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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 259x194, 2A481F53-5700-4567-92BF-6957D3992376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10785115 No.10785115 [Reply] [Original]

Is music worth getting into?

>> No.10785411

Anyone with even a little culture should appreciate music. Some of us also play instruments. Of course some just get their culture intake through yogurt and can only play cards.

>> No.10785421

Why don't you ask >>>/mu/?

>> No.10785558

Because they are idiots

>> No.10785672

And how is /sci/ any different?

>> No.10785770

Probably. People with hungry brains will appreciate jazz and classical. Learning an instrument also hacks your brain for improved memory and processing capabilities.

>Of course some just get their culture intake through yogurt and can only play cards.
Checked and chuckled.

>> No.10785804
File: 64 KB, 800x450, Pythagoras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is music worth getting into?

Yes and no.

While music and mathematics are closely intertwined, the unfortunate reality is that Western music is clamped and uses 12-tone equal temperament, rather than the true, just intonation of Pythagoras. But they don't want you to know this.

>> No.10785807

Yep. I like reverse engineering music.

>> No.10785813

There are aliens listening to nanotonal music as we speak. It sounds like white noise and whale cries to the human ear, but they seem to enjoy themselves.

>> No.10785815
File: 32 KB, 226x226, Lolita_Nation_(Game_Theory_album)_coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At any rate, the appropriate music for 4chan is the album Lolita Nation, by the band Game Theory.

Lolita Nation is the right album for obvious reasons. Game Theory because this is /sci. And Scott Miller (the man behind the band), because he was both a Lisp programmer and an hero.

>> No.10785931
File: 119 KB, 493x720, hz_tones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh geez, what will you tell us next, that the reason for "western music" being "clamped" this way is a deliberate plot to keep people in a particularly dissonant frame of consciousness?

>> No.10785956

>a lisp programmer wrote this music
I like it.

>> No.10785982


>> No.10785986
File: 789 KB, 1023x900, DEFMACROS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>a lisp programmer wrote this music
>I like it.
long ass track title in pic related

>> No.10785990

Yes, but it's because we're in a bad collective quantum state as a result that is the key problem here.

>> No.10786748
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unironically thats the place where I found the most "teenage behavior" for example one of the biggest thing they have is to belive that 90s grunge was/is an underground thing (almost to belive that MTV was not even behind it)... they actually hate "boomers" but at the same time they don't even see the irony that they themself are just 80s early 90s boomers... they even love vinyl records (of course they do!!! ) but don't even dare to bring the boomer thing up... its the only place where the boomer meme is actually taken seriously, in all the other boards the boomer meme started as a mock but it rapidly became a comfy type of thing because there is a genuine honesty behind it...

its just a mess.

>> No.10786787
File: 79 KB, 495x865, Hu5T0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a just intonation vs. equal temperament thread.

>> No.10786995

Xenharmonic music is the future

>> No.10787252

what would this chart mean? can you gives us a little explanation of it.

>> No.10787394


>> No.10787409

Scientifically speaking, no.

>> No.10787414

what about research that shows musicians have healthy brains. It's really good for your brain to be proficient at an instrument.

>> No.10787488

>B-But research said
can you solve a problem with music
than btfo

>> No.10787503

can you cure your depression and loneliness with problem sets?

>> No.10787505

>what about research that shows musicians have healthy brains
Can't argue against these hundreds upon hundreds of papers you've just cited.

>> No.10787512

I don't have to google them for you.

Can you present any sort of argument or mechanism as to why playing an instrument and understanding music theory would be HARMFUL for one's cognitive health?

>> No.10787521

>scientifically speaking
Who gives a shit? Pop-sci video consumers?

>> No.10787540
File: 21 KB, 220x219, lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only progressive rock

>> No.10787541

based and progpilled

>> No.10787559

The 12 tone shit is there for a reason. It's what sounded best to people in the west. Infact, most of the world uses a 12 tone system. Also, just listen to what you fucking enjoy instead of "oh I listen to Pythagorean 14.64 tonal whateverthefucks because I'm an "intellectual"".

>> No.10787579


microtonal shit is for Sandip and Amit

>> No.10787589

Refer to >>>/lit/.

>> No.10787596

>microtonal shit is for Sandip and Amit
You're just as retarded as that other fag for refusing to acknowledge that there is no one correct way to do music. Microtonal shit has its applications even in Western music.

>> No.10787606

The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.10787614

you're misunderstanding I think

my comment was a bit rude, I think microtonal notes can sound creative and interesting but the vast majority of western music doesn't really call for it. There's enough room for creativity elsewhere.

