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File: 127 KB, 1179x887, chessboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10791303 No.10791303 [Reply] [Original]

Since chess is only middleweight brainlet tier pattern recognition, which is the most G-factor/IQ responsive game?

>> No.10791310

>Since chess is only middleweight brainlet tier pattern recognition, which is the most G-factor/IQ responsive game?
What have you tried?

>> No.10791314
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The game of life. A game that utilizes game theory. Maybe even d&d if you played with your own rules.

>> No.10791316

Tell me all about how much you suck at chess, anon.

>> No.10791325

league of legends

>> No.10791334

I get molested by the bishops

>> No.10791343
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>> No.10791347

Something you can actually win.

>> No.10791358

dating is all about look though. not cognitive capacity

>> No.10791368

The IQ-game appears to be pretty g-loaded. The rules are the following: the person who scores highest on an IQ test wins.

>> No.10791369

as somebody who can't build muscle, this is absolutely rigged

>> No.10791376
File: 34 KB, 320x439, the clothed potassium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good looking autists don't get the girl. Nor the fucking effeminate that don't have a modicum of masculinity in them. Elliot Rodger proved that.

Not knowing the ins and outs doesn't make it rigged. It's a game in which it is disadvantageous to help your competition.

>> No.10791397

any complete information game without pattern-recognition would be essentially all technique, wouldn't it? Meaning the only approach would be to examine candidate move trees and make a decision based on this process. Another potential category of games would be those for which technique is forbiddingly complex and broad pattern recognition is the only option, so games like Go. But really these are just two different cognitive tasks, I don't know that I could say one is superior. Eliminating memory as a factor is another idea.

>> No.10791402

elliott roger was a dwarf, that's a significant handicap. but I agree looks aren't everything for men.

>> No.10791404

good looking autists do get girls

>> No.10791405
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you guys need to be meeting women in STEM labs, libraries, and intrest-based community meet-ups, instead of bars, nightclubs and hook-up apps.

>> No.10791408

>Women in STEM

Great advice bro

>> No.10791409

women are the same everywhere dude. library, clubs, labs. all sloots

>> No.10791411

they're all married after grad school

>> No.10791412
File: 139 KB, 960x960, Ivanka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elliot Rodger was a creep. Women can smell that shit a mile away. Doesn't matter how good-looking you are if you make every woman's skin crawl.
Trying to be the overly-nice guy smells the same because the woman knows you are hoping to be rewarded for your submissiveness with affection and sex -- even if you don't know or are unable to admit that to yourself.

>> No.10791415

the smart ones have incredible standards, worse than even nightclub sluts

>> No.10791416
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>game theory

>> No.10791427

creep, skin crawl, overly nice these are all meaningless adjectives. elliot rodger was just physically unattractive. thats it

>> No.10791431

>physically unattractive
He looked like Galois bro, pretty attractive

>> No.10791557

So dynamic complexity?
What about single player games?

>> No.10791580


>> No.10791586

Interesting. Makes me wonder if this kind of thing is studied. There’s a game complexity article on Wikipedia, wonder if the subject can be expanded in this direction.

>> No.10791607

Starcraft is being used as an AI benchmark these days.

>> No.10791630


Both are heavy pattern based games and require deep reading. Go for more abstract spatial dimension and Chess for more immediate transactions.

>> No.10791638

has an advanced AI completed pokemon yet?

>> No.10791642
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10791645

i think chess is the most fellatious to think about

>> No.10791674

I don't play chess with deep thought though. I just instinctively move in response to the opponent in order whittle them down. I don't typically win due to a short sighted game, but I occasionally win if a person doesn't understand that I play with full self destructive intent.

>> No.10791677


>> No.10791687

Starcraft 2, League of Legends, Myst, Riven: The Sequel to the Myst, Myst III: Exile, Obduction, The Witness, Neutral's Elements, Curses! by Graham Nelson, Jigsaw by Graham Nelson, Zork, Zork II, The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy, Dwarf Fortress, Nethack, Portal 2, Antichamber, Silent Hill 3, Worldgate 2 escpae, Japanese escape rooms by hozdesign, Room, Room 2, Orbiter, Any simulation of air traffic control, UnReal World, Adom
>No list can get more complete than this when it comes to computer games

>> No.10791691

Make it Good by Jon Ingold

>> No.10791698

this study mentioned looking at dota 2 and league of legends

>> No.10791699

You must be Irish

>> No.10791714

league < dota < starcraft when it comes to IQ

>> No.10791726
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>implying dumb people aren't breeding the fastest

>> No.10791727

>I don't typically win due to a short sighted game,
found your problem

You won't be able to win any game until you learn to read ahead. Watching the advance of computer chess has taught me that analysis trumps strategy every time. Tactics training apps help a lot, moving you from raw analysis to pattern recognition over time.

