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10802823 No.10802823 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so imperative that we have more women in STEM fields? Hasn't it been found that many of them just plain don't care about STEM despite having the education system rigged in their favor? I personally think it's being pushed by the gender studies majors who were too stupid to become scientists so they believe science is inherently sexist.

>> No.10802855

women are half the population so if we can get more women into STEM we can increase the amount of STEM workforce and allow US to remain competitive in a technology driven world

>> No.10802907

communist ideology of equality

>> No.10803056

nah, it just drives down wages

>> No.10803062


Bitches want cush jobs in proximity of high status men. So women, in general, push for OTHER women to go into STEM.

However, women value working with people over things, so women tend to stay away from STEM.

>> No.10803066


Ask yourself why the lack of women in STEM is a problem for western women, but the lack of women in oil rig workers, truck drivers, and waste disposal, which are all well paying positions mind you, is A-OK.

>> No.10803074

Women like to complain about things they don't have and think they deserve to get them without earning them.

>> No.10803079


Hard work is a tool of the patriarchy.

What do you mean CEOs are selected based off of years of leadership making projects successful and interacting with employees, investors, and other executives?

Half the world is women, therefore half the CEOs should be women.

>> No.10803080

Where are all the female refuse collectors?

end discrimination in waste disposal

this is unacceptable patriarchy.

>> No.10803081

nope, just driving down wages, and men will move to higher paying jobs.

>> No.10803085



Why does no one wonder why wages have remained stagnant since the 70s when female employment became fully normalized and now a family REQUIRES two incomes to achieve a middle class standard of living?

All while employee productivity has gone up with advances in technology?

>> No.10803087


Break through the glass manhole cover! Preach it sister!

>> No.10803108

My school's engineering program spent 60% of its budget on women in STEM programs.

The amount of women in engineering actually decreased by the time I graduated

>> No.10803127

>My school's engineering program spent 60% of its budget on women in STEM programs.
jesus fucking christ.
how did they manage that?
dude.... you should sue the fuck out of them under title IX.
its fucking amazing to me how universities can be 60% populated with women, and still think they are opposed

>> No.10803128


Yet no group would try to advocate for male participation in the humanities.

Why is there no incentive for gender studies to allocate half their funding to attracting male students?

>> No.10803133


Do you want to have the male population to identify as masculine presenting transgender lesbians?

Because THAT'S how you get your male population to identify as masculine presenting transgender lesbians.

>> No.10803140

Gender studies has a budget? how?

>> No.10803144

ok im gonna give it straight to you. the jews have poisoned normies minds with decades of increasingly subversive propaganda on tv. tv zombies are notoriously not smart but a sizable portion of the population causing popular opinion to sway into retarded directions, such as minimum quotas of women

>> No.10803147

>back in wondertimes one wage was enough to comfortably provide for a large family
how the times have (((changed)))

>> No.10803150
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Women go ballistic at the idea that men could be on average better at any subject and expend much political capital pushing for this sort of thing because obviously less women in STEM means discrimination. This invariably results in discrimination since the labour pool is getting inflated with people who would have never sought out STEM without the artificial incentives... including people with less aptitude.

Women are also rabidly sexist but then gaslight men and pretend their efforts to literally impose gender quotas on jobs are not sexist but speaking out against it is the utmost bigotry. They're also supported by egalitarian idiot men/horny traitors.

This is not to say I do not think women cannot do well in STEM and that I do not enjoy working with them. For some women STEM is where they belong. It is simply the case that any group which is made into a diversity hire will have worse quality employees on average. It is also true that it is women's fault that the status quo is this way. Ultimately women will continue being this way because to them proving that men are never better than women is more important than say promoting women's education in whatever subject may appeal to them including STEM. Women have a serious chip on their shoulder about historically being housewives and need to prove a point.

>> No.10803160

I remember one of those facial average things where they combined and compared the faces of female stem women and humanities women
the stem women had more masculine traits

>> No.10803162

But what's wrong with being a housewife?

