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File: 35 KB, 236x313, Abbo man wearing a doo-rag to hide his giant frontal lobes (more intelligent than you thought).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10803405 No.10803405 [Reply] [Original]

>The frontal portion of cerebral cortex was larger in Aboriginal than in Caucasian brains.


Substantially bigger. If they activated it with drugs or intense study, they would be smarter than all other races.

>> No.10803406

Races don't exist.

>> No.10803409

While prefrontal cortex does help size of input and output, it would still need a place to store all the info inside the grey matter of the brain.

>> No.10803414

how did this type evolve? how did the Caucasians evolve? now tell me again

>> No.10803423

Memory implants and neurosurgery could fix that in the next 15 years.

>> No.10803443

That's because they use or at least used to use endogenous DMT in their Dreamtime rituals. Western Society doesn't understand this mode of life, and thus demonizes it. Aborigines and other indigenous pops don't destroy their ecosystem like the West, so they are in fact smarter and think in longer, more ecological terms than Western instant-gratification society.

>> No.10803450

The brain has more parts than just the cerebral cortex

>> No.10803452

what are you implying

>> No.10803454
File: 81 KB, 600x536, *Snap*.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't realize consciousness lies in the brain stem

>> No.10803460

It's in the cerebellum.

>> No.10803465

Elephants are the most conscious by that metric.

>> No.10804339

Even with an absolute gigantic amount of funding towards that one specific minor race there have been none who could be called "genius" whose bloodline wasn't so fucking diluted they were indistinguishable from a cacuasian

>> No.10804350

Cardinal Sarah has an IQ of 150.

>> No.10804357

What exactly does Aboriginal Australians do better than other races anyway?

And what would a bigger frontal cerebral cortex do for them?

>> No.10804367

Spatial reasoning

No one knows the answer to the second question

>> No.10804375

>The brain volumes of 8 male Australian Aborigines and 11 male Caucasians were determined
>Total brain volume was significantly smaller for Aborigines (1199 +/- 84 ml) compared to Caucasians (1386 +/- 98 ml)
Yeah keep dreaming, Abbos are subhuman by every metric

>> No.10804402

He's not aboriginal you fucking retard an aboriginal is an entirely different racial grouping compared to negroids

>> No.10804406

Could you also post a source for his supposed IQ?

>> No.10804475

Nice sample size, no go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10804506

He's commenting on the sample size OP listed are you being stupid on purpose?

>> No.10804510

They had exceptional spatial awareness necessary for navigation of the vast open spaces with few landmarks. It's purely environmental. However knowing some Aboriginals I assure you your theory is incorrect.

>> No.10804523

No. /pol/ hates aboriginals and science.

>> No.10804524

They store it in signs outside the brain.
White people and their endogenous word-thoughts lol.
Tracking game is a cogntively demanding task. Slime molds can solve logistic problems, there are myriad ways for genius to manifest, sometimes even it is directly divined from the cosmos and reasoned out later, in a strong abduction sort of way. The problem isn't with the abos, it's with the lacking concept of 'genius'

>> No.10804525

Aboriginals invented boomerangs while other races didn't.

>> No.10804536

Have you seen them play football (AFL)?

>> No.10804537

There is no lacking concept of genius it's simply put someone who is exceptionally intelligent or have a natural ability these things are defined as better than the general population to a high deviation and in all of these things the aboriginal does the opposite and is worse in all things

>> No.10804539
File: 440 KB, 850x1072, David_Unaipon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is David Unaipon, an aboriginal genius. Thousands of inventions. Prolific writer. Author. Speaker. Bigger prefrontal cortex than you.

>> No.10804544

An aboriginal-european hybrid would have the best of both worlds. It is decided. I shall travel to Australia to win over an Aboriginal bride. My son would be the smartest man to ever live.

>> No.10804546

I've actually read his works because for some god forsaken reason when I was a child some half-caste who somehow managed to be allowed to teach decided we were required to learn about him and from what I remember as a child it was all worthless.

