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File: 138 KB, 1572x835, Virgin C vs Chad Python.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10776102 No.10776102 [Reply] [Original]

It is literally a programming language for boomers

>> No.10776103

>he doesn't write his own compiler

>> No.10776106

>he doesn't build his own hardware

>> No.10776113

>he doesn't turn pure mathematical algorithms into a purist physical manifestation
Fuck you.

>> No.10776120

Kernel hacking and embedded programming.

>> No.10776147

>implying you need to know what a pointer is in C++

I copy stack exchange and tutorial code for my C projects. If they have a star thingy then I keep it there

>> No.10776156

A lot of the higher level programing languages are bases of it.

>> No.10776171


I'm an ME and all I know is boomer tier C, what should I learn if i want to go into software?

>> No.10776182

Learn bits and pieces of every important language, enough to put each one your resume. You don't need to be an expert in anything

>> No.10776190

They learning it because teachers teaching it. It's an evil circle.

>> No.10776195

C is the foundation of many programming languages. If you know C, you already know bits and pieces of other languages.

>> No.10776234

There's a prof in my uni that STILL teaches Fortran.

>> No.10776289
File: 20 KB, 333x333, whatIsPointer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10776325


>> No.10776337

At least for science, for a while there C was sort of important because if you were just writing numerical programs, you wanted it to be as fast as possible.

Nowadays, with desktop computers orders of magnitude faster than the fastest computers of yore, you can just use Python.

For non-scientific applications, C is mostly used for operating system code. Most other applications are now written in either C++ or Java.

>> No.10776358

Many freshmen in my country learn Fortran in their own time as that was everything they knew in HS. I want to leave.

>> No.10776364

If you are going to any sort of numerical analysis field, it's a must to learn C. No one publishing serious work will present their programs in python.

>> No.10776390

>Publishing on source code
No one does this, numerical analysis is not code monkeying

>> No.10776399


I can't believe Python made it from "meme tier kiddie language with no strong typing" to the favored language lol

>> No.10776425

You don’t know what strong typing is either.

>> No.10776486

Learning even a beginner level amount of C gives you a deeper insight into what programming actually does.

>> No.10776516

C is an incredible language for embedded systems and operating systems, and is still extremely prevalent in those fields. For any other application I would agree, there are better languages for the job.

>> No.10776764

They don't. They learn C++20

>> No.10777175

I think C++ is preferred for new scientific work also. Operator overloading is just too useful for defining new data types and using them in a familiar way. TMP can also be used for compile time units checking in physics applications, if you don't mind the compile times.

>> No.10778661

I'm pretty sure python is taking over the sciences, modern biology and astro ml is all python, data analysis at cern is python, I can't imagine any top tier University teaching science grad students C++ lmao. Obviously any C based language is going to be more efficient but that doesn't really matter with cython and cloud computing. People without a programming background now can write code to perform complex tasks and leverage their scientific knowledge without needing cs/stat specialists, so Python is more prevalent in the sciences than any other sector.

>> No.10778664

It's useful in applied cryptography.

>> No.10778680

people without a programming background tend to write bad code because they have opinions about the miracles of cloud computing like yours

>> No.10778705

You know, once the "old guard" will be completely out, we'll need people to maintain these systems based on Fortran/Cobol. This might be extremely useful in the long run.

>> No.10778711
File: 282 KB, 2518x1024, 1hh2323tyvh01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly chad, except I do know what pointer is and I can't find high paying data related job. So I'm chad virgin.

>> No.10778806

Literally the only important language. OP is a brainlet coping because he doesn't understand pointers

>> No.10778995

>learned some C then learned C++ fairly in-depth during school, taught myself a lot because i enjoyed it
>havent coded in years because my role doesn't require it (mechanical engineer in CM)
>try to learn python for some small home projects

Why the fuck do I find it so hard to read Python?

>> No.10779017

Sometimes it's nice to be able to tell the computer what you want it to do without 8 levels of abstraction

>> No.10780860

Yes, and people with a programming background who are gainfully employed tend to prefer languages that let them get things done as quickly and easily as possible. Hence why everyone is using modern high-level languages and C is mostly the domain of neckbearded hobbyists and students with self-esteem issues.

