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10793182 No.10793182 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anons.
I'm a white middle class frenchman that lived in Paris my whole life. I still live very close to my elementary school, and recently realized that 100% of the kids going there today have extra-european roots. Litteraly, all of them.
Since then I've decided to dig into this /pol/meme which is the Great Replacement theory, and honnestly it really does worry me. Since then, I've tried to find a reliable debunking on the internet but all I see is bullshit Vox or Vice articles calling it a nazi meme.

I'm not talking about the ebil jew theory which is obviously bullshit, I'm talking about a paper that will debunk the ideas that a massive demographic change is actually taking place in Europe, and that the biggest ethnic groups of today will become the minority of tommorow, until their complete peaceful removal.

Because, let's be honest, I feel really uncomfortable about it.

>> No.10793184

Accept that you lost Pierre

>> No.10793205

It's taking place but Europe only gets 1% more muslim every decade according to the long term trends. And right wing parties are popping up all over the place. Realistically it's not gonna happen. Or it might happen at a very slow rate of 1% or less per decade as immigration is reduced.

>> No.10793207

Tbh /sci/ is my last try before giving up. Ethnic studies arent allowed here, but looking at other countries it seems really fucked up.
The worst is that it seems like every actors are dishonest on this question: the only argument against it I've found is name calling.
I've seen some "Just accept it lmao it's not that bad", which is what I'm trying to do. But fuck, it makes me sad.

>> No.10793213

>Because, let's be honest, I feel really uncomfortable about it.
why? if it's peaceful nothing will happen to you. who cares what someone is. oh, but my grandkids will be muslim!! so? who cares? they'll be whatever will make them feel fine. people cling to their nations history as if it were their own. You have nothing to do with french revolution or invention of cheese so why are you proud that someone who inhabited similar geographic location did it million years ago?

>> No.10793220

because it will destroy the very cultures that successfully dragged the world into the technological era

>> No.10793221

>but looking at other countries it seems really fucked up
I live in croatia and I've heard people say "ooooh millions of refugees" I've literally never seen one and I live in our capital.

>> No.10793227

Might have been a thing if 2015 would have continued. Now the stances on immigration are far too negative and systems like voluntary distribution of immigrants across the EU turned out to be practically and politically impossible. The birthrates for vast majority of >2nd generation immigrants is actually lower than the native population.

>> No.10793228

Croatia is just a transit country, that is why. Go to western Europe and they are everywhere.

>> No.10793231

>The birthrates for vast majority of >2nd generation immigrants is actually lower than the native population.

No, they are higher.

>> No.10793232

something you should be made aware of if you hadn't realised before but the New Zealand thing was a massive false flag gun grab, the second mosque literally had a bunch of muslims pouring fake blood on each other an helping one another get in the right position while playing on their phones 1st mosque was real
tarrant had connections to israel as you're probably aware when Notre Dame went up in smoke the al aqsa mosque in israel burned down, there are no coincidences

>> No.10793236

oh no, they'll uninvent cars and phones!!! literally what? if nothing new gets discovered in my lifetime that's fine by me. I'm really very comfortable with current technology and I've never thought "oh man if only X existed" I don't use 99% of technologies anyway. It's funny because I'm sure that "your culture", the one that "successfully dragged the world into the technological era" would frown on you using english language. All those old french guys would hate you for it. They'd probably say it destroys french culture or something. Believe me, modern muslims are closer to you than 15th century french, culture-wise

>> No.10793237

Lmao nigga just do better, imagine gaining a workforce to do grunt work for your country, but still being so useless that you can't propel your own standing higher

>> No.10793238

Post proofs of any ethnic change in France. Your anecdote is not enough. Official census records, scientific studies, things like that.

>> No.10793241

muslims exploit benefit systems

>> No.10793244


>> No.10793246

Who cares? I don’t. I wouldn’t care if I woke up tomorrow and everyone was green and had tentacles but me.

>> No.10793247

as a brit the frogs are my natural enemies we've known this for nesar a1000 years

>> No.10793248

Population of European natives will decrease this century.

Population of Africa and Middle East will quadruple to 5 billion this century, and they will be hit by double whammy of climate change and peak oil.

Conspiracy theory my ass. Some hard measures will have to be taken to keep Europe from being demographically transformed into Africa.

>> No.10793251

I went to paris in 98 and it was full of black people, i went to munchen in 02 and it was full of turks. It's not a new thing at all. Yeah, we're transit country, but there are people in my country who are so afraid of someone taking their home that it seems so unbelievable to me. I think it's more about the person than the country, I bet you'd see them everywhere if you lived here. And again, croatia was historically 800 years under hungarian rule and parts were for 400 years ottoman and still we have our culture

>> No.10793253
File: 192 KB, 412x856, PF_11.29.17_muslims-update-22[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

France will be almost 18% muslim in 2050, up from essentially zero a century before.


>> No.10793254

>I've seen some "Just accept it lmao it's not that bad", which is what I'm trying to do. But fuck, it makes me sad.
That's about the extent of it. Culture changes all the time. Modern French culture isn't the same as it was 200 years ago, does that make you upset?

>> No.10793255

Look at the racial composition of persons under the age of 30.
Then look at the birthrates for those groups and multiply by the percentage representation to get a forecast of what the future population will look like.

>> No.10793257

>I went to paris in 98 and it was full of black people, i went to munchen in 02 and it was full of turks. It's not a new thing at all.

It is a new thing, non-european migration into Europe really only took off after 1990. Sure there were some brown people before, but the magnitude is just entirely different.

>> No.10793259

Tradition that is passed down is a foundation of culture you dumbass. If youre okay with certain cultured being wiped out thats fine its your opinion, but just say it.

>> No.10793260

Whining about religion is stupid, Muslims have the exact same values Christians did 100 years ago, they'll get secularized by the modern world in the exact same way. If they can even keep their children in the faith which is doubtful.

>> No.10793263

>Culture changes all the time.
And sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Fuck off with this cultural relativism.

>> No.10793265

Just fucking kill yourself you piece of dirt

>> No.10793268

Western culture has eradicated at least 3/4s previously existing culture globally, but you're not complaining about that. You're just whining they don't look like you despite they fact that they're culture is being wiped out much faster than yours.

>> No.10793269

Yes you would. This level of fucking delusion. You would be horrified, alone, and pretty suddenly have an existential crisis

>> No.10793276

nah dude I'd be living out all my tentacle fantasies.

>> No.10793277

>if nothing new gets discovered in my lifetime that's fine by me.
this is among the dumbest things I ever read, wow, you moron

>> No.10793278

Are you kidding me?
> 900 mosques in 1985
> 2200 in 2015
That's a 230% increase in 30 years

> Lmao its not that bad
This is not the point of this thread, and a whole other debate.
Trust me, this is what I'm telling myself the whole fucking year. For the moment, I'm still in denial and trying to find a way to reassure me.

I live in Paris and I've seen a massive demographic change in my lifetime. This has very little to do with refugees though, it's more about 2-3-nth generation migrants.

Gtfo /pol/ tard

>> No.10793280
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>complete peaceful removal
>implying your conquerors will be that patient, or that merciful

>> No.10793282

Im literally hispanic you idiot. Just because white slavers and conquerors wiped out other cultures doesnt make it okay for that to happen today. Just because islamic slavers and conquerors wiped out other cultured doesnt make it okay for that to happen today. Just because whites enslaved africans doesnt mean africans are morally entitled to enslave whites. Just because muslims enslaved africans doesnt mean africans are morally entitled to enslave muslims.
It was always wrong and still is. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. You would know that if you had ever graduated kindergarten

>> No.10793285

Those are muslims. Maybe you have a lot of converts?

>> No.10793286

>Gtfo /pol/ tard
every damn thing I stated is true

>> No.10793289

Is it getting worse?

>> No.10793292

Most normal people do not believe that skin color is some sort of magical property like you do.

>> No.10793293

islam has waged war for 1400 fucking years
the whole crusades thing was literally defensive in origin
spain without the reconquista would be a shadow.

>> No.10793295

You're comparing violent enslavement and brutal destruction of culture to a Muslim moving next door if you don't see what's wrong with that you're fucking retarded.

>> No.10793297

Op here

> 20% of french babies were given muslim first name in 2016
Since ethnic studies arent allowed, this is the closest we can do.

>> No.10793298

If western culture is weak enough to be peacefully replaced then it doesn't deserve to exist. Most cultures require violent destruction. Just seems pathetic really.

>> No.10793299

because it starts with peacful migration and then you get the bradford riots and the madness that happened after a fatwah was declared about salmon rushdie's book, the guy still lives in fear of his life.

>> No.10793301

why the aggression? who pooped in your matzah?

>> No.10793304

okay, that makes sense. "don't you dare say something that i don't agree with!!" nice argument.
>Tradition that is passed down is a foundation of culture you dumbass.
I completely agree and think it should be done. Just pass down your traditions to your kids and it'll live on. I don't get what's making you uncomfortable really, sorry if it's making you mad. You'll still show your kids your own ways and it's up to him if he'll keep them or not. But that happens no matter what. You'll still be able to celebrate christmas, right?

>> No.10793311

You're right. But once again, I'm not here to discuss wether me being upset is legitimate or not. I'm just trying to find something factual that may change the perception of the futur I had at the moment

>> No.10793312

they're trying to ban dogs and bear in some german towns...

>> No.10793315
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>> No.10793318

great arguments. Now tell me what exactly would you lack if you had a phone with "only" 1 megapixel camera? Or if you didn't have a smartphone at all? OMG!!! literally people live with what they have and to say "ohh i care about the science and development" is the stupidest thing to say ever. Especially since you think it's something inherently different in other cultures that they're not trying to develop also. you're taking my words way to literally. You know what i meant, my standard of living will be the same now and in 50 years, it won't change 1% so saying "OMG they'll make my life a living hell, think of all the technologies we won't develop because of them" is really the retarded statement

>> No.10793319

because if europe/america fall then that means china takes over the world and makes everyone insectoid slaves

>> No.10793320


>> No.10793321

Im not implying that whats currently happening is even close to as brutal as what cultured did to each other for centuries. However, you yourself implied that the end results of both are analogous and comparable. Im only saying that destroying whole cultures is always wrong, and similarly to how we dont brutally conquer people anymore because we recognize thats usually wrong, we should also recognize that slowly drip feed destroying cultures is also wrong

And for the record, YOU are the one that introduced the comparison, not me

>> No.10793323
File: 58 KB, 700x700, 1554574826921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually racism is far and away the norm in all non-white countries.
>normal people
Really makes u think...

>> No.10793324

>niggers bad!
yeah, you're a classic scientist
bear? like the animal? what does that even mean? you can't walk your pet bear?

>> No.10793325

> You'll still be able to celebrate christmas, right?
Yes. But I will have to move to another neighbour if I want to keep buying bread, since all bakers around closed to be replace by hookah bar.
I will have to tell my daughter to be careful at night
The only gym club that she will have access to are women-only
And litteraly tons of other stuff
I'm just sad, because I truely think the peaceful cohabitations of radically different cultures is a naive dream. Hell, North African kids dont mix with middle east kids here, so how can you expect this to work on a whole different scale

>> No.10793326

>implying the west is worth saving at all
let it burn

>> No.10793328

>makes everyone insectoid slaves
NOOOOO, I'll have to work 12 hours a day
wait....... hmmm

>> No.10793334

Replacement migration is an EU policy it's not just a theory.

Remember though lads, growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer cells and population contraction is a good thing and necessary. Europe should close its borders.