>> No.10804559

Probably it was too abstract for a cerebral cortexlet such as yourself

>> No.10804564
File: 7 KB, 145x147, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sundry things to do and ways to do them that could rightfully be called "genius".
There are genius chess players, there are genius trackers, and their are genius spear throwers, all requiring exceptional cognitive ability. There is obviously a problem with the naming. The pedestrian thoughts you are giving me, lend me no reason to trust a pestiferous chauvinist like you to know genius.

>> No.10804583

>I-it was w-worthless, trust me,
Puny frontal lobes detected.

>> No.10804588

His only works of actual note were historical works from the view of aborigines and how they got the shit kicked out of them by the english if you want you can look into it yourself

>> No.10804590

>he didn't read his metaphysical musings
Of course a cortexlet like yourself would pick history. Not his theological or his inventive works. Sad.

>> No.10804592

>What exactly does Aboriginal Australians do better than other races anyway?
Asking for smokes or change.
Playing didgeridoo.
Sleeping on the road.

>> No.10804595

Inventive works were all useless or simply did not actually function

>> No.10804597

High IQ. Low stress. Nothing to worry about. He enjoys life more than you.

>> No.10804600

Maybe a lobelet like you couldn't figure it out. That's ok.

>> No.10804601

>Unaipon spent five years trying to create a perpetual motion machine. In the course of his work he developed a number of devices.[7] He was still attempting to design such a device in his seventy-ninth year.[8]
>Muecke and Shoemaker say that between "1910 and 1944 he made ten ... applications for inventions as varied as an anti-gravitational device, a multi-radial wheel and a sheep-shearing handpiece".[9][10]

>> No.10804603

Have fun with that

>> No.10804605

Abbos are stup-

>> No.10804616

None of those functioned it's the same as the modern day business of shitting out a thousand patents that don't work

>> No.10804623

>Provisional patent 15,624 which he ratified in 1910, is for an "Improved mechanical motion device"[11] that converted rotary motion which "is applied, as for instance by an Eccentric",[12] into tangential reciprocating movement, an example application given being sheep shears. The invention, the basis of modern mechanical sheep shears, was introduced without Unaipon receiving any financial return and, apart from a 1910 newspaper report acknowledging him as the inventor, he received no contemporary credit
Big cope for such a little lobe

>> No.10804627
File: 896 KB, 1600x1600, Prefrontal_cortex_left_-_lateral_view.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are missing something.

>> No.10804629

Yes he called it "an improved mechanical motion device" but it was literally just this

>> No.10804644

>I don't have the frontal surface area to process this but reeeee abbo man bad but it's nothing trust me guise
Just stop.

>> No.10804654
File: 318 KB, 489x816, 1BF6E489-8A14-466C-B5DF-8FFC6C794345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin based anon

>> No.10804656

Oh my, beautiful. dare I say it? Splendidly cerebral prose. He probably thought this up and wrote this in one draft, while on the shitter.
You certainly could learn a thing or two from this man. Can you even understand how the device works? It would be quite an accomplishment for a cortex of your stock. Do explain.

>> No.10804680

Blown. The. Fuck. Out.

>> No.10804685

T.larping polnigger hates “larping niggers”

>> No.10804686

Circular rotary connected to shears that move it back and forth the same thing we use today in modern shears

>> No.10804689
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orcs and high elves are the same thing

>> No.10804694

Revolutionary for its day. Increased wool yields and made Australia the world's foremost exporter of it.

>> No.10804696

That honour belongs to Frederick Wolseley

>> No.10804699

Clearly inferior design.

>> No.10804703

I'm fairly sure david's shears were never used although you can prove me wrong if you could find a source

>> No.10804730

This is so tiring, the worth of the Aboriginal people does not hinge on the reputation of a Mr David Unaipon. You are simply trying to judge abos from irrelevant standards that do not mesh with their traditions. See >>10804564
There are genius boomerang throwers, hmmmm.. yes, genius shitposters even. It is my honest opinion that the creator(s)of the boomerang were easily the Newton's of their day.
And too be fair, the Australian colonists haven't produced any genius intellectuals by Western standards either, which is much more pathetic than the poor downtrodden Aboriginals when you take cultural factors into consideration.

>> No.10804739

>activated it
There's nothing in a brain that is inactive.

