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10788650 No.10788650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will pretending to be smart actually make me smarter?

>> No.10788658

You saying Sargon isn't smart?

>> No.10788742

making the same 30 minute video about dumb shit dumb people do doesn't make you smart

>> No.10788744

not him but that is what I'm saying and I'll even take it a step further and assert that you're not smart either if you think he is

>> No.10790385

He singlehandedly destroyed UKIP because they couldn't actually run on anything Brexit related. Instead, they had to run on being the party that hosted Carl Benjamin of Swindon, the man that said "he wouldn't even rape" a rape victim and called people "white niggers". He did all this with the knowledge he had a ton of fucking skeletons in his closet that would be used against him. He's a fucking bellend lad.

>> No.10790389


>> No.10790403

If you put a lot of effort into it, yes.

The only reason I became a scientist is because as a very small child In elementary managed to convince my friends that I was a super genius with a secret lab at home. So I actually put in lots of effort into getting the best flawless grades so that my lie wouldn't be exposed.

This lead me to study math books from years above mine to get an edge over everyone which eventually resulted in me getting into a private highschool on a scholarship where I still had to fake being smart by putting lots of effort into it to keep my scholarship. This resulted in me ending up as valedictorian and getting a scholarship to MIT.

Here again I had to keep up pretenses and while I faked as if I was socially drinking I instead put almost all of my free time in studying and working on projects to have a headstart over my peers. I graduated with honors 2 years ago and I STILL to this day am just "winging it" at my job. I have barely any idea what I'm doing but me putting more effort into shit and feeling pressured to achieve results is what makes me keep the illusion up.

I'm bald from the stress and have had medical stomach problems due to large amounts of stress though, so it's not without its downsides.

>> No.10790634

I liked his Cyberpunk 2020 lets'plays

>> No.10790661

>le feminism in le video games

>> No.10790798

Sargon is the greatest walking talking example of dunning kreuger currently extant in this world.

>> No.10790808


It will just make you look like an idiot and people will intentionally fuck with you. How is this even a question? Are you this detached from society or am I missing something?

>> No.10790814

Hello, Antifa. No, Sargon didn't kill UKIP. It was left rotten by Farage. Beside get a job faggot.

>> No.10790818

Why doesn't Sargon care about white people?

>> No.10790819

Unironically yes if it makes you put it in more work to be so.

>> No.10790852

The fact that this faggot almost has 1 million subs is mind blowing to me, like why would i waste my time doing research or creating theorems when i could make 10 times as much money talking to strawmen all day?

>> No.10790862

He puts the rights of the individual over the rights of the collective.

You put the rights of the collective first by contributing to science.
Contributing to civilization is a thankless job

>> No.10790901

>Sargon didn't kill UKIP
They literally weren't able to run on anything other than the rape comments and "white niggers", which of course made normal people not want to vote for a fat balding chav LARPing as a top shot politician. That's why the Brexit Party had such a strong showing: they weren't the party of unadulterated autism and they actually talked about how fucking retarded the shituation with Brexit is. Had he played it smart, not said dumb shit on the internet (assuming he wanted to get into politics later) and ran on that ticket, UKIP probably would have had the brand recognition to pull that off tbqh. Even if he pulled strings behind the scenes with that info, UKIP would've done decently. It's kind of had to do well when your front-runner says dumb shit and makes your average old person turned off to him.

Ask him. I barely know him other than his rather funny shitshow of a political campaign.

>> No.10790985

Farage is the only reason people ever voted UKIP
He is a very talented politician

t. remainer

>> No.10790995

You can see the oil dripping from his beautiful face expression. Truly a completed fellow.

>> No.10791090

You have a terrible understanding of UK politics if you think Benjamin had anything to do with it. UKIP crashed two years before he joined, the party effectively disbanded when Farage left.

>> No.10791111

Well, I'd say he's smarter than all of us here for choosing not to browse 4chan

>> No.10791142
File: 101 KB, 345x345, 1505036521856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair literally no one with a functioning brain understands UK politics. This is the country that held a referendum to see if they wanted to economically maim themselves in exchange for some notion of saying fuck you to the EU. Even my grandmother, who literally went to grade school during the age of empire, thinks its retarded. More to the point though I think that anon as just using sargon as the proverbial nail in the coffin which I would say is accurate, you dont really come back from "I wouldnt even rape you".

Pic unrelated but still politically amusing.

>> No.10791230
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Does mimicking the thought processes and actions of smart people in order to impress upon yourself the meanings of smart-hood and thereby unravel the mysteries of the smart make you smarter?

>> No.10791403

holy fuck his face is punchable
I want to punch his cheeks in until they collide from the inside holy shit hes such an annoying smug prick

>> No.10791588

I’m in the exact boat right now anon... but instead of going to college, I joined the navy and I’m going to major in astronomy and commission as an officer. I REALLY hope I don’t fuck up and get mega exposed. Kek I leave for bootcamp in 30 hours

>> No.10791678

>He is a very talented politician
He is crapping himself over the Trump Russia thing.

>> No.10791696



Why do you people even come to this site? Are you really that dense that you don't understand why a huge number of young people are sick of being lectured at by metropoltian weirdos?