>> No.10791728


>> No.10791730

CnC Generals Zero Hour

>> No.10792049


>smart people leave their countries to travel to wealthy countries and dilute their average IQ

>> No.10792062


>> No.10792393


>> No.10792529

or crazyhouse chess, lichess supports it

>> No.10792555

Not familiar with it how does it work?

found a single line chess variant
K = king, moves one square
N = knight, moves two squares at a time jumping the first
R = rook moves any number of squares
the goal is to win without stalemating
WHITE, black

>> No.10792561

>Good looking autists don't get the girl.
Kek, imagine believing this. Good looking autists are a diamond in the rough for all those 5/10 girls who would not be able to get those good looking Chad genes otherwise.

>> No.10792579

Shogi, where chess meets D&D on steroids.

>> No.10792594

chess 960. all the pros of chess without all the brute memorization.
also contract bridge

>> No.10792598

I've heard blitz chess is better because you're forced to think fast as mistakes are inevitable so it's a constant challenge to compensate and adapt without the luxury of time

>> No.10792601

Like regular chess, but if you capture a piece, you can use it yourself.


>> No.10792603


>> No.10792636

Anal Checkers.

>> No.10792814


>> No.10792832

>Trying to be the overly-nice guy smells the same because the woman knows you are hoping to be rewarded for your submissiveness with affection and sex -- even if you don't know or are unable to admit that to yourself.
"You really only want sex, and if you don't admit that, you're either ignorant or lying."
The toxic, cynical mindset used by sex-obsessed women to justify ignoring the guy (not that they need to justify it, but they somehow feel that they should) instead of just admitting they don't think he's attractive.

Everyone who does any nice thing like volunteer work is really just after affection and validation, so they're all creeps, right?

>> No.10792841

>Shogi, where chess meets D&D on steroids.

>> No.10792929

Ladder Slasher obviously

>> No.10792969

Warhammer 40k

Never see a low IQ person playing, beacuse the game itself is hard and not cheap, so is very niche and only people with high IQ and money can play it.

>> No.10793047

the stock market

>> No.10793061

the only way to win is not to play

>> No.10793195

rook takes rook on first m---


>> No.10793204

you don't have to buy models, you can make your own out of plasticine or fruit and toothpicks and you can look up the rules on the internet

>> No.10793234
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>high iq
how come I only ever see fat dropout "comic shop guy" lookalikes

>> No.10793313

I haven't been on this board for months, sad to see you haven't an herod yet.

>> No.10793327

What. It's only people with money, no skill involved. Even tournament play is just math hammer with barely any tactical thought applied.

t. used to win european tournaments 15 years back

>> No.10793351

>what have you tried
t. math stackexchange

>> No.10793357

oh man ahahah <3

>> No.10793381

>he's scared to play on hard mode
lmao look at this brainlet tier bitch boy.

>> No.10793394
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you already know the answer OP

>> No.10793473

sum1 pls gib chess adv 4 genus who regulaly beat 2k villans inspyte of 1.4k rating?

>> No.10793979

git gud

>> No.10794036

Bridge is great if you're a GILF chaser

>> No.10794404

what makes a game more g-loaded?

>> No.10794408

Risch algorithm

>> No.10795244

for non-brainlet tier pattern recognition try game of Go

>> No.10795312

Go, starcraft, dota. There are plenty of other ones, but not many with strong competitive scenes (and without that, what's the point?)

>> No.10795339


>> No.10795347
File: 26 KB, 474x343, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fox hunting

>> No.10795355

>Becoming a doctor/pharmacist
Organic chem is not just memorization. Lots of people with good memory fail. It's having intelligence to develop your own mnemonics quickly and effectively. Longterm and short term strategies. Also the end result is concrete: money. So there's no reason anyone would not try as hard as they can, yet fail regardless due to insufficient G.

>Getting GOOD girlfriends
I feel this is absolutely a sign of G. Some women are not only deadweight in the courting process, they are actively lying or mentally ill or etc. The process of selecting, courting, bedding, and maintaining the RIGHT female is only done by men I believe to be high intelligence. Note: "selecting" here means initiating the courting process purely from self drive. Not being pressured by friends. Not being set up. Not getting pregnant by accident and staying with her. But actively choosing and courting an agreeable female and keeping her that way. Guys with high spatial or math intelligence can use money, but don't understand the woman. Guys with social skills make women laugh, but always aim too high and the girl leaves them. Guys with high G know how to keep it right down the middle.

>> No.10795456

I still don't understand why they banned this, fox hunting is a country thing why should townies even care about control of vermin it's the same problem with resisting badger culls that would control the bovine tuberculosis problem

>> No.10796190

looks like a fun problem to practice exhaustive analysis. A suitable problem for a solution written in Prolog.

>> No.10796202
File: 80 KB, 224x437, chess-dungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chess meets D&D you say?

it is a lot of fun once you figure out the pieces. Every game is a race to a mating attack!

>> No.10796207

lol at this cope

its ok man you’re bad at math and not handsome

>> No.10796232

> eurasia chess pieces
That is far more confusing than an actual shogi set. Took me a while to figure out that each piece is white on one half and black on the other! And I guess they are using little magnetic pedestals to indicate promotion?

(I even recognize the game, a famous victory of Habu over 1-2-3!)