>> No.10803166

fuck me, the big brains of sci are out in force today.

>> No.10803177

No idea. Most girls I've met who do extremely well academically just want to be house wives. Especially after they start working. My girlfriend is the same and she got the top grade in her medical programme.

The affirmative action stuff are mostly being pushed by losers who wouldn't have ever gotten a job otherwise. I remember this one womenlet girl in our department who started studying with me and would eventually take 8 years to finish her degree. She kept playing the Lesbian card to keep the faculty from kicking her out of the programme (you have to fail the same module 3 times here to get kicked out). She launched a complaint against me and the department after I started TAing a class she took (somehow it was a personal affront to her that I graduated and naturally moved on to TA position like everyone else; it was a fucking 2nd year class).

>> No.10803180

No one wants to work unless the job is enjoyable you grub.

>> No.10803186

Dubs of truth. Fuck dykes and larping dykes. Women out.

>> No.10803193
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this desu

>> No.10803197

>that picture

The Great Filter is already upon us

>> No.10803200

That’s peak woman right there.

>> No.10803201

Oh hell no

>> No.10803231

> B-b-b-but muh order of operations.

Who cares. Both approaches are rational (not the number set).

>> No.10803251


>> No.10803282


Because it's impossible for our politicians to even raise mild objections against anything feminists ask for, to the detriment of issues of vital import. All the top positions must be at least 50% female, none of the bottom. Never mind the homeless men, the mentally retarded men, the coal miners or the construction workers. Breast cancer and domestic violence, not prostate cancer or heart disease.

Consider how much political/social effort goes to issues of 'consent'. That's time and thought that could go toward preparing the population for One World Government or expanding the surveillance state. When someone's AI develops a singleton or the world turns into grey goo, are we really going to wish we'd done more about groping or wage gaps(real or imagined)?

>> No.10803353

You wouldn't be such a misogynist if you got some pussy in your life.

>> No.10803356

I think another reason as to why there are so little women in STEM is becuase when people ask them to justify their findings they can't just put "HAVE SEX INCEL AND MAYBE YOU'LL REALIZE" and except to get it published

>> No.10803369
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>Consider how much political/social effort goes to issues of 'consent'. That's time and thought that could go toward preparing the population for One World Government or expanding the surveillance state

>> No.10803382
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I wonder who is behind this.

>> No.10803466


>> No.10803488

this is true but it leads you to the question of are men just better scientists than women in general?

sure men have “done” more for science but there have been plenty of women scientists, and even more women who were potientally held back in history from achieving their scientific dreams because of the gender roles in society at the time.

>> No.10803507


>> No.10803576

Why are we discussing this? The people involved have already made up their minds and are no longer accepting further arguments.

>> No.10803600

Try to prove them wrong

>> No.10803601

Can't prove them wrong, they've decided they're right.

>> No.10803620

>Can't prove them wrong, they've decided they're right.
Just like feminists

>> No.10803632



The constant increase of interest in Women going to STEM is built towards competition against countries like China and India. The fact is the U.S. does not have the numbers to compete with China or India if it's a male vs. male STEM attainment so more women are needed (technically we don't even have the numbers if we included women but everything helps).

People on here need to realize that while there is a """liberal""" slant to such a push this is actually a straight up national security issue. Because at +1billion people China and India can just brute force their way into being the STEM leaders even if the quality they produce is shoddy.

>> No.10803649

All the Chinese and Indian scientists are in the West already though. It's only illiterate peasants left back home.

>> No.10803691
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>> No.10803707
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If we want more women in STEM, then obviously we need to start treating women like they do Algeria & Turkey.

>> No.10803712

Retard. Why is it that America is importing tons of non-Americans into engineering roles from India, China and the rest of the world?

>> No.10803720
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In my class of 2012 we had exactly 1 woman graduate in our engineering field, she was cute and everyone tried to help her, even then she could only graduate by taking credits from art classes (music, and plastic arts, not even architectural subjects).
I thank God she got a job as a sales person instead of doing engineering, people could die.

