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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10783683 No.10783683 [Reply] [Original]

I swear by my mother I have always had a natural intuition towards physics, but math I have always been average at. What gives?

Is there a point where pure math and physics are divorced? Or is math a tool to describe physics?

>> No.10783686

>hear someone laughing behind you
>know they must be laughing at you
>hear them talking
>can't hear what they're saying
>keep walking
Fuck them.

>> No.10783689

Physics is retarded because at some point, intuition goes out the window and all your math is just based on data and observations. The cool thing about math is that either we know something or we don’t. With atoms and black holes and gravity and evolution and hundreds of scientific topics, we simply don’t know and can’t know for a long time. We’re dealing with stuff we barely understand. You just have to memorize the facts. Not so with mathematics.

>> No.10783722

physics is a con art for talentless hacks
math is beautiful and perfect and founded

>> No.10783732

Sorry man, Math is Physics and Physics is Math. Math is the method we Humans use to understand the natural world and Physics is the understanding of how our natural world works and moves. Essentially, they are one and the same.

>> No.10783769
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>> No.10783778

Are you a highschooler, an undergraduate (and if so what year) or a graduate student?

>> No.10784572

usually the opposite for me.

ngl taking proof courses like real analysis, abstract algebra, and number theory had been challenging.

but typically i do better in my maths courses than physics courses.

im more of memorizer than a thinker.