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10787099 No.10787099 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't medical students focus first on aging and then cancer? Aging is the main factor in cancer, so are medical schools and hospitals profiting off of others suffering due to them neglecting anti-aging research?

>> No.10787100
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>They know. Shut it down.

>> No.10787103

Can anyone give me a quick rundown on Bogdanoff brothers?

>> No.10787124

mental illness

>> No.10787127

Why should medical students focus on that stuff. For the most part they don't do any research.

>> No.10787135
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We've always known, we just didn't want to accept it.

>> No.10787161

>just stop chemical reactions bro

>> No.10787192
File: 2.36 MB, 2560x1600, 1283885483_riverblood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancer is a metabolic disease. It has no inherent connection to aging beyond the buildup of overall toxic load and functional degradation of a given system eg repeated mammograms in addition to wearing a bra that restricts blood flow = toxin buildup = cancer. Cell phone in the bra? Cancer. Not breastfeeding despite milk production? Fluid buildup, cancer.

For a country that claims to love boobs, we do everything we can to fuck them up. And everyone just takes it and acts like giving breast tissue 2+ years of background radiation all at once, repeatedly, for "Screening" makes any damn sense. We all just go along and take it. It's ridiculous. People have no idea what level of irradiation they're getting and the real depth of the scam they've got running here.

Many cancers are also caused by microorganisms. Rife's Bacillus X.

>> No.10787205

Also, I know 4chan is overall "edgy", but I'm not kidding. I just googled bacillus X Rife, and this was the first result.
I only skimmed it so far, but it seems to neatly summarize other sources. Notice the appearance of a familiar face, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. The same institute that was working on weaponizing polio (with the cutter incident coming shortly after). By the 50's they were trying to determine the most efficient way to exterminate large populations, using rats in cities as a cover model. This is all in the record, look it up.

In short, it's no surprise they'd be part of this story along with the rest of the central banker medical-chemical cabal. The same people who ran Hoxsey out of the country. The same people, though not yet to my knowledge int he record, shut down Schereschewsky of Harvard who was doing the same thing as Rife. Gosset in France was shut up eventually, the Eastern European work was ignored in the west. They continue to use mmWaves for cancer treatment to this day, limitedly.

>> No.10787208

fuck off schizo

>> No.10787211

Why do you want to be a slave? Are you absolutely fucking retarded? Are you that desperate for everything to be the way you thought it was? We have leads.

For fuck's sake, look at Novocure. It's a modern Rife machine that doesn't work worth a fuck. Worked well enough for FDA approval, whatever that means.


>> No.10787386
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>> No.10787397

Why are you reddit spacing?

>> No.10787413

not an argument

>> No.10788141

i didn't pay attention to what you had to say but you said something about boobs being in danger

how do we save the boobs? give me a tl;dr

>> No.10788253

Because those aren't medical fields of study.

>> No.10788405

>Aging is the main factor in cancer

that's an extremely vague and almost entirely false statement


this person is too stupid to be trusted to bathe themselves

>> No.10788424


They both have had heavy plastic surgery. So, because of their looks, the Internet has fun claiming that they are at the center of a lot of conspiracy theories. It’s fun to pretend that they are aliens who are manipulating the lives of us simple humans and the society we live in.
TLDR; their fucked up looks make people think of them like free masons.

>> No.10788437
File: 369 KB, 1700x850, deathism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't medical students focus first on aging and then cancer?
Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.10789790

Just get 500 mg resveratrol/day, lowers inflamation that increases risk of cancer and improves SIRT1 gene pathway

>> No.10789871

> "lol why are you removing tumors and using cancer reducing agents bro, scrap that and just change natural human life progression!"

Come to think of it why fix broken bones, why not make bones invincible?

>> No.10790117

>It's a life extensionist shitposter
I honestly don't see how anyone can't see life extension past the age of like 120 at the logical extreme to be anything but a scam. Even in most cases, you can probably extend your life to your 90s or early 100s and that's it.

>> No.10791770

it's expected for most, especially those pursuing competitive specialities.

