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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 76 KB, 727x435, 1381877_188272381361420_505311229_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10775267 No.10775267 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in solving the Riemann hypothesis for a shot at the $1 million prize.

What would be the best approach for doing this? I know that in the case with Go, the people who programmed AlphaGo were themselves only mediocre Go players. In other words, it took less effort to build a machine that could play Go at an expert level than to learn to play Go the old-fashioned way.

Secondly, if I built an AI that solved the Riemann hypothesis, would I still be entitled to the prize? Would the AI receive the prize? Or would the prize be forfeited altogether as it would be considered "cheating"?

Thanks in advance.

>> No.10775288

All the prize would go for you. The best way to start is to build a great AI to solve math!

>> No.10775326

I was thinking about using a program to sift through possible forms of integers (example: 3n + 2) to test the Collatz Conjecture. At first I was just trying to eliminate forms through evaluating possible solutions N by making sure N never reaches a number divisible by some power of 2 that would make the sequence go below N. For example,
4n + 1 becomes 12n + 4, which is divisible by 4 and goes below the original 4n + 1. So the first solution N can’t be in the form 4n + 1. But it gets don’t necessarily half some x number of times to go below N. The sequence for 27, for example, doesn’t reach an insanely high number and then half a large number of times, but alternates between tripling and halfing. So we have to test the number of times N reaches a number 4k + 1 versus how many times it reaches a number 4k - 1, or something like that. Very complicatdd

>> No.10775510

The difference is that the rules of Go are strictly defined

>> No.10775615

'the rules of Go are strictly defined'
as someone who wasted years on the ING Prize: I wish.

>> No.10775689

> Good chance that the Riemann hypothesis is an undecidable statement with the standard axioms.
> Logically your “”””“AI””””” bound by the axioms will never be able to solve the problem.
> Be a human step outside of the axiomatic restrictions to show the the Riemann hypothesis is undecidable and therefore a true statement.
> This is why you will never have human level “”””“AI”””””.

>> No.10775693

The Millennium Prize was clamped.

>> No.10775748
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You could solve RH by copying my solution and saying its yours.

>> No.10775787
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>> No.10776416

You cant build an AI to solve the Riemann hypothesis, so you shouldnt waste your time trying to do it.

>> No.10776420
File: 55 KB, 540x327, 1500034876260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some say that Tooker is just an AI programmed to endlessly shitpost on /sci/. For what reason? Nobody knows

>> No.10776424
File: 739 KB, 750x1334, B2804321-EB16-430F-8FF6-C7A9B9EA01E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he’s real. He got caught jerking off at a nearby gas station.

>> No.10776476
File: 461 KB, 636x547, TIMESAND___GeographicalMemes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am real. I hang out on 4chan all day because I have literally nothing better to do. I tried to get a gf for years and the government kept putting shit in my mouth for trying. I tried to get a good job, but the government shit in my mouth. I tried to get a shitty job but the government shit in my mouth. I tried to move to another country but the government shit in my mouth. I used to at least like going to jiu jitsu but the government shit in mouth there too. I really have no choice but to eat the shit the keep putting in my mouth, but on the other hand I don't want to go running around town begging them to please shovel even more shit into my mouth.

There's gangstalkers gangstalking me everywhere I go. If it's not the fat gash of a cunt at Walmart repeating the conversation I had 30 minutes earlier, it people attacking my with their remote controls to my anal implants, and using their acoustic devices (psychic antennae?) to play the same Chah! sound over and over and over. I just moved to a new hotel. The same band of gangstalkers stalking me there are stalking me her too, and I really have no reasonable expectation that I even know where "here" is. It's supposed to be pic related, but is it really?

Also, if I did go outside, that's some fun I could have with these $0.82 I have.

>> No.10776479
File: 1.17 MB, 2329x2985, TRINITY___God+al-Mahdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am real.

>> No.10776519

You guys don't have much sex, do you

>> No.10776566

Tooker. Can you contact your mother? You need help, man.

>> No.10776576
File: 241 KB, 1926x896, TRINITY___Faces762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to me like she's the main one with the shovel, her and her little helpers.

Pic is not just a meme: those movies are about her and her little helpers.

>> No.10776578

Those movies are not about your mother. Drop the delusion. Seek help of your mother, you need her. You have only 82 cents for fucks sake. Go with your mother!

>> No.10776583
File: 13 KB, 772x262, TIMESAND___q34t2rfbryukb45g45ggqtryr88f245g2545hfhsfgkgyoo8n7ebf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A delusion is an easily disproven belief, you imbecile. Helene is evil. Not only that, she is a woman who is evil.

