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File: 83 KB, 840x625, urban-chimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1077811 No.1077811 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we breed chimps on a large scale, while training and educating them over many generations, only allowing the smartest and strongest to survive? Over a few million years, the resulting pseudo-chimps could very well replace our robotic vision of the future with a simian one.

Instead of making machines smarter than man, why not make chimps smarter? Of course, the answer is time. Provided we could secure our future long enough for this to work, the rewards would be vast.

They could design our spacecraft, mine for resources, perform manual labour, and other things.

If they were bred with immune system deficiencies, we need not fear a future rebellion. If we are to breed them to be smarter than us, obviously there's a chance they'll find freedom in ways we could not predict.

In any case, the rewards would be great. We could have them mining asteroids, or building off world colonies.

The same idea could also be applied to minority of humans, thus skipping some of the time required for he effects to become apparent. The ethical issues would make this an unlikely scenario unfortunately, moreso than the chimp idea.


>> No.1077813

Lets just research genetics and do it in a fraction of the time. I have already ordered a monkey waiter.

>> No.1077854

The singularity will be sparked by chimps.

>> No.1077862

Yeah sure.

Let's make chimps smarter than man.

They're already stronger, this is a great idea, what the fuck could go wrong?

>> No.1077863

the collective mind throwing feces at an unprecedented scale

>> No.1077894

>If they were bred with immune system deficiencies
That could be expanded to small explosives placed in each of their hearts that could be remotely detonated in case of trouble.

>> No.1077920

>only allowing the smartest and strongest to survive?
>Over a few million years,

>This is what people who have just learnt about evolution actually believe

>> No.1077924

Please, tell me what is wrong with that timescale. Don't act high and mighty, teach people if they are wrong.

>> No.1077926

There's a little thing called Ethics that stands in the way of your plan, OP. You'd know about it if you weren't a basement troll.

>> No.1077934

Shit, ignore that. I just realized why it wouldn't take that long.

>> No.1077941

Basement troll? Of course this isn't serious, it's just a thought experiment and I did comment on the ethical issues.

>> No.1077948

Artificial selection has massive results over periods of less than 10 generation


>> No.1077949

OP is an edgy-as-fuck teenager who is trying desperately to be amoral. As are the idiots suggesting killswitches built into the chimps.

>> No.1077989

It really wasn't meant to be put in such a way, or I would have included pain as part of the learning experience. It's just a possible way of reaching a higher level of understanding without the use of A.I

Indeed, I forgot that the smaller number and more "directional" evolution would make it a quicker process.

>> No.1077996

Also, the kill switch was just in case they somehow tried to liberate themselves.

>> No.1077999

>Anti abortionist

>> No.1078005

Those are the best things I've ever seen.

Seriously where can I buy one.

>> No.1078013


>> No.1078015


>machines smarter than men

herp derp

>chimps smarter than men


Sure is retards in here.

>> No.1078029
File: 73 KB, 367x493, 1242621516226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chimps fuck people up when they get angry. At least when dogs do this, they don't have thumbs. Also, rarely does a dog attack remove chunks from the victim. All chimp attack victims lose parts. Look at the fucking hands on this thing. Look at the BALLS on this thing, what if it got horny for your ass? What if it got horny for your eight year old daughter? Chimps are fucking dangerous, and OP has a bad idea.

>> No.1078030

>The same idea could also be applied to minority humans

Sure is subtle racism ITT.

>> No.1078032

It's not wrong if the good guys give us permission.

>> No.1078033

So you have a problem with us breeding dogs?

>> No.1078038

I know it's immoral, which is why I mentioned it in the first post and minimized the cruelty while still gwtting the output I wanted from this experiment. I in no way want this to happen, I would much prefer chimps to be selectively bred to live and work alongside man.

>> No.1078042


I like how everyone in this thread jumps directly to ethnics without even considering the reality of this more the sci-fiction bullshit.

I'm yet to hear of even an idea on how to create something that can surpass the creator intellectually.

>> No.1078044

>what if it got horny for your ass?
Shank it.

>What if it got horny for your eight year old daughter
>"a hundred tiny blonde girls being raped simultaneously by a horde of baboons."
I mean shank it.

>> No.1078048

Then you are very stupid

>> No.1078058


Apparently I'm the only retard in here who can't quite figure that out yet?!

Enlighten me; shall you?

>> No.1078061

Well we could breed humans to be smarter, but ethics.

Obviously those same ethical questions would pertain to a sentient animal, but ignoring that for the moment, we should be able to breed super smart chimps just as we should be able to breed super smart humans, if we were so inclined.

>> No.1078066

Sure, if you implant the dogs with explosives just in case they get annoyed that you've been royally dicking them since birth.

>> No.1078075

OP here, I'm out now. I find it quite surprising that given all the talk of A.I making our technological advancements in the future, selectively bred chimps is completely out of the question. The only people saying this won't work are those that find it unethical. I welcome criticism, but it would have been nice to see some actual reasons why this won't work.