>> No.10791785
File: 32 KB, 132x131, 155993159993693545 285245 gsp skeptical .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aging is the main factor in cancer
WTF are you talking about?

>> No.10791787
File: 72 KB, 728x546, longevity escape velocity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on why you think it's a scam.

>> No.10791790
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>> No.10791791

>It has no inherent connection to aging beyond the buildup of overall toxic load and functional degradation of a given system eg repeated mammograms in addition to wearing a bra that restricts blood flow = toxin buildup = cancer. Cell phone in the bra? Cancer. Not breastfeeding despite milk production? Fluid buildup, cancer.

>> No.10791799


>> No.10791804

IDK. Wouldn't shit like entropy and the eventual breakdown of all systems, living or not,pretty much halt cell growth at some point? It seems like a basic fact that would make immortality impossible.

>> No.10791820

radical life extension isn't immortality necessarily, it's just the closest we can get to it

>> No.10791839

from age 30 to 70 the likelyhood of cancer is 200x more because of aging halllmarks. if you could make yourself young you have all but eliminated that disease or at least managed it to a high degree.

>> No.10791954

There have been no break through cures for a long, long time.

Biotech is pretty much a meme (compared to what people thought it would be capable of).

There is a very good chance that if a cure for something hasn't been found by now then it is INCREDIBLY hard to fix/cure and won't be within our lifetimes.

>> No.10792702

>are medical schools and hospitals profiting off of others suffering

This is what medicine actually is.

>> No.10793625

>Wouldn't shit like entropy and the eventual breakdown of all systems
Humans aren't a closed system, so no. The human body is well evolved to reach a failure point, because its advantageous for its offspring, so negating this failure point is achievable. However, we should remain mindful of resources consumption in such a situation.

>> No.10793631

This. The human race would profit more if all medicine and medical care was destroyed because then only fit people would survive

>> No.10794790

>improves SIRT1 gene pathway

biologist here - how the fuck does one 'improve a gene pathway'?

>> No.10794795

eat a dick. the chances of you being even moderately-informed on current high impact research is next to zero.

we literally cured hepatitis C in the past decade - a chronic and often deadly disease that was previously only treatable by injecting massive amounts of synthetic interferon into you, which was horrible to endure

>> No.10794803

you make the transcription faster and then you make the enzyme make the peotein faster

>> No.10794809

>you make the transcription faster and then you make the enzyme make the peotein faster

What you're describing is generally just called 'increasing gene expression' in biology. Also, direct activators of gene expression do not necessarily affect the protein synthesis after transcription (which is primarily limited by ribosomal synthesis and post-translational modification, the former of which is driven by rRNAs, not enzymes).

Also, what's your thoughts on this article published in Chemical Biology & Drug Design titled "Resveratrol is Not a Direct Activator of SIRT1 Enzyme Activity"?


>> No.10794821


Yes. Burn the entire med establishment to the ground (metaphorically) and replace with a regulated capitalist model simular to the tech industry. Of course democrats will be against because they are women who are evolved not to "work" as we do. Women are contrarian by nation, its not their fault. Burn this shit to the gorund and drag out the "doctors" by their hair kick and screaming (metaphorically) and replace the entire system.

>> No.10794828

Dude what world do you live in? The modern medical/pharma industry is a capitalist pig's wet dream.

>> No.10794830


This. This . THIS.

The med establishment is the most corrupt of all. It needs to be glassed, burned to the ground, demolished, nuked (metaphorically) and replaced with true regulated capitalism. Transparent pricing and true competition, and any mafia who remain must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for the good of our nation, and of humanity. Full stop.

>> No.10794839

>Transparent pricing and true competition

This already exists. The marginal cost of making an epi-pen or dose of Humira is public knowledge.

'True competition' doesn't exist because there's this thing called patent law that allows a firm to prevent other people from making its cash-cow wonder drug for twenty years. How do you plan on driving down costs for a market which is monopolistic?

>> No.10794845


Oh look, someone who will be dragged out of his office by his fucking hair kicking and screaming and executed infront of his family during the revolution, metaphorically. we all know that violent revolutions never happen, so no worries this is all just funsies.