>> No.10796377 [DELETED] 

>1D-chess, KNR__rnk
Looks like a forced draw with that setup: 1.R-4 R-5 2.R-3 R-6 repetition. Any alternative loses, max depth six moves.

>> No.10796496

Doesn't matter. Being unattractive isn't a roadblock. Make up for it by not being a shitty person. And also, don't have unreasonably high standards. Basically, don't be retarded

>> No.10796530

I just realized we can troll Chesstards with liberals, by highlighting the term 'mate' as sexist.
Checkmate = Forced mating = rape.

>> No.10796636


>> No.10796701 [DELETED] 

Just watch tfue, the top Fortnite streamer right now, and you will amazed by his high verbal IQ.

>> No.10796743

>reep, skin crawl, overly nice these are all meaningless adjectives.
Right, they might have had some meaning in the past but now it's just filler noise that women attack to feelings as opposed to concepts.

>> No.10796745


>> No.10796752

guarantee you have low verbal iq

>> No.10796783 [DELETED] 

I often scored in the 99th percentile for verbal portions of standardized tests, so idk.
But I was joking, tfue is somewhat notoriously taciturn for a streamer of his popularity.
His commentary consists largely of expressions such as
"Oh shit!"
"Yoo, I'm trippin"

>> No.10796791 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 1024x1017, reirsar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99th mementile
>equivalent of a 140let IQ

>> No.10796802
File: 437 KB, 255x161, seal laughing at claim that people are born gay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99th percentile
>equivalent of a 135let IQ
post Mensa membership card

>> No.10796808

probably not 99th percentile for conscientiousness

>> No.10796838
File: 75 KB, 562x422, Hikaru_no_Go_19-750x5631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all know the answer

>> No.10796940

Impossible. I was bottom tier in StarCraft and Dota but my performance at college has been above average

>> No.10797615

Doesn't help. Regular behaviors will be perceived as shitty when you are unattractive. (I am not unattractive)

>> No.10797766


>> No.10798013

I think I've solved this
K2, k7
Rx5, #

>> No.10798040

Can someone tell me the actual meaning of autism? I'm getting confused.

>> No.10798044

Great minds think alike.

>> No.10798046


>> No.10798078
File: 190 KB, 800x600, DSCF0249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what that means.

>most...IQ responsive game?
Risk or any multiplayer game where you must interact with other players in a manner outside of set rules (like using real-world diplomacy). Hell, even poker is better than chess in that regard because you need to read the other person while not giving away tells.

Tic-Tac-Toe games like chess are not very IQ heavy. Any autist can do those.

>> No.10798088

Team Fortress 2, i know it's an fps but it requires a lot of thinking and very fast response with a good dose of pattern recognition which are common in high IQ people.

>> No.10798223

I hope you realize IQ is specifically about autism, OP isn't asking for games that require actual intelligence.

>> No.10798232

>IQ is specifically about autism
It isn't. You've been memed pretty hard top believe that.

>> No.10798236

No I legitimately was.
I'm kind of interested in what sort of games are most challenging for fluid intelligence unlike chess where memorisation of opening and closing books have removed much of the dynamic thought
I am more interested in physical games over video games but mostly
Go and shougi have been mentioned a few times though shougi shares a couple of the flaws of chess.
honestly I'd guess something like bejewelled would be a good basis since it has simple rules and rewards alertness and limited planning

>> No.10798317

>Hell, even poker is better than chess in that regard because you need to read the other person while not giving away tells.
That is not how you win poker.

>> No.10798332

well they don't even know what G is so I wouldn't worry about them too much.

>> No.10798334


>> No.10798337

This is a low IQ strat. I know because I use it. If I try to think about all the moves I quickly get bogged down so I don't.

>> No.10798341

Never seen anybody with an IQ above 115 show any interest in wh40k

>> No.10798345

No men hate overly nice guys too. Everybody hates them. Since deep down they're like you but on the surface they act like your friend. Can't trust them.

>> No.10798858

It is literally impossible for a person to be unable to build muscle unless you have some horrible testosterone deficiency and are basically a women. Literally, alter your diet to remove processed foods and hit the gym (free weights no sissy machines), and you will bulk.

>> No.10798932

Nine's men morris<
Chess 960<

>> No.10798936

I forgot:
After chess 960

>> No.10798939
File: 554 KB, 806x421, 4q-ktkpTURBXy8zN2RhNjNmYzViZjY1M2U3MGVhZWQ1NzE4OThlNTNlZi5wbmeRkwLNAyYA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

league of legends

>> No.10798949

LOL has been mentioned plenty of times, and dismissed.

>> No.10798967

Porn collecting and masturbation is the thinking man's game

>> No.10798969

Go read the /fit/ sticky

>> No.10799989

Are adaptiveness, strategy and tactics the key fundamentals?

>> No.10799993

For gaming or for g loaded games? G loaded tests tax working memory, associative/lateral thinking, visual-spatial reasoning, reaction time and processing speed heavily.

>> No.10800008

>reaction time and processing speed heavily.

I feel like these two factors are absent from chess forms other than speed chess

I'm not too familiar with what associative/lateral thinking are.

>> No.10800228

Absolutely strategy games, which would of course include "war simulation" games.