>> No.10793338

> I truly think the peaceful cohabitations of radically different cultures is a naive dream

Don't worry a new culture would arise at some point. Change is an unstoppable force of life. You clinging on to a culture is naive

>> No.10793339

No one gives a fuck about your normative claims. Talk facts faggot

>> No.10793340

I was only saying that the argument “oh you have no relation to people who did the french revolution or invented cheese” etc is an extremely flawed, sometimes literally inaccurate, and disingenous argument

>> No.10793341


>> No.10793345

All of india is racist, mostly against other people. China hated japan korea and vietnam. The africans all hate each other. Thats over half the world population. God you people are so stupid

>> No.10793346

OP here
Well, considering all I got is
> lmao no one care dude
I guess it's true
Even though I'm pretty fucking autistic I still feel like being sad about the fact that my ethnic group and religion will be insignificant in a century or two does not make me a bad person.
Going around churches, learning about history, and even watching all pictures has becoming unbearable. Why does it have to be this way

>> No.10793347

>if I want to keep buying bread, since all bakers around closed to be replace by hookah bar.
how? there are 100 french people who eat bread, person opens a bakery for them and makes a profit. 100 new people come, muslims, they open their hookah bar. how does that destroy the existing business unless you decide to buy hookah instead of bread?
>I will have to tell my daughter to be careful at night
okay, i understand that one
>The only gym club that she will have access to are women-only
why? literally why? refugees are not citizens, you and other french people make the laws. You can make them take the citizenship test and make it impossible to pass, you could do whatever, you could say that you don't get citizenship just because you're born in france.
I'm not suggesting mixing with other cultures or anything, but idk, i don't see the need for panic. As I said, my country was under occupation, wasn't free for 1000 years or something, still people kept culture and all. and it was occupied by muslims for a long time also

>> No.10793348

Kalergi plan

>> No.10793349

Why is it flawed? Did you fight in the French revolution? No. Did you invent cheese? No. Wtf you on about

>> No.10793350

Mosques are not equal to people.

>> No.10793353

Ok, are you proud of anything that someone not directly under your control has done? Maybe something your parents did or a friend? Do you like a sports team you dont play in? Do you have any sense of belonging to anything you do not directly control?
Its called community you autismo. If you amp up community on a national scale you get that sense of patriotism or pride in your culture.

>> No.10793354

Cool tangent bro. I forgot India think their skin color is special

>> No.10793356

people migrate and mix, a lot. you're certain that your ancestors were french? maybe 10 generations ago they were i don't know, polish. I'm saying because I know a lot of people who are so patriotic and they say "oh we were here for 1000 years" and his grandpa is from half way across europe.

>> No.10793358

Yeah good thing all those mosques are simply empty. I know that muslims are big fans of purposefully building mosques they know will not house anyone

>> No.10793359
File: 89 KB, 800x600, (JPEG Image, 800 × 600 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you need to chill out... like take a chill pill... why all the aggression about these issues

>> No.10793362

Lol anons here assuming that blacks and Muslims aren't going to start fucking whites up once the demographics are on their side

They'll do the same to you in your home country what they did to the whites in Haiti and Zimbabwe, if you let them

>> No.10793365

mosques are choke full of people. There were too few and there still are too few. The increase is a necessary correction.

>> No.10793368

Culture is not some fixed thing retard it's ever-changing. Thinking that culture is being "lost" or "ruined" is just a clingy mindset that leads to no growth. If most people thought like you there would be no progress, no change, the very thing that brings forth culture to begin with.

>> No.10793369
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>I forgot India think their skin color is special
By and large they do... you're not winning this argument, my dude.

>> No.10793371

Yea that's why most actors in Bollywood are brown af

>> No.10793372

I assure you that until very recently, a large majority of whites living in france had french blood in them. Im not french im just saying your argument boils down to “shit changes man, most people that live in france arent even really french really” or the same for any other country. This is simply ridiculous. Just because some people have some ancestors from another place doesnt mean a majority dont trace ancestry back to the place they live, especially in europe

>> No.10793373

> hookah bar stuff
A neighbour progressively become islamized. A new demand for hookah bar arise. At the same time, demand for fresh bread drop, because those newcomers don't eat bread and that the old folks are either dead or fled the neighbour to still live among themselves. Repeat this step a thousand time, and we end up with white gettho surrounded by muslim neighbourhood.
This is not theorical btw, this is exactly what happened in Paris. First the suburbs, now the inside of Paris. I can tell you exactly which arrondissement are still "conservative" and which are not. Mine, is not.

> gym club stuff
This has -almost- nothing to do with refugees, really
It's about 2rd-3rd-4th generation of muslim migrants.
Refugees went into traumatic shit, it's just not the same

>> No.10793377

Are you fucking retarded? The light indians look down on the dark indians. Do you know literally anything?

>> No.10793379
File: 39 KB, 608x342, george-orwell-people-page2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing is winning
>destruction is growth
>and dragging your heels is downright criminal

>> No.10793382

>george lincoln rocwell
rockwell was bankrolled by zionist bankers weirdly enough he's kind of like Alex Jones

>> No.10793383

Of course the white population is percentually decreasing in The West. This is not a conspiracy, this is simply a consequence of globalization and greater knowledge and perception of The West's wealth in the developing world. It's just way easier to make a living in The West, and people know in what luxury we live because of the rise of global media, so it's only logical people are driven to come here. My grandpa once said: "If we're not going to bring it, they're going to come get it."

>> No.10793384

I was being sarcastic dumbo. In response to the retardation of the poster

>> No.10793386

literally 3 different people. and a lot of them are not even agressive. and it's irritating that if you say "migrants won't destroy thousands of years of culture" you're a liberal. ffs rome was destroyed by barbarians and again by other barbarians and still their culture is felt vibrantly across the world. greeks and romans changed genetically probably more than any other nation, still they're all proud of "their" culture. Ottomans when they came wanted to emulate europeans so badly that it was funny.

>> No.10793388
File: 37 KB, 599x344, 7fae89c56066102f3e5b74f50f01d201911359e5cb8a350de74884fc130fada5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easily remedied

>> No.10793389

Why would I be horrified? I enjoy novelty. I WANT different. I WANT change. The less the external resembles me, the more interesting it is.

>> No.10793391

nah greeks remained remarkably consistent
rome went multiculti mess

>> No.10793392

Muslim Sharia Law is European culture.

-t 2020 liberal

>> No.10793395

>Hur dur orange man will make the tens of millions of legal Latinos go away

No he won’t. They’re here to stay

>> No.10793396


>> No.10793397

>culture is always advancing as you move forward
And your source for this is fucking what? Culture is not technology. Technological change is almost always in the form of advancement. Culure can change but moving “forward” is a frame of reference. You can have some things better and other worse. For example, today we have womens rights and civil rights, but simultaneously many places in, for example america, are more dangerous and less friendly. Back in 1780, women were treated like shit and blacks were slaves, but people didnt have to lock their doors and everyone in a community knew each other.

Furthermore, culture advancing or changing does NOT necessitate the destruction of tradition or heritage. Progress does not necessitate replacement as it does in technology. Some things must go like no voting rights for blacks, but stuff like French bread and pride in previous empires and shit like that can stay with no harm done

>> No.10793398

So the inequal distribution of wealth in the world in your benefit is more meaningful to you than equality? I wish my life was this easy.

>> No.10793399
File: 257 KB, 700x732, uncomfortable-and-slightly-nervous-doggos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing the present situation in White countries to the barbarian invasions and subsequent fall of Rome

>> No.10793406

>but people didnt have to lock their doors and everyone in a community knew each other.

Sounds like a fantasy. No data exists on 1700’s crime rates.

>> No.10793408

Nazis think Australia was created for a reason other than to export white British criminals

>> No.10793409

certainly. and that shows the way our european cultures work. That's why i think it's funny. Because i know that no one would mix with migrants in my country, they would be marginalized always. At least that's how i see it.
but that's really up to you, the locals. Don't mix with them, don't let people have citizenship easily, make all schools expensive for non citizens, make hospitals expensive for non citizens, make huge taxes on ingredients specific to their culture, make laws that prohibit covering up any part of your face... there are a lot of things you could do. Make some law about refugees, like idk, that they can live, but have a restriction on reproducing, no more than 1 kid. i don't know, there are certainly things that can be done

>> No.10793410
File: 245 KB, 837x477, all-is-right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inequal distribution of wealth in the world
Finally he comes out and says it. Some kind of kamikaze doomsday cult shit.

>> No.10793412

you really think that greeks today are genetically anything even close to what alexander or some other greeks were? not in a million years

>> No.10793414

Muslims are adherents to a religion called islam. They are not an ethnicity. I am not convinced France has any ethnic change going on since you are not posting any data to support that.

>> No.10793416


Even if they weren’t, who cares?

>> No.10793419

The lock and key thing is anecdotal fine, and was more metaphorical but youre right i have no source for it. The community thing is easily read in any textbook about life in that time period or any account from that time period.
>no data exists on 1700s
This is just blatantly false. There are numerous first hand accounts from that time period, not to mention understandings of socioeconomics

>> No.10793420

Why was crete so successful? trade?

>> No.10793422 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10793424

Not that guy, but why do you think none of that stuff happens? Because those in power and their supporters will shout “RACIST!” if you attempt to bring those methods up. Further solidifying this replacement theory

>> No.10793425

Lmao what the fuck man, I cannot give you reliable source on ethnic changes since this is litteraly illegal in my country
Muslims are indeed composed of a wide range of ethnicity, but white french are a insignificantly tiny proportion of it
This name thing just shows that ethnic change are a thing, how delusionnal can you be

>> No.10793427 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10793430

>but white french are a insignificantly tiny proportion of it
Only at the moment

>> No.10793434

even better. They remained the same both culturally and genetically in spite of being under ottoman (literally muslims.jpeg) rule for hundreds of years. why would someone think that migrants (secondary citizens) in democracy could do what primary citizens under absolutistic rule couldn't?

>> No.10793435

actually britain has crime records amongst other things stetching back quite far

>> No.10793436

Youre being purposefully dense

>> No.10793438

so that's what french want? how is it the migrants fault? i don't see it. you decide what happens with your country, it's your fault if that happens. I don't see that as racist, but idk.

>> No.10793440

he's in denial because the truth is too frightening to him

>> No.10793444

>The lock and key thing is anecdotal fine, and was more metaphorical but youre right i have no source for it. The community thing is easily read in any textbook about life in that time period or any account from that time period

Maybe in bumfuck tiny towns. I don’t believe for a second that everyone in Paris, London, Berlin, or Rome knew eachother or that crime wasn’t a serious problem there. You’re ignoring the HUGE increase in urbanization that has taken place since the 1800’s. More people live in cities than ever before, and crime increases with population density, as does your likelihood of not knowing everyone.

>This is just blatantly false. There are numerous first hand accounts from that time period, not to mention understandings of socioeconomics

Anecdotes aren’t data. We don’t have, for example, a big book of the Constables from 1750-1780 detailing the amount of arrests for specific crimes in each of the sectors of London.
Or do we?

>> No.10793449

Even if it's only at the moment, and that everyone from every ethnic groups decided to have exactly 2 kids per households, it will still means 20%.
20% is absolutly not negligeable, it IS a massive demographic shift
And this scenario anyway is complete bollocks
Please, explains to me how I'm wrong about this demographic change. I WANT to be wrong

>> No.10793453

Its a mix between white liberals being naive and being fine with destruction of their own culture and replacement of themselves, and the reality that a government doesnt always do what its people want.