>> No.10776587

What if the hypothesis that the Riemann hypothesis is undecideable is undecideable? What if it's undecideable that it's undecideable that it's undecideable? Is the number of all mathematical statements countable?
Does countable infinity have enough elements to support infinitely many infinite long chains of undecideables while also having infinite decideable statements?
Are some things then truly undecideable?

>> No.10776598
File: 383 KB, 1496x955, Tookerfamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those movies are not about your mother. Drop the delusion.
What do you expect from somebody that says he is related to Hitler and Anastasia?

>> No.10776601


>> No.10776605
File: 65 KB, 1605x345, TookerLimit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried to get a good job, but the government shit in my mouth.
>I tried to get a shitty job but the government shit in my mouth.
Maybe because you suck at math.

>> No.10776615

Let me guess, you are also a climate change denier. What's your stance of vaccines? Flat earth?

>> No.10776626

Please don’t bully Tooker. This is a safe space for him.

>> No.10776706
File: 69 KB, 1022x752, TRINITY___SphinxWide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These aren't bullies. Bullies are a child's problem. These are notorious heretics among the highest echelons of Satan's powerbase... even if they themselves are not aware of their own position in Satan's organization.

>> No.10776710
File: 3.14 MB, 538x1161, TIMESAND___stock+response+to+Hi+Jon+limitfag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10776713

Man please. You only have 82 cents. What will you eat man? Can’t you contact your mom so you can stay with her?

>> No.10776716

Tooker what do you think about the jewish people?

>> No.10776733

if you made an ai, nobody would understand the proof, itd be a complicated unreviewable black box. see: computer finding 42 as the answer in hitchikers guide to the galaxy

>> No.10776763

if you can make an AI that solves logical problems you can make it show its work
this shouldn't be a problem for math/logic questions, the mice in HGG were stupid and tried to make it solve a subjective question

>> No.10777394
File: 8 KB, 221x228, TIMESAND___f3424tfw,i,l,gwg893vkoikbk24t24tk4548wgwt42t24t4tgeftppm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those movies are not about your mother.
Not only is the doll's face clearly based on Helene's likeness, and not only does my own experience with her make it completely easy to believe that she is a serial killer, and not only when I mentioned that she liked Dexter to someone who knew her decades ago did he become suddenly become excited to exclaim, "Uh-oh! A SERIAL KILLER!!!, but Helene's catch phrase that I have been hearing all my life is
>let the fun begin!

You can't see it in the pictures I have of her, but the protuberances of her eyebrow bones are exactly like this doll.

Not only that, but when some person showed a montage taken from what they called "The Japanese Gameshow" I recognized all the little as being constructed from my own toys that I left at Helene's house when I moved in with Joe (or David?) in 1992.

>> No.10777429

>is the number of Mathematical statements countable?

Yes. An alphabet of countably many symbols is sufficient for mathematical statements. The set of all strings over an at most countable alphabet is countable

>> No.10777431
File: 144 KB, 1072x1346, TIMESAND___adf1q245gvjyyvjdfndj45hfuv56uv35oo8n7ebf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the real Jewish people, God's chosen people, were "chosen" for God's protection because they were my ancestors. Indeed, I think the word Jew is derived from my initials J.W. and there is at most one Jew in the world today who can rightly claim to be my ancestor. All those other people are violating pic related top by calling themselves Jews. Btw, that one Jew is Helene: the Jigsaw Jew.

Furthermore, my opinion is that Jacob in the Bible is Satan, and that since God Changed Jacob's name to Israel, the Israelis today are pic related middle. They are not my ancestors. Their country is named with Satan's name: the name of Jacob: Israel.

If you put me where I can use my index finger to click the button that destroys the state of Israel with a nuclear carpet bombing attack, one that kills the entire military and civilian population combined, 6.5+ million of them plus the 2million bystanders, I give my solemn oath that the will sun will not set on that day without me clicking that button, pic related bottom.

>> No.10777813

>Good chance that the Riemann hypothesis is an undecidable statement with the standard axioms.

EXTREMELY little chance that is is true.
We KNOW that there MUST BE correctly stated mathematical problems that are unprovable with the axioms we have, but we have never found one in the wild (I.E, one that was not carefully crafted just to be unprovable)

>> No.10777873

Your definition of the reals is based on your definition of infinity which is based on the assumption that x is a real number. The definition is circular and the proof therefore meaningless
Plus the language in this is atrociously non-rigorous

>> No.10777877

>Platonist detected
>Please evacuate the area

>> No.10777954

You sound like an insufferable faggot

>> No.10778414

Wut? The Continuum hypothesis is the obvious counter example to what you just said.