No where in my comments do I say there is one right way to do music. My first comment was saying that far more people prefer 12 tone western music for reasons.

>> No.10787619

>My first comment was saying that far more people prefer 12 tone western music for reasons.
So you replied to your own post with "+1"? That's gay as hell.

>> No.10787624

no lol, that wasn't my own post?? swear on my bachelors degree from a shitty engineering school

>> No.10787628

Well, then you should be able to see that >>10787596 was talking about the retard who posted a picture of Pythagoras, not about you.

>> No.10787655


it's a ted video sure but it references studies

I mean I don't recall many professional musicians suffering from dementia in old age. Thats not proof but I just don't see why you have trouble accepting that there is evidence music playing is good for the brain.

this study showed musicians had higher levels of verbal memory

same thing in children with musical training vs non musician children neurolab347.pic6.eznetonline.com/upload/46_YLWe.pdf

this even shows that young music training increases the corpus callosum in the brain https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2996135/

>> No.10787799

>Music is only for smart people
>Math is nothing compare to music
>studies source: ted
>music training increases the corpus callosum in the brain
math will make a man out you youngfag

>> No.10787817

>it's a ted video sure but it references studies
I'm sorry, but "scientists found that" is not a citation.

>I mean I don't recall many professional musicians suffering from dementia in old age.

>I just don't see why you have trouble accepting that there is evidence music playing is good for the brain.
Because evidence isn't something you accept exists without seeing it. Jesus tap-dancing Christ, Reddit understands this.

>this study showed musicians had higher levels of verbal memory
This is a PDF of an abstract of a 20-year-old study with no DOI in sight. Also, one study is never enough. The first thing you learn in research is there's no consensus without dozens of independent replications aggregated under the form of meta-studies.

>same thing in children with musical training vs non musician children neurolab347.pic6.eznetonline.com/upload/46_YLWe.pdf
The author list looks an awful-lot familiar. Not to mention the laughable sample size of 45 and pathetic alpha-value of 5%.

Also, if you think studies on children prove you can become a transcendental supergenius by playing happy birthday on a piano, you need to read >>>/global/rules/2. Literally nootropics mentality.

>> No.10787832

>Jesus tap-dancing Christ
R*dditor spotted.

>> No.10787846

>math will make a man out you youngfag
Math and music theory are both one of the most patrician disciplines you could study. It's really obvious to me that you know about neither.

>> No.10787867

>Jesus tap-dancing Christ
i bet you believe he doesn't exist too. what a sad existence...

>> No.10787888

you're an insufferable fool. Sorry you never appreciated the joy of playing music.

>> No.10787893

>Math and music theory are both one of the most patrician disciplines
don't even put math on the same page as music retard

>> No.10787910

>don't even put math on the same page as music retard
Why not?

>> No.10787959
File: 7 KB, 300x168, keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't even put math on the same page as music retard
Every heard of Pythagoras? Or Bourbaki?

Pierre Cartier:
>Dieudonné was quite a good piano player, at an amateur level, but quite good, and he had a fantastic memory. He knew hundreds and hundreds of pages of score by heart and could follow every single note. I remember I had a few occasions to go to the concert hall with him. It was fascinating, he would look at the score in his hand and exclaim "OH!" if a note was missing from the orchestra! He devoted the last six months of his life - when he decided that his mathematical life was finished, he had written his last book, and he retreated to his home - to listening to recordings and following the scores and the notes.

>When Dieudonné was the scribe of Bourbaki, for many many years, every printed word came from his pen. Of course there had been many drafts and preliminary versions, but the printed version was always from the pen of Dieudonné. And with his fantastic memory, he knew every single word. I remember, it was a joke, you could say, "Dieudonné, what is this result about so and so?" and he would go to the shelf and take down the book and open it to the right page.

Source: http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Dieudonne.html

>> No.10787970

Yes, especially Bach

>> No.10787974


>> No.10788005
File: 596 KB, 664x757, fingering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesn't know about the topos of triads

>> No.10788019

can you solve a problem with music?

>> No.10788022

Yes, you solve musical problems with music.

>> No.10788099
File: 71 KB, 1024x957, 1549227723217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>musical problems with music

>> No.10788129

Math is not only about problem solving. It's also an art form, much like music, each with their own aesthetic. In fact, a great deal of inspiration for Greek number theory is rooted in integer ratios of harmonic tones.

>> No.10788130


>> No.10788153
File: 16 KB, 300x225, Leibniz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the real brainlet?

>> No.10788155

>Who's the real brainlet?