>> No.10793454

I have absolutely no idea I’m not an historian, but presumably living on a rocky island in what was one of the most developed regions in the world for over a thousand years was an important part of it.

>> No.10793457

>Using American terminology like “liberal” to refer to anywhere else on the planet

Yeah not gonna work


Culture is groupthink. It’s bad.

>replacement of themselves

Doesn’t happen until you die

>> No.10793461

>anecdotes are not data
Thats wrong though, when studying history and socioeconomic trends, first hand accounts are some of the most valuable pieces of insight into that time period. You can be assured bias is taken into account when these data are assessed.

>cities were always not like that etc
Right, but within cities there were communities and neighborhoods that knew each other. This is still the case today but again, everything is on a much more spread out and less familiar scale

>> No.10793462

Why did you quote me? I was asking about crete?

>> No.10793467

the american interpretation of the world liberal is completely different to the meaning of the european and classical liberalism

>> No.10793468

Liberalism originated in europe you fucking mouthbreather. Culture is not the same as groupthink its shared tradition and community. Groupthink can be something that happens but often as a result of people simply being raised the same way, which is not inherently bad. Yeah, and people die everyday, thats why this is a replacement. Also, not true, because as the french OP said and as you can google anywhere, migrants have literally taken over certain neighborhoods in european states and they are now ghettos. Thats replacement in the span of about 20 years

>> No.10793469

Accident, sorry.

>> No.10793471

can you name one culture that was actually destroyed like this? Especially one as rich as french. Romans were destroyed, their culture preserved, greeks also, hungarians were slaughtered by mongols (more than half their population i think) and most today are rape babies, still the same culture, india was ruled by brits, they still poo in the streets. What is the grounds for these claims? name one extremely developed nation (such as france today) whose culture was destroyed by anything actually, not just migrants

>> No.10793495

Once they are the majority the will genocide the local population at levels never seen before.
The aren't as weak and compassionate as whitoids.

>> No.10793498

the american redefinition of liberal has warped it from its origins.

>> No.10793500

White people aren't getting replaced, they're all still around and there's more of us every day.
Our percentage of the population is changing because there are more people who aren't white coming around, it has nothing to do with there being less white people. The population is literally just getting bigger.

White people literally are not going anywhere.

>> No.10793504

You all know what i meant even if you said it meant something else, meaning i used a word to convey an idea correctly. Therefore, fuck off

>> No.10793505

>Liberalism originated in europe you fucking mouthbreather.

The historical concept of liberalism is not analogous to American liberalism nor modern “liberal” parties in Europe. There are “liberal conservative” parties there and that’d make Americans melt in confusion or something.

>Culture is not the same as groupthink its shared tradition and community.

I don’t give a shit about tradition, and I don’t know what you even mean by “community”

>Yeah, and people die everyday, thats why this is a replacement.

Okay I don’t care. French get replaced. Oh well.

>> No.10793507

>Once they are the majority the will genocide the local population at levels never seen before.

Okay my prophet I will believe this because I have faith in your apocalyptic cult.

>> No.10793510

Merci les juifs. Ils veulent de l'immigration pour financer leur retraite (cf Jacques Attali etc)
Tout est perdu

>> No.10793514

Whites have never been more numerous than they are now. There's a billion whites

>> No.10793516

Also, given that muslims breed far more than whites, soon enough it'll be 90% muslim everywhere. We lost, it's incredible, it's over

>> No.10793517

What if, perhaps, there are more mosques because Muslims here feel more safe practicing their religion in public as society becomes less hostile towards them?
Trying to use an increase in number of mosques as evidence for an equivalent increase in Muslim population here is intellectually dishonest and makes me think the actual population data doesn't support your claims otherwise you would be sharing it as your evidence

>> No.10793518

We won't be the majority till 2500 or so according to the best estimates so you can chill out whitebio <3. And that's only if you keep the current immigration laws. I know you'll change those.

>> No.10793521

Even if it's real, who cares? Genetic engineering bitch.

Any problem of 'muh race is dying out' will be 'muh genetically engineered super beings are taking all muh jobs!'

Because guess what the real problem will be?

>> No.10793526

>Also, given that muslims breed far more than whites

The birthrate in Saudi Arabia, one of the most developed and stable Muslim countries, is only about 2.50. In Iran, it’s below replacement level.
Sounds to be like Muslim birthrates will become on par with local ones according to development, and you’re pretending they won’t because, like all fascists, you need to imagine some coming apocalypse to justify your retarded ideas to others.

>> No.10793527

our birthrate averages at about 1.4 but 2.2 is minimum for a stable population size....

>> No.10793529

The term liberalism originated in europe. That anon said it was an american term. Just because now the term means something else and is used that way in america and in modern europe doesnt make it an american term nor does it lose its meaning when discussing europe

>hurr i dont care
Okay? I dont care if you care that its happening, im only saying it is happening. I dont care if you care about tradition or community, im only saying they are not the same as groupthink

>> No.10793534

Just look at has always happened to a local population once there was an influx of a new external population in history.
Maybe my grandkids in china will study European history and art and will ask me what happened to those people and their culture.
>t. Asian who is racially conscious

>> No.10793535
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That would only imply that there were always as many muslims as we currently think there are, and they were simply in hiding. This is a more likely explanation than many of the immigrants from muslim majority countries increasing the muslim population and necessitating more mosques

>> No.10793540

Why would it necessitate that? The population increase follows it's own curve and the number of mosques follows a curve correlated with population but strongly dependent on societal attitudes towards muslims.

>> No.10793542

It will literally just stabilize at another point.

>> No.10793543

I'm not white.
And you don't even need to be an absolute majority to take over them. They are so naive and weak that even at around 30% you could take over the government and they won't do anything about it.
Hell you can already rape their women and children without any problem.

>> No.10793546

>Just look at has always happened to a local population once there was an influx of a new external population in history.

Oh yeah. I’m still waiting on that Mexican Armageddon that topples America. Maybe it’ll happen in 2100 and there’ll be hover-taco tanks shooting guacamole at the poor remaining white people. You know people can just.....live together right?

>> No.10793550

assuming there isn't continuous competing immigration

>> No.10793551

Source: Dude trust me I’m a sociologist psychologist galaxy brain

>> No.10793554

Sad but true
This is the end of the white race

>> No.10793561

The white people aren't going away though. They're literally all still here just fine. There being a bunch of other people showing up nearby doesn't constitute a population crisis for the white people who, and I will stress this again, literally still exist and aren't going anywhere.

>> No.10793570

???? Birthrate is relative to the size of the population, once all the boomers die out it will come closer to 2.2. If you don't want continuous competing migration, then try to stop shit like France supplying anyone who asks for guns, and stop the CIA from doing literally whatever they want. Destabilizing regions hurts everyone, it turns out.

>> No.10793572

>galaxy brain
>the plebbitour dick sucking cuck exposes himself

>> No.10793574

Of course there is mass immigration, that much is obvious. People living in the middle east would of course want a higher standard of living in highly-developed Europe.

The bullshit comes however that this is some secret conspiracy by someone and that only QAnon on /pol/ knows the truth. It's not a fucking conspiracy, it's fucking obvious that mass immigration is going to occur from some place that is always politically unstable and everyone is piss poor.

t. Greek living in memorandum-fucked Greece where every fucking single person is thinking of moving to somewhere else to earn a decent fucking living

>> No.10793579

inb4 "muh spacing"
fuck off

>> No.10793580

Don’t use Reddit, sorry. Maybe if you keep accusing people of using Reddit, it will eventually come true. Goebbels would say so, and you like that guy, right?

>> No.10793582

moving the goalpost

>> No.10793584

They are slowly taking over, once they are the majority and have power, they will remove the remaining whites with force.
But of course you are one of them so, you will deny the obvious colonialism performed by your own tribe untill it is too late for whites to do anything about it.

>> No.10793588

Hes not, he just giving a pretty apt explanation

>> No.10793589

How? Explain.

>> No.10793592

The motivation of the people coming in is obvious.
The reason why whites let them in is a bit more complicated.
Just look at the reforms to immigration laws, and who made them in western countries.

>> No.10793593

Rather than answering the OP question and debunking the great replacement theory, he's just stating something obvious and passing it as an answer. This is basic debating, you should know this much.

>> No.10793595

>Because, let's be honest, I feel really uncomfortable about it.

go back to >>>/pol/

we don't need your kind here

>> No.10793596

You don't understand, anon. They have DARKER SKIN.

>> No.10793602

>great replacement theory
Nah, its a not a theory, as people who support it use naive falsification, such as your self, and use ad hoc reasoning to amend the stated hypothesis.

>> No.10793603

Those words aren't something that we use here, while it is very common on leddit.
>Oh nonnonono this wrong, are you a conspiracy theorist or something

>> No.10793607

> I'm not talking about the ebil jew theory which is obviously bullshit, I'm talking about a paper that will debunk the ideas that a massive demographic change is actually taking place in Europe, and that the biggest ethnic groups of today will become the minority of tommorow, until their complete peaceful removal.

I've said in the original post that conspiracy meme does not interest me
What does, is the precise extent of this mass migration and the ethnic consequences of it

>> No.10793611

>They are slowly taking over, once they are the majority and have power, they will remove the remaining whites with force.

Why should I believe that?

>But of course you are one of them so, you will deny the obvious colonialism performed by your own tribe untill it is too late for whites to do anything about it.

Actually I’m Irish, but some other /pol/tard moron said Irish aren’t white so I guess I’ll hang out with the Turks and Arabs in your imagined apocalypse. As long as there’s kebab to eat. I’ll probably be “replaced” too eventually because my arteries will give out from all the gyros.

>> No.10793613

Saying complicated latin words won't make your argument any stronger, in fact, debating after the goalpost has been moved won't amount to anything, since you've already admitted to committing a fallacy and after that point the truth can only be hidden.

>> No.10793616

That is a part of the problem.
But even if they were white, migration in large numbers is destructive for the local population.
Immagine if millions of germans migrated to italy.
I as an italian would be pissed off, even though they are whiter than me.

>> No.10793620

Irish are our brothers. Turks tried to help you out during the famine but the British queen stopped the cash.

>> No.10793622

>Those words aren't something that we use here, while it is very common on leddit.

Please cite a data set cataloguing the frequency of use of the term “galaxy brain” on the websites “Reddit” and “4Channel”. I’m sure you’re willing to embrace board culture and do so.

>> No.10793626

It's only a problem if you do intermarriages.

>> No.10793628

no other period in history has been as accepting of voluntary interbreeding or cultural mixing as today in european nations. sure the hungarians got slaughtered by the mongols; guess what, that resulted in all the hungarians hating the fucking mongols and sticking to their shit. Sure a bunch are rape babies but they still know their hungarian ancestry because their ancestors hated the people that killed them. In india britain never for a second attempted to destroy indian culture or even try to replace indian people; they simply used the continent to make money. The extent of the cultural takeover started and stopped where the brits thought it would make them cash. They never tried to bring white brits over there en masse to replace the indian population, that would be impossible and stupid. Romans were destroyed, their culture is remembered but not for current Romans, those romans dont exist. Current italians claim roman ancestry and that's fine, but don't act like the roman empire is anything more than something to point to as an influence. I have no idea how the greeks did it, good on them,

I cant show you a culture that has been destroyed "like this" because this is the first time in history people are being replaced voluntarily by opening their borders rather than being invaded and killed. It will be interesting to see how it plays out

>> No.10793629

Huh? It's obviously less of a problem when there's intermarriages.

>> No.10793632

>muslims over breed
>poverty ensues
>they get sick
>blame it on God or Demons
>die because they have ignorance of biology
Population takes care of itself.