>> No.10803738

remember that cable reinforced bridge that collapsed recelty across a freeway I might be mistaked but I heard the architects were female

>> No.10803743
File: 65 KB, 599x595, stemwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because while men are getting real degrees, women are getting degrees in whining about imaginary sexism.

What I find interesting is that, despite all the evidence that Gender Studies is very blatantly and explicitly sexist against men, there's no discussion around the fact that 95% of Gender Studies students are women.

>> No.10803767


You think several hundred thousand Chinese students out of +1 billion. Is all the scientists they have?


So they can remain competitive. There isn't anything retarded about it.


>The U.S. currently enjoys a position among the world’s foremost innovative and scientifically advanced economies but the emergence of new economic powerhouses like China and India threatens to disrupt the global distribution of innovation and economic competitiveness. Among U.S. policy makers, the promotion of advanced education, particularly in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields, has become a key strategy for ensuring the U.S.’s position as an innovative economic leader. Since approximately one third of science and engineering post-graduate students in the U.S. are foreign born, the future of the U.S. STEM educational system is intimately tied to issues of global competitiveness and American immigration policy.

>> No.10804047
File: 140 KB, 750x745, 6f7e828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because women are actually smarter than men!!
This is literally the only reason.

>> No.10804165


It's not about better. Women just have zero interest in it, on average.

In western countries, with 60% of university students being women, with federally backed loans, and untold billions being spent to "get women into STEM", and all the monetary benefits of a career there, they still overwhelmingly major in stupid shit.

>> No.10804171


AND preferential intent to hiring women in STEM fields and academia at a ratio of 2:1.

Maybe, it's the fact women are not inclined to work with things (and also are underrepresented on the autism spectrum either because of or due to) that makes them not inclined to spend years studying how THINGS work.

>> No.10804193

Because we don't have enough STEM workers

>> No.10804266

I agree, the order of operations is just a convention, it's not even "math," it's just arbitrary.

>> No.10804420

>even more women who were potientally held back in history
This canned line is such horseshit. Nothing is stopping anyone from being an autistic shut-in that does math all day or tinkers with materials, chemicals, electromagnetism and the like, and ends up finding something significant. For "most of" history, it wasn't that women were suppressed from getting educations. Most people didn't get an education, and education was only for the wealthy for a very long time. The amount that women were prevented from working on math and science by men is greatly exaggerated. They either don't have the aptitude or the inclination to be an autistic shut-in that does math or tinkers all day.

t. autistic shut-in that does math all day

>> No.10804435


YFW Marie Curie won 2 Nobel Prizes in science at the height of toxic patriarchal and misogynistic masculinity and before 2nd wave feminism, voted for and by in a field dominated by the wealthy and high status men who supposedly actively hate women who are not barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen conforming to their socially constructed gender norms.

>> No.10804441


This is fundamentally not true.


Most likely having sex would make him more misogynist.

>> No.10804449


>how is a field of study that has now taken control of the humanities across universities all over the western world and is imposing it's will to make STEM change itself while also attacking the tech and industry fields that hire them have any power with their disproportionate political power and billions of dollars of federal funding.

If you are not a rabid feminist. You are not the resistance. They won. You are a survivor.

>> No.10804495

Not only that, she was the first person to receive two Nobel prizes and still the only person to have received a Nobel price in two different scientific fields. I've yet to hear an argument from the SJWs about why she would have been given such extreme honors if the sciences were so biased against women.

>> No.10804619

Have kids.

>> No.10804637


Because women can't blame white western men for it, so down the rabbit hole it goes.

They'll champion a women's small part in capturing images of black holes to the point of blowing the contribution out of proportion because they can claim ownership of it.

But hide the history of a woman with a scientific unit of measurement named after her.

>> No.10804643

Math-autist dropping tactical redpills

>> No.10804749

China can't compete because all they do is steal or cheat and mei ban fa

>> No.10804752

Yeah Chinese stole the tech to make 5G before America?