>> No.10788156

based Leibniz

>> No.10788166

>post pic proves nothing but how retarded he is

>> No.10788171

>thinking problems just exist in math and science

>> No.10788180

>musical problem

>> No.10788183

I'm done
I'll sage out

>> No.10788190
File: 37 KB, 702x336, orgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>post pic proves nothing but how retarded he is
t. virgin

Most music is written for the express purpose of pleasuring woman at a distance. Music is the pleasure a woman experiences from counting without being aware her brain is counting.

>> No.10788191

Anyway, that's the 'problem' music has solved throughout the ages, in case you were wondering.

>> No.10788196

I hope you leave /sci/ and back to your shithole of a fucking board

>> No.10788197

at least now we know that frogposting has solved the problem of identifying retards on anonymous anime music discussion boards.

>> No.10788206
File: 932 KB, 480x270, 8dfd661244c7682921b201a9c808800d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of fingering, does learning to play the piano improve your fingering skills?

>> No.10788209

> the only music I'm familiar with is shit tier normie music about romance and love
>therefore that's the entire purpose of music
>i win

you're actually ignorant as fuck and most likely autistic

>> No.10788212

I wasn’t talking about “musical problems” you ape

>> No.10788215

didn't know that Bach was normie-tier music about romance and love (it is, but not in a sense a subhuman like you can even hope to understand).

>> No.10788222

What's wrong with musical problems? Literally every even remotely complex piece of music you ever listened to had to solve a lot of them.

>> No.10788225

>Bach only made music about romance and love

>> No.10788228

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10788233

>all these mouthbreaters unable to appreciate such a beatiful art-form
I thought /sci/ was a high IQ board.

>> No.10788293

There’s only like 2 brainlets making that claim

>> No.10788304

That's 2 brainlets too many on a supposedly high IQ board.

>> No.10788321

have you ever seen a gaussian?

>> No.10788376

stop talking to yourself

>> No.10788379

yes. and you can create stuff.

>> No.10788422

>being so autistic you become a cultureless swine

Looks like /sci/'s top teir thinkers at it again!

>> No.10788433


>> No.10788445


Why people play music can't really be described in words. How music is produced can definitely be qualitatively and quantitative described but when asked why they want to play a piece of music people tend to give a deeply subjective and often nonsensical answer.

My answer is very simple I play and listen to music because it makes me happy. If music makes you happy as well then it's definitely worth getting into.

>> No.10790159

>I don't have to google them for you.
Oh but you do.

>> No.10790228

look further down in the thread I linked a few studies, of course they were shot down by the original tone-deaf autist I was arguing with but ya'know

>> No.10790464
File: 482 KB, 500x775, 1540729774001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but only in a=432hz.

>> No.10790620

metal is

>> No.10790788
File: 45 KB, 600x336, AtomAndHisPackage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metal is
gay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWMuCGkmdJU

(and that's a good thing)

>> No.10790807

If geometry is number in space, and music is number in time, then Astronomy would then be number in space and time.

>> No.10790817

*11 tone

>> No.10790843


>> No.10790845


>> No.10790859

As someone who spent many years on /mu/ back when it wasn’t so bad (not good just not so bad) the boomer meme is taken seriously because it’s the only place where boomer existed previous to the creation of the meme, as an old man who purely listens to old music that was popular back then (while not having artistic credibility) and disregards music now despite the fact that certain acts do have the same feel of the music they like.
I’m pretty sure the vinyl thing is just a select group, they just have a General there, most people listen to streaming since it’s the most convenient.
Also grunge WAS an underground act before Nirvana’s second album blew it into the mainstream, same way hip hop was an underground act before the 00s

>> No.10790869

1 - C
2 - C#/Db
3 - D
4 - D#/Eb
5 - E
6 - F
7 - F#/Gb
8 - G
9 - G#/Ab
10 - A
11 - A#/Bb
12 - B

>> No.10790880
File: 110 KB, 305x2027, lossy-page1-305px-Yamaha_Bassoon_YFG-812_II.tif[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10791151


for those with ears, listening to music is the process of intuitively performing calculus upon a data set of (usually) intentional harmonic frequencies that are (usually) derived from the infinite overtone series that have been set up to build tension and resolve in a format tied to personal emotions through a temporal narrative that we experience.


>> No.10791153

nerds suck shit get on my fucking level

t. classically trained musician

>> No.10791162


>> No.10791383

Idk but my blues improvisations are siiiick

>> No.10791421

>Is music worth getting into?
What do you mean by that? Like listen to all kinds of music? Learning about music theory? Learning to play an instrument? Learning to write music? Do any of these things for a living?