>> No.1078074

The average child is smarter than the average parent

>> No.1078070

Not the otherfag, but:

Humans evolved from less intelligent primates. Breeding can create rapid advancement in a desired direction. Thus, it stands to reason, we can breed animals to be smarter, especially if they are already very smart.

>> No.1078071


>Well we could breed humans to be smarter,

No we can't. Not to my current knowledge at least.

>> No.1078076


>> No.1078079

That's because having children makes you retarded.

>> No.1078087

Chimps are alive therefore space radiation will kill them. If we could breed against it, we would be breeding astronauts to live in space.

>> No.1078093

We did this with niggers, look how that turned out

>> No.1078099


I may be; or you may be the one amusing yourself on nothing. You'd rather provide some source NOW!

>> No.1078102

We can, but we don't.

We can breed any animal for any trait they possess. Humans are animals too.

>> No.1078103


>> No.1078116

You don't see how this would work? Say you kept a bunch of children in a lab. You keep them doing little computer tests that chimps do, but a bit more complex. You educate them. Only those that recognize more and more intricate patterns, logic, or give correct answers are fed. After generations of this, all that don't have the potential to learn more complex things are killed off. Eventually those with larger brains, more neurons, etc are the only ones surviving. To accommodate a larger brain there would have to be lots of help during childbirth, but all they are being bred for is their intelligence so that doesn't matter.

>> No.1078122

We DID breed humans to be smarter. Look up Swedish eugenics in the 1930's. They sterilized their mental patients, criminals, mentally retarded, and maybe the bottom tier scorers of a nationwide IQ test. They top the list today for most Nobel prize award winners per 100,000 citizens.

I would be proud to be part of the brave nation that tried this today.

>> No.1078125

This is not an argument against selectively breeding chimps for intelligence, naturally off world chimps would have adequate radiation shielding, probably of their own design.

>> No.1078138


In theory that might work. In practice I'm not so sure. Humans have a lot more complications than animals and mind you; not every aspect of intelligence is even known until now; much less able to be accessed by your theory.

>> No.1078143

Why waste money on that and food when you could just send a robot?

Breeding chimps is a stupid and money wasting idea.

>> No.1078146
File: 18 KB, 278x278, 1269886014417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw that, replace the chimps with muslims and we catch 2 flies with one clap.

>> No.1078149

Let's domesticate chimps like we did with dogs in the medieval times.
Fucking dogs. I'd rather have a monkey.

>> No.1078150


>2 flies

No you'd catch 1/5 of the world lol!

>> No.1078154


>Rather have shit all over his house than shit only on the floor

>> No.1078157

Because as OP stated it's an alternate to robotics, these chimps would be capable of free thought and independant operation, which could take any number of years to fully develop in machines.

>> No.1078162

I'd rather do it with Octopuses or squids. It would be so much cooler. Or how about octopuses AND squids? The resulting war for dominance would be awesome! And then the winner would get to fight against humanity!

>> No.1078163

The only problem I can think of is that the mutations beneficial to this experiment may well never occur, given that it is a random process. The only way to counter act this is with large numbers.

>> No.1078170

>Implying I would ever let an animal into my home

>> No.1078175


Actually I think they are beat out by Iceland and Switzerland.

>> No.1078178


We already have chinese workers who are paid pennies, and for anything inhouse we have mexicans.

Your move.

>> No.1078191


Mining in space?

>> No.1078196

Planet of the Apes.

>> No.1078203

Their potential for growth is stunted by the large, diverse gene pool and the lack of direction. While there is advancement in the brain's capacity, it is not focused in such a way that you get purely intelligent chinese people. If you did this artificial selection, you would see far more rapid growth in them.

>> No.1078207


You'd have to provide the chimps with food, air, and water for that anyways. If you're going that far you might as well just save yourself the trouble and ship up some indian or chinese peasantry to do the job without incurring the costs of your chimp breeding scenario. Then when you get hit for human rights violations just point the finger at whoever you've hired to manage the place and continue business as usual.

>> No.1078223

The point is that these chimps are either smarter or equal to us, so that they can make scientific breakthroughs for us. It's the same idea as the A.I singularity, but with chimps, so we don't even have to design robots of that level. Their use in manual work was just a byproduct of this, not the focus.

>> No.1078565

How long were niggers slaves for? 300 years? They still have a far higher likelihood of committing crimes, particularly violent crimes. I would have killed any violent niggers to reduce the chances of a rebellion, and in fact they did do this. The fact niggers are still so violent nowadays is proof evolution isn't real

>> No.1078571


Well they were selected for strength and endurance.

>> No.1078580

Breeding strong, violent niggers with good endurance instead of breeding, strong subdued niggers would good endurance. Sounds like a stupid idea.

>> No.1078590

> strength
> testosterone
> subdued
haha... no

>> No.1078683

>Implying strength is directly proportional to testosterone and visa versa