>muslim that actually is interested in science
>studies ass off
>generationalygets paler
Whites are reborn.
Like pottery.

>> No.10793633


>> No.10793634

>Why should I believe that?
I guess we should wait till there is nothing that can be done to prevent it, and pretend like nothing of this sort has ever happened in history and humans don't behave this way.

>> No.10793636

>no other period in history has been as accepting of voluntary interbreeding or cultural mixing as today in european nations.

Spain was all about it, created the entire Latino population.

>> No.10793641

>generationalygets paler
>Whites are reborn.
One drop rule.

>> No.10793648

>extent of this mass migration and the ethnic consequences of it
Literally non-quantifiable in any meaningful way that has any rigor, as the systems involved are complex and rely on emotive response and rationalizing. If you don't want mass migration refer to >>10793570
Migration is only a solution to these peoples (the migrants) problems because of factors like climate change, and the destabilization and interference in the origin countries cultural development by external factors like the CIA.

>> No.10793649

It hasn’t according to this guy

>> No.10793651

nigger spain literally invaded wiped out and then enslaved huge chunks of south america. sure maybe a while after that initial bombshell and they were a little more relaxed on the slavery then the indians started voluntarily fucking the next generation of spaniards in south america, but dont kid yourself into thinking its the same as whats currently happening

>> No.10793654

>The rule that exists only in retarded American culture

You one of those people that think Meghan Markle is black?

>> No.10793655

It is only a problem due to the numbers.
If you have a couple of thousands of germans coming in to italy they could potentially integrate into the larger society. But if they come in high numbers they will create their own cultural and ethnic enclaves, which could lead to conflicts as has always happend. And if the migration continues they will eventually take over portions of land and try to gain indipendence from the italian state, potentially eliminating the italian minorities inside the newly colonized land.

>> No.10793658
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>That is a part of the problem.
oh...oh no

>> No.10793659

She's a complete nignog

>> No.10793660

im that guy, and the only thing i said has never happened was the voluntary opening of borders. taking over by force once you get in of course has happened. not that i think that is what WILL happen in this scenario, but all the same, dont drag me into this and then misunderstand what im saying

>> No.10793662

>that spacing
Another sign, do i really need to provide any other evidence?

>> No.10793663

That's what happened to America and everything is okay somewhat except Irish and Italians are less of a problem than they used to be I guess.

>> No.10793670

worked with the germans, the dutch, then the italians, then the irish, then the blacks--- oh wait

>> No.10793672

It isn't voluntary, the majority of the europeans are against migration.
Don't be so naive to belive that we actually live in a democracy. Don't equate the actions of the political leader as the wish of the population.

>> No.10793677

>they will eventually take over portions of land and try to gain indipendence from the italian state
Why would they come in the first place if they prefer their own laws to Italy?

Immigrants aren't trying to bring their home somewhere, they're trying to escape their home.

>> No.10793678

>That's what happened to America
Yeah, the native americans have still the control of their land and the new migrants have assimilated to their culture.
oh wait opsss

>> No.10793681
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>Immigrants aren't trying to bring their home somewhere, they're trying to escape their home.
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10793682
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>believing the "changing definition of white race" hoax
That's a big YIKES from me, chief

>> No.10793683

That was literal genocide, not the fake kind white nationalists complain about.

>> No.10793684

>biggest ethnic groups of today will become the minority of tommorow
and why exactly is that a problem?

>> No.10793686

>Immigrants aren't trying to bring their home somewhere, they're trying to escape their home.
No, immigrants come usually only due to economical issues.

>> No.10793688
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>goalposts? what goalposts

>> No.10793692

Hey they just migrated to that land and created their own ethnic enclaves, slowly growing in numbers.

>> No.10793701

Eventually, after many generations, there will not be a 'drop' left. Maybe a DNA strand or a molecule from the original strand, but certainly less than a drop.

>> No.10793704
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I'm not reading all this shit. Why is this on /sci/ and not /bant/, /pol/ or /int/?

>> No.10793705

>I cannot give you reliable source on ethnic changes since this is litteraly illegal in my country
Maybe you are imagining things then. Or making exuces for hate. Yes people convert to other religions get over it. Hare krishna was exclusively "white" phenomena.

No, I'm asking for sources on this ethnic change people are claiming is happening.

>> No.10793707
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Assimilation happens.

And they're escaping a bad situation, now they want to recreate it? If the system is working for them, they will embrace it.

>> No.10793708

Well according to wikipedia it's a myth because some literal who for the unbiased reputable Washington Post said so because it's racist.
That settles it.

>> No.10793714

So we can debunk this scientifically and rationally. OP already admitted he is full of shit with no sources regarding this ethnic change he is claiming is happening.

>> No.10793716
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peak boomer right here lads

>> No.10793720

>And they're escaping a bad situation, now they want to recreate it? If the system is working for them, they will embrace it.
No, most migrants are economic migrants.
And even those who migrate due to wars still don't reject their own culture and values.

>> No.10793728

It doesn't matter if they're economic migrants. If the country is making them rich, they will love the country.

>> No.10793730

This is the first and most fatal mistake that Rome ever pulled.

>> No.10793731

Because once a new population conquers a land they genocide the local populations.

>> No.10793733

Europeans are tainted with the DRD4 7R nomad/warrior gene, which makes them rather unsuitable for settled life. It is so bad that grandfathers have slightly but significantly higher prevalence than their grandsons. The perevalence in most other ethnicities is much less and it's storngly associated with extreme violence. I suppose the situation stabilizes if/once the gene is bred out.

>> No.10793735

Funny how everyone throughout history always wanted to emulate Europeans

>> No.10793737

Boomers don't understand history on a large scale.
Or maybe he is one of the parasites.

>> No.10793740

false. Most conquerors want the land including the local population. The usual exceptions are when the population fights an obviously stronger army or if the conquerors are anglos.

>> No.10793743

Do you have any evidence for your assumption that conversions are so prevalent?

>> No.10793748

>the population with the lowest crime rates has to take in population with higher crime rates to decrease violence
I know this is bait but

>> No.10793754

>If the country is making them rich, they will love the country.
citation needed

>> No.10793756

Compared to where? Japan?

>> No.10793759

You're right, they get enslaved and absorbed into the larger group, like the myriads of ancient European tribes and peoples we know little about

>> No.10793773 [DELETED] 

Strict law reinforcement, I guess. The highest homicide rates are in the Americas, slightly less in Africa and the least in East Asia.

>> No.10793774

>most conquerors
They want the local population to submit to them and their culture, which leads to revolt, which leads to genocide. You are the false one. The truth is, humans are fucking mean.

>> No.10793775

Ah yes, countries that have been socially and politically destabilized by the CIA and are largely overrun with extremist groups funded in part by the American government (even after 9/11) have higher crime rates.
It must be the fault of the people who live there, they're just subhuman savages. It has nothing to do with American action both in the open and in secret in those regions.

>> No.10793782

Not french but its not so much about culture but ethnicity and genes. My kids will not be brown, and if I can help it neither will my grandkids, I hope that by that time (race) war happens and either whites win total victory or lose completely and get 100% wiped out but mixing with shitskins isnt an option

>> No.10793783

This is false. People could not care less most of the time. It's the exceptions when they got genocided. Nobody really wanted or coudl really afford too much dead people - generally the excpectation was the the city or castle gets sieged for a while and then surrenders. It was when they decided to fight then they got exterminated as a punishment, to discourage others from doing the same.

>> No.10793794


>> No.10793810

Correction. You could care less.
History is littered with statistical evidence of genocides, left right and center.

It is a grim reminder of what must be avoided. To proliferate life in contentment is to perfect mathematical knowledge and science and its applications.

>It was when they decided to fight then they got exterminated as a punishment, to discourage others from doing the same.
This is also known as a revolt.
Which confirms exactly what I was saying earlier.
It is best to know exactly what one is to progress.
To me, it looks like a pile of atoms stacking up against another. With purpose though. With mentally embedded lies though. Little pieces of reverberated sound that has lodged itself as electrical signals within their brain, telling them one man is less and one is more, without the proper weighing scale to know what is just.

>> No.10793829

It isn't just violent crimes but general nastiness and widespread interpersonal agression. I suppose the virtual certainty of imprisonment and "acceptable" outlets such as MMA or Corrida keep it in check.

The highest homicide rates are in the Americas, closely followed by South Africa and much of the rest is generally safe.

Yes, of course it did happen, but it was not nearly as common as you think. Nationalism wasn't even a thing until recently - Europe was so fragmented until the modern ages that you could travel several hundred km and barely understand anybody how much the dialect/langauge differed. Traces of this are still seen in some places, like England.

>> No.10793832

Yeah, history has a lot of genocides.
It's a good thing that some brown people moving to Europe and not killing all the white people obviously doesn't constitute a genocide

>> No.10793841
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LN title
>I woke up tomorrow and everyone was green and had tentacles but me!

>> No.10793860

this is bait
how many do we need? exact numbers now or the charade is over

>> No.10793861

several hundred km may actually be too much

>> No.10793863

Noteable Genocides:

(Because tribal genocide is still genocide)
Sumarian Genocides
Ancient Gendercides
(worldwide phenomenon)
Egyptian Genocides
Destruction of Carthage
Mongol Empire
Wu Hu and Jie
French conquest of Algeria
German South West Africa
Zulu Kingdom

It is gory, but at least there is hope in new life. Perhaps it can learn from these mistakes and build something happier.

>> No.10793867
File: 138 KB, 500x531, if-only-you-knew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konigsberg --> Kaliningrad

>> No.10793871

>the truth is bait

>> No.10793881


>> No.10793882

>Who cares that your mom died. it’s just a bunch of atoms. Besides, “mom” is a purely social concept and isn’t scientific.

>> No.10793883
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>the CIA did something, therefore all whites must die
USS Liberty

>> No.10793887

do you even know what conquer means?
Have you even touched one history book in your entire life?

>> No.10793896

>same amount of white people as before
>brown family also lives down the street though
Oh no all the whites are dying oh my god!
We're getting killed even though we're literally not! It's genocide! All the white people are getting genocided! Muh 6 gorillion!

>> No.10793901
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Let me guess: it means whatever you feel like it means at this moment, and will magically, retroactively correct itself in the face of any "counter" examples involving white victims

>> No.10793913
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>worked with the germans, the dutch, then the italians, then the irish

This is wrong actually. Assimilation is a myth, not a single European immigrant group to the US has ever successfully assimilated, they may have changed sure, but they never ever became exactly like the original founding European population of the USA that George Washington and the other founding fathers were part off. You can even prove this with objective evidence. Have you ever read Albinion seed? You can compare the political opinons, behaviors and customs of the descendants of the original Anglo founders, and compare them with areas of the US that still contain descendants of these Irish and Italian migrants, and you will see, not only do they show consistent differences, but that these differences have been consistent over times, including over who they vote for president.

The reason why people have been fooled into believing these European immigrants assimilated are those want to believe in immigration propaganda. Another reason is, that to the uninquisitive mind, it looks like that happened, but in reality, it was the racial problems that masked these differences, also European interbreeding and Europeans being more similar to eachother at the end of the day. If assimilation is possible, then why the fuck have American blacks NOT assimilated into America despite being here longer then the Irish?