Godel himself suggested that RH might be an undecidable statement.

>> No.10778668

>Continuum hypothesis

I stand corrected. You sir are a mathematician.

>> No.10778707
File: 11 KB, 681x357, TIMESAND___zpdf1qzreyr66z245gvjyyvjd625756uv35oo8673565bybv6xyzzzbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is based on the assumption that x is a real number.
My definition of infinity is based on the numbers 1 and 0, two naturals.

>> No.10778712

Tooker please tell me how are you eating? How are you even managing to live? Dude go with your mother or maybe to a hospital or shelter. You clearly should not be alone.

>> No.10778721
File: 250 KB, 300x450, TIMESAND___Cover_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you're so interested in what I write, how about you buy my book.

>> No.10778725

I'm happy you found a way to express yourself other than vixra but honestly I just want to know how the fuck did you survive yesterday with only 82 cents in your pocket. What are you even doing?

>> No.10778735

If you screenshot your amazon purchase, I'll tell you all about it.

>> No.10778742

Dude I just want you to go back to your mom. Not gonna buy your book so I guess you can keep your secrets but this is fucked.

>> No.10778883
File: 614 KB, 663x821, TIMESAND___0r67eecwx893vkoikbk24t24tk4548wgwt42tqzewrooeupdc6rm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is fucked.
I hate Helene. She is completely evil. She raped me when I was a child. She pretty much ruined my life with her Emily shenanigans. As a much more trong statement of pretty much, she pretty much ruined my life when she had me expelled from college and doomed me to a life of, at best, constant misery. She filed a fraud affidavit against me 2014 and had me thrown into the slave hole at the asylum. I literally quit my job and became homeless to get the fuck away from her when I found out she was working at the same place as me. When I tried to move to another country, she impersonated the passport agent there and denied me entry to my own land, and the people in that land helped her do it. Since the Israelis have her as their god and not me, I will kill them all. It seems like the Israelites in general have her as their god, and not me, and I will examine that very closely. When I got arrested last winter, she was disguised as the slavemaster in the slave hole. I fucking hate her, and I want her to die. I wamt to wipe that piece of shit :3 look right off her smug face, which is a fake face anyhow because she has gone far beyond what is merely insane with her self-harm antics. She is completely evil. I don't know what gay multiple personalities she's pretending to have where she's inclined to cruelly flick nickels at my skull, but her real personality is the evil one. She is evil. You all her have her as your god before me are evil too. I am the King of Babylon and she is not the Queen. She is the Whore of Babylon: that is her position in my court. One day I will kill all of you for having her as your god before me, and I will give your children to your enemies. When you cry, "Please God! No! God, no, please!," I will laugh at you and hurt you more.

>> No.10779129

this is the dumbest post i've ever read. congrats.

>> No.10779315
File: 195 KB, 1024x576, TIMESAND___0r67eec43ytyr009r0yy0k24t24tk4548wgwt42tqzewrorhrzoeupdc6zrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys see how she's riding this spliced together monster? I am telling, that is how she does it IRL. The reason I can post these accusations all the time and no one ever follows up on them is because the government supports her and protects her in evil endeavor of hers while they shit on my and use the complete spectrum of their resources to impede even righteous thing I do.

>> No.10779322

For instance, if she wants to make human centipedes, then they will provide her with medical equipment. If I want to make a well-written post with no typos in it, then they will insert typos into my post.


>> No.10779325


>> No.10779332 [DELETED] 

This reads like a mixture of sarcasm and schizophrenia.

>> No.10779339

This reads like a mixture of sarcasm and schizophrenia. You've completely lost it.

>> No.10779351

Do you not see this video footage of typos being inserted into posts? It is quite plain to see. I was trying to make a post about something, and the government (or whoever) was inserting typos into my posts to try to make me look retarded. This is like when they spray me with stink spray and then send the women to see if it's true that I stink, or when I buy nice bubble gum weed and they steal it when I'm at work to replace it with nasty weed laced with the halitosis chemicals.

>> No.10779374
File: 2.16 MB, 1194x938, TIMESAND___w2313jyyvjd6257563r3r33r563rxyzeg8koopwgggweg48559zzbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these memes are Helene. None of them are good, and the Catholics have an extra big problem baking cakes with her image on them and pouring out drink offerings to her.

>> No.10779383

Look at the thing with the heart on her shirt. That's probably because Helene has mutilated herself to such an extent that if she is naked, you can see her insides.

This song
>You had my heart inside of your hand
is about how Helene wanted to recruit Adelle into her coven but Adelle was grossed out by Helene, and then Helene made Adelle sing a song about Helene's own threats against Adelle if she didn't keep quiet.