>> No.10804773

>lobelet never heard of hypo-formality

>> No.10804796

>Brain volume determines Intelligence

>> No.10804803


>> No.10804817
File: 16 KB, 958x660, 1562815027351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major depressive disorder, or MDD, is diagnosed by a persistent low mood that affects the way a person sees themselves and how they live their life. Oftentimes, those suffering from MDD lose interest in what they used to enjoy, are constantly in an edgy mood or display slower movements. MDD and anxiety are commonly expressed comorbidly. Smaller volumes of various brain regions, including the frontal cortex, are common in those who suffer from MDD.[8]

If I recover from depression will I ever get this volume back?

>> No.10804865

Yes. Back to normal but it will still be far smaller than the aboriganese.

>> No.10805042

Explains why dream time was such a part of their mythos and culture. They dream. Abstract interpration. The abbos were the purest and best humans to walk this planet. Take the dreamtime pill.

>> No.10805065

It says the frontal cortex is smaller in the abstract you fucking nigger

>> No.10805085

>The brain volumes of 8 male Australian Aborigines and 11 male Caucasians were determined. Total brain volume was significantly smaller for Aborigines (1199 +/- 84 ml) compared to Caucasians (1386 +/- 98 ml). Significantly smaller volumes were also found for cerebellum, prosencephalon-mesencephalon unit, cerebral cortex, frontal cortex, parieto-occipitotemporal cortex, and hippocampus. Volumes of ponsmedulla oblongata unit (21 +/- 3 ml for Aborigines and 22 +/- 3 ml for Caucasians) and visual cortex (14.9 ml +/- 2.6 ml and 14.6 +/- 2.2 ml, respectively) did not differ significantly. The striate cortex extended further onto the lateral surface of the occipital lobe in Aboriginal brains. The frontal portion of cerebral cortex was larger in Aboriginal than in Caucasian brains.
>The frontal portion of cerebral cortex was larger in Aboriginal than in Caucasian brains.

>> No.10805087

0/10 reading comprehension, lobelet.

>> No.10805225

So the cerebral cortex as a whole was "significantly smaller" for abos, but the frontal portion of the cerebral cortex was larger.

>> No.10805283
File: 25 KB, 300x175, 1545751136925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*click click click click....*

>> No.10805301


>> No.10805303


>> No.10805309

I must have a larger than average auditory cortex, I could hear your post very vividly

>> No.10805325

outdated terminology
>Substantially bigger. If they activated it with drugs or intense study, they would be smarter than all other races
bigger doesnt really mean smarter and there is nothing to activate to

>> No.10805439

This actually confers a meditative trance like state of elation from neurons firing in the frontmost portion of the frontal lobes. Imagine the greatest sense of focus and accomplishment you've ever had, able be drummed up with such a simple act. The aboriginal convenes with this force daily. His dreams are even more powerful and show another reality. Your post, rather than it being a condemnation of aboriginese intellect, is an affirmation of it. Imagine the perfect hunter gather lifestyle. Imagine this state of bliss.

>> No.10805474

Maybe, but who has the bigger dick?

>> No.10805505
File: 303 KB, 659x582, human genetic diversity - 3D PCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genetic clusters strongly correlating with races do exist. Note distinct oceanian cluster in green.

>> No.10805637 [DELETED] 

It also says that their fromtal cortex is bigger. But their cerebellum is tiny, and according to recent research that might be the part responsible for fluid intelligence. So generally they have a potential for above average crystallized intelligence, which is however marred by their subpar fluid intelligence. (crystallized is the kind of intelligence people generally associate with education, while fluid intelligence is more akin to "street smarts") But perhaps with a different approach that oculd be overcome, who knows.

>> No.10805645

It also says that their fromtal cortex is bigger. But their cerebellum is tiny, and according to recent research that might be the part responsible for fluid intelligence. So generally they have potential for above average crystallized intelligence, which is however marred by their subpar fluid intelligence. (crystallized is the kind of intelligence people generally associate with education, while fluid intelligence is more akin to "street smarts") But perhaps with a different approach that oculd be overcome, who knows.

It's genetic, caused by the DRD4 R2 gene. Perfectly normal among Asians, so just get over it and learn to live with it (or move to East Asia).