The answer is race and genetics. Genetics determines the state of nations. ALWAYS. And to many dumbasses, yes, genetic differences are so powerful, that they explain inter-ethnic group differences. The Scot-Irish are a good example. If the genetics of a nation changes, the nation will change. So yes, allowing a muslim to move next to you is evil, irresponsible and unethical. Like allowing passengers to board a damaged plane. Its criminal. They should know that their actions are gonna cause long term harm and misery to millions of people

>> No.10793917
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Why are you behaving so emotionally and aggressively? Is it calculated to intimidate the faint- or kind-hearted, or is this really your true, awful personality coming to the fore?

>> No.10793918

>full of shit
Fuck off I'm not full of shit, I'm just a concerned individual that saw the slow decay of my surroundings, and every one that could abandoning the ship.
Once I've realized that this phenomenon was happening at a continental level I've started digging into it, that's it.

I did not wanted to make this thread for several reasons, the first one is that I enjoy this board for its strong opposition to /pol/ propaganda. However, considering I did not find any stuff that comforted me online, I've turned to you to find one reliable research stating that demographic change was NOT happening to a worrying level.

The thing is that 230 replies later, nothing of value was posted and I've just created a shit thread where people insult each others.

I guess that's really happening and I cannot do anything about it. Fuck, it hurts. I don't know how you guys can have enough objectivity to not give a fuck about it

>> No.10793922

There was no genocide of Native Americans on the American continent, dying because their isolated population couldn't handle old world diseases isn't genocide. Outside of what the Spanish did, which was actual genocide via race mixing. If you believe what happened to the Native Americans was genocide, by being out-competed and out-populated by a European neighbour moving next door, then how can you jusitfy what is happening to European nations as not a form of genocide?

This is why you are not taken seriously. You are simply masking the fact that you want to destroy Europeans.

>> No.10793924
File: 970 KB, 1888x2921, 20120411_ODP170populationbombadhires[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gobernment: we need to control population, have less children, less population.

>OK, done.

>gobernment: we have too few children, population is shrinking, we need inmigrants.

just brilliant...

>> No.10793926

I can't believe white people are getting genocided oh my god
Somebody call the police there are BROWN people in my town

>> No.10793929

Why do you care ? If it ever happens, it will certainly not happen before a century. By then, the country would be unrecognizable from what it currently is anyway.
France is different than it was a century ago, and back in the early 20th, it was very different than it was in the early 19th. Each century thought they were bringing on the end of days.
I really don't see the big deal. Not even your grandchildren would see this happen if it happened. You cannot conceive a time scale long enough to bring on such change.
Also, the bulk of africans do not want anything to do with Europe, or anything outside their home. Like most people, they want to make a normal living where they grew up with the people they knew, and if they ever leave, they want to go back eventually.
It does not always work out like that, because life is what it is, but you have to understand that the people that emigrate and stay are a minority.
No one is out to get you, or your "ethnic group". People are doing what they can to survive and help their families, that's about it.
Also, if you haven't already, read Civilisation by Régis Debray

>> No.10793931

Since you approve of European genocide, can you give me one reason why decent people shouldn't put a bullet into your brain? After all, decent people don't believe that Europeans must be exterminated from their home land.

>> No.10793935

Yeah man, giving people diseases on purpose, committing documented on record mass killings, and forcing them to undergo a journey to migrate west, a journey that many MANY died during, is totally not genocide at all,

But brown people living near white people is literally genocide oh my god where'd all the white people go
Oh wait all the white people are still here perfectly fine

>> No.10793937

when you can't reach someone on an intellectual level you will try to get emotional, that is how you argue with children or retards because they can not comprehend logic as well.

>> No.10793943

Oh my god there are brown people shopping at the same supermarket as me, white people are literally being exterminated!!!11!1
The number of white people here isn't going down but this is literal genocide oh my god!!1

>> No.10793944
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>continued, senselessly aggressive non sequiturs
Fascinating. May I study you?

>> No.10793949

See? It always ends up by "Why do you care anyway?"
I do! I do care. It may be irrationnal or futile, but honestly I've tried not caring, and I just do. It really sadden me to this the slow evolution of my neighbourhood, and the absolute state of ignorance everyone seems to be about our past.
And I don't buy the argument about migration as something that always happened. Sure it did, but not to that scale and not so quickly. It seems to me like it's really different from the migrations that happenned since at least the conception of the idea of a unified France

>> No.10793950

If white genocide is happening for real then I have one important question for you:
Where are the white people going? If they're getting eliminated and exterminated and all that genocide jazz, why are they all still here all around me? Is as if none of them have gone anywhere at all, what's up with that?

>> No.10793959

The problem is that you are describing a situation where all the white people are still there like normal except there are also some non-white people around too. You're not describing any kind of replacement or extermination or genocide, there are just more people now and you're demanding people be upset that not as many of the extra people are white as you would like.
I'm sorry you don't like to hear it but you're basically complaining that you end up seeing brown people more often and the only real answer to that concert is "So what, dude, why do you care? Nothing is happening to the white people they're all still there too"

>> No.10793963
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>I did not wanted to make this thread for several reasons, the first one is that I enjoy this board for its strong opposition to /pol/ propaganda.

Go fuck yourself then you RADICAL CENTRIST. Why are you attacking /pol/ when they are your best allies in this? What schizo reasoning. Most sane people on /sci/ are apolitical or agree with /pol/ because we are logical white men, and logical white men will always agree with their interest, which is Euro/civilization interest, which /pol/ advocates. A bunch of leftists and insecure brown retards hate /pol/ on /sci/, as you can see in their "I deny genetic and IQ science to support racial equality pseudoscience" and yet you expect these people to have reasonable debate with you?

>I've turned to you to find one reliable research stating that demographic change was NOT happening to a worrying level.

That's because rapid demographic change IS happening, and will accelerate. I can give you studies/headlines that not only show and approve this, but even projects that wish to increase it. Such as Canada's Century initiative which wants to increase Canada population to 100 MILLION PEOPLE by 2100. That means, Canada would go from 90% European as late as 1980, to be less then 15% in a lifespan. Moreover, Africa population is gonna balloon to 4-5 billion in that time, while European birthrate will halve your population, and you expect LESS migrants in a 5 billion Africa? This is just simple math.

But the far left retards bring up a good point. If you hate /pol/, why the worry? Only a racists would care about demographic change. That is what they say. Now, sane people are aware that this desire for homogenity is natural and normal, and you should be concerned from any objective standpoints since all racial demographic transitions and forced incompatible cultures living together resulted in violence. If you want it too stop, join far right groups, punish anti-whites, and spread genetic realism.

>> No.10793967

It wasn't the spanish, it were the anglos. The spanish converted them to catolicism and their culture. The anglos later exterminated them.

>> No.10793970

what exactly is it that saddens you or in what why do you not like the current evolution?
Is it the difference in peoples culture or just that the people look different? Do you think something is being lost, I am trying to understand what exactly the problem is.

>> No.10793977

It wouldn't be happening if French all had 6 kids each like they used to.

>> No.10793983

You're using term such as extermination or genocide. I never used those words simply because I don't think they stick to the reality of what is happening right now.
What I complain about it nothing but ethnic changes.
And I don't mind about the skin color of my neighbour, this goes far beyond that. I care about hearing french once again in supermarket. I care about french people going to the Louvres, seing plays, singing our national anthem, being proud of our nation.
I care about my culture. And the assimilation of people with a extra european background is simply not happening.
If we keep going like this, everything that has made France as a nation will just not be anymore. This sadden me.
I would not mind my neighbours being from Algerian descent if they showed any kind of decency towards our history, and not going around screaming in the streets with an algerian flag on their back every time the algerian national team won a football match

>> No.10793989

>The anglos later exterminated them

The Anglos did a pretty shitty job then, given how much Amerindians exist here in Canada. More evidence for the non-existent genocide of Amerindians in Canada. I mean, what a strange genocide for MORE Amerindians to be alive today then they were in the past, and they even get special rights and treaties. I wonder, if after the great replacement, will the new owners of Europe show that type of mercy to the original inhabitants of Europe? This is the same country, where forcing Amerindian to go to school is classified as a form of genocide, when ironically enough, there Spanish equivalent, the missions in Paraguay are considered a cornerstone of the Spanish Empire bringing education to them. I mean, the entire Northern Canada is basically untouched as far as Amerindians go, because its too cold up there so Europeans never really settled there nor did diseases spread as fast and quickly like it did down south.

The main differences between the Anglos and the Spaniards is that the Anglos didn't really want to live with them, so they created these institutions like signing treaties, making reserves, make European settlements and expanding from there, while the Spaniards mostly just had sex with a lot of them, and slowly created a new mixed race as the Crillos began settling there to govern the entire place.

>> No.10793998

Please see my response here
What sadden me is the inevitable shift from our roots to a gigantic clusterfuck of identities that only ends up creating violence and suffering, before eventually fadding into oblivion

>> No.10793999

Being sad to see your culture die out in your homeland is racist.
t. liberal

>> No.10794003

It will keep happening, again and again and even to the replacers until people stop worshiping "economic growth".

>> No.10794007

well the problem is not really the immigrants then but the french themselves, why do they get no children or promote their culture more.

>> No.10794008

Fair, I am not going to argue this rationally.
>Sure it did, but not to that scale and not so quickly.
Yes but when thinking of that scale, you should keep in mind the means of transportation of the time and how it factors into what your definition of what an immigrant is.
Basically, because people were less mobile, the country was less homogeneous than it is today and you could actually think of the various regions as separate territories and separate people (before there trains, it could take days to go from one region to the next).

>> No.10794010

the problem with that is that the population starts getting mutted and then you have brazil

>> No.10794015

>the problem is people who do no breed exponentially on a limited amount of land
>these people deserve to be replaced with people who do

this is a perfect example of the sick and extremely deluded mentality of the modern day market worshiper

>> No.10794017

Wew lad.
In the end I guess you're right, far right groups stick more to my values.
The difference is that I do feel very little hatred towards locals of middle east. I don't mind Pakistan staying Pakistani, for example.
I've already met with some members of far right groups, and the biggest thing that stopped me is that they were, for some, so fucking dumb.
This and anti-semitism. I don't care about jews, they are a non-issue in my country.
But thanks for your post. I'm keeping it.

>> No.10794020

The problem with Brazil is more about the location than anything else. Same reason Australians are the way that they are despite being white people.

>> No.10794024
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>Yeah man, giving people diseases on purpose

A few individual Europeans in ONE incident over 300 years doing that isn't "genocide". Isolated incidents aren't genocide. The average European moving next door to a Amerindian wasn't planning on intentionally infecting them.

So, yup, no genocide happened to Amerindians, but if you think that counts as genocide, that, a Muslim moving next door to a European is a form of genocide, as many Muslims have committed mass murders of Europeans by driving trucks over them. That is happening because of the great replacement. So you either think both the Amerindians and Europeans are experiencing genocide, or neither of them are.

>committing documented on record mass killings

You mean mass killings as a result of warfare and Indian raids? If you classify punishing criminals and war as a form of genocide, then that would mean that what is happening to Europeans is a form of genocide, due to the number of Europeans that have been murdered in foreign wars orchestrated by the same government that pushes the great replacement. Not only that, but Europeans have also been punished and killed for retaliating against their invaders. Sounds the same too me. So you either think both the Amerindians and Europeans are experiencing genocide, or neither of them are.

>forcing them to undergo a journey to migrate west, a journey that many MANY died during, is totally not genocide at all,

No, because a bunch of European settlers were also forced to do the same thing. Apparently, settling the west was also genocide for the Europeans. So you admit it? More over, how were they "forced", maybe instead of being so afraid of their white neighbor next door, they should have adopted their customs, integrated, and they wouldn't need to engage in brown flight. But then, if you say that the Amerindian SHOULDN'T have to do that, then you are saying that Euro high birth rates was a form of genocide. Which is happening with Muslim birthrates.