>> No.10804805


>> No.10804847

It's a shame Eugenics is such a no-no these days. A voluntary breeding program might manage to produce a significantly larger amount of STEM-inclined people.

>> No.10804859


It says alot that the only way to get a qt to fuck an awkward computer scientist with cystic acne is through a government program.

>> No.10804955

I propose a different take on the whole must-get-women-into-everything conspiracy, I think it's about business, think on this.

Who spends the most on pointless bullshit, women, who wants to encourage pointless bullshit spending, free market capitalists. It happens that western countries are the only ones pushing for female equity and I believe this is no coincidence.

It's less about getting women into education, that is just a facade but more about getting women into debt and credit because whichever unlucky sod they will attached themselves onto will be the sucker for the payments or alternatively they will end up selling their bodies and youth to the very capitalists that encourages this reckless spending and debt accumulation. Either way the moneyed class win.

It keeps the house of cards consumerist economy going.

>> No.10804964


Your interpretation is way more tinfoil hat than just going with the stated goals of white western feminism.

Especially since STEM degrees are more likely to pay off than gender studies if the goal is to create a generation of debt slaves.

>> No.10804975

Not if they cannot find work, many X-engineering graduates are having a hard time at the moment.

>> No.10804983

You're an idiot. He's 100% right. They want you to succeed, so that you pay back the loan, with interest. If not, well, they can still sell those debt assets to someone else. Student loans can hardly be escaped. They can garnish your wages/salary no matter what job you get or if you willingly make payments.

>> No.10804989


And the push for lawyers as well? Or for women to become CEOs?

>> No.10804992

this desu

>> No.10804996


Except student debt cannot be defaulted on and lack of ability to pay nets more money than not.

Again, if the goal was debt slaves, 80,000 USD gender studies degrees to baristas is the way to go.

It's purely a social experiment, like women in the military, country clubs, politics, and STEM.

>> No.10805017

Well which gender is easier to control? Which gender is more prone to group think? Which gender is more susceptible to emotional propaganda? The media businesses love it because now they have an audience which they can manipulate at will without any consequences.

By inserting women into all these places they become useful pawns to the power behind the throne.

You need to provide some arguments rather than just playing the same gender studies retort of begging the question.

>> No.10805030


>calls others conspiracy theory
>advocates that "the elite" are encouraging women to take the reins and levers of power so that once in control, they will control them.

And if they are doing this already, with their level of control over the media, and business, etc. What possible extra level or method of control could they weild?

Is it the Jews? Please tell me you don't think it's the Jews.

>> No.10805034


>provide arguments while I spew tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about how women in stem are a plot by the lizard people to get the snake people to put black helicopters in my flushots.

>> No.10805100

I said it's the economists and market forces running the show which may or may not include Jews but not them as a group.

Are you denying that women are responsible for a large amount of consumerist spending in the western world? Are you also denying that women as a group is less susceptible to emotional blackmail than men? If so I welcome papers.

I like how you two immediate went into absurd conclusions, what a tired tactic.

>> No.10805123


No. It's precisely because of that.

Women already control 80% of consumer spending despite making 79 cents on the male dollar.

In your world. All the smart guys already have the money and power, but then choose to get all the money by ineffectually trying to woo women into STEM.

Something doesn't add up.

>> No.10805175
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>tfw a literal math god and also sexy
Fuck man why am I a manlet with a shit beard and literally a chinko. Life would’ve so different as a chad who enjoys math.

>> No.10805288

What program

>> No.10805298

Architects aren't doing any structual analysis .

>> No.10805310

>shit beard
maybe you should wash your face.

>> No.10805594

>sexism in science doesn't exist because a woman has won a nobel prize
Marie Curie was a very brilliant scientist and her winning two Nobel prizes was rightfully deserved, regardless of her gender. But to deny that women in the past face a disadvantage compared to men in the sciences is just ignoring facts. She wasn't even initially granted the first nobel prize. Her husband had to refuse in accepting it before the committee allowed her to share the prize as well. Not only that, schools back then barred women from attending. It's not impossible for women to get into STEM in the past, but it's also very difficult compared to being a man, that only the most brilliant and dedicated women actually ever succeed.