There are several types, of varying complexity, both digitally and physically.

Physically, they're generally referred to as "hex and counter" board games. See >>>/tg/ for more details.
I like the idea of these because I can pretend I'm a real general in a hypothetical command room, planning the direction of troops on a real map.

Digitally, you would go with something like "hearts of iron 4" which is a historically plausible war simulator.
I suppose "Crusader Kings 2" might fit into this generally category as well. I don't know much about that game though.

>> No.10800234 [DELETED] 

>hearts of Iron
that's the one with Gustavus Adolphus

>> No.10800237

>hearts of Iron
that's the one with Gustavus Adolphus

>> No.10800825

>Sucking dick for coke
I feel this is absolutely a sign of G. The process of selecting, courting, and blowing the RIGHT truckers is only done by men I believe to be high intelligence. It's having intelligence to maintain a diverse pool of clients and turn tricks quickly and effectively. Longterm and short term strategies. Also the end result is concrete: money.

>> No.10800829
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>> No.10801775

>"you is a traitor"

>> No.10802056
File: 12 KB, 300x168, descarga (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has this thread gone on for so long without anybody mentioning tetris?
The current world record holders for tetris are asian, if you have to be asian to be good at something it requires a high intellect.

>> No.10802061

also just as a side note, will speed solving captchas make me more intelligent?

>> No.10802064

I mean if it's the way AI becomes more intelligent why wouldn't it work for humans?

>> No.10802095

>good memory

>> No.10802798
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>> No.10803185

I didn't think he was a bad looking kid... not a heartthrob but not bad looking. He did however come off as a jaded creepy stalker.

>> No.10803310

Puyo Puyo

>> No.10803425

Sounds like a great way to #metoo your career into obligation.

>> No.10803435

For the already wealthy countries, for every highly intelligent immigrant that comes in, at least two orders of magnitude more morons come in. Heat death of the universe will metaphorically happen to humanity as we converge on a universal 80 IQ on today's scale.

>> No.10803441

these are all shit games

>> No.10803446

>So there's no reason anyone would not try as hard as they can, yet fail regardless due to insufficient G.
how about the job fucking sucks?

>> No.10803449

>related to IQ

>> No.10803603

>social skills


>> No.10803633

And yet both local and global IQ are increasing over time

>> No.10803652

>The game of life.
I like this answer. Show me your success in real life: 1) lose your virginity first lol 2) find a soul mate not some bimbo or any pussy at all , 3) get married, 4) raise kids, 5) make them successful 6) try not to get divorced in the process then we can talk. Check mate incels. Most big brain dudes who post on sci will fail at step 1 lmao

>> No.10803679

I'm afraid you do not understand the flynn effect thge reality is very different
woodley paper "were the victorians smarter than us"

>> No.10803718

That is much harder the smarter you get. People hate people who are smarter than them. No way to get those things if everybody works against you. (and that is impossible to fix later if your mum didn't teach you to play dumb before you entered pre-school)

>> No.10803874

elliot wasnt ugly. he was decent looking

>> No.10803883

>It's a game in which it is disadvantageous to help your competition.
Like every other game?

>> No.10803968

The game with the most g load is Chess on an ascending Soyuz rocket that fails and has to ignite it's launch tower.

Can't get much more gs than that and live to tell it

>> No.10804020

>1950s iq tests:
>Solve college level math and then name every capital of the world while doing a headstand or you are automatically sub 10 iq.

>2019 iq test
>Breathe: +50 iq points
>Write your name +50 iq points
>Write your name correctly +50 iq points
>Congratulations you are a genius, but you can be more of a genius if you give us money.

>> No.10804022

>Narcissists hate people who are smarter than them.


>> No.10804078

No, you are wrong.

>> No.10804089

nah, dumb people actually think they are smart. so they don't hate smarter people because they don't consider them smarter. it's exactly the opposite: smarter people do hate dumb people and there is nothing wrong with that. but if your iq is higher than, say, 130 you'd have to settle with being surround by dumb people and pretend that you like them or die alone and lonely. so it is a lot more practical to fake a high iq (in front of the very few people who care). and if you want to impress anonymous fags on this board just read up raven's tests and pretend you are 140 when in fact you are a healthy 120 so you are not lost to the society.

>> No.10804112

Well you are simply wrong and the majority of people hates smart people with rabid hate.

>> No.10804154

Why do you think so many politicians pretend to be dumb, despite often having IQs 140 and above?

>> No.10804170

would you mind not turning this into another generic IQ rant thread this about games and I'd like to keep it relevant.

>> No.10804214

Kek. I mean I play chess online and I am on the top 10% And the process to find a 'good move' is the same as on every mathematically based discipline. You have a tree of options and of course you can't examine all. You have to prioritize. And you are guided by your heuristics that you update based on the resusts you are getting. Seeing further into the tree (high iq) helps, but the true genius is in your mental heuristics. What OP calls "pattern recognition" I see equivalent recognizing patterns in algebra like: you can factor this or that.