>> No.10791429

based Fourier

>> No.10791468

>classically trained

>> No.10791563

>"intuitively performing calculus"
>literally implying Leibnitz is a nigger while making an argument based on calculus

>> No.10791565

ugh, meant to write Leibniz, dammit

>> No.10791569

Not OP
I wandered if I'd have enough time to write music( mostly tech death/proggy metal) whilst pursuing a career in physics

>> No.10791947

Hard to say. How old are you? Are you starting from scratch? Do you want to play and record your music too?

>> No.10791968
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>> No.10792081 [DELETED] 

I am currently 16. Gearwise the only piece of gear I need to get is an interface. Theorywise I do know a hefty amount of information . As far as playing goes I expect not to have enough time to gig.

>> No.10792169

Alright. I'd say go for it, but prioritize physics and keep the composing as a hobby.

>> No.10792260

Can you create an emotion with math?

>> No.10792263

Yes. Calculus makes me cry

>> No.10792279
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, Oppenheimer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you create an emotion with math?
>Yes. Calculus makes me cry
Sure, calculus can make you cry, if you regret having built the bomb with it. Pic related:
>We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent.

>I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

>I suppose we all thought that one way or another.

>> No.10792311

Now was it the nuke that upset him, or the equation itslef?

>> No.10792334

Thanks man!

>> No.10793193

No material difference.

>> No.10794092

let's see you play the oboe, cocksucker.

>> No.10794759

let's see you play the cock, oboesucker

>> No.10794782

Let me just go ahead here and skip to the
>play me you oboe cock the sucker, see let's
now if you really want, we can all go over to reddit and suck each other off over there.

>> No.10794905

>the unfortunate reality is that Western music is clamped and uses 12-tone equal temperament
>not wanting to be able to modulate
alright retard

>> No.10794919

You may laugh but it's correct in a sense.
Being able to come up with a response to a musical statement (especially in real time) is a very difficult skill to become good at.

>> No.10794966

>correct in a sense
>create an emotion with math
emotions don't exist but most of you are new
you let your emotions (something exist only in you) control you like a faggot

>> No.10795358
File: 230 KB, 470x555, 1557426044514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emotions don't exist
>exist only in you

>> No.10795701

Baroque music, specifically melody, harmony and counterpoint are the only interesting things to learn about

>> No.10795909

18+ leave

>> No.10796064

>does learning to play the piano improve your fingering skills
also interested in this. any non-virgin pianists here?

>> No.10796325

Yes, but girls want the drummer anyway.

>> No.10796522

Oh and listening to an 11 tone scale makes you intellectually superior how?

>> No.10796622

No. Music and worthless and you are a BRAINLET for even posting this. A brainlet FOREVER.

>> No.10796635

this is what I was trying to teach all of you but all of you are retards and I gave up on it

>> No.10796658

unoriginal bait, has already been done here >>10790817
very clamped bait

>> No.10796674
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>> No.10797134
File: 14 KB, 640x480, jjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of approximating the harmonic series (without bias towards any of the intervals), there are diminishing returns when increasing the number of equal division of the octave past 12.

>> No.10797153

Can someone who has time and musical knowledge watch 6:10 to 8:00 and tell what in the fuck the guitar guy's problem? Watch his facial expressions and body language. Do they sound like ass and he's expressing disgust?

>> No.10797202
File: 119 KB, 561x615, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some weird shit, anon. Where did you find this? Guitarist is trying so do some cool syncopated fast strumming, but have terrible time. In fact, all of the band has bad time, thus playing fast precise stuff should be completely banned as it will just sound crap. He also looks like he's super confused and nervous about the whole thing. The drum solo is hilarious. Drummer blurts out some awkward phrases with accented by huge amounts of reverb and some strange delay effects that just sounds like glitches. Guitarist is comping and making it sound even more chaotic since they are not playing together well. At the end of the drum solo the audience cheers and the drummer lights up with a smug smile while he's subtly humping up and down while playing quarter notes on the bass drum.

>> No.10797226

>>not wanting to be able to modulate
Can you elaborate? How does using more than 12 tones make you lose your ability to modulate?

>> No.10797227
File: 148 KB, 600x678, clannad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a band that have been around since the 70s and their older stuff is some of my favorite, in fact they are still releasing live albums from the 70s and 80s, it's a shame they're senile and the female lead can't get through a performance without wheezing because she swallowed too much cum over the years.

>> No.10797294


>> No.10797295

Sounded good back in the day. Found some stuff from the 70s.