>> No.10805658

>But to deny that women in the past face a disadvantage compared to men in the sciences is just ignoring facts.
I'm denying that it explains the lack of notable female scientists and mathematicians. More important than any examples of discrimination is the fact that fewer women than men care about doing math or science, and many fewer still are any good at it.

>> No.10805664


Except most people didn't go to schools, being the preserve of the rich. There did, however, exist girls only schools just as there were men only schools, and not only was her Nobel Prize granted, she got another one and had a standard named after her, all recognized by the so-called misogynists.

Women were never discriminated against except in the minds of women weaving a victim narrative in order to play off of the male instinct to protect.

For fuck's sake, women have been fucking queens solely ruling over their kingdom from Egypt to Russia to Britain.

Just because all women were not top tier does not mean they were excluded any more than the vast majority of men who also never reached those levels of socioeconomic standing.

>> No.10805675

A very tiny difference in gendered Gaussian distributions can get massively exacerbated at the extreme tail onds of the distributions. Mathematical fact that applies for tiny differences in distribution averages, spreads or skews...

Nobel Prize is amonng the most extreme scientific achievements of all. It only makes sense that if average woman is even a tiny bit less naturaly inclined for hard sicences, or less likely to be a genius at them, then there will be almost no female winners of Nobel Prices due to it being at the extreme.

Maybe there is a discrimination present, too, but we just cannot know for sure.

>> No.10805732

>through a government program.
Or monogamy. Women used to get married(and stay married) to whoever their fathers told them to get married to.
On their own, women would rather fuck criminals and gang members than nerds, but I think a father would choose differently for her.

>> No.10805736

>many fewer still are any good at it.
This. Women have a lower iq variance. Fewer idiots and fewer geniuses.

>> No.10805744


>> No.10805748

Noble Prize is extremely polticalised and focuses on a few fields.

>> No.10805751

Most places favored boys over girls. If resources were limited they'd dump it on the boy regardless if the boy can actually make the most of it..

>> No.10805754

Being dependant as fuck on your spouse? The whole fact that 1950's housewifing was a short time fluke?

>> No.10805758

No it doesn't.

>> No.10805775

yes it does.
wage increase hasn't matched inflation for 45 years.

>> No.10805783

>putting more people into a line of work doesn't lower wages hurr durr
faggot retard blow your brains out ASAP

>> No.10805789

Gay men haven't helped much either.

>> No.10805793

who gives a fuck about 1950s housewives we're talking much longer term patterns than that

>> No.10805795

ada lovelace

>> No.10805816

did not contribute meaningfully to anything, any female physicist could easily be replaced by multiple males. totally superfluous and only mentioned by non-physicists

>> No.10805820

Hurr Durr. Women have always been equal to men and yet the entirety of woman's contribution at best is birthing sons. For if it wasn't, there would be thousands of truly important female figures in science and politics. And the precious few that do exist fucked the way to the top or were born in it

>> No.10806453

>this typical incel logic
Lol sure

>> No.10806465

>never sought out STEM without the artificial incentives
Implying most people don't go into STEM for the money.

>> No.10806467

>women in STEM fields

>> No.10806474

Women need better paying jobs to be able to support their children as single parents.

>> No.10806480

why aren't men taking care of their children?

>> No.10806481

Maybe add more parentheses to make the intended order of operations absolutely clear?

>> No.10806722


>favored boys over girls
>conscript your favorites in the millions to die screaming of disease on a battlefield routinely

>> No.10806731


Was well received in her time despite being a young woman.

The benefits of being in the wealthy aristocracy of then time and I appreciate her contributions against the inclinations of her sex.