>> No.10794025

what do you mean get no children? you mean like buy them at the grocery store?

>> No.10794028

>brazil is white
>australia bad
nice meme

>> No.10794034

>More over, how were they "forced", maybe instead of being so afraid of their white neighbor next door, they should have adopted their customs, integrated, and they wouldn't need to engage in brown flight
So should Europeans to convert to Islam to avoid the great replacement ?

>> No.10794037

>you either think both are genocided or neither
So you're arguing against the idea that Europeans are getting genocided? You did say yourself the Indians didn't get genocided.

Really nice moon logic though

>> No.10794039

so its basically the difference in culture which happens because the shift is too fast. This i can partly agree on but i wouldn't say that the french culture will fade into oblivion.

>> No.10794040

I never said Brazil is white, and Australians are undeniably comparable
Nice to know you're good at reading posts

>> No.10794044

>gigantic clusterfuck of identities that only ends up creating violence and suffering
This post has been deemed racist by the CEG (Council for Economic Growth). Your name is hereby blacklisted, your social credit score is zeroed, and any of your associated will be thoroughly audited.

>> No.10794058

>our roots
There are no unique roots. Gigantic clusterfuck of identities is the default and the only reason why it does not seem like it now is that we have collapsed everything into one mythical ancestry to serve a certain idea of Europe

>> No.10794060
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Nice double standards. Educate yourself on the objective facts.


The most important take away, is that calling what happened to Amerindians as a form of "genocide" is extremely subjective and says more about how you define it. But if you consider what happened to Canadian and American Amerindians as a form of genocide, then by the same axiom principles used to justify that, you must also admit that what is happening in Europe could be classified as a form of genocide. So you either think Amerindian and European genocide is happening or you don't. If you want to maintain the illusion by saying Europeans are evil for genociding Amerindians for moving as next door neighbors, but calling Europeans evil for not wanting Muslims to move next door, its because your an opportunistic, genocidal and bigoted brown person who envies Europeans.

Also, it's important to note that Pol Pot Khmer Rogue has been classified as genocide. The Cambodian Genocide, that means, yes, the behavior of an state can be considered as a form of genocide, and even if the purported are of the same ethnic group as the murderer, it can still be classified as a form of Genocide. More over, the great replacement in European isn't being driven solely by the inevitability of global capitalism focused on infinite growth, but also by far left activists, both in the state and outside of it, to import more migrants. Otherwise, you wouldn't have NGO intentionally shipping in more people from Libya or helping them move across Eastern Europe into Germany.

>> No.10794071

Europeans aren't dying.

>> No.10794076

> unique rootS
I mean, europe seemed really more homogenous between 1950 and 2000 than between 2000 and 2020.

>> No.10794086

No shit I want to live the best possible life. Why would I lower the quality of my life and the people I like?

>> No.10794088
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>And I don't mind about the skin color of my neighbour

Well you should faggot. Why the hell should a brown person give a shit about France? There brown skin and different skull structure already makes them stand out. It's a giant signal to everyone that "I am not French" and no matter how much you lie to yourself, deep down, people already can tell from his physical appearance that he is not French. There are only here for economic reasons, they have no higher noble inspiration to assimilate into France and your own government ENCOURAGES THIS, especially when it also means giving up the values they hold stronger. They want their religion, they want their society. They want what genetically drives them, and yet you want to be a blind retard and think his skin color doesn't matter. You White Europeans take individualism too stupid level, which is why I hear this civic nationalist nonsense so often from you.

>I care about hearing french once again in supermarket. I care about french people going to the Louvres, seing plays, singing our national anthem, being proud of our nation.

Too bad, you already accepted a bunch of leftists premise, and they will call you a racist who cares about skin color. You'll just bend over and say you aren't, but they won the argument.

>I care about my culture. And the assimilation of people with a extra european background is simply not happening.

And it never will. When will you understand that genetics influences human personality, cognitive and behavioral traits. GENETICS DETERMINES THE NATION. Haven't you learn from America? Elections aren't about individual beliefs on politics, they just become a racial census.

Look at Rhodesia. This is just how BIG racial demographic changes can shape a nation in short amount of time. Can you believe that this is modern day Zimbabwe Harare? They'll say the same thing about France in 2050 compared to 1950. The answer to the Fermi Paradox


>> No.10794095

>There brown skin and different skull structure already makes them stand out.

>> No.10794096

How the fuck will we get there when the whole world becomes brazil and cant even maintain cars let alone expansive research and development?

>> No.10794097

>da jooz


>> No.10794105

>Australians are undeniably comparable
even the weather is completely different
kill yourself

>> No.10794106

At some point the bantu won't matter, they'll just be a slave class to a different colonial master.
one that is even more hostile

>> No.10794114
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La Ville Lumière

>> No.10794116

>More over, the great replacement in European isn't being driven solely by the inevitability of global capitalism focused on infinite growth
I disagree
When the only goal is economic growth this kind of thing becomes inevitable. The fastest breeding group will eventually replace all others. Intelligence and strength are meaningless in the face of this. That's natural selection. That's capitalism.

>> No.10794117

t. Aussie

>> No.10794119

remove the welfare system force them to compete at their genetic level.

>> No.10794123

you should do something more productive and count the twingos around your elementary school

>> No.10794124

> Well you should faggot.
Well, deep down of course I do. However I ask myself why I care. It may be only because I'm given a terrible image of arabs since I'm born. Integration just -might- be possible.
However I agree that you are convincing. How can you hang out on /pol/ thouth? 9/10 of posts there are just utter trash

>> No.10794128

I don't see what's hard to understand. Whites are 10% of the global population and shrinking as their fertility level is sub-replacement. Asia is still due to grow more and Africa is due to fucking triple. You can see the cracks in the walls already, there aren't far right parties rising in pockets of Europe for no reason. Once shit becomes more evident there'll be real struggle, whites are pacified right now but they can only ignore so much before they realize they're on the defensive.

>> No.10794130

Looks like a fine place. I'd shop there.

>> No.10794133

On the defensive against what? Themselves deciding not to have as many children as Africans?

>> No.10794135

So what ? Do you personally care about preserving the various patois ? If language must change, then so be it. People in the future will see it as theirs, try to preserve it and think that its evolution was the only natural one, just like we do today with ours.
And french people in Paris do go to museums and the theater etc. but cinema is more popular these days and that's that, it is just the way things go.
>If we keep going like this, everything that has made France as a nation will just not be anymore
The idea of France as a nation is two centuries old tops. It was shilled by the government of the time to recruit larger armies after firearms became more common and practical. If you really think that bourguignons, occitans and corsicans would have regarded each other as members of the same people in the 17th century, then you are very deluded my friend.

>> No.10794136

there's no welfare state where they come from, and clearly they still have many many children there

>> No.10794137

>Well you should faggot.

Yikes. Your racist hatred is unique to you and your loathsome compatriots. In your imagination, you’ve already lost. What a depressing and pathetic worldview.

>> No.10794141


Their homelands getting overriden by foreign people and cultures. You can proceed to give me some reddit spiel about tolerance and how races don't exist and whatnot but you know exactly what I'm talking about.

It will show up. More crime, strained services, and ethnic issues are inevitable. Unemployment is already high as is in Europe. Salvini, AfD, UKIP, and FN are only the beginning from the first shockwave that was the refugee crisis.

>> No.10794147

But they are not going to move, that is what people fail to consider. Most people do not want to emigrate.
Migrants are teeny tiny minority among the large amount of people that want to stay where they are. Is it so hard to understand that people all around the world are more or less the same, want to stay where they are, work, fuck, have kids and do it all over ?

>> No.10794154

Okay but none of that is a genocide or anything of the sort.
There being too many darkies for your liking doesn't mean white people are being replaced or genocided. If you think it really is, maybe you should convince white people to start having more children in general instead of blaming anybody else.

>> No.10794155

>Salvini, AfD, UKIP, and FN are only the beginning from the first shockwave that was the refugee crisis.

Never materialized. Migrants are fewer in number and deportations have begun years ago. The small window edgy racists like you had to stir shit up has closed. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll have another, much bigger window in a few decades when climate refugees arrive, then you can have futuristic Neo-Nazis with robots and laser guns and whatever else autistic shit you scribbled in your middle school notebook after Tyrone stole your pencil sharpener.

>> No.10794157

>the problem is people who maintain their population and do no breed exponentially on a limited amount of land
>these people deserve to be replaced with people who do

this is a perfect example of the sick and extremely deluded mentality of the modern day market worshiper

>> No.10794160

Sounds kinda like what the Nazis believed.

>> No.10794162

the low breeding rates are usually a responce to resourse constraints migration completely defeats the point hence the overbuilding and house price escalation in the uk

>> No.10794164

Holy fucking shit! That one is quite the doozy.

>> No.10794168

Oh, were the nazis opposed to infinite growth on a finite planet? I didn't know. That must be convenient little factoid for you and your corporate fascist friends to spew, huh?

>> No.10794170

They believed that fertile peoples at the time like the Japanese, Italians, and Germans were the ones destined to conquer the world or some shit like that.

>> No.10794177

Fertile people definitely have the advantage. So what if the nazis believed that?

>> No.10794181

Sounds like it’s the Muslims who should win in that worldview now.

>> No.10794189

Tonnes of whites have that worldview too. White population will rebound once the ones that don't have died off.

>> No.10794192

Yes let’s wait until the magical promise of the rebounding white birth rate, because birthrates totally haven’t been steadily declining for over sixty years

>> No.10794193

This whole "economic growth mindset" can only end in one awful horrible way

>> No.10794196

>being replaced
Nobody is being replaced though, all the whites are still here. They didn't go anywhere at all. What the fuck are you talking about?

You and I know that's total shit and the reality is the exact opposite. The places on planet Earth with the biggest resource constraints are the places where people breed the most. When you start to hunt the wolves, the bitches give birth to larger litters.
If low breeding rates were a response to resource constraints then white people wouldn't have lower breeding rates than Africans. We have PLENTY.

>> No.10794199

I honestly couldn't give a fuck about whites, any more. They've never really been awfully nice to me. I mean, neither has anyone else I guess. But honestly the "white race" will just be the first to go, and probably that's a blessing.

>> No.10794213

>The places on planet Earth with the biggest resource constraints are the places where people breed the most
That's so completely counterintuitive and illogical, and really never seen before in the animal kingdom or human history, that it might just be right. crazy like a fox. no wait. its bullshit, complete and utter bullshit corporate feel-good propaganda.

>> No.10794222

>never seen before in the animal kingdom or human history
Yeah totally not a thing...
Coyotes and Africans just straight up don't exist, they're corporate propaganda

>> No.10794229

Well if your crackpot theory was correct then I guess the industrial revolution would have seen the exact opposite of a literal population explosion, because it just made resources too damn available...

Fuck off, man. You're full of shit.

>> No.10794247

You could only get pick-pocketed there you pathetic wimp

>> No.10794254

Ah yes, there is totally no documented instances of coyotes giving birth to larger litters the more they're hunted.
The Palestinians totally don't outbreed Israel despite living in glorified shacks compared to Jewish ivory towers, Africans and Indians will never have higher birth rates or populations than whites because they live in Africa and India.

There's no problem then, white genocide is solved! We have more resources so obviously we will reproduce more than all the niggers living in the desert and the savannah. Thanks for reassuring me that White genocide will not happen.