>> No.10805678

In one of the seminars on auschwitz/ holocaust/genocide. Some crazy Orthodox Jew showed up and said that people with suborbital ridges are stupid and have died out because they are not the apex of humanity. Which is pretty retarded because all the scientists and physicists I’ve met have suborbital ridges. It’s a sexual dimorphism thing no? However their open solicitors, or lawyers hired for solicitations usually don’t have suborbital ridges. Which is ironic. It seems they have two different personalities one is too busy getting involved in other peoples businesses and measuring the food on their plates the others just work unbothered far from civilization and are rather more about personal time to themselves.

>> No.10805740

based lobeGoDS

>> No.10805768

Wow I never realized everybody was the exact same. Absolutely no distinct genetic features in any group exist


>> No.10805772

Sickle cell exists in Africa, Europe and Asia..

>> No.10805809

Retarded abo can't even read his own study, embarising.
It is related to fluid intelligence.

>> No.10806204

True, there were many african refugees this decade in Europe and asia.

>> No.10806206

Depends on how you approach it. Cladistically it doesn't, because some blacks are more closely related to caucasians than other blacks. Still, it is very naive to only think like this and disregard every other way to assess race.

>> No.10806211

Wrong. Sickle cell is genetic in nature and evolved as an anti-malaria adaptation multiple times in human populations. It’s in the Mediterranean, west Africa, and India. It’s not a “black disease”.

>> No.10806420


>> No.10806440

Envious (presumably white) lobelet.

>> No.10806544

He was clamped and vaccinated.

>> No.10806549

This, we would live in a very different world if psychedelics was given the same free reign we give to alcohol.

>> No.10806553

Wow I though I was on /Pol/ for a second. This website has really hit the shitter these past years.

>> No.10806591

t. lobelet.

>> No.10807148

That's not true, especially for you I suppose.

>> No.10807155

It is true though. Larger frontal lobe means higher IQ

>> No.10807161

Okay, whales are smarter than humans.

>> No.10808258

Aboriginals are primodial savage subhumans who lived on an island for SIXTY thousand years and invented A FUCKING STICK

>> No.10808265

can still navigate their way out of a labyrinth faster than most math majors

>> No.10808272

I'd believe it too since they somehow manage to guzzle a couple litres of petrol after waking up with a hangover to the nearest bottle-o with fucking military precision and manage to fucking run at the speed of noonga out of said bottle-o with a crate of VB's

>> No.10808278

you said it yourself, they're too adventurous for your boring life whitey. Nothing to farm on their island so they never became wagecucks

>> No.10808305

Is that why they burned down all the trees in Australia and turned it into a desert

>> No.10808317

>in the next 15 years


>> No.10808593

Vast oversimplification.
Anthropogenic fire regimes are a healthy ecosystem process. Australia is one of the top 10 deforesters in the world, white people are the real savages. I've seen footage of paper mills bombing old growth in Tasmania.
The Europeans that colonized Australia haven't really accomplished anything either, besides introducing a ton of invasive species like retards that don't have the cognitive capacity to understand ecology, and destabilizing every ecosystem on the continent and continental shelf.
Oh and they built a bunch of grocery stores and roads.
I hate lobelets so much.

>> No.10808662
File: 100 KB, 960x956, 1542568086322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have both.

What's my prize?

>> No.10808808

Good post.

>> No.10808813

>Oh and they built a bunch of grocery stores and roads.
It is called developing a modern civilization you moron.

>> No.10808816

I beg to differ.

>> No.10808820
File: 140 KB, 500x577, marcus-was-student-council-president-a-straight-a-student-and-22279668[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noble savage is a myth and getting high does not change anything on that fact, quite the opposite

>> No.10808840

It's a myth in respects to most native americans. NOT the aborginals. They were the gentlest of giants and very intelligent. The greatest of any human to ever walk the face of the earth. In perfect union with nature and were perfect. Your meme is ironic. It shows you have a degree of permissiveness for cannabis consumption. Very degenerate drug that they did not have access to. They neither had much of a history of fermenting beverages for intoxication. That's all changed now though sadly.