>> No.10806752

Probably has to do with all the screwing around women are doing. When sex becomes "harmless recreation," the next step is putting your children's futures secondary to the same sexual whims. Oh sure, they're alive, they're taken care of, but they're not getting the benefit of a structured family with their father constantly present.

>> No.10806759

>Why is it so imperative that we have more women in STEM fields?
It's not. It's the biggest bullshit plaguing the field right now. Drives me up the wall every time I hear someone mindlessly parrot the mantra "we need more women in STEM" while citing past "discrimination" against women in STEM fields which consist of anecdotes like "my boss doesn't take me seriously" or "my boss glanced at my boobs once in his office #metoo". I'm seeing women getting disproportionately hired and promoted because of this and it's fucking disgusting. If we could find out the men:women ratio of faculty hired per year and somehow correlate it with the prevalence of this political push it should be a good indication of discrimination against men in faculty hiring.

>> No.10806761

she did lose a lot of money betting on horses,, much like her father Lord Byron

>> No.10806766

does anyone not steal glances at large breasts when they’re present?

>> No.10806770

imagine the reverse scenario of a muscley guy in a vest complaining about women looking at his arms

>> No.10806776
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We need more women in STEM so engineers could fuck bitches in school and stop being faggotoid sperglords.

t. student switching from business to engineering and disapointed as fuck I won't fet any pussy there

>> No.10806801


But even then the women aren't going to fuck the make students.

Ir their coworkers. They'll use their positions to get at their bosses and the executives.

Notice how the MINUTE le black science man tried to put the moves on a qt they effectively gave him a #metoo warning shot across the bow.

>> No.10806867
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Then, taming women so we can have sex with them is another problem.

If women are in steam, the probability of having sex with them is infinitely higher than if they were not in stem.

Convincing them to have sex with (You) is, however, another question that is relative to (You) and who (You) are.

And for example, Neil de Grass Tyson found his wife in a physics class. Don't you dream of having a cutie physician gf, anon ?

>> No.10806915


If women weren't fucking nerds in the infinite social availability of university, forcing them to sit in classes they have no interest in will not help.

There's a reason the nerds only solution is to bring women to them, they refuse to exert male competance and assertiveness which women are looking for.

It is a delusional fantasy that the reason you're a listless, handholdless virgin is because there are no women to see you quietly study by yourself or type at a computer.

>> No.10806961

truth is bitter
you are right

>tfw you'll never find a cutie math gf

>> No.10807644

I can't wait for the day when that wireless symbol is seen as one of man's greatest mistakes, and covert sterilization. Yep. All those cuties? They're not having children, and neither are you.

>> No.10807674

This desu

>> No.10807698

Im willing to bet you werent getting any pussy anyway.

>> No.10808201

If you weren’t an autistic larper, you would know that the wide majority of mathematicians are not shut-ins and that, even more so than science, mathematics is a social and collaborative activity, even though the bulk of the work is done alone.
Yes, math does not require any kind of equipment and you could theoretically do math alone in your basement but becoming acquainted with the problems that interest other people and current research, finding a mentor/master, finding people to read your manuscripts are all non-mathematical problems that require interaction with other people and therefore require that people take you seriously.

>> No.10808213

>if we can get more women into STEM we can increase the amount of STEM workforce
That is a stupid non-sequitur.
You raise the amount of the STEM Workforce by creating more jobs with better wages, there is no reason to pander to women specifically, in actuality appealing to women is LESS effective, as women are less likely to study STEM, thus appealing to me has a higher chance of them actually getting a STEM job.
This is just absurd.

>> No.10808220

America falling is good for every single human being on the earth.
And there is ABSOLUTELY no sane reason why you need to have an egalitarian workforce to be compatible, you just need to fill all relevant positions by the most qualified people, whether they are filled by 90% men is COMPLETELY irrelevant.
In fact, you should target men MORE to get into STEM, as they are already more inclined towards it, so any campaign will be more successful at increasing the total STEM workforce.