>> No.10804921

Unironically, something like Unreal Tournament 99, and sometimes 2k4. It's been studied many times, as it's quite primitive and pure. Navigating the environment, understanding the mechanics of the weapons and their optimal use, identifying 3d objects from multiple perspectives, rapid identification of targets.

I imagine if criticals were removed from TF2 it would be a lot better at training, as well as if the weapon selection was smaller like it used to be. Certain classes are clearly better/worse, cooperation is promoted and necessary, so even a better player can lose to a more coordinated team. Different maps favor different class composition, and one of the key aspects of the game is shifting classes for the situation. One similarity which is more obvious in TF2 than UT99, you can identify weapons and methods of death as a running ticker. If you notice someone achieving many kills, and by a specific method, without ever having encountered the player you can use a strategy optimized to counter them. It can be fun if you're on a team with a disadvantage, and you micro the shit out of someone who's usually carried by a medic. A lot of highly skilled players focus on a single class, so it can actually turn the game.

Before I forget, actual improvements studied from UT99: widening of the field of view (functional field-of-view), an increased rate of identifying visual content accurately (object identification), and increased rate and accuracy of subitizing (involved in quantity identification and object tracking). Subitizing is related to chunking, and an improvement can increase performance at higher levels of grouping and abstraction.

It doesn't take long for some improvements in the naive. With an FMRI, they can find improvements in motor coordination in as little as something like 10-12 hours of Tetris. Some of the wider gains from games take only around 20 hours over 1-2 weeks.

>> No.10804935

Cont. There's hypotheses that longer-term studies are needed on performance improvement stuff, because while it can be quick to improve some basic performance features, secondary effects like perspective, memories, thought processes need longer to take advantage of the higher performance that's available. An example is they've done n-back studies in ADHD kids, and although at one month they didn't show transfer, six months out there was a significant change in pre-test scores. On the other end, they've done driving simulators with old people, and they can find an improvement in functional field-of-view, and driving partly depends on memory, so improvements from re-learning their environment and becoming accustomed to the more attention/performance they can use would take longer.

There's evidence one of the benefits of being higher performing or intelligent is you get less incapacitated from stressors (because you have to be impaired more before you reach the lowest tiers of performance). Probably has a side effect with mental health, that a person can be more chronically stressed because they have "extra room" to always worry about things, and they'd require higher stimulation to occupy all their performance. Related to that, a lot of games have terrible interfaces, or broken things that impair reaching peak concentration. Unreal Tournament 99 is very pure in that respect, because of it's simplicity. There's lots of other games that are similar, but they might be hampered by slow speed of stimulation, awkward controls, etc. It's personally a reason I usually hate anything action oriented on mobile, or ported from mobile or even console. I'm high-performing and it's really frustrating not being able to hit a certain level of complexity because of input limitations.

>> No.10804974

GO, No limit hold 'em and Richi Mahjong.

>> No.10806120

thank you I had not considered the benefit of game training on day to day life.

>> No.10806126


great posts

>video games ruin your brain
>idiot making a generalized blanket statement

>> No.10806335

Magic (sealed, not constructed)
Starcraft2 (solo ladder)

>> No.10806343


>> No.10806373

Counter strike (any iteration) >>>>>>> Fortnite

>> No.10807074

Martial arts?
Requires a fast reaction speed and adaptability to respond to and exploit your opponents movements.

>> No.10807093

Oh yeah, box, the sport of intellectuals.

>> No.10807505

once it became politically incorrect to call someone a retard, they just started calling me autistic instead

>> No.10807583
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War is the biggest brain game. 2 (or more) countries fight each other, with absolutely no rules. The smarter generals will always win, as the contribution of individual soldiers to the war effort averages out to be the same on both sides, and it's just about pure IQ and out-smarting the others, if both countries are on the same level. Even if not, there's enough cases where a significantly weaker country fought and won a stronger country, due to better resource and manpower usage.

No abstract game limited by rules not inherent to our existence will ever come close. Politics does, but only because there are technically no rules limiting it either, it's just more subtle than all out war.

>> No.10807588


lol fucking nerf

>> No.10807731

Never played it but So Long Sucker might be worth looking into. It was invented by Nash, Shapley, Shubik and Hausner

>> No.10807862

Just move don't think is best chess, you need to memorize patterns, you can forget imaginary moves lot faster, so you don't have to recall back your possibilites from previous games, best chess players think ahead, but I like it most when I think just about the current move and it's effect. I don't see steps ahead, I just see shape of whole chessboard and I suck at it.

t> chessplayer in a maze

>> No.10808145

business? when unregulated?

>> No.10808154

Not even close

>> No.10808208

The smartest ones will watch while those two retards fight.

>> No.10808212


>> No.10808292

Starcraft 2. It has all the strategic depth of brood war, but the QoL improvements mean that you don't have to rely as heavily on pure mechanical ability, which allows the strategic depth to take center stage.

>> No.10808294

nah they bankroll both sides and rake in the money selling food and weaponry

>> No.10808560

Can you tell me what's the big success here?
I mean come on, everyone is successful according to you.

>> No.10808569

>strategy games
>high iq
lol, why do only brainlets play them then?