>> No.10794256

No you wouldn't, fuck you
t. parisian

>> No.10794259

Not the industrial revolution but the pharmaceutical revolution

>> No.10794261

but YOU would you little faggy shit

>> No.10794268

or the theory that more resources = less reproduction is obviously incomplete/completely retarded

>> No.10794283

It's not a theory it's documented behavior across the animal kingdom with easy parallels in human society when doing as much as graphing birth rate vs resource availability.

You're just an idiot.

>> No.10794284

'k bud

>> No.10794287

why don't you give me your address chicken shit

>> No.10794289

Putain de degenere
Va rejoindre tes potes negres et laisse nous tranquille

>> No.10794291

Je suis noir fdp

>> No.10794303

beware you aren't confusing whites with their jewishg controllers.

>> No.10794305

Ya I guess you're right. When people/animals discover a new land with seemlingly infinite supplies of food, clean drinking water, and materials for shelter they just stop multiplying

And when they're starving to death and sick from the elements they multiply exponentially.

Makes perfect sense, if you're a fucking moron.

>> No.10794311

>I live in opposite land where squares are round, the ocean is dry, and females have dicks.
>I really do
>Believe everything i say or you're an idiot

>> No.10794324

Degage de france
T'es pas francais et tu le seras jamais
Tout le monde le pense au fond putain de negro de merde

>> No.10794327

>Ah yes, there is totally no documented instances of coyotes giving birth to larger litters the more they're hunted.
that's not a resource shortage adaptation it's a predation adaptation
the trigger is a reduction in population despite ample resources so al they're doing is breeding to meet the available food while under predation.
you shouldn't breed

>> No.10794345

>I have no experience with hunting or with evolution or with population dynamics, but I will shitpost on /sci/ with my nonsensical assertion that Africans and other third worlders aren't breeding faster than first world whites despite literally eating mosquitoes to survive
Thanks /pol/ for contradicting your own points

>> No.10794353

Je m'en bats les couilles de ce que pense le neet du coin. J'ai mieux réussi que la grande majorité des blancs. Je fais ce que je veux ici.
Si la merde doit arriver, je me casserai. J'ai de quoi vivre au bled de toute manière, et c'est pas les demandes de mariage arrangés qui manquent.
D'ici à ce que ça arrive, je compte bien rester ici et profiter.

>> No.10794363

C'est affligeant d'avoir à ce point aucune conscience nationale
Si t'as des attaches sentimentales envers ton pays, va y fonder une famille
Si tu te sens à ta place ici, reste, coupe les ponts précédent et aime les couleur de la France
Mais cet entre-deux égoïste de petit négro profiteur c'est infect

>> No.10794375

I'm agreeing with you though?

>> No.10794405

Comment ça égoïste ? J'ai pas choisi de naître ici. J'ai été béni d'avoir énormément de facilités et de vivre en France où ça a été valorisé, donc j'en profite.
Si je peux en faire profiter d'autres en France, je le ferai. Je le fais déjà en fait. Je ne vois pas pourquoi ça m'empêcherait de garder des attaches à mon pays d'origine, d'aller y passer du temps, développer des initiatives sur place, peut-être fonder une famille un jour.
On ne sait jamais ce que la vie nous réserve. Quand on a la chance d'avoir plusieurs options, autant toutes les garder en main. Je ne vois pas où est le mal.
Surtout en ayant à l'esprit que, comme tu dis, je ne serai jamais considéré (en tout cas de mon vivant) comme un français au même titre qu'un blanc. Pourquoi est-ce que je courrais le risque de me retrouver comme un con le jour où un gouvernement décrète que les basanés ne sont pas français ? Pour te faire plaisir ?

>> No.10794463

who let the /pol/ galaxy brains into /sci/?

>> No.10794484

White Europeans should move to Latin America. It’s the last place with no mudslimes and we could use it.

>> No.10794663

/sci/ has been /pol/ 2.0 for quite a while now, blame the lazy mods for not purging shittreads like this.

>> No.10794824

>Anglos treated Indians better becasue they saw them as animals and gave them reservations, unlike Spaniards who treated them as people to be conquered by their empire.

>> No.10794996

It is common in nature. Some species even have sex specifically when things turn bad, so that there is a chance some of their offspring can make it.

>> No.10795035

White people can't be competent enough to do anything!!1

>> No.10795045

Maybe you should think about the possibility that not all things in the world are perfectly intuitive?

When things are well and there is little risk you would die, you are better off putting most into self preservation and don't take much risks. You are better off putting all resources into keeping your body alive and only breed occasionally and don't create a large number of offspring that would be very likely somewhat inferior to you (since you seem to have hit the right combination of genes) who would compete with you for resources and result in a malthusian catastrophe.

When the things are dire, however, and there is a considerable risk you will dies soon no matter what you do, you are better off to forfeit long term planning and self preservation and instead put all the resources into reproduction and produce as much offspring as you can, with the hope that some will have a better combination of genes to survive the mess.

>> No.10795149

> le gouvernement décrète que les basanés ne sont pas français
Ça n'arrivera jamais. T'as fais quoi comme études ?

>> No.10795195

Ben figure toi qu’il y a des exemples dans l’histoire pas si lointaine de trucs comme ça arrivés à des gens de mon pays qui ont dû rentrer en catastrophe (bon c’était pas en Europe hein, mais on ne sait jamais).
Ils n’avaient pas de pied à terre et ils en ont bien chié.
J’ai fait une prépa que j’ai bien réussie puis des maths. J’en dis pas plus parce que je n’ai jamais croisé un autre noir durant mes études post-prépa, je pense qu’on n’est pas nombreux.

>> No.10795201

Tu parles du Rwanda?
Xptdr me dit pas que t'es à l'ENS Lyon

>> No.10795216

Is this thread dead yet

>> No.10795220

Non pas le Rwanda et non

>> No.10795227

Ça aurait été cocasse
Aime la France, fout pas le bordel et éduque tes cousins qui foutent la merde
Allez bisou et désolé pour ma virulence d'hier

>> No.10795259

On essaira oui...
>Ça aurait été cocasse
Oui, c’est clair... Je pensais pas qu’il y en avait des comme toi dans les ENS. Ca doit être compliqué au quotidien de naviguer entre LFI et NPA lol
Bref longue vie, j’espère que ça t’aura montré que c’est un problème plus délicat qu’il peut en avoir l’air.
Tu peux aimer et servir un pays sans qu’il t’aime en retour. À un moment, il faut pas être con et se préserver un minimum.

>> No.10795301

Not him but j'espère que t'es pas à l'X avec cette mentalité
Et fuck it: Trésor, est-ce toi?

>> No.10795353

Je suis plus en école en fait, donc je pense pas qu’on se soit croisés les jeunes. J’ai pas fait l’X non

>> No.10795359

Je rajoute que je pense pas que ce soit une mentalité particulièrement radicale
Les noirs (pas antillais parce que là c’zst autre chose) que vous connaissez pensent certainement plus ou moins comme moi, à moins d’être complètement aliénés ou de n’avoir pas sérieusement réfléchi à la question.

>> No.10795376
File: 12 KB, 271x186, france today 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hon hon hon

>> No.10795392

Go away pajeet

>> No.10795397

>less white people
>more nonwhites
>but they aren't replaced
That is literally the issue here.
And no we shouldn't have to breed like animals to have the political and cultural control of our lands.

>> No.10795400

You move in to a land in large numbers anf if the local population rebels you kill them off.

>> No.10795403

Remember the Anatolians?

>> No.10795411

>spend hundreds of years going around the globe killing and slaving everyone who isn't white
>not genocide
>Tyrone (whose ancestors were brought into your country by white people) has a child with Stacey

>> No.10795420

No they are not. They would be replaced if they were forcibly removed and *replaced* by an other population. To my knowledge, no such relocation is taking place.
If admixture must occur, then it will not be genocide, simply a recombination of identities. It has happened before. Had it not happened, there would be no idea of "whiteness" (which is an amalgamation of a dozen different identities with little in common).
"White civilization" will not disappear. Genes will not disappear. I mean what is it that you are afraid of ? You will die and be forgotten anyway. Countries will be unrecognizable from what they were. That is just how life is. There is no room to preserve every single thing that happened before. That is not to say that things should not be preserved, but some things are going to disappear, and that’s okay.

>> No.10795432

>To my knowledge, no such relocation is taking place.
The word "replaced" doesn't imply the use of force.
Though force is being used to repress any form of dissent among the local population.
>then it will not be genocide
It will happen once they are the majority, or even just in sufficiently large numbers.
It just means caucasian race. It doesn't imply a cultural unity, but a genetic and cultural similarity.
>"White civilization" will not disappear. Genes will not disappear.
What happened to Anatolians?
> I mean what is it that you are afraid of ?
The potential danger for my kids and eventual grandkids.
> Countries will be unrecognizable from what they were. That is just how life is.
It seems to me that this is only happening in western countries. China will be chinese in a century, and so Congo will congolese.
The purpose of a nation itself is to preserve the wellbeing of it's native population, otherwise i don't even see why it exists.

>> No.10795436

T'es de Cachan ?

>> No.10795465

>The word "replaced" doesn't imply the use of force.
Then that it is a bad choice of words because there is a very clear implication.
>Though force is being used to repress any form of dissent among the local population.
What force exactly ?
>It will happen once they are the majority, or even just in sufficiently large numbers.
Now I don't even know what to say to that. Once you forget that all populations are composed of humans like you and me and think of others as a hive mind bent on destroying you and everythig you love, then yes you can believe that this will occur. I cannot rebut this because we make fundamentally different assumptions about the nature of people.
>It just means caucasian race. It doesn't imply a cultural unity, but a genetic and cultural similarity.
What is the cultural similarity between Mediterraneans, Slavs, Germans and Nords exactly ? Are they all caucasians ? Where do you draw the line ? The caucasian race is a 19th century invention.
>China will be chinese in a century, and so Congo will congolese.
If you believe that China or Congo is the same as it was a century ago, you need to wake up and smell the coffee.
>The purpose of a nation itself is to preserve the wellbeing of it's native population
The nation is also a recent invention. And native populations change. They have in the past and will continue to do so. The only difference is that today, the world has been shrunk by affordable air travel.

>> No.10795495

>What force exactly ?
In certain countries in europe, expressing any sort of concern in regards to immigration or exposing migrant behaviour can lead you to end up in jail.
>I cannot rebut this because we make fundamentally different assumptions about the nature of people.
I'm just looking at the majority of human history and making some assumptions on what will happen, it doesn't seem so unrealistic to me (all the ethnic conflicts, genocides, etc).
>The caucasian race is a 19th century invention.
You can observe common phenotypic features, but it really doesn't matter. Because i would have the same concernes if millions of Germans migrated to Poland.
>If you believe that China or Congo is the same as it was a century ago, you need to wake up and smell the coffee.
In the case of China the ethnic composition is the same.
>The nation is also a recent invention.
And it was specifically created to avoid the ethnic conflicts present in empires after the first world war.
>And native populations change
Not really, you wouldn't observe genetic differences among local populations if this was the case.