>> No.10808271

not a LARP
>Yes, math does not require any kind of equipment and you could theoretically do math alone in your basement but becoming acquainted with the problems that interest other people and current research
I can do that just fine by reading papers
>finding a mentor/master
been there done that already, I don't need one now
>finding people to read your manuscripts are all non-mathematical problems that require interaction with other people and therefore require that people take you seriously
I know some people that can take a look at them when the time comes. Manuscript preparation is not trivial in the perspective of academic success, but it is trivial as part of the process of developing original ideas. Once I'm writing the paper I already understand all of the structure that has been uncovered. That's what goes in the paper. Some refinement from having others look at it is helpful for the presentation, but not a part of the core process of doing mathematics.

Plenty of geniuses were real shut-ins. Not all of them, of course, but it's not an exaggeration or LARP.

>> No.10808320

My point is that before the days of the arxiv and email, it was very hard to get your hands on manuscripts and put your work out there unless you had connections in the field who took you seriously.
It is certainly easier to be a math shut-in today, although i have to wonder how one would sustain themselves

>> No.10808328

Science is not about wages you capitalist retard

>> No.10808337

This implies that basically anyone can do STEM it you just pay them enough. That is bullshit. It's not McDonald's or Amazon where you just need to raise wages to have more applicants.

>> No.10808615

But its 80 you fucking brainlets

>> No.10808653

this is funny, but it's quite obvious what she's trying to teach.

>> No.10808835
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imagine being this much of a retard

>> No.10808959

>This implies that basically anyone can do STEM
No, it merely implies that there are people who would go into STEM fields with better incentives.

>> No.10808994


>> No.10808999

Except he's right

>> No.10809003

show data

>> No.10809009

have sex

>> No.10809010


>but I think a father would choose differently for her.

Yeah, they would choose engineers, doctors, rich athletes, politicians, businessmen and lawyers aka the same shit women would ultimately go with if they had the opportunity to.

Don't think for a second fathers are honorable. They would sell their daughters to the highest bidder, the most capable or the best looking. They wouldn't pick mathematicians, physicists, academic researchers or anything that comes close to legit nerds unless they themselves are one because they get paid peanuts in comparison, are inclined to autistic/introverted or have shit looks compared to men in other professions.

>> No.10809013

Thank you for the encouragement I was planning to ask a woman I know to a play.

>> No.10809016

it will fail and you will masturbate until your late 30s

>> No.10809031


>> No.10809137

I'd like to pair my daughter with a scientist who doesn't have terrible genes looks-wise and also doesn't work too much. desu i'm not sure what you're saying in the second paragraph.

>> No.10809177
File: 68 KB, 620x541, womeninconstructiongraph_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can someone explain to me why there's such a big push to get women into STEM when construction is so much more imbalanced? Just wondering why my daughter doesn't have the chance at any potential Women in Construction and Plumbing scholarships....

>> No.10809999


>desu i'm not sure what you're saying in the second paragraph.

I'm saying exactly what you brought up in your own post concerning pairing your daughter with a scientist.

Which is expected as I originally stated in >>10809010 "They wouldn't pick mathematicians, physicists, academic researchers or anything that comes close to legit nerds unless they themselves are one".

In other words "we" think people who major in math/ physics or do any research work are suitable mates for any of our future kids. But to those outside the space such people are unappealing compared to those such as engineers, doctors, rich athletes, lawyers and politicians. Those who are well off financially, well known in social circles or have a prestigious title.

>> No.10810173

I want to be able to live bro, get the fuck out of here with your slave mentality.

>> No.10810179

>jobs are a finite resource and the only way to keep wages up is to thin the pool of applicants

even right-wing economists don't buy into this bullshit. the job market expands with labor supply by increasing demand. having more women in STEM will result in more science and industrial output, and any economist would tell you exactly what I've just written.