>> No.10808575

War is literally just about keeping your logistics going and finding points where local superiority can be achieved.

>> No.10808581

You got a source for that or is it coming out your ass?

>> No.10808601

I used to be in a clan for Total War and Paradox games.

>> No.10808602

What if you are highly mathematical, verbal but not really spatial?
I can make women laugh while at the same time not understanding them. I can hardly hold conversations for long, even by asking more questions than speaking about myself.
What do?

>> No.10808833

some martial arts require a large complexity of motion, rules, strategy and correct ettiquete, all which has to be be developed during the course of a "fight". You may not be high IQ because you practice martial arts, but it can be very good mental exercise. Also please notice how in many martial arts the world's best often have somewhat to above average IQs.

>> No.10808867

the one that really sticks out to me is fencing?
boxing I think has too much brain damage

>> No.10808871

Getting punched in the head destroys IQ.

>> No.10808872

joe rogan was a somewhat top tier mma fighter and he has a verified IQ of 127

>> No.10808879

how is kendo or karate going to destroy your IQ?
if anything your IQ is already low if you're constantly hitting yourself on the head out of accidents during fighting and training

>> No.10808881

I meant actual stuff like mma or boxing

>> No.10808886

sorry I think he bareley fought but he does have a blackbelt in jiujitsu and tae kwon do. My point is, in certain martial arts, a high IQ is very advantageous

>> No.10808890

I guess if you consider flying fighter jets or commanding armies a martial art.

>> No.10808897

So you never watched dragon Ball?

>> No.10808900

obviusly not boxing or sumo, but some mma fighter use quite a lot of strategy, although I know it's probably not uch and it is probably bad for your brain, I was talking about most martail arts; boxing is an exception, as a high IQ advantage can not compensate for someone being stronger, having a better skeleton, having more resistance, and even just being more vicious from lack of intelligence. In fact I would say boxing is anti intelligence, as when encountered with a ferocious enemy your rational thinking skills disappear.

>> No.10808902

I mean they might qualify

>> No.10808904

That Muhammad Ali fight had alot of strategy

>> No.10808917
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This is your brain on boxing.

>> No.10808926

>Good looking autists don't get the girl.
They do, just not the top models.

>> No.10808931


>> No.10808932

ehh just a few lumosity sessions, some sudoku and he'll be alright

>> No.10808940

You're so wrong it's incredible.

>> No.10808951

Muhammad Ali was literally retarded.

>> No.10808966

It's really not tho, you also sound american.

>> No.10809014

But that fight was epic where he took the punishment against the ropes

>> No.10809029

according to this website pushing athletic IQ assesments

AIQ Scores significantly correlate with:
>NFL Playing Time
>NFL Career Approximate Value
>NFL Career Interceptions
>NFL Rushing Yards

>Visual spatial processing significantly correlates with slugging and on base slugging
>Reaction time correlates with batting average
>Processing speed correlates batting average

>Visualization significantly correlates with Field Independent Pitching
>Reaction time significantly correlates with WHIP (walks plus hits per inning pitched)
>Choice Reaction time significantly correlates with ERA (Earned run average)

probably similar patterns in some martial arts.

>> No.10809060

The other king of wrong.

>> No.10809077

How about instead of denying women that fact you want to fuck them, you find something to actually agree on. Literally all relationships are is just an agreement

>> No.10809142 [DELETED] 


>> No.10809821

Based dubs

>> No.10809884

desu, the top 960 players are just the top standard chess players in practice. (Like Nakamura and Levon Aronian, both super gms at regular chess.)
If Magnus Carlsen cared about chess 960, he would be the best in the world.

>> No.10810708


>> No.10811962 [DELETED] 

so we're looking for a game that taxes the processing capacity of the brain, most of these games focus on small physical movements surely wider physical movements and visual perception should be taken into consideration too?

>> No.10811968

So we're looking for a game that taxes the processing capacity of the brain, most of these games focus on small physical movements, surely wider physical movements and
visual, tactile, auditory, olifactory etc,etc perceptions should be taken into consideration too?
does anything fit this?

>> No.10812736

does any game rely on olifactory senses?

>> No.10813006
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>Derrr chess is easy!
Go get your ass kicked by stockfish if you actually believe this. Also, realize that you will never be a match for professional chess players. You're not as smart as you think- FACT.

>> No.10813023


But, there isn’t an equal cognitive load for all sensory faculties. Most of the highest g games only work abstraction, reaction time, working memory and associative thinking which covers most of what goes into a decent iq test. Strategy games and actual warfare probably encompass a lot of that but there’s still nothing as good as a well designed iq test.

>> No.10813717

>t. clamped
Very clamped opinion.
I see he was clamped.

>> No.10814281 [DELETED] 

>Chess is just moving pieces on a board.

>> No.10814291


>> No.10815257

What are you talking about?

>> No.10815651
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>but my performance at college has been above average
doing well in college/uni doesn't mean jack shit

>> No.10815743

Go would qualify. Starcraft is too reliant on quick reaction times, and Dota is too reliant on other people.

>Checkmate = Forced mating = rape.
I've read that doujin already.

