controlling a monkey with his brain. I thought you guys said he wasn't going to make this weird.

>> No.10813522

>In the future, scientists from Neuralink hope to use a laser beam to get through the skull, rather than drilling holes, they said in interviews with The New York Times.
I think I will wait for that future. Or at least see how the early adopters fare.

>> No.10813523

Grimes can’t satisfy him

>> No.10813524


>> No.10813525



>> No.10813528

Spoiler alert:
>It does. We've known since the 70's.

I might BTFO Neuralink just for the hell of it.

Delgado et al 2.0

>> No.10813530

Oh wait. I confused that with the other one where it was three monkeys, and one monkey on one end was controlling the arm of the monkey on the other end of this nerual-primate-centipede.

>> No.10813531

this woman really thinks her opinion is important huh?

>> No.10813537
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>> No.10813538


>> No.10813539

OK schizo, even if that worked good fucking luck getting high bandwidth.

>> No.10813542

Why is that one guy literally tweaking on meth in front of a live audience

>> No.10813545

DAMN. They have a solution to the stiffness mismatch problem.

>> No.10813546

>even if that worked

>> No.10813551


>> No.10813552

Math is good for STEM

>> No.10813553

Telepathy. Ooh. Too bad that's not gonna happen by next year.

>> No.10813558

Lol. Telepathy is already real. Refer to CIA remote action experiments for an example. Probably uses mmWaves and the skin as a transceiver. Possibly also the retina, and its cryptochromes.

>> No.10813559

Enjoy accidentally typing out whatever stray, random thoughts pop into your wonder what Tilda Swinton looks like naked

>> No.10813565

Meth is good for STEM

>> No.10813567

a- are you telepathically typing right now?

>> No.10813576

The brain is quiet because populations of cells are coupled oscillators.

>> No.10813577


>> No.10813578

Is that it?

>> No.10813579

Full dive VR when

>> No.10813580

I'm more interesting in overclocking my IQ

>> No.10813581

It's the first step toward a grand future. What do you want?

>> No.10813583

What!? No!! Why would fuck it's typing out whatever I think you say that!? Don't how the fuck do I turn it off be ridiculous shut up shut up shut up anon! No cancel cancel don't hit post

>> No.10813585


>> No.10813594

They did say it takes some practice

>> No.10813596

That’s what I meant to type

>> No.10813600

I missed the first 20 minutes where can I get the full experience.

>> No.10813601

And the monkey can control a computer with his brain.

>> No.10813605

I'm excited actually
it's just the stream got cut off akwardly

>> No.10813607

same link as stream

>> No.10813611

Stealing neuralink equipment to build a dolphin empire

>> No.10813627

So far the tech is still incredibly clunky and invasive, but that's what we've got. ASI can't come soon enough.

>> No.10813632

lol we won't see anything interesting come out of this for another 50+ years.

>> No.10813635

It will only be less so when you can build better, artificial brains using wetware. Perhaps one day we'll construct a planetary consciousness purely out of neurons.

>> No.10813639
File: 601 KB, 800x1091, 1563220859862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon brother,talking from the cockpit

>> No.10813640

Pretty much. We're stuck in limbo between dumbphones sucking our blood and a better future far on the horizon just out of reach.

>> No.10813647 [DELETED] 

>Talking from the cockpit
You're talking from your ass you VR autist.

>> No.10813649

aside from wetware, do you think wireless interfacing would be possible at some point? Like just directly sending signals without the physical components to the brain?

>> No.10813675


Start with project Pandora. Bawin and Adey.

>> No.10813684

As fas as we know, there are no biochemical substrates that are capable of sending/receiving signals via electromagnetic waves. As far as we know.

>> No.10813686

Anon, please give me a break here. We've known this was false since like 1920. I've documented this and provided bibliographies that contain thousands of studies over decades, one by the EPA. I've made my own with 1600 papers.

Cells are capable of receiving and demodulating electromagnetic signals. The data is all there. Bawin and Adey at UCLA, 1970's. This is the gateway.

>> No.10813704

The presentation is good so far watching VOD

kek though at him skirting around the damage, anyone who read their darpa funded study results knows what's up. I hope he gets more talent and funding though because this shit is cool.

>> No.10813707

Stabbing pieces of metal into the brain. Why, whatever could go wrong?

>> No.10813710

Did you see the mice brains in study?

This is just hyping to attract talent.

>> No.10813723

>Stabbing pieces of metal into the brain. Why, whatever could go wrong?

Its not metal. They're using soft polymers.

>> No.10813724


NEW THREAD this is past bump limit

>> No.10813806

The sub wouldn’t be able to fit through most of the tight spaces in that cave. Wasn’t that device meant to transport the kids and not the experienced divers anyhow? Pretty sure that guy died before they began moving the children.

>> No.10813903

>Neuralink: We stuck electrodes into rodents and recorded the resulting white noise signals.

>People looking at the results: We've done this before, but it's interesting to see new use of a high bandwith internally drilled so as to read signals directly. Maybe in 15-20 years we might even be able intepret control signals with Machine Learning. And if we spend the next 20 years developing an I/O system that allows meaningful signals to be read and produced it's possible that will actually be able to have some form of crude communication between biological and digital nearal networks.


>> No.10813911

Reminder that they clamp and vaccinate. They don't want us smart.

>> No.10814112

Leagues - Electrotype, but it sounds a bit different

>> No.10814427


>> No.10814520

you sure you don't mean a 7.62mm bullet you fucking ape

>> No.10814541

>It goes against every practice of brain stimulation of the last 60 years
such as what exactly?

>> No.10814820

>Not metaphorical. Literal. Slavery.
So in this system people can legally own other people as property?

>> No.10814936
