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10775826 No.10775826 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on dopamine fasting, considering doing it for 7 days to reset my brain and unfuck myself. My understanding is you abstain from the following but correct me.if I'm wrong:

>no phone
>no computer
>no internet
>no tv
>no music
>no reading
>no smoking
>no drugs
>no alcohol
>no porn
>no fap
>no sex
>no sugar
>no food
>only water
>writing is okay

I've been seriously depressed and unmotivated for the past 6 months and this is my last attempt before I an hero, I can't do it anymore bros. Will this work? Will it reset my brain?

>> No.10775843

If you were trying to kill yourself, this will work.

>> No.10775844
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Sexual activity is the one thing that drained my motivation more than anything else. Everything else on that list, no real effect aside from time saved and used toward better things. Abstain from masturbation, sex, pornography and sexual thoughts. Prioritize this above all.

>> No.10775856

Just diversify what you do. I believe overstimulation is the problem, do things that require focus that you wouldn't usually do

>> No.10775865


Care to explain? I thought depression was a chemical inbalance.

>> No.10775879


How about phones and technology, I've heard those are haram dopamine addictions?

>> No.10775881

I still was able to remain motivated and productive with these things in my life. They are tools and they should be used for constructive ends. Not Facebook, tinder, or 4chan.

>> No.10775883

You’re retarded and have NEVER had sex, so you’re pretending it’s not actually that great. Sex is the greatest possible pleasure outside of hard drugs

>> No.10775886

It's remarkably similar to masturbation and is very underwhelming relative to these aggrandizing expectations if you've actually had it. To say it is the greatest possible pleasure outside of hard drugs is all the more reason to abstain from it, for OP's sake. I'd say its even more pleasurable than these. Which, makes sex and masturbation is WORSE than hard drugs even, more subject to habituation, and harder to combat the desire and urge. Pleasure is passing, fleeting, and can never be satiated for more than a half hour. Constant joy is traded for concentrated bursts of pleasure that leave to enslaved.

>> No.10775887

Sex is good for 30 seconds and then its days or weeks of self contempt and disgust. Could pretty easily go the rest of my life celibate.

>> No.10775897

>Sex is good for 30 seconds and then its days or weeks of self contempt and disgust

There’s a story here. Who the hell are you having sex with that you’re dry for weeks afterwards and disgusted with yourself? And you also last just thirty seconds? LMAO

>> No.10775898

>It's remarkably similar to masturbation

No, not at all. I’m sorry but I can’t take you seriously.

>To say it is the greatest possible pleasure outside of hard drugs is all the more reason to abstain from it, for OP's sake. I'd say its even more pleasurable than these.

Pleasure is good.

>Pleasure is passing, fleeting, and can never be satiated for more than a half hour.

Imagine having sex for only half an hour. Shroom highs last longer than two hours.

>> No.10775916

Midwit redditor, the post.

>> No.10775924

Virgin incel, the post.

Enjoy your life devoid of positive sensations. I will exploit the body given to me.

>> No.10775950
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>> No.10775956

This is retarded, and will also increase dopamine a bit. Try antipsychotics to feel what a real dopamine blockade feels like

btw try ketamine it worked for my anhedonia

>> No.10775957


Sounds like Hell

>> No.10775962

No you wouldn't

>> No.10775965

Develop a relationship with something greater than yourself. Try volunteer work. Stay hydrated, wake up early even if you don't need to and give yourself a task to complete no matter how minor. Touch base with a loved one you haven't talked to in a while. Dopamine fasting is going to be a wild extreme and you will fail, why not try cutting out one excess instead of everything at once. Good luck anon.

>> No.10775967
File: 25 KB, 291x366, voilà.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the redditor reveals himself.

>> No.10775973

Never used Reddit, sorry. Your blind hatred of other websites is only cringe.

>> No.10775982

>no-no I never used Reddit and that's reddit with a capital r. y-you have blind hatred for it and other websites, as if this is not a complete and total projection of my blind hatred displayed in my earlier posts

>> No.10775984

30 seconds for the orgasm contempt and disgust afterwards because personally I find it morally iffy to bang someone I dont respect, but in addition to never having what I would call a proper gf I also respect almost no one

>> No.10775987

That’s really sad anon. Get a girlfriend and learn how to have sex for more than thirty seconds.

>> No.10775990

Dunno who you think I have blind hatred for. I feel only pity for you. It is sad that you feel the way you do.

>> No.10775995

It's even sadder to be a slave to your dick.

>> No.10776003

You may feel that way, but it brings me pleasure so I do not care. I usually combine it with psilocybin or mescaline. I am nothing but a servants of my impulses and this is good. Slaanesh wills it.

>> No.10776007

Serotonin imbalance hypothesis is not mainstream anymore.

>> No.10776009

Not who you're replying to, but I feel like when someone disagrees with you, your first instinct is to look for reasons to disregard what they're saying. There's really a lot of knowledge you're going to miss out on if you continue interacting with people that way.

>> No.10776020

>Not who you're replying to, but I feel like when someone disagrees with you, your first instinct is to look for reasons to disregard what they're saying.

What they say is useless to me in this context since it doesn’t reflect my personal experience. We’re not exchanging peer-reviewed papers from Nature, we’re exchanging anecdotes .

>> No.10776038

not related to dopamine

>> No.10776339

It indirectly is. More serotonin less dopamine generally.

>> No.10776341

>no food
>7 days

This is pretty stupid isnt it

>> No.10776354


Snake diet is the way to go desu

>> No.10776365

If you've never fasted before, very stupid.
If you have and are used to it and have some fat stores, no not stupid. Beneficial if done very infrequent.

>> No.10776368

How would you manage going to work without food for 7 days?

Just kidding, anon. I know the answer.

>> No.10776409


I'm in NEET mode atm

>> No.10776734


>see wench for half a month
>we touch, play but no sex
>finally get to sex
>cum 5 times.
>we shower, go out after that
>be high as fuck from rush
>all that high following me around for a couple days
>wait some time, have sex again

it is pretty great but not like masturbation.
there is other things involved that you cant get from jerking off.

>> No.10776776
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>sexual activity
Nope. It's having femoids follow you around like a beta provider fag that really drains the lymph nodes.

>> No.10776782

eat healthy low calory food, drink water, take MULTIVITAMINS, because even healthy food these days is actually crap, do light exercise, dont eat after 6 and go to bed early, its good but you need to do this longer than seven days, probably at least a month or better 90/100 days