>> No.10815776 [DELETED] 

>Dota is too reliant on other people.
That's a critical part of a cohesive society, relying on other people, or rather, getting them to what you want.

>> No.10816377

interesting research
I'd speculate the socialising role of games is beneficial for cognitive health.

>> No.10816389 [DELETED] 

I'd speculate you need to get laid, nerd.

>> No.10816772

>a ant is more intelligent than Isaac Newton

>> No.10816852

Fuck off /heem/let

>> No.10817852


>> No.10817924


>> No.10818507


>> No.10818516

call of duty modern warfare shipment matches

>> No.10818662

Kingdom Hearts

>> No.10819732

I'm surprised no one has mentioned music yet.

>> No.10821102

>which is the most G-factor/IQ responsive game?

>> No.10821112

Building muscle

>> No.10821201

except the rewards of reproductive success for intelligence are relatively poor

>> No.10821217


>> No.10821221


>> No.10821236

Those are pure reaction speed.

>> No.10821238

It means the only jack shit that matters

>> No.10822592

knowledge regurgitation isn't necessarily reflecting intelligence though it can help.

>> No.10824496

or american football...
Actually I remember a talk about exercises that can rehabilitate these brains to some extent.

>> No.10825740

can we differentiate games that require significant learning and perfection compared to simpler games one can pick up an learn the basics of in minutes yet where either have varying levels of cognitive challenge?

>> No.10826013

did you find this in a maxim magizine?

>> No.10826128

Dark souls 2
Highest IQ games

>> No.10826220

TF2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Counter Strike (any iteration)

>> No.10826239

I know

>> No.10826250

List of games I've played ranked from lowest IQ requirement to highest

Pokemon (vanilla)
tf2 (vanilla)
No man's sky
Pokemon (hackmons)
tf2 (x10 lowgrav allcrit)
the cow level on katamari

>> No.10826274

>people hate people who are smarter than them
no. people just don't like people that are condescending, just don't be an asshole, gain some social skills and you should dominate any social landscape.

>> No.10826277


>> No.10827074

katamari is definiteley up there you need a high level of spatial awareness to be good at it.
I was reading a letter in the daily telegraph this morning that mentioned Alan Turing used to play a variant of chess where after every move you took you would have to run a distance
your total for every run was then used as a component of the final score. Which adds a physical component to a chess game.
I was wondering if you could possibly combine 960 chess with some sort of physical activity like an obstacle course or run?

>> No.10827304

You mean like chess boxing?

>> No.10827327

preferably something else that isn't going to cause long term brain damage

>> No.10827835

Rookie mistake

>> No.10827840

The highest IQ game of all is definitely Super Smash Bros Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube.


>> No.10827944

I was going to mention this
Also Go

>> No.10828530

>Rookie mistake
Sounds like the title of a pawn film.

>> No.10828557

No it isn’t, play a real fighting game

>> No.10828571

What he said is accurate but underemphasizes the aspect of creativity in human chess

>> No.10830261

there's creativity when you can add chaos and breakaway from the standard format and studied pathways,
maybe some sort of randomness added to the game would help imagine using the twister spinner for a set number of randomised moves and then undoing the damage

>> No.10831591

The best game is arguably paintball - it requires both mental and physical skill to succeed and outsmart your opponents consistently. Pretty much all wargames are toptier, but paintball is the clear king.

>> No.10832511

why paintball over airsoft?

>> No.10832525

I'll have to watch it tomorrow knight.

>> No.10832548

Elliot Rodger didn't talk to girls, though. He just sat on a public place all day waiting for girls to approach him. You can't say he couldn't have gotten a girl, autism aside, if he had actually tried talking to one. Not to mention he had ridiculously high standards.

>> No.10833370

it's an interacial with a black queen

>> No.10835237

What about Ping pong? or tennis?
what's the IQ of Federer or Djokovic?

>> No.10835291


Apparently magic the gathering is the world's most complex game.

>> No.10835476

CSGO is the most cerebral action game I've played. PUBG comes second but offers less in terms of adaptation to opponents' playstyle and enforcing your own because you only play 1 round at a time.

I've been more mentally exhausted after a close match of CSGO with a good team and strong opponents than after a 3-hour final year STEM exam, but that's just anecdotal.

The fact that you're not just mindlessly shooting in a fast paced arena but still need to think AND act lightning fast to out-play a capable oponent puts it quite high on the brain rankings.

>> No.10835480



I would put Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as probably the most intellectually taxing combat sport/martial art. It's 80% brains and 20% brawn most of the time and it's very easy to defeat an opponent twice your size and weight with proper training and strategy.

MMA is close however the striking element shifts some emphasis towards reflexes and physical prowess and leaves less time for pure strategic planning of your next move compared to the slower paced grappling.

Kendo is actually pretty tactical, if not strategic. Much more like grappling than striking. Just check out Book of Five Rings and you'll see.

t. trained all of the above for 3+ years combined, currently doing Muay Thai

>> No.10835487

>Muay Thai
literally brainlet tier. Just keep exchanging blows with muh "eight limbs"

>> No.10835518

>I would put Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as probably the most intellectually taxing combat sport/martial art.