>> No.10781000

>He doesn't build his own analog register machine using peanuts and paper cups

Cringe and niggerpilled

>> No.10781006

>muh rust

>> No.10781266

uni wont let me graduate without it

>> No.10781273

like Latin

>> No.10781452

Python doesn’t have the language features necessary for writing highly efficient algorithms natively. I’m talking about cache aware algorithms, arena allocators, intrusive containers, etc. Cython isn’t comparable to C++ feature wise in these regards.
The Python is mostly a user friendly wrapper for C/C++/Fortran libraries. So it works as long as you stay within the domain of numpy and friends. In this regard Julia is actually a viable alternative for when there isn’t a Python library and you need performance. I know some physicists use to avoid writing anymore Fortran.

>> No.10781457

C is used in a lot of discrete electronics.

>> No.10783129

Your high performance numerical and machine learning python libraries are just C, C++ and Fortran under the hood.
Most scientific python code is just a thin wrapper over a bunch of calls to other languages. And, for that, whatever performance python has mostly irrelevant.

>> No.10783134

For C programmer ls, Strong Typing is when they mash the keys in rage.

>> No.10783217

>he doesn't forge his own steel pipes to pump ideal fluid
>he doesn't set up logic gates out of the water pipes
>he can't set up Von Neumann machine out of water pipe - logic gates to establish blowup for Navier-Stokes


>> No.10783304

>level 42 cleric
Fucking homebrewers

>> No.10783314

its fun

>> No.10783320
File: 60 KB, 500x600, minimalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people even learn C in 2019?
It's the purest and most direct / least obfuscated language there is without dropping down to 1:1 mapped assembly.
It only seems strange or unnecessarily complicated because you're working with a lie built on top of a giant pile of horribly tortured hidden processes that do all the real work for you.

>> No.10783373

is the pointer syntax in that image retarded or have i been doing it wrong the whole time

>> No.10783382

It’s wrong.

>> No.10783386

No, you either pass the pointer itself or $reference the value.

Technically if you're going through a pointer to a list of pointers, and use a pointer-to-pointer, then function_needs_pointer(*ptr) would be valid

There's no meaning to * after a single value. It's an error.

>> No.10783398

There's other ways to program?

>> No.10783409

Yikes, first year programming student I take it?

>> No.10784078
File: 270 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10784089

>Mandelbrot static instructions per line of code

>> No.10784103

I'm not a computer scientist but I've been looking into learning Julia. Is it really as fast as purported? Will it overtake python?

>> No.10784119

The Poop Sex Contingency

>> No.10784305


>> No.10785659

I write bad code, but you write no maths. If it's for science it's just a tool to help with doing science. Who cares if it's inefficient as long as it works

>> No.10786010

Genuine question, is R a meme? I've seen it being tossed around as an alternative to Python.

>> No.10786046

>you can just use python
This is not entirely true. People are using Python over C because of Cython which allows you to have comparable performance of C but with the benefit of all the abstractions of Python, but even then people still use a layer of C for the more performance critical tasks in a lot of ML and Ai research.

>> No.10786101

Learn lua.

>> No.10786134

Because the microcontroller platform that the company I work for invested in and negotiated long term contracts for yearly volumes at minimum prices only supports C. And the largest version I can use just has 256 kB of ROM and 16 kB RAM. So space is at a premium.

>> No.10787824

>it's another "C is low-level" episode
Can't wait for C babies to learn what a compiler is and what it does.
Also, C pointers are not hardware pointers, they are abstracted. You aren't working as close to the metal as you think you are

>> No.10787827

R is R, the two languages aren't even really comparable besides the fact that they're both scripting languages

>> No.10788572

it's a function prototype
>confirmed for having never written C

>> No.10788588

bad advice. companies want you to be proficient in a language, you're useless if all you can do is write hello world in 20 different languages

>> No.10788622

quick someone get me the two's compliment of a positive integer, stat!

>> No.10788787

>uses hadoop cluster

this one made me lose it

my work pays hundreds of k's in google cloud costs because data science ((((chads)))) can't be bothered to even think about writing efficient code.

i'm a literal virgin programmer who writes immaculate code and no one notices or cares. chad makes more than me and has girls around his desk constantly and only produces meme results.

