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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 423x445, race skulls5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10808817 No.10808817 [Reply] [Original]

20000 years from now if the only skeletons available from this time period are Yao Ming and Danny DeVito will people from the future think they were different species?

>> No.10808823

remember how a few years ago a bunch of dinosaur species just stopped existing because some paleontologists realised they were just juvenile forms?

>> No.10808825

No that would be racist and racists won't exist in the future cause race doesn't exist. /s

>> No.10809168

this is a /pol/-tier thread with /pol/-tier comments. This comment is an objective statement.

>> No.10809176
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>> No.10809471

If all information now exists in the future what makes you think they would think they weren't Homo Sapiens?

Correct. Race doesn't exist.

>> No.10809535
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>doesn't exist
Then how can racism exist?

>> No.10809625
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>evolution does apply to humans

Kill yourselves, creotards.

>> No.10809654

Evolution does apply to humans but we haven't evolved enough to turn into different species and possibly never will.

>> No.10809682

Never happened. His ideas were disproven.

>> No.10809843

Lots of proto-human species are based off finding single bone fragments. Always wondered how they know they didn't just find a deformed sapiens.

>> No.10810103

Is there more context for this?

>> No.10810105
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I think they will be a lot smarter than we are

>> No.10810122

It could. Describing a species from incomplete fossil remains can fuck you over. Hell, if the same future guy finds a tiger and a lion skull, he's likely to lump them into one species.

>> No.10810130

>will people from the future think they were different species?

Yes, because it is considered better to discover two species than one.

"Splitters" need to be rounded up and used for fuel.

>> No.10810136

The concept of a species comes from human imagination. Some different "species" such as lions and tigers are able to produce fertile offspring with each other. Humans like logic and order, but nature doesn't give a shit about logic and order.

>> No.10810186

Just because there's grey doesn't mean black and white don't exist.

>> No.10810198

they can produce semi fertile offspring

>> No.10810232

god doesn't exist so how can Muslims exist?

>> No.10810283

Everything is /pol/

>> No.10810294

Fst distances are an index, not a metric. Whoever made that picture is an idiot.

>> No.10810301

There is a data record of our genetics, so no.

>> No.10810309

Adaption to the environment, notice how the German skull is broad and stocky. While the Congolese is more slim, colder environment=fatter, stocky. Hotter climates=slim, tall

>> No.10810311

you guys keep fucking up every time you bring this and heritability up and never bother to actually read any papers its so cute!

>> No.10810312

violent semitic desert mind virus come political ideology

>> No.10810730

fuck off

>> No.10811087

Then why are northern Europeans tall?

>> No.10811545

there are a couple of theories
one that women are more sexually attracted to taller men or other factors
there was a study few years ago.that looked into how the dutch grew to be the tallest in europe.they concluded that taller men seemed to have more children and this compounded over the generations

>> No.10811551

We'll still be alive by then, if SENS is a thing.

>> No.10811566

>implying danny devito isn't the pinnacle of evolution and everyone in the future wont be clones of frank reynolds

>> No.10811819

Evolution is real.
Ppl who believe earth is flat and that atmosphere should fly off earth since it is spinning or ppl who think evolution states humans came from monkeys are just a product of no natural selection for past few 2 hundred years or more.
But every once and again when I see their comments I feel such hate and disdain for them, word cant describe.

To speak to them is to speak to a wall. And that is what I hate. They arent logical they are dogmatic and retarded and that is a bad combo.
Hopefully they dont last. Hopefully a big mass extinction event happens and massively filtrates the goo out of gene pool.

>> No.10811862

I thought we did come from monkeys or were the last common ancestors too primitive to be monkeys?

>> No.10812136

>20000 years from now if the only skeletons available from this time period are Yao Ming and Danny DeVito will people from the future think they were different species?
I'm pretty sure they are different species. I'm not sure Danny DeVito is even from this planet.

>> No.10813648
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>> No.10813792

monkeys are derivative of our common ancestor

>> No.10813843

Monkeys and humans evolved from Republicans.

>> No.10815549


lol give me gold

>> No.10815592
File: 57 KB, 320x130, 1561754920443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very funny and very based!

>> No.10817584


>> No.10818730

I think aliens would conclude that Aboriginals and Europeans are different species right now if fossils are all you have.

>> No.10819137

yao ming is a gigantic mongoloid faggot with defective hormone growth regulations. He would be as tall as danny devito if he didn't have problem with the pituitary gland.

also, yao ming has a small head.

>> No.10819162

>this pic
Holy hell the level of stupid.

>> No.10820106

it's a troll

>> No.10820183

Probably not because humans aren't using artificial selection to stay apart for thousands of years.
Dogs have been around for as many generations as humans have however dogs are split into breeds and humans are barely has different. This means we'd require proper artificial selection to be divided into breeds. Right now we are too similar

>> No.10820879

Gigantism caused by the extreme calcium intake.

>> No.10821010

You're trying to argue that people en mass are mistaken about an observation as to the differences between all the different subgroups of man. That begs the question as to why they are wrong despite their prima facie observation that different groups of man exist. In other words the burden is on you to prove we are the same.