The UK has virtually no mainstream values that Sargon reflects, namely protecting individual rights and libertarianism. Making smug comments about his nature won't make it go away

>> No.10791704

lmao I'm from swindon. the guy is a genius as far as swindonians go. read: fuckin retarded.

>> No.10791717
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Sarg'n, Sarg'n, need I remind you?

>> No.10791718

>talking to strawmen all day
What did he mean by this

>> No.10791720

Go back to /pol/ retards

>> No.10791721

>they wanted to economically maim themselves in exchange for some notion of saying fuck you to the EU
Nice strawman buddy.

>> No.10791724
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Carl "it depends on the child" Benjamin
A true intellectual, and you should be ashamed to speak his name in vein.

>> No.10791725

you should see a doctor

>> No.10791743
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All according to plan

>> No.10791788

>the man that said "he wouldn't even rape" a rape victim and called people "white niggers"
Sounds pretty based desu

>> No.10792302

Is this dirk from veristablium?

>> No.10792350
File: 92 KB, 568x800, davincivirginandchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging out with smart people will make you smarter - though you don't need to pretend, just be a decent person.
Pretending to be smart will only force you into a situation in which you are caught out and can't answer something or make a creative leap, etc.

no idea who the guy in OP's pic is tho, how is he related?

>> No.10792356

>This is the country that held a referendum to see if they wanted to economically maim themselves in exchange for some notion of saying fuck you to the EU
to super-generalize, it went like this:

Stay: "we'll economically maim ourselves if we leave!"
Leave: "this isn't an economic issue for us, this is about identity and autonomy"

>> No.10792362

That doesn't imply it made you smarter; you were probably smart even before you started pretending.

>> No.10792365

>scientific knowledge

>> No.10792369

This may offend you anon, but you aren't as smart as you think you are and that's a hard place for you to be...

>> No.10792396

>muh sovereignty

Honestly I hope something happens to him.

>> No.10792815

A provable consequence of a choice isnt a strawman. You dont understand what a strawman is.

>> No.10792822

>this isn't an economic issue for us, this is about identity and autonomy"
So exactly what I said then, a vague idea of fuck you.
It is an economic issue for them, plenty of people voted based off the erroneous idea that they were sending more money to the UK than they were getting back. Additionally just saying "this isnt an economic issue" doesnt make it so, thats like saying you want to legalize capital punishment but its not an issue of justice.

>> No.10794091

What's your favorite Sargon moment, /sci/?

>"I wouldn''t even rape you."
>"It depends on the child."
>"You are literally a bunch of white niggers."
>Liberalists: a collective of individuals
>"My wife's dinosaur"
>The gay porn twitter crusade
>"Have you even read Locke?"
>"You're really not as smart as you think you are."
>The Joe Rogan meltdown
>Messaging trannies on facebook and getting caught by both his wife and his viewers.
>Pelted with fish and milkshakes
>Made a cringey zombie-themed Runescape clone
>"My grandfather was a black man."
>"I am a victim of sexual abuse myself."
>Gets banned from church
>Investigated by two separate police forces

>> No.10794101

>identity and autonomy
>a vague idea of fuck you.

Kys you disgusting wimp of a man.

>> No.10794107

If you're good at it you can fool stupid people (you can actually become a president doing this). But real smart people will be able to read you.

>> No.10794115

Yeah, the real smart people live in one bedroom apartments in cities with high crime rates.

>> No.10794121

It's not until you really step back and look at his life in total, that you can see what a deranged lolcow he really is.

>> No.10794142
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Where did you get this from?

>> No.10794152

It's been my personal running list for a while now.

>> No.10794232

>Pelted with fish and milkshakes
That’s just chimps chimping out

>> No.10794233

You can literally just google Sargon of Akkad live-stream quotes and find tons of that shit.

Pudgy white leftist eurotrash: yoingo

>> No.10794489

>>"I wouldn''t even rape you."
I like this one. Because when he tried to take it back, they were like "So you WOULD rape her?"
Only Sargon could construct such an irreversibly suicidal catch-22 of a political statement.

>> No.10794518

Sargon is for midwits. He also made an absolute clown of himself during his little venture into politics.

>> No.10794521

>"It depends on the child."
What was the actual context of this quote? I know it was from a stream with Justicar, but what were they actually discussing?

>> No.10794535

Name 1 (one) thing Sargon did wrong.

>> No.10794540

They were talking about the age of consent. Justicar said he was able to consent at the age of 11 and Sargon said that a child's ability to consent should/could be decided on a case by case basis.

>> No.10794541

Classic, Sargon got absolutely diSpenced with

>> No.10794543

The dude gets absolutely outed as soon as he's trying to talk about genetics and the trends we can observe based on them. Actually legitimately embarrassing trying to watch him defend his viewpoints in recent debates where this comes up.

>> No.10794547

>No, Sargon didn't kill UKIP. It was left rotten by Farage.
Then why did everyone just vote for Farage and not Sargon?

>> No.10794557
File: 107 KB, 860x331, ManletsNeverCEO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said he would lie if he found it convenient, he argues the 'moral' argument but is completely reprehensible himself.
Also he went dumpster diving and dropped his kid somewhere.

>> No.10794578
File: 14 KB, 640x360, M1SZ9b2PjxcN_640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


D O P A M I N E E E E E E !!!!!