>> No.10788835

>it's another "C is low-level" episode
>Can't wait for C babies to learn what a compiler is and what it does.
>C pointers are not hardware pointers, they are abstracted.
This was covered already:
>without dropping down to 1:1 mapped assembly

>> No.10788839

Also pic says:
>Works the way a computer really works
>Has a one to one mapping with the computer.
You sound like you just wanted to pick a fight. C is definitely as low level as it gets barring assembly where it's not really even a language anymore so much as a one to one mapping of the machine.

>> No.10788860

the python interpreter is written in C you fucking idiot. so is every other piece of software between your python code and the hardware.

i really hope you're a troll

>> No.10788878

Python can be hard to read because Python has such loose syntax that you can write atrocious bullshit that should never see the light of day and it will run.
Languages like C have enough mandatory structure to them that it's not so easy to completely mask what the fuck is actually happening.

>> No.10788880


>> No.10788884
File: 151 KB, 1280x850, TempleOS IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't write his own compiler inspired by the word of God

>> No.10788893

You just proved OPs point, a bunch of virgins write some open code for free while zoomers zoom away writing python and R not giving a fuck

>> No.10788902
File: 117 KB, 1200x475, 1200px-NumPy_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chad makes more than me and has girls around his desk constantly and only produces meme results
is this true? where do you work?
t. a physics python """ Chad """

>> No.10788970

not even a bit of a joke. large financial institution

chad data scientists are treated like rock stars. they're job is just to produce juked data to support whatever conclusions the board has already made.

the trick is to swallow whatever ethics you have and just go with the flow.

>> No.10789027
File: 22 KB, 250x195, cartoon-data-scientist-teaser-250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way you paint it, it seems that """Data Science""" is a pretty comfy position in these boomer institutions. I am kind of making the transition to software eng, but I guess dealing with real deadlines and less pay is pretty shitty.
At least, you are providing real value, and at the same time, and the freedom to create actual products means that the income sealing is much higher.

>> No.10789390

Haskell, C++, Fortran and Lisp. Python is for faggots and Rust is for tranny faggots

>> No.10789687

nah haskell is mega gay

>> No.10789715

The trade-off is data science is an obvious meme and when it dies you'll be left with a worthless hole in your resume for whatever time you spent working as a data scientist.
t. anon who was reclassified as a data scientist.
Anyone who voluntarily goes after that title is retarded.
>software eng
Just do that. Software engineer is a legitimate and longstanding profession that can't be taken by any random idiot who spent a day doing Python tutorials on the internet and has a firm handshake.
The more you people go after data scientist positions the more of a meme it'll become until the inevitable backlash where everyone wakes up and realizes maybe it was stupid to spend all that money on a bunch of college grads with zero formal domain specific credentials in the vague hope they would magically reach into a grab bag of corporate data and pull out a way to eliminate customer attrition or double sales.
After that point of realization it'll become cliché that "data scientist" is a stupid thing to hire for per a million normie pop sci articles that explain to executives why they shouldn't do that, and your time as a data scientist will look a lot like having "milkman" or "switchboard operator" on your resume.

>> No.10789845

After reading ADA creator's interview and some of the history on the language, I am not gonna ever touch anything C-derived again. 83-compatible ADA only, until I maybe encounter another language made by humans for humans, not by schizophreniacs for schizophreniacs.

>> No.10789854

Only chads know how to program in R

>> No.10789857

Data Science won't die. It will become the new Marketing, which means it will be a meme career for people who couldn't hack it in either Statistics or Software.

>> No.10789858

comp engies (aka non-brainlets) still use it

>> No.10789859

Redpill me on it.

>> No.10789872

because its simple to understand and does not stop you to make whatever you want with it.
you can literally emulate any feature of any modern language

>> No.10789873


>> No.10789875

i literally am typing this without any knowledge of how semiconductors work, therefore they are useless. just use python

>> No.10789905

Search for
Jean Ichbiah - ADA: Present, Past and Future.

>> No.10789912


>> No.10789980

R is like Python on steroids. It's mostly used for statistical analysis and modeling, you can handle complex formulas easily. Most graduate statistics programs and quantitative analyst use it over more general languages.

It's niche but it's really good at what it does.

>> No.10790001


>> No.10790048

It's extremely useful, almost all of data analysis in life sciences today is done in R

>> No.10790061

>t. Retard can't handle basic category theory for problem solving, being intellectually incapable of appreciating Haskell for the god-tier programming language that it is.

Fuck you, insolent child. Learn some math, THEN do haskell. Oh, and get the fuck off my board, summerposter.