>> No.10794872

well if your fantasy Robespierre revolutionary decides to implement bullshit woo cancer theories as his basis for the new medical system, expect a lot of people to die and average life expectancy to plummet by at least 5 years.

put the force of your frustration with medical corruption to the bureaucrats and capitalists that orchestrate the system, not the scientists who are actually doing something good

>> No.10794880 [DELETED] 


And just before your fucking filthy head is severed infront of your family, metaphorically, you will cry out "that... that time that we invented disease to hook your children on amphedamines when they were in grade school and cut off their penises and put them in dresses for the lolz. .. that time we accused anyone of not follow our broken status quo of being schizo... it... it WAS JUST A PRANK!!!!!" And then the blade will fall, your fucking head will roll to the feet of your weeping family with blood gushed from your exposed throat. Metaphorically.

>> No.10794885

Writing a monologue manifesto about committing terrorist attacks against medical professionals sounds kinda like something a schizophrenic person would do

>> No.10794893

Hooking a generation of children on amphedamines and making them addicts for life before they are old enough to even drink Diet Coke is the definition of death worthy. We have executed drug dealers for less. This is objective FACT. It is only by the grace of Jesus Christ that you remain breathing. Metaphorically.

>> No.10794896

maybe first learn how to spell the substance that you're blaming all of society's woes upon

>It is only by the grace of Jesus Christ that you remain breathing.

>> No.10794898


We dont fucking need you frauds. You mother fuckers better plan your moves over the coming years very, very carefully.

>> No.10794899


Mocking the faith of this nation is so so SO foolish. And you will learn. Trust in that.

>> No.10794900

you sound like a crazy person who has gone delinquent on their prescription for antipsychotics

>> No.10794902

Jesus can go tongue my wet taint

>> No.10794904


Lol, oh the years ahead will be interesting. We are heading toward a tech revolution that I dont think you are anticipating. Trump caught you all flat footed... just wait and see what comes next. ;-)

>> No.10794908

bruh there is no reality where schizos attain higher positions of power over people who actually know things and solve problems. stew in your bullshit online all you want, but as soon as you lash out in real life they're going to throw you in the loonie bin without second thought.

related question: making terroristic threats online seems to violate the commandment against murder. also pretty sure I've read your bullshit on saturday too, so sounds like you haven't been keeping the sabbath very holy as of late..

>> No.10794915


Sabbath? Fuck the Jews and anyone who does not serve Humanity. Mankind has delt with this corrupt medical establishment long enough. Like President Donald Trump says, we need transparent pricing and we need the medical industry to be treated like a technology industry with robust competition. The idea that we cannot fill the void of the rotten log of the medical industry is beyond laughable. Private VETS have better tech than the socialist medical establishment let along actual private practices, and you know that. You know that very well.

>> No.10794918

>Fuck the Jews

should we tell him that Jesus was a Jew and probably kept shabbat?

>Like President Donald Trump says, we need transparent pricing and we need the medical industry to be treated like a technology industry with robust competition

again, how do you expect to incorporate true competition into pharma? do you expect to nullify all active drug patents and have all those firms not immediately vacate the US?

>> No.10794922

Our species would be best served without your existance. You are parasitic. You know that. Youve know it for years now. This is where Jesus Christ comes in, because you have delt with the angry patient, they know the piece of shit doctor they are dealing with and that there is no other option, they and you know that murder is in their hearts because of your fraud but by Grace this nation has given you time and space to plan your exit strategy so that our children need not suffer your corruption. Use that time wisely because even Grace has its limits. This is not me speaking, fyi

>> No.10794926

Sounds like it's safe to double-down on the schizophrenia hypothesis here

>This is not me speaking, fyi
It was pretty clear from the start that you're just parroting bullshit you heard on conservative talk radio. But thanks for fessing up anyway!

>> No.10794931


>> No.10794944

>It was pretty clear from the start that you're just parroting bullshit you heard on conservative talk radio. But thanks for fessing up anyway!

No. Not radio. I'm just a vessel. You knew that. Take care.

>> No.10795246

My mistake, I was drunk, I mean an increased expression of the gene