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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 590x350, multiverse-1027458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10798568 No.10798568 [Reply] [Original]

>Zero Dimension - A single point of no size in a system. A spatial coordinate.
>1st Dimension - A line between two spatial coordinates. A progression of the zero dimension through length, from one coordinate to the other.
>2nd Dimension - A branching line between three spatial coordinates, a flat surface with the depth of a single spatial coordinate. A plane. The perception of a
>1st dimensional line in its entirety and not sequentially. (A third dimensional object can be viewed here as a line that morphs and changes across the plane as it moves through the third dimension, based on the object in question)
>3rd Dimension - A two dimensional plane wrapped through a higher dimension to create depth. A single point of no duration in a system. A time coordinate. The state of all things in the universe as a single point on a 4th dimensional line.
>4th Dimension - A line between two time coordinates. The progression of the third dimension through time, from one state to another state.

>> No.10798569

>5th dimension - A branching line between three time coordinates, a flat surface with the depth of a single time coordinate. The perception of the 4th dimensional line in its entirety, and not sequentially. (A 6th dimensional probability can be viewed here as a timeline that morphs and changes across the plane as it moves through the 5th dimension, based on the probability in question.)
>6th dimension - A 5th dimensional plane wrapped through a higher dimension to create probability. A single point of no variations in the set reality. A coordinate of infinity.
>7th dimension - A line between two coordinates of infinity, where each separate point represents a probability of infinity that was not possible in the other points.(that is to say, an infinity that has different fundamental rules than another infinity.) The progression of one state of infinity to another completely different state of infinity.
>8th Dimension - A branching line between three coordinates of infinity, a flat surface with the depth of a single coordinate of infinity. The perception of the 7th dimensional line in its entirety, and not sequentially. (A 9th dimensional reality can be viewed here as a variation of an infinity that morphs and changes across the plane as it moves through the 8th dimension, based on the reality in question.)
>9th Dimension - An 8th dimensional plane wrapped through a higher dimension to create all possibilities. A single point of no additional possibilities. A coordinate of existence.

I think I fucked up somewhere, aren't there supposed to be ten? Where did I fuck up? Also, how do we keep going higher? Or even lower?

>> No.10798646


>> No.10798657

He skips the 8th to get the 10th. He draws a line in the 7th to get to the 8th, but provides no visualization before moving on to the "branching" 9th.

>> No.10798665

>A single point of no size
What is this actually supposed to mean? I'm too brainlet to conceptualize things like "infinitesimally small point-like particles".

>> No.10798672

Take DMT

>> No.10798676

It means that it refers to a location on a graph rather than a small sphere. So the -point- doesn't have size because it isn't an object with dimensions, it's just a coordinate. If you look at a specific longitude and latitude coordinate on a map for example, like the coordinates for Hawaii, you'll look at the map and see the island. If you zoom in far enough, the map would show you the top of some dude's head, but the coordinates haven't changed. It's still the same coordinates as far as the larger map is concerned. Zoom in again and you see a specific hair follicle on that dude's head, but it's still the same coordinates. Zoom in AGAIN and you see the carbon atom in the follicle, but it's STILL the same coordinates on the larger map.

>> No.10798679

just imagine a colored point in a space, and try to reach it. no matter how far you go it will be the same size

>> No.10798971
File: 18 KB, 627x268, Lex_Luthor_WRONG[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means pretend you're a brainlet and conceptualize something in nothing. It doesn't matter how you do it because no matter how you do it it will be WRONG regardless.

>> No.10798984

What's wrong about a point?

>> No.10798990

>I think I fucked up somewhere, aren't there supposed to be ten? Where did I fuck up? Also, how do we keep going higher? Or even lower?
It's pseudoscience, none of that makes any sense.

>> No.10798998

I can't decide which aspect of you is more retarded.
>I don't get it, it must be bullshit
>worth is only defined by tangibility
Can you just pick one of them so it's easier for me to call you a fuckwit?

>> No.10799142
File: 64 KB, 688x547, 1437443366995[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero dimension (no dimension)
>something quantifiable when there is nothing quantifiable
So you make it up. Therefore you are wrong.

>> No.10799179

>le 4th dimension is time

>> No.10799199

>a location in a system isn't quantifiable
Didn't know this was the brainlet board, I thought that was /tv/.

>> No.10799227
File: 81 KB, 680x680, 3a7[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a location in a system isn't quantifiable

WHAT SYSTEM? "Zero dimension" implies "no system". There would be nothing to measure.

>> No.10799240

Is this trolling? The point can't exist without a system, but when only a single point is in consideration the point itself has no dimensions. Please leave my thread, I'm sure there's an IQ thread up you can participate in. Or maybe /x/ is more your speed?

>> No.10799246

Here, I did some googling for you. Don't get used to it, you may not have been here very long but most people don't like to do it.


>> No.10799289

whats the 4th dimension then mr. gucci loafers