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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10782886 No.10782886 [Reply] [Original]

What would you select as the core subjects that will be taught in all public education in your own country?

For me it would be the following; English, Mathematics, Science and Philosophy.

>> No.10782891

critical thinking. everything else is secondary. teach people how to think and you don't need to teach them much else if you were successful.

>> No.10782896

>critical thinking

>> No.10782900

Geometry and Theology

>> No.10782904

t. failed english class in high school
fucking moron

>> No.10782914

why did you sign your own post

>> No.10782926

There is something to be said about classical subjects like literature and history of art (bias)

>> No.10783060

Math (up to Calc I)
U.S. History/Civics

>> No.10784120


Basically, what's already taught but taught well and free from anti-West anti-rationalist ideology.

A proper philosophy education teaches critical thinking better than anything.

>> No.10784401
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>> No.10784409

>English, Mathematics, Science and Philosophy.
English can half go fuck itself.

Spelling and grammer are modern day conventions designed to limit ones own understanding and comprehension.
By makeing these rules, and restricting to them hampens learning the ablity to decypher information.
Those that have succumbed to this subversive control measure against problem solveing targeted to impressionalbe minds, are often incapable to decern any meaning in a sentance that contains even one error. Despite the wealth of clues and the contextual information available to fill in this blank. Let alone if the error of text was a simple typo, or phonetic spelling.
It has aldo given arize to the phenomenon of 'Grammer Nazis'.
That will hunt down violaters, and claim that due to an 'error' in formating, renders all subsenquent information as incorrect.
An institution synonymous with discrediting people for the whole of their work sue to an unrelated error, or later disproven theroy in past.
It's an deliberate act to stifle the advancement of knowledge and learning. Not a testiment of it.


They should stop trying to force mental calculation beyond around the 4th grade(9yo).
Just because it slows the whole process down dramatically. It/I fucked my mathematical ability as a kid because of this. I went "lol calculators". So I only felt to prove my understanding of the function. Leading me to forget them from in-use.
>your own fault
But, if the class wern't paced my mental arithmetic, we'd be doing much 'higher' mathematics at an earlier age. Using more functions, more often. Instead of waiting for Timmy to be able to convert fractions on paper.


Teaching hypothesis to children is by default a madness. They don't have a fucking clue what to make of potentials to an experiment. Hence their in school.
Teaching scientific methodology is good. But my god. Give them relevance to the method. Sic. "Spelling and grammer are modern day conventions"

>> No.10784414
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I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

>> No.10784426

>Self sufficiency and sustenance-farming
>meditation and mindfulness, how to have an open and rational, clear headed mindset
>fitness and exercise
>survival tactics
>cooking and home ec
>academics (free pick from the plethora of academic courses) with a focus on hands on learning
>creative studio (free range projects from any creative medium)

>> No.10784432

Just join the boyscouts bro. We did all of that shit.

>> No.10784434

I didn't. And was still molested.

>> No.10784443

Boyscouts is compromised. We need this shit for kids AND adults who have no idea what they're doing. Plus, this is for general schooling for my nation. I don't think how to survive in the "non civilized" real world should be sequestered to some organization where kids have to wear lame uniforms and earn "merit badges", this shit should be taught to everyone because this shit is how you become a well balanced human being who is adaptable. Academic memorization culture is rotting our brains and testing our patience. We need a change to save our own species I'm afraid. Seems like it's working though, school are giving up their rigid classical structures for methods that actually make sense for optimal human growth.

>> No.10784460

For the EU I would emphasize German and French as a mandatory third language.

>> No.10784469

>the study of english only contains spelling and grammar

You actually are illiterate arent you.

>> No.10784471

>all bow down to my dyslexia

>> No.10784477

Honestly though, because of modern agriculture, your country probably couldn't support everyone living off the land, not without losing a bunch of people first.
You might consider pushing community co-ops or kibbutz type communities.
Encourages social bonds among the community and cooperation, folks get to work with their hands to make something everyone gets to partake in, encourages self sufficiency on the community level, etc. All ages contribute as they can.
Folks can still have their normal daily life, but maybe one or two days a week, or a few weeks a year they're working for one of the communal projects.

>> No.10784495
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I said half go fuck itself. Jesus dude. It's their obsession with spelling and grammar that's the issue. It's like 2/5ths of English/language, but marking it beyond a point of legibility. Is just doing no one any favors (taking pre spell check).

You actually struggled trying to read that didn't you?
You know that should be easier to read then upside down text, right?

>> No.10784498
File: 26 KB, 400x462, 1502833579521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about english
>goes on to make a post that is so badly organized it is painful to read

>> No.10784506

>Is just doing no one any favors
People being able to spell and exercise grammar properly is important because otherwise they are incapable of getting a point across. You are a perfect example, this post >>10784409
is chock full of spelling errors and is written like a live stream of your mind, which no one can understand because we arent you.
>Spelling and grammer are modern day conventions
Is just retardedly wrong, it isnt a language without a set of rules.

>> No.10784508
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>replying to a shitposting namefag

>> No.10784509
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>painful to read
You shouldn't have that problem. It's a phonetic language. So it should be easy to figure the most part of it. There's like two spots that should cause a hiccup.

It means you're hypersensitive to preconceived notions in language.
Most likely you're also impaired in conceptual reasoning and logical reasoning aspects, purely because you've autismed spelling and grammar.

>> No.10784510

Let's say my country switched from traditional capitalist agricultural to entirely self sufficiency, sstenance farming. Let's do some loose number crunching:

There's about 1.4 billion acres of arable, fertile land in the USA. According to what I've found.

There are 128 million households in the USA as of 2018. I'll average that to 4 people.

A family of 4 needs about 2 acres of land to growand raise food to feed themselves yearround.

128 x 2 is 256 million acres of needed land TOTAL for the minimum of self sufficiency farming for an average household of 4 people.

Thats about 1.1 BILLION, FERTILE acres left over for us to do as we please.

It's more than possible, it's the best solution we have. No more bullshit rat race city life, we all get our own homes in the tranquility of nature, and we stop being pussies and live how we evolved to (more or less).

>> No.10784524


>> No.10784526

>Willm Shakp
>William Shaksper
>Wm Shakspe
>William Shakspere
>Willm Shakspere
>William Shakspeare
All ways Shakespeare spelt his own fucking name.
The Dictionary wasn't a thing until 1755. As for how spelling was prior?
Simple phonetic Que-isms. I before E except after C.
But guess what? They're not all true and all situations. English is a phonetic language, that cannibalizes words and concepts to make new, and superseded old.

>> No.10785788 [DELETED] 


>> No.10788194

>A proper philosophy education teaches critical thinking better than anything.
That is the idea behind preparatory courses in Nordic universities. Unfortunately it seems it does not work and people forget it immediately afterwards.

>> No.10788266

Reading as soon as possible.
Relational framing abilities.
Rudimentary arithmetic and math.
Basic history.
Basic literature appreciation.
Rudimentary science/scientific thinking.