>> No.10795513

kys amerimut

>> No.10795521

>retarded nitpicky esl student who doesn't know what the word replace means

>> No.10795569

>In certain countries in europe, expressing any sort of concern in regards to immigration or exposing migrant behaviour can lead you to end up in jail.
I live in Europe. Clearly, it depends on what counts as voicing concerns. Plenty of people are voicing concerns. That’s practically all we talk about.
>In the case of China the ethnic composition is the same.
Ethnic makeup is not all that makes a country what it is. A chinese guy today probably has more in common with you than with one of his ancestors four or five generations down the line.
My problem with your view is that you seem to forget the effect of time. Even if you could somehow isolate a population and let it do its thing, it would still evolve. Its language would still change and so would its culture, because the world around it changes too, and because of random occurrences or trends.
There is no point where countries were neatly divided and then started mixing. As long as people have been able to contact each other, there has been some fucking, some cultural exchange etc.
>And it was specifically created to avoid the ethnic conflicts present in empires after the first world war.
You mean before ? It was used to consolidate empires and recruit larger armies. My point is that, again, you are applying modern (19th century) concepts to countries that are centuries old. France was not a nation three centuries ago. It was nothing like it is today or like it was under the Empire. Neither was the UK or any place in Europe.
It seems like you want to think of the countries of old as frozen in time, but, again, they have changed significantly over time, and so has their conception of themselves as countries.
If arguing word choice was really retarded, then /pol/ would not spend thread upon thread pushing the terms genocide and replacement, among others.
They know what they are doing. Words carry connotations in addition to their literal meaning.

>> No.10795602

>Ethnic makeup is not all that makes a country what it is
It is the only thing that really matters.
>Its language would still change and so would its culture
Yeah sure, the population would be the same.
And there wouldn't be a risk for it to be persecuted and eventually genocided.
>There is no point where countries were neatly divided and then started mixing.
Oh sure, this is why you can take a DNA test and know if you are Italian or French or Swedish or German etc.
>they have changed significantly over time
But the people were still there.
This time, nothing of those countires will survive. This is worse than a war or an economic depression or a revolution.
This is the death of a people.

>> No.10795647

>And there wouldn't be a risk for it to be persecuted and eventually genocided.
If they thrive enough and the population gets large enough, they might divide and go to war with each other. I mean, if you believe that there is a common origin to all European people, how do you explain that they have been at war among themselves for all recorded history ?
How about when Romans persecuted Roman christians ? or when catholics persecuted protestants ?
>But the people were still there.
I mean if you are going to completely ignore my arguments, I am going to stop arguing. You are clearly not understanding my point.
They did not think of themselves as the same people back then. We have collapsed them together in hindsight. People were not as mobile, so countries were less homogeneous.
The northern French did not think themselves as the same "race" as southern French. There was no DNA test back in the day.

tl;dr "people" now != "people" then

>> No.10795677

>I mean, if you believe that there is a common origin to all European people, how do you explain that they have been at war among themselves for all recorded history ?
I have never implied that there weren't also cultural conflicts.
But i'm not sure how is that helping your cause.
>The northern French did not think themselves as the same "race" as southern French
They didn't know that we evolved from animals for that matter. Though not knowing about something doesn't make it false.
Of course there were regional differences, but if you were to bring together a Northern French, a Southern French and some Russian, they would have easily recognized who is more culturally and genetically related to them, and the difference would be even more obvious at the sight of an African.

>> No.10795703

Don't think so m8. I can't speak to France, but as an American, I can't see any cultural similarities between northerners and southerners even if they look the same.

>> No.10795712

You don't notice the similar language, religion and traditions among northern and southern french people?

>> No.10795723

>language, religion and traditions
No, no, and no. Completely honest.

The language is English obviously, but I'd have more common tongue with a Canadian than a US southerner.

Religion, no way. Baptists and Evangelicals are a whole other breed of Christian.

Traditions, not really. US and Christian holidays I guess. But day to day lifestyles are way different in terms of hobbies and entertainment.

>> No.10795728

Whelp, I typed all that and thought you said Americans.

But I can't speak to France. I'm sure some culture is similar and some is different.

>> No.10795761

C'est ton cas?

>> No.10795772

>But i'm not sure how is that helping your cause
You seemed to imply that an ethnostate would be immune to persecution and believe that Europe was somewhat homogeneous before the 20th century. I am pointing to very old examples of persecutions occurring on "homogeneous" soil.

> the difference would be even more obvious at the sight of an African.
Depends on the African. Southern French have much in common with North Africans. Historically, culturally, culinarily, similar climate etc. Obviously they don’t speak the same language (although many North Africans do speak french due to colonization), but they were united under Roman rule and again under French rule, have always been commercially close and there is a large North African community in Southern France and vice versa.

My more general point is that notions like race, people, are fluctuant and that cultural factors (religion, language, shared experiences etc.) are at least as important as "ethnic" ones when it comes to deciding whether someone belongs.
Another general point I was trying to bring up is that people’s perception of diversity tends to even out. The more homogeneous the country, the finer the categories will be, but at no point will people just all recognize each other as one and the same. That is just not how our brain works.
And the fact this discrimination occurs on a "less genetically diverse" population does not make it less severe (as the example of the Inquisition, or more recently the wars in the Balkans and the Rwandan genocide show).
All of this to say that just because the country is more diverse now does not mean that people centuries ago did not experience their countries as very diverse.
You made the difference between "cultural" and "ethnic" conflicts, but I really don’t see it as a pertinent one.
Conflicts between people do not occur because of DNA. They occur because they recognize each other as enemies that should go to war. This is a cultural problem.

>> No.10795828

look up replace esl fag

>> No.10795831

>persecutions occurring on "homogeneous" soil.
And i saying that there are also cultural conflicts besides ethnic.
How does that help your point?
The migrants aren't only biologically different but also culturally different.

>Southern French have much in common with North Africans
So you think that in the past, the southern french had more in common with northern africans than with northern french?
What do you even see as culture? The language, religion, and traditions which are often the byproduct of religion were quite alien to each other.

>They occur because they recognize each other as enemies that should go to war.
And why do they?
Chimp tribes for example are united on a basis of relatedness and they attack other tribes who aren't related to them, to get their resources.

>This is a cultural problem.
Culture isn't magic, it is the byproduct of genetic and environmental factors.

Before the thread dies, i wanted to note that there are no benefits for europeans to accept other populations. There are only potential risks.
You are trying to deny the existance of a group of people, which is a very common way to deny a genocide or make it acceptable. The soviet union used similar strategies to justify the genocide of ukrainians (which wasn't a complete extermination but killed off a significant portion of the population).

>> No.10795866

Non plus, c'est juste que Trésor ça me fait penser au nom d'un Cachanais avec qui j'ai dû suivre des cours cette année, même si je ne le connais pas.

>> No.10795876

and you look up subtext
>So you think that in the past, the southern french had more in common with northern africans than with northern french?
If you go waaay into the past (Middle ages) in some areas (those bordering current Spain), yes. The languages of Northern and Southern France were also mutually unintelligible. There was a decree to make the language of the North the universal language for the whole country later on because the country was almost divided in two.
Traditions were also very different.

>And why do they?
There are many reasons why this could happen. Some ethnic yes, some religious, some purely economic.

>Culture isn't magic, it is the byproduct of genetic and environmental factors.
Yes and I say you downplay the environmental factors in order to frame it as a purely genetic problem

>You are trying to deny the existance of a group of people
No, I am trying to show that defining a group of people that spans a whole country across generations by genetic properties is absurd, and has never reflected the complex reality of it

>> No.10795885

Le monde est petit desu famalam

>> No.10795903

>The languages of Northern and Southern France were also mutually unintelligible.
And yet more similar to each other than the mix of berber and latin that was present in north africa, befor the arab conquest.

>has never reflected the complex reality of it
Sure it is quite complex. Again i don't see how this justifies the influx of other populations.

>The history of india is very complex, and they aren't a biological and cultural monolith, therefore tens of millions of chinese have the right to migrate there and in the long term take over that part of land and assimilate it to China???????

>> No.10795930

>And yet more similar to each other than the mix of berber and latin that was present in north africa, befor the arab conquest.
>therefore tens of millions of chinese have the right to migrate there and in the long term take over that part of land and assimilate it to China
That is not at all analogous to what is happening in Europe, but if it happens, then so what ? Borders change all the time to reflect the reality of the country. India did not always use to be like that. It was not always united. Neither was China. If the borders move marginally, then yes it will redefine what India and China are. But they have been redefined many times in the past. It would not be the end of days.

>> No.10795947

>but if it happens, then so what ? Borders change all the time to reflect the reality of the country.
Yes sure, but how is that benefitial to the Indian population?
If they are smart enought to know that at some point an influx of Chinese population will lead them to lose a part of their land, then why would they allow it. Especially if the land has natural resources.
Should the Indians just stop having self interest?
While letting Chinese people pursue their own goals?
Should Indians be convinced (manipulated) to abandon their common interest, because their common identity is very complex, thus allowing Chinese to pusue their personal and collective interest?

>> No.10795998

Well you know what, I really don't know what to answer to that.
There are reasons why I do not believe that this could actually happen. Unless we are speaking on a timescale of centuries, I doubt that millions of people would actually leave their home to go live permanently in a different country (a great emotional, economic, etc. detachment) for the sake of their government. I just do not see it happening. People do not just uproot themselves like that.
Again, we are talking about people, each with a life, a family, a home town, ties etc. People that build a life abroad, try to find work, maybe find love abroad, maybe build families.
Now, if it did happen, then yes the Indian government (thinking very long term) would be in its right mind to think of this as an aggression.
But the people, I don't know man. My basic assumption is that people are people and countries are a different thing. Abstractions that reflect the people living in it, to an extent, but also play a very different game. And I don't think that it is always beneficial to identify with your country.

>> No.10796050

Just think of Tibet. It was a region of China that wanted indipendence due to the fact that they have a different ethnic composition and are opposed to communism.
>The proportion of the non-Tibetan population in Tibet is disputed. On the one hand, the Central Tibetan Administration of the Dalai Lama accuses China of actively swamping Tibet with migrants in order to alter Tibet's demographic makeup.

Think of the Russification of Eastern Ukraine, Bielorussia, Kazakistan by the Soviet Regime, that basically created incentives for Russian to migrate to those regions in order to have a more stable control of those places. Which is one of the reason why there is now a conflict in Ukraine.

Think of the projects Nazi Germany had to give incentives for germans to migrate to Poland and easter europe, which they didn't manage to accomplish due to the allied forces intervention though.

Think of the Turkification of Anatolia and the Arabization of north africa.

Think of the European immigation to the Americas.

>for the sake of their government
They mostly do it due to economic reasons, but you have to consider also that humans are also highly tribalistic. Even if they aren't forced by the goverment to migrate to a region but do it just for economic reason, they will tend to aggregate on the basis of cultural and genetic ties and slowly create enclaves that will just grow untill they will want to gain political indipendence from the state that they live under.
In the case of europe, there are somewhere around 22.3 million non Eu citizens, though this doesn't count the second or third generation immigrants.

>> No.10796073
File: 129 KB, 800x518, desertification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only experienced the first few drops of a mass exodus never seen before.
Many of the highly populated tropical and subtropical areas are drying out. People will have no food and water any more. They WILL move north.
Hundreds of millions.
Complaining about their skin colour/culture or about other people complaining about their skin colour/culture doesn't give us an edge of dealing with this.
We are in seriously big trouble and little chance to avoid mass death.

>> No.10796113

Keep them in your home anon.

>> No.10796123

>So you think that in the past, the southern french had more in common with northern africans than with northern french?

Absolutesly yes. You seem to forget that north Africa is primarily Islamized Romans.

>> No.10796135

> Islamized Romans.
No, you are ignoring the pervious local cultures and populations, such as berber.

>> No.10796167

I'm not French, but in French Algeria, I believe the Berbers embraced French culture, and lots of French people immigrated to the country. Then they slowly became more Muslim over time and didn't like the Christian French anymore. Culture is dumb like that.