Well yeah, it's easier to think when no one is punching your face

>> No.10835527

Nice projection

>> No.10835718

dating is only middleweight brainlet tier pattern recognition

>> No.10835731
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>thinking von Neumann wasn't right

>> No.10835738
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>> No.10835921

now try being 5 seconds away from being choked into oblivion

>> No.10835925

So nothing? Got it.

>> No.10836146


>> No.10836151

Advance wars

>> No.10836245

RTS genre no doubt, anything else is brainlet tier.

>> No.10836253

Better than getting KO

>> No.10838136

is it possible to have a decent RTS without a computer?

>> No.10838173

Tf2 is a joke, fuck off. cs is intense because you have to know what your opponent is going to do this time in real time.
Hold’um Is brain-let poker, apsulte worst versionof poker, and no limit is extra retarded because when you get lucky you can always just bet out the pot, where with limits, one lucky draw doesn’t end the game,
Unreal tournament with low gravity AND turbo speed (200% setting) vs humans is the iq action game par excellence. You have to hold the entire 3D map in your head you can cross over it in a few seconds and so can they so you have to maneuver while they are maneuvering 3D space at very fast speeds. While remembering heathpack spawn times and other stuff.
Regular speed with gravity is brainlet by comparison.
Most hex games are all about being a faggot rules lawyer though.

>> No.10839509 [DELETED] 


>> No.10839516

Jesus, that's bad. what does it take to cause this?
I've smacked my head aroound a few times pretty hard.

>> No.10839827

worms armageddon

>> No.10840279

fuck thats brutal. anyway what is "advanced" cte in this case?

>> No.10840287

>play american football from basically 8 years old to 13 for several hours everyday.
>deal with depression, anxiety, sleep problems and suicidal thoughts for the following 10 years.
>at least once a day wonder if all the smashing into other people with my body and head for 5 years straight did a number on my brain

conclusion: probably.

>> No.10840289

>cs is intense because you have to know what your opponent is going to do this time in real time.

>> No.10840344

I bet you have a sub 2000 ELO

>> No.10840428


I think the game you might be looking for would almost certainly be a war simulation. even something as simple as AOE2.

building an economy able to wage war against an enemy and dealing with totally unpredictable tactics and sacrifices. it would overwhelm any AI currently available.

you can pit the best current AOE2 AI's, seven of them, on a team, against a single good player. and that single player will win. same with any war game I assume. Human strength sometimes comes from our insane ability to totally lose our minds and do things that are considered outrageous and stupid when looked at strategically.

It might all boil down to rage. have you ever been so angry and upset your heart was just pounding and you were ready to kill? maybe not that intense for most. but we have all felt overwhelming rage. a computer would never feel that. it is always cold and calculating. it isn't expecting suicide bombers and kamikaze pilots etc. an enemy willing to destroy itself just in the off chance it will take the computer with it.

that is the sort of game you should be looking for if you really want an AI that is dangerous.

>> No.10840508

funny thing
did you ever hear about the jade helm event? a massive military build up in the southern states a couple years back caused by a military AI called jade 2

>> No.10840653

Trying to clap cracked out zoomers in fortnite arena/1v1 is as high iq as gaming gets.

If you arent playing fortnite pc at the highest level, youre playing a brainlet game. Try to edit on these kids and hit ur shots while keeping up with build meta. Any other answer is pure cope.

>> No.10840726

just wondering, I was reading about dyslexia and how they're over represented among engineers and other technical fields
since dyslexia is basically the opposite of autism
I was wondering whether they were more successful at certain games? RTS games would seem to have features that might be better exploited by their greater broad synthesis abilities

>> No.10840729

engies can’t recover from this

>> No.10841831

>posts about chess being brainlet tier
>doesn't even into chess

>> No.10841890

Play me OP


>> No.10841969

sry for ruining your link

>> No.10842043

Your assumption is correct I've not sunk much time into chess my score is likely abysmal, but I was more interested in what sort of game would be the most cognitively taxing, because chess has its known limitations.

>> No.10842051

No worries :)


>> No.10842630
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Big Brother

>> No.10844353

Juggling? Or failing that, being a spy?

>> No.10845589

>too few infantry units
absolutely degenerate

>> No.10845756

Did my undergrad in physics at MIT. All the women in my classes were ugly as sin, not only that - they all had boyfriends.

>> No.10845760

back when the game was actually enjoyable to watch

>> No.10845768

>show me your success in real life
>it's all basic monkey see monkey do shit that any retard can accomplish and most retards do, hence retarded population with low avg iq
man, i want to say that reading your comment didn't make me want to blow your brains out this hard, but it really did

>> No.10846351

Do you really think so? Why?

>> No.10846810

They just don't want someone dumber than them which is understandable.

>> No.10847010

Arena shooters.

>> No.10847494

It's not looks, it's charisma. Being good looking can help you build confidence and hence your charisma, but it's certainly not enough

>> No.10849090

humour seems like part of a decent charisma stat

>> No.10849347
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>> No.10849350