>> No.10810194

The most damning piece of evidence is that there is an inverse correlation between a country's level of equal rights and female participation in STEM

Places like Scandinavia have the worst schisms while IT in India is like 40% female, this has nothing to do with "discouraging women" and everything to do with enabling them to pick whatever they feel like doing in life rather than taking an obviously lucrative (but demanding) choice like IT

>> No.10810433


Turns out if the choice is STEM or be forced to fuck a skinny, shut-in pajeet who will not ask for the bob and vegene, only take, the women buck the fuck up and go into STEM.

If they have better options as far as socioeconomic standing without doing all the hard work, they don't. And I don't blame them one bit.

The entire reason that women will never flip the workforce and men will become stay at home househusbands (even though there are plenty of men who would jump at the chance) is because WOMEN DON'T WANT MEN WHO ARE "BENEATH" THEM IN ANY FASHION.

Thus is also why female dominatrixes make more than any STEM grad. The market shows that with so many men who want and are willing to pay, and so few women willing to be dominant, the price drives through the roof.

>> No.10810436

fucking lol

>> No.10810437


Except the market is self correctinging.

Too many people go STEM and drive the price of labor too low, eventually the juice stops being worth the squeeze and people go into other lines of work that are more lucrative.

>> No.10810498
File: 1.16 MB, 1154x1500, 365AF8D3-2FDB-40EA-9B62-0F48178A9F08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10810507
File: 21 KB, 784x216, TIMESAND___th7i37iu3bbtxwzw3c4y76bo5n78o53v365b476uh3c56ch3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you turn yourself into Locutus-Wojak, then pic related emasculation is you. Whatever the original word was, I didn't just mean cutting your cock and balls off. I meant if you turn yourself into a mutant alien in general. Anyways, it looks like Locutus-Wojak did cut his cock and balls off too.

>> No.10810673

job demand doesn't go up automatically with supply. in the medium term an increase in worker supply will only increase unemployment and weaken workers bargaining power at the negotiation table resulting in lower real wages and/or poorer working conditions. in the long run if companies predict an increase in demand and invest in enough capital, job demand will go up lowering unemployment and hopefully bringing wages back up

>> No.10810698

When will you learn? They urge for the breakdown of society, and the golden standard is currently STEM. So they must tear down STEM, and to do this they must introduce women, to have a breakdown of standards and ethics. Their picture is even bleaker in their perspective, mind you. Wide majority of those "1 in 7 Engineers" are Asian; very few of western origin.

>> No.10810701

And personally, I would like to see more women in STEM, but I don't want STEM to budge a bit in its perfection, but for women to change form some. Western women grew up thinking they are Disney princesses, and still think they are really. That is what MeToo is anyways.

>> No.10811873

Those who were circumcised will be forever separated from Christ. The true Christian circumcises his HEART to the Lord.

>> No.10811896

A few are. But most of the ones that aren't dead or in prison are missing in inaction.

>> No.10811911

>Why is it so imperative that we have more women in STEM fields?
Because the cosmetics industry is killing the national budget.

>> No.10811945
File: 26 KB, 486x309, iqdistribution-men-women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i can post my favorite image once again

>> No.10811953

does this patern vary between races?

>> No.10812062

>Hasn't it been found that many of them just plain don't care about STEM despite having the education system rigged in their favor
Imagine thinking that this is actually the case because your anonymous friends on 4Chan told you so

>> No.10812072

its been studied fairly extensively and female hs students express less interest in STEM, college students less willing to pursue PhD's, tend to go into less rigorous STEM fields and are more likely to leave research early for personal reasons including but not limited to maternity leave and the desire to get married. Women are preferred candidates for PhD programs, scholarships and admissions to elite institutes, there is no "conspiracy" its done plainly out in the in the open for everyone to see and these universities advertise that they pick candidates in this way. Major tech firms do the same, no one is hiding any of this.

>> No.10812079

Yes, race is strongly correlated with IQ.

>> No.10812083
File: 1.21 MB, 1594x3706, Sex differences in interest of science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but women in poorer countries are more likely to be interested in science. Having the opportunity to study a discipline that has poor income prospects and then bitch about it is a developed nation privelege..