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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1080167 No.1080167 [Reply] [Original]

how can you beleive in evolution if it is just a theory (a geuss(?

>> No.1080173

we have proof, natural selection took out this stupid guido

>> No.1080178

>implying his earing aren't obviously fake, tan is fake.. Hes going to a costume party or some shit, he aint no real guido

>> No.1080184

ain't that the "sup fagots" guy who died in a car crash?

>> No.1080190

Who the fuck is this guy? I see him all the time in /sci/. And what's with that awful spray tan?

>> No.1080193
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no you're thinking of John, aka Paulie Carbone

>> No.1080200
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>> No.1080202

Hes probably going to a costume party or some shit.. We should bring his picture to /lit/ and get them to write a picture prompt

>> No.1080206
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>> No.1080365


In case you're not a troll, I'll explain why I think the theory of evolution is factual (no one "believes" in theories). The first thing to understand is that theories are never right or wrong, they are only good or bad. They explain shit. And evolution explains sooooo much shit that we take it as fact.
Theories are proven true by their ability to predict experimental results. I won't go into the litany of biological experiments that have been made possible by the theory of evolution.
There would be no modern medicine without the theory of evolution. There would be no field of Genetics. The list goes on and on.
Other sciences back up the theory, such as paleontology, anthropology, biochemistry, etc.
That's it in a nutshell. And if be troll, Fuck. You.

>> No.1080395

Because that's how theories work.

>> No.1080398

bumping for great justice, and also because I want people to see that long-ass paragraph I wrote.

>> No.1080410

>hi, im new to /sci/. I don't know this thread is here every day, always

>> No.1080413

how can you people still get trolled by these threads if they are extremely stale (odl)?

>> No.1080509
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>> No.1080521
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Do you believe in miracles?

>> No.1080569
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>> No.1080615


>> No.1080618
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One does not "believe" in a theory.
We just know until disproved.

>> No.1080632

how can you believe in quantum electro dynamics if it is just a theory?

>> No.1080728

How can you believe in gravity if it is just a theory?
Also Herp a derp a derp til the herp

>> No.1082221

Garvity isn't a theory you retart.
It's right there in The Bible
Evoltuion? nowhere to be founded

>> No.1082814

here is how science and theories work:

a) You notice a natural law, like, for example, that things fall down.
b) You want to learn more, so you make experiments. This is important, remember, science is based on experimentation. No experiment, no science. So, you drop weighs and time them and the like.
c) Once you have enough reliable data without contradictions, you have your theory. Your theory explains how stuff falls down, and how fast: 9.81 m/s^2 in a vaccuum under standard Earth gravity.
A theory is not a "guess", a theory has many years of work and experiment behind. A scientific theory is always themost accurate representation of the laws of reality we have. You can believe that stuff falls down at 6 m/s^2, but that's not a theory, that's bullshit.

>> No.1082832

the intentional misspelling of words detracts from the troll attempt btw.

>> No.1082903

Species changing over time is not a theory, its a fact, fossil records support it easily. Our idea of Evolution changes though, thats the only part thats debatable. But once put up against the fossil evidence, its a theory in the same way gravity is: we know something is there, but we just are still working for the most precise explanation of it.

>> No.1082916


Sorry, but this shit cracks me up every time. Also, inb4 "a Gauss".

>> No.1083078


My god, you are a fucking stupid.
Gravity is in the Bible because it is so fucking obvious even the idiots that wrote the bible could understand it. Evolution isn't because it was proposed in